Governmental & Military >> Space Abbreviations
Look through 1511 acronyms and abbreviations related to Space:
A&A | Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
A&ARv | Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | |
A&AS | Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series | |
A&AT | Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions | |
a&g | Astronomy and Geophysics | |
A&L | Approach and Landing | |
A&P | Attitude and Pointing | |
AA&AA | Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts Heidelberg | |
AACCS | Analytical Approach to Candidate Constellation Selection | |
AACS | Attitude and Antenna Control System | |
AACS | Attitude & Articulation Control Subsystem | |
AAFE | Advanced Applications Flight Equipment | |
AAIR | Advanced Atmospheric sounder and Imaging Radiometer | |
AAONw | Anglo-Australian Observatory Epping Newsletter | |
AAOPr | Anglo-Australian Observatory Epping Preprint | |
AASPP | Astrononomy and Astrophysics Series | |
AbbOO | Abbadia Observatory Observations | |
ABE | air-based electronics | |
ABM | Apogee Boost Motor | |
ACA | Attitude Controller Assembly | |
ACCESS | Assembly Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structure | |
ACDS | Attitude Control & Determination System | |
ACE | Attitude Control Electronics | |
ACiCh | Astronomical Circular | |
ACMan | Astronomical Contributions from the University of Manchester | |
ACP | Astronaut Control Panel | |
ACPM | Attitude Control Propulsion Motor | |
ACPS | Attitude Control Propulsion System | |
ACS | Aft Crew Station | |
ACS | Attitude Control System | |
ACTS | Advanced Communication Technology Satellite | |
AdA&A | Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
ADASS | Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems | |
ADC | Aerospace Defense Command | |
ADCBu | Astronomical Data Center Bulletin | |
ADEOS | ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite (Japan) | |
ADFRF | Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility | |
ADIL | Astronomy Data Image Library | |
ADL | Avionics Development Laboratory | |
ADS | Attitude Display System | |
ADS | Astrophysics Data Service | |
ADS | Astrophysics Data System | |
AdSAC | Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology | |
AdSpR | Advances in Space Research | |
AeAm | Aerospace America | |
AeCh | Aerospace China | |
AEdRv | Astronomy Education Review | |
AeDy | Aerospace Dynamics | |
AEGRS | ASEAN Experts Group on Remote Sensing | |
AExpr | Astronomy Express |
AF | Aft Fuselage | |
AFAL | Air Force Astronautics Laboratory | |
AFC | Automatic Flight Control | |
AFCS | Automatic Flight Control System | |
AFD | Aft Flight Deck | |
AFDE | Aft Flight Deck Equipment | |
AFDO | Aft Flight Deck Operator | |
AFO | Announced Flight Opportunity | |
AFRPL | Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (USA) | |
AFSAT | Air Force Satellite | |
AFSC | Air Force Space Command | |
AFSCF | Air Force Satellite Control Facility | |
AFSCN | Air Force Space Command network | |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network | |
AFSD | Air Force Space Division | |
AFSPC | Air Force Space Command | |
AFSSD | Air Force Space Systems Divisionsion | |
AFSTC | Air Force Space Technology Center | |
AFT | Atmospheric Flight Test | |
AG | Artificial Gravity | |
AGAA | Attitude Gyro Accelerometer Assembly | |
AGCU | Attitude Gyro Coupling Unit | |
AHRS | Attitude Heading Reference System | |
AIL | Avionics Integration Laboratories | |
AirCo | Air et Cosmos | |
AJ | Astronomical Journal | |
AL | Approach and Landing | |
ALDP | Advanced Launch Development Program | |
ALEXIS | Array of Low Energy X-ray Imaging Sensors | |
ALFA | Air-Lubricated Free Attitude | |
ALMA | Atacama Large Millimeter Array | |
ALOS | Advanced Land Observing Satellite | |
ALPOJ | Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers Journal | |
ALS | Advanced Launch System | |
ALS | Automatic Landing System | |
ALSA | astronaut life support assembly | |
ALSE | Astronaut Life Support Equipment | |
ALT | approach and landing test | |
ALTR | Approach and Landing Test Requirement | |
AMEC | Aft Master Events Controller | |
AMLS | Advanced Manned Launch System | |
AMOOS | Advanced Maneuvering Orbit-to-Orbit Shuttle | |
AMPS | Atmosphere, Magnetosphere & Plasmas in Space | |
AMPS | Atmospheric Magnetospheric Plasma System | |
AMR | Antarctic Meteorite Research | |
AMSR | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer | |
AMU | Astronaut Maneuvering Unit | |
AnBos | Annals of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang | |
AnCap | Annals of the Cape Observatory | |
AnCGH | Annals of Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope |
AnDea | Annales of the Dearborn Observatory | |
AnDud | Annals of the Dudley Observatory | |
AnEdi | Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh | |
AnHar | Annals of Harvard College Observatory | |
AnLL | Annals of the Observatory of Lucien Libert | |
AnLow | Annals of the Lowell Observatory | |
AnLun | Annals of the Observatory of Lund | |
AnMN | Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter | |
AnOLL | Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert | |
ANS | Astronomical Netherlands Satellite | |
AnSAO | Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution | |
AnShO | Shanghai Observatory Annals | |
AnTok | Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory | |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System | |
Ap&SS | Astrophysics and Space Science | |
APCA | Aft Power Controller Assembly | |
APE | Auroral Photography Experiment | |
APh | Astroparticle Physics | |
ApInv | Astrophysical Investigations | |
APJ | Astrophysical Journal | |
ApJS | Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | |
ApL | Astrophysical Letters | |
ApL&C | Astrophysical Letters Communications | |
APM | Ascent Particle Monitor | |
APM | Attached Pressurized Module (a.k.a. Columbus) | |
ApSSS | Astrophysics and Space Science Supplement | |
ARA | Attitude Reference Assembly | |
ARA&A | Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
ArBei | Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory | |
ArchS | Archaeoastronomy Supplement | |
ARCOMSAT | Arab League communications satellite | |
AReg | Astronomical Register | |
ARep | Astronomy Reports | |
AREPS | Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences | |
ARISTOTELES | Applications and Research Involving Space Technologies Observing the Earth's Field from Low Earth Orbiting Satellite | |
ARKod | Annual Report of the Kodaikanal Observatory | |
ArmOL | Armagh Observatory Leaflet | |
ARS | Attitude Reference System | |
ArtSa | Artificial Satellites | |
ASA | Astronomical Society Of The Atlantic | |
ASAP | Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel | |
ASAT | Anti-Satellite (weapon or system) | |
ASCA | Advanced Satellite for Cosmology & Astrophysics | |
ASCO | Arab Satellite Communications Organization | |
ASCP | Attitude Set Control Panel | |
ASCS | Attitude Stabilization and Control System | |
ASE | Advanced Space Engine | |
ASI | Augmented Spark Igniter | |
ASI | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | |
ASPOC | Active Spacecraft Potential Control |
ASPP | Atmospheric and Space Plasma Physics | |
ASPRv | Astrophysics and Space Physics Reviews | |
ASRM | Advanced Solid Rocket Motor | |
ASRM | Abort Solid Rocket Motor | |
ASSA | Astronomical Society of South Africa | |
ASSESS | Airborne Science Shuttle Experiments System Simulation | |
ASSU | Annual Scientific Supplement to Urania | |
ASTD | Advanced Space Technology Division | |
ASTER | Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission And Reflection Radiometer (EOS) | |
AstHe | Astronomical Herald | |
AstL | Astronomy Letters | |
AstQ | Astronomy Quarterly | |
ASTRA | Advanced Star Tracker | |
ASTRA | Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions | |
ATAL | Alternate Transoceanic Abort Landing | |
ATCA | attitude translation control assembly | |
ATDRS | Advanced Tracking and Data Relay Satellite | |
ATel | Astronomer's Telegram | |
ATG | Aerospace Test Group | |
ATO | Abort To Orbit | |
ATS | Advanced Technology Satellite | |
ATS | applications technology satellite | |
AuJPA | Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement | |
AURA | Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. | |
AVCS | Attitude and Velocity Control System | |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer  | |
AVISO | Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic data | |
AVNIR | advanced visible and near-infrared radiometer | |
AVSOA | American Association of Variable Stars Observers Abstracts | |
AVSOM | American Association of Variable Stars Observers Monographs | |
AVSOQ | American Association of Variable Stars Observers Quarterly Reports | |
AVSOR | American Association of Variable Stars Observers Reports | |
AW&ST | Aviation Week & Space Technology | |
BAAS | Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society | |
BAC | Boeing Aerospace Company | |
BAC | Booster Assembly Contractor | |
BAE | British Aerospace Systems, LTD | |
BAICz | Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia | |
BaltA | Baltic Astronomy | |
BAN | Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands | |
BANS | Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands, Supplement Series | |
BASBr | Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of Brazil | |
BASI | Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India | |
BAT | Burst Alert Telescope | |
BAVSO | Bulletin of the American Association of Variable Stars Observers | |
BBF | Bursty Bulk Flow | |
BBXRT | Broadband XRay Telescope | |
BCrAO | Bulletin Crimean Astrophysical Observatory | |
BESS | Biomedical Experiment Support Satellite | |
BESS | Biomedical Experiment Scientific Satellite |
BFC | Backup Flight Computer | |
BFCS | Backup Flight Control System | |
BFS | Backup Flight System | |
BKoAS | Bulletin of Korean Astronomical Society | |
BMAG | Body-Mounted Attitude Gyro | |
BMS | Background Measurement Satellite | |
BNSC | British National Space Centre | |
BTOK | Bulletin of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory | |
BUBes | Bulletin of the University of Besancon Observatory | |
CamRe | Cambridge Observatories Reprints | |
CANEX | Canadian experiment | |
CapMi | Royal Observatory Cape Mimeogram | |
CAPS | Common Attitude Pointing System | |
CarOB | Carter Observatory Wellington New Zealand Astronomical Bulletins | |
CarRe | Carter Observatory Wellington New Zealand Reprints | |
CAS | Cambridge Astrophysics Series | |
CAS | Cooperative Application Satellite | |
CASJ | Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal | |
CASJQ | Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal Quarter | |
CCA | Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics | |
CCRS | Canada Centre for Remote Sensing | |
CCSDS | Consultative/Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems | |
CDM | Cold Dark Matter | |
CDR | Critical Design Review | |
CDSF | Commercially Developed Space Facility | |
CDT | Connaissance Des Temps | |
CEA | Center for EUV Astrophysics | |
CEAB | Central European Astrophysical Bulletin | |
CeMDA | Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | |
CeMec | Celestial Mechanics | |
CES | Crew Escape System | |
CES | Conical Earth Sensor | |
CEV | Crew Exploration Vehicle | |
CfA | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA | |
CFF | Columbus Free Flyer | |
CFP | Conceptual Flight Profile | |
CGRO | Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory | |
ChA&A | Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
CHARA | Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy | |
CHIPS | Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer | |
ChJAA | Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
ChJSS | Chinese Journal of Space Science | |
ChSAJ | Chinese Society of Astronautics Journal | |
ChSST | Chinese Space Science Technology | |
CiBAA | Circular of the British Astronomical Association | |
CIRCE | Confusion-limited Infrared Cosmology Explorer | |
CIRRIS | Cryogenic InfraRed Radiance Instituteument for Shuttle | |
CiUO | Circular of the Union Observatory Johannesburg | |
CLS | Collecte Localisation Satellites | |
CLS | Contingency Landing Site(s) |
CLSO | Contingency Landing Support Officer | |
CME | Coronal Mass Ejection (usually Sun) | |
CNSA | China National Space Administration | |
CoArm | Contributions from the Armagh Observatory | |
CoASP | Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics | |
CoAst | Communications in Asteroseismology | |
COBE | Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (NASA) | |
CoBos | Contributions from the Bosscha Observervatory | |
CoBrn | Contributions of the Public Observatory and Planetarium in Brno | |
CoCam | Contributions from the Cambridge Observatory England | |
CoDDO | Communications from the David Dunlap Observatory | |
CoFR | Certificate of Flight Readiness | |
COFW | Certificate of Flight Worthiness | |
CoKon | Commmunications of the Konkoly Observatory Hungary | |
CoLic | Contributions of Lick Observatory | |
CoLon | Communications of the University of London Observatory | |
CoLPL | Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory | |
ComAp | Comments on Astrophysics | |
COMAS | Combined Orbital Maneuvering and Abort System | |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation | |
ComSp | Commercial Space | |
COMTR | COMSAT Technical Review | |
CoOxf | Communications from the University Observatory Oxford | |
COP | Co-Orbiting Platform | |
CoPer | Contributions of Perkins Observatory | |
CopRe | Copenhagen University Observatory Reprints | |
CoPri | Contributions from the Princeton University Observatory | |
COPUOS | Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN) | |
CoRad | Communications from the Radcliffe Observatory Pretoria South Africa | |
CoROE | Communications from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh | |
COROT | Convection Rotation and Planetary Transits | |
CORSA | Cosmic Radiation Satellite | |
CoSka | Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso | |
COSPAR | Committee on Space Research (ICSU) | |
CosRe | Cosmic Research | |
CosSe | Cosmic Search Summer | |
COSTAR | Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement | |
CoSte | Contributions - University of Arizona Steward Observatory | |
COVVO | Contributions of the Van Vleck Observatory | |
CoWat | Contributions of the University of Waterloo Observatory | |
CoWro | Contributions from the Wroclaw Astronomical Observatory | |
CPF | Cost Per Flight | |
CQGra | Classical and Quantum Gravity | |
CQGrS | Classical and Quantum Gravity Supplement | |
CRAF | Comet Rendezvous/Asteroid Fly-by | |
CraRe | Cracow Observatory Reprints | |
CREAM | Cosmic Ray Effects and Activation Monitor | |
CRISTA | Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometer Telescope For Atmosphere | |
CRPL | Cosmic Ray Physics Laboratory | |
CRRES | Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency | |
CSCSAT | Commercial Synchronous Communication Satellite | |
CSOC | Consolidated Space Operations Center | |
CSTC | Consolidated Space Test Center | |
CSVS | Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars | |
CTS | communications technology satellite | |
CTS | Canadian Technology Satellite | |
CYSF | Cape York Space Facility | |
DADS | Dual Air Density Satellite | |
DAMA | Demand Assigned Multiple Access | |
DAOAR | Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Annual Report | |
DC | Delta Clipper | |
DCP | D-alanyl carrier protein | |
DDA | Division of Dynamical Astronomy | |
DDORe | David Dunlap Observatory Richmond Hill Reprints | |
DeaCo | Dearborn Observatory Contributions | |
DF | Development Flight | |
DFCS | Digital Flight Control System | |
DFRC | Dryden Flight Research Center | |
DFRF | Dryden Flight Research Facility | |
DFS | Dynamic Flight Simulator | |
DMSP | Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (U.S.) | |
DMSS | Defense Meteorological Satellite System | |
DOAMS | distant-object attitude-measuring system | |
DODSTP | Department of Defense Standard Satellite | |
DOI | Descent Orbit Insertion | |
DOMSAT | Domestic Satellite | |
DORIS | Doppler Orbitography And Radiopositioning Integrated By Satellite (EOS) | |
DRS | Data Relay Satellite | |
DRSS | Data Relay Satellite System | |
DSCS | Defense Support Communication Satellite | |
DSCS | U.S. Defense Satellite Communications System | |
DSIS | Defense Satellite Information System | |
DSN | Deep Space Network - network of large antennas and communication facilities. | |
DSNPR | Deep Space Network Progress Report | |
DSS | Deep Space Station | |
DSSC | Deep Space Station Complex | |
DSSN | Delta Scuti Star Newsletter | |
DudOR | Dudley Observatory Reports | |
DunOP | Dunsink Observatory Publications | |
DunRe | Dunsink Observatory Reprints | |
DurOO | Durham Observatory Observations | |
DVB-S | Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite | |
DWS | Disaster Warning Satellite | |
DyeRe | Dyer Observatory Reprints | |
E&PSL | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | |
e&s | Earth and Space | |
EAA | Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
EADI | Electronic Attitude Director Indicator | |
EBCi | Eclipsing Binaries Circulars |
EC | Engine Control | |
ECSS | European Cooperation for Space Standardization | |
EDO | Extended Duration Orbiter | |
EDRS | European Data Relay Satellite | |
EEM | Earth Entry Module | |
EES | Ejection Escape Suit | |
EEU | Extravehicular Excursion Unit | |
EExSc | Earth and Extraterrestrial Sciences | |
EFCS | Earth-fixed coordinate system | |
EFP | ESA Furnished Property | |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service | |
EGRET | Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope | |
EGRET | Energetic Gamma Ray Explorer Telescope | |
EHOT | external hydrogen/oxygen tank | |
ELDO | European Launcher Development Organisation | |
ELS | Eastern Launch Site | |
ELT | Extremely Large Telescope | |
ELV | Earth Launch Vehicle | |
ELV | Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
EM&P | Earth Moon and Planets | |
ENVISAT | European Space Agency Environmental Satellite | |
EOAST | Earth-Oriented Applications and Space Technology | |
EOI | Earth Orbit Insertion | |
EORC | Earth Observation Research Center | |
EORSAT | Electronic Ocean Reconstruction Satellite | |
EOS | Earth Observation Satellite | |
EP | Elbow Pitch | |
EP&S | Earth, Planets and Space | |
EPD | Energetic Particles Detector | |
EPOC | External Payload Operations Center | |
ERBS | Earth Radiation Budget Satellite | |
EROS | Earth Resources Observations System | |
ERS | Environmental Research Satellite | |
ERS | Entry and Recovery Simulation | |
ERS | European Remote Sensing Satellite System | |
ERS | Earth Resources Satellite | |
ERSIR | Earth Resources Shuttle Imaging Radar | |
ERTS | Earth Resources Technology Satellite (now Landsat) | |
ESA | European Space Agency | |
ESABu | European Space Agency Bulletin | |
ESAJ | European Space Agency Journal | |
ESAST | European Space Agency Scientific Technical Review | |
ESDAC | European Space Data Center | |
ESIS | ESA Space Information Systems | |
ESMC | Eastern Space And Missile Center (formerly AFETR) | |
ESOAR | European Southern Observatory Annual Reports | |
ESOB | European Southern Observatory Bulletin | |
ESOC | European Space Operations Center | |
ESOSP | European Southern Observatory Scientific Preprints | |
ESOSR | European Southern Observatory Scientific Report |
ESPC | European Space Power Conference | |
ESPI | European Space Policy Institute | |
ESRIN | European Space Research Institute | |
ESRO | European Space Research Organisation | |
ESTEC | European Space Research and Technology Centre | |
ESTP | European Space Technology Platform | |
EUMETSAT | European Meterological Satellite | |
EUROCOMSAT | European consortium communications satellite | |
EUSC | European Union Satellite Centre | |
Eutelsat | European Telecommunications Satellite Organization | |
EUVE | Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (NASA Satellite) | |
EVA | Extravehicular Activity | |
EVM | Earth-viewing module | |
ExA | Experimental Astronomy | |
F&CRe | Flower and Cook Observatory Reprints | |
FACC | Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporationration | |
FAF | First Aerodynamic Flight | |
FAR | Flight Acceptance Review | |
FARE | Fluid Acquisition and Resupply Equipment | |
FAT | Flight Attitude Table | |
FC | Flight Computer | |
FC | Flight Control | |
FC | Flight-Critical | |
FCAP | Flight Control Applications Program | |
FCDB | Flight Control Data Bus | |
FCE | Flight Control Equipment | |
FCE | Flight Crew Equipment | |
FCEF | Flight Crew Equipment Facility (At KSC) | |
FCF | First Captive Flight | |
FCF | Functional Check Flight | |
FCHL | Flight Control Hydraulics Laboratory | |
FCI | Flight Control Indicator | |
FCI | Flight Crew Integration | |
FCIM | Flight Control Interface Module | |
FCIP | Flight Cargo Implementation Plan | |
FCOD | Flight Crew Operations Directorate | |
FCOS | Flight Computer Operating System (Orbiter) | |
FCOS | Flight Control Operational Software | |
FCP | Flight Correction Proposal | |
FCPH | Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics | |
FCR | Flight Control Room | |
FCS | Flight Control System (Subsystem) | |
FCS | Flight Crew System | |
FCSM | Flight Combustion Stability Monitor | |
FCT | flight control team | |
FCT | Flight Crew Trainer | |
FCTB | Flight Crew Training Building | |
FCTS | Flight Crew Trainer Simulator | |
FD | Flight Day |
FD | Flight Director | |
FDA | Flight Deck Assembly (FDF) | |
FDAI | Flight Director Attitude Indicator | |
FDF | Flight Data File | |
FDL | Flight Director Loop | |
FDM | Flight Data Manager | |
FDO | Flight Dynamics Officer | |
FDRI | Flight Director Rate Indicator | |
FDS | Flight Design and Scheduling | |
FDS | Flight Design System | |
FDS | Flight Dynamics System | |
FDS | flight dynamics simulator | |
FDSC | Flight Dynamics Simulation Complex | |
FDSC | Flight Dynamics Situation Complex | |
FE | Flight Experiment | |
FED | Flight Events Demonstration | |
FEDP | Facility and Equipment Design Plan | |
FEE | French Echocardiograph Experiment | |
FEID | Flight Equipment Interface Device | |
FES | Flight Element Set | |
FET | Flight Elapsed Time | |
FEWG | Flight Evaluation Working Group | |
FFC | Final Flight Certification | |
FFM | free-flying module | |
FHF | First Horizontal Flight | |
FHST | fixed-head star tracker | |
FID | Flight Implementation Directive | |
FIE | Flight Instituteumentation Engineer | |
FIRSSE | Far Infrared Sky Survey Experiment | |
IP | Instituteuctor Pilot | |
IPACS | integrated power and attitude control system | |
IPNPR | Interplanetary Network Progress Report | |
IQSY | International Quiet Sun Year | |
IRA | Infrared Astronomy | |
IrAJ | Irish Astronomical Journal | |
IrAJS | Irish Astronomical Journal Supplement | |
Iransat | Iranian Government Communications Satellite | |
IRBS | Infrared Background Sensor | |
IRR | Integral Rocket Ramjet | |
ISA | Iranian Space Agency | |
ISAS | Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences (Japan) | |
ISBRv | International Space Business Review | |
ISCCP | International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project | |
ISEE | International Sun-Earth Explorer | |
ISF | Industrial Space Facility | |
ISO | Infrared Space Observatory | |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation | |
ISS | International Space Station | |
IsSRT | Israel Space Research and Technology Information Bulletin | |
ISTS | Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science |
ISU | International Space University | |
ISY | International Space Year (1992) | |
ITMG | Integrated Thermal/Micrometeoroid Garment | |
ITU | Infrared Telescope Unit | |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer | |
IUEEN | IUE ESA Newsletter | |
IUENN | IUE NASA Newsletter | |
IUS | Inertial UPper Stage (was Interim UPper Stage) | |
IVSI | Institutentaneous Vertical Speed Indicator | |
IWFNA | Inhibited White Fuming Nitric Acid | |
JAAVSO | Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers | |
JAD | Journal of Astronomical Data | |
JAHH | Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage | |
JANNAF | Joint Army Navy NASA Air Force | |
JAnSc | Journal of Astronautical Sciences | |
JApA | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | |
JApAS | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy Supplement | |
JAS | Journal of Aerospace Science | |
JASAC | Japan Astronomical Study Association Circulars | |
JASEg | Journal of the Astronomical Society of Egypt | |
JASS | Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences | |
JASV | Journal of the Astronomical Society of Victoria Melbourne | |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration System | |
JBAA | Journal of the British Astronomical Association | |
JBAn | Jodrell Bank Annals | |
JBAS | Journal of the British Astronomical Society | |
JBIS | Journal of the British Interplanetary Society | |
JBRe | Jodrell Bank Reprints | |
JCAP | Journal of Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics | |
JDSO | Journal of Double Star Observations | |
JERS | Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JPOP) | |
JHA | Journal for the History of Astronomy | |
JHAS | Journal for the History of Astronomy Supplement | |
JILA | Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics | |
JIMO | Journal of the International Meteor Organization | |
JKAS | Journal of Korean Astronomical Society | |
JOP | Jupiter Orbiter Probe | |
JP | Jet Propellant | |
JPAS | Journal of Practical Applications in Space | |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California Institute of Technology) (NASA) | |
JPOC | JSC Payload Operations Center | |
JRASC | Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada | |
JRASN | Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand | |
JSAR | Journal of Space Astronomy Research | |
JSC | Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX) | |
JSCM | JSC Manual | |
JSpRo | Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | |
JSpT | Journal of Spacecraft Technology | |
KAPL | KSC Approved Parts List |
KARI | Korea Aerospace Research Institute | |
KBAC | Kennedy Booster Assembly Contractor | |
KMI | KSC Management Instituteuction | |
KN | KSC Notice | |
KodOB | Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins | |
KodRe | Kodaikanal Observatory Reprints | |
KOI | KSC Operation Instituteuction | |
KOM | KSC Organizational Manual | |
KPD | KSC Program Directive | |
KPRD | KSC Program Requirements Document | |
KSC | John F. Kennedy Space Center | |
KSCAP | Kennedy Space Center Area Permit | |
KSSS | KSC Station Set Specification | |
L&D | Landing And Deceleration | |
L&L | Launch And Landing | |
LA | Launch Azimuth | |
LA | Launch Area | |
LACB | Landing Aids Control Building (SLF At KSC) | |
LACE | Low-Power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment | |
LAGEOS | Laser Geodynamic Satellite | |
LAGS | Launch Abort Guide Simulation | |
LAIRT | Large-Aperture Infrared Telescope | |
LAIU | Launch Abort Interface Unit | |
LAMMR | large-antenna multichannel microwave radiometer | |
LAMP | Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project | |
LAPSS | Large-Area Pulse Solar Simulator | |
LaRC | Langley Research Center (NASA) | |
LASCO | Large Angle Spectrometric Coronograph | |
LASS | large-amplitude space simulator | |
LawOB | Laws Observatory Bulletin | |
LBLRR | LBL Research Review | |
LC | Launch Countdown | |
LC | Launch Complex | |
LCA | Launch Control Amplifier | |
LCC | Launch Control Center (KSC) | |
LCC | Launch Control Complex | |
LCC | Launch Commit Criteria | |
LCCD | Launch Commit Criteria Document | |
LCROSS | Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite | |
LCS | Launch Control System | |
LDEC | Lunar Docking Events Controller | |
LDIU | Launch Data Interface Unit | |
LDR | Low Data Rate | |
LDS | Launch Detection Satellite | |
LDS | Landing, Deservicing and Safing | |
LE | Launch Escape | |
LEGRI | Low Energy Gamma-Ray Imager | |
LEH | Launch/Entry Helmet | |
LEM | Launch Escape Monitor | |
LEM | Lunar Excursion Module |
LEND | Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit (satellite communications) | |
LES | Launch Equipment Shop | |
LES | Lincoln Experimental Satellite | |
LES | Launch Escape Subsystem | |
LETF | Launch Equipment Test Facility | |
LF | Launch Facility | |
LFV | Lunar Flying Vehicle | |
LicOB | Lick Observatory Bulletin | |
LLO | Low Lunar Orbit | |
LLP | Launch and Landing Project | |
LLPO | Launch and Landing Project Office | |
LM | Lunar Module | |
LM&SS | Lunar Mapping and Scientific Survey | |
LME | Launch Monitor Equipment | |
LMSC | Lockheed Missiles and Space Corporationration | |
LMSS | Land Mobile Satellite System | |
LMSS | Lunar Mapping and Survey System | |
LNSP | Lecture Notes and Supplements in Physics | |
LOA | Launch Operations Area | |
LOA | Landing Operations Area | |
LOC | Launch Operations Complex | |
LOI | Lunar Orbit Insertion | |
LON | Launch on Need | |
LOR | Lunar Orbit Rendezvous | |
LORL | Large Orbital Research Laboratory | |
LOWG | Landing Operations Working Group | |
LowOB | Lowell Observatory Bulletin | |
LPD | Launch Procedure Document | |
LPD | Landing Point Designator | |
LPIF | Launch Package Integration Facility | |
LPLWS | Launch Pad Lightning Warning System | |
LPS | Launch Processing System | |
LRB | Liquid Rocket Booster | |
LRF | Liquid Rocket Fuel | |
LRO | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | |
LRR | Launch Readiness Review | |
LRSP | Living Reviews in Solar Physics | |
LRV | Lunar Roving Vehicle | |
LRV | launch readiness verification | |
LS | Launch Site | |
LS | Launch Sequence | |
LS | Landing Site | |
LS/ST | Light Shield/Star Tracker | |
LSA | launch services agreement | |
LSAH | Launch Site Accommodations Handbook | |
LSAP | Launch Sequence Applications Program | |
LSID | Launch Sequence and Interlock Document | |
LSOC | Lockheed Space Operations Company | |
LSR | Launch Site Recovery |
LSSL | Life Sciences Space Laboratory | |
LSSRC | Life Sciences Shuttle Research Centrifuge | |
LST | Large Space Telescope | |
LSTE | Launch Site Transportation Equipment | |
LVS | Launch Vehicle System | |
LVS | Launch Vehicle Simulator | |
LWD | Launch Window Display | |
M&PS | Meteoritics and Planetary Science | |
MACS | Modular Attitude Control System | |
MadOb | Madras Observatory Observations | |
MadOO | Madras Observatory Astronomical Observations | |
MAEP | Minimum Autoland Entry Point | |
MAGIC | Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescope | |
MAGSAT | Magnetometer Satellite | |
MAN | Microwave Aerospace Navigation | |
MASDC | Military Aircraft Storage & Disposition Center | |
MBAC | Marshall Booster Assembly Contractor | |
MCA | Maximum Crossing Altitude | |
MCT | Maximum Climb Thrust | |
MDR | Medium Data Rate | |
MDRS | Mars Desert Research Station | |
MeeRe | Kenneth Mees Observatory Reprints | |
MelAR | Melbourne Observatory Annual Report | |
MelOO | Melbourne Observatory Observations | |
MEM | Mars Excursion Module | |
MEM | Meteoroid Exposure Module | |
MEO | Mid Earth Orbit | |
MEP | Main Engine Propellant | |
MERSAT | Meteorology And Earth Observation Satellite | |
MEV | Mars Excursion Vehicle | |
MFA | Manned Flight Awareness | |
MFF | MDM Flight Forward | |
MFPE | Mission from Planet Earth | |
MFR | Maximum Flight Rate | |
MFT | Mean Flight Time | |
MFTAD | Master Flight Test Assignment Document (JSC) | |
MicRe | University of Michigan Observatory Reprints | |
MILA | Merritt Island Launch Area | |
MILCOMSAT | Military Communications Satellite | |
MIMPE | Modern Instrumentation and Measurements in Physics and Engineering | |
MIPS | Merritt Island Press Site | |
MisSp | Missiles Spacecraft | |
MITTS | Mobile Igor Tracking Telescope System | |
MLC | Mobile Launcher Computer | |
MLF | MDM Launch Forward | |
MLG | Main Landing Gear | |
MLGS | Microwave Landing Guidance System | |
MLP | mobile launch platform | |
MLRS | Multiple Launch Rocket System (US) | |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MLV | Medium Lift Vehicle | |
MLV | Medium Launch Vehicle | |
MLW | Maximum Landing Weight | |
MMAAR | Maria Mitchell Association Annual Report | |
MmASI | Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of India | |
MmBAA | Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association | |
MmKMO | Memoirs Of The Kakioka Magnetic Observatory | |
MmRAS | Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society | |
MMS | Multimission Modular Spacecraft | |
MMU | Manned Maneuvering Unit | |
MNRAS | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | |
MNSSA | Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa | |
MO | Manned Orbiter | |
MODS | Military Orbital Development System | |
MOF | Manned Orbital Flight | |
MOL | Manned Orbiting Laboratory | |
MOSPO | Mobile Satellite Photometric Observatory | |
MPLM | Mini-Pressurized Logistics Module | |
MPS | Material Processing Satellite | |
MPS | Materials Processing in Space | |
MPSE | Morelos Payload Specialist Experiments | |
MPVA | Main Propellant Valve Actuator | |
MRSR | Mars Rover Sample Return | |
MS/MS | Material Science and Manufacturing in Space | |
MSCTN | Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note | |
MSF | Manned Space Flight | |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville AL) | |
MSFN | Manned Space Flight Network | |
MSFP | Manned Space Flight Program | |
MSOB | Manned Spacecraft Operations Building | |
MSSTM | military space system technology model | |
MSVP | Master Shuttle Verification Plan | |
MSX | Midcourse Space Experiment | |
MT | Mission Trajectory | |
MTPE | Mission To Planet Earth | |
MtSOM | Mount Stromlo Observatory Mimeographs | |
MtSRe | Mount Stromlo Observatory Reprints | |
MtWAR | Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory Annual Report | |
MtWRe | Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory Reprints | |
MUA | Maximum Usable Altitude | |
MVF | Manned Vertical Flight | |
MVI | Microgravity Vestibular Investigation | |
MVM | Mariner Venus/Mercury | |
MWOAR | Mount Wilson Observatory Annual Report | |
NAS | National Airspace System | |
NASAC | NASA Conference Publication | |
NASAL | NASA Circular Letter | |
NASAR | NASA Reference Publication | |
NASAS | NASA Special Publication | |
NASCOM | NASA Communications System |
NASDA | National Space Development Agency of Japan | |
NASM | National Air and Space Museum | |
NASO | North American Space Operations | |
NASP | National Aerospace Plane | |
NASTRAN | NASA Structural Analysis Program | |
NAVSAT | Navigation Satellite | |
NCC | NASA Communications Control | |
NCC | NASA class code | |
NCOS | National Commission on Space | |
ND | NASA Document | |
NDGPS | Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System | |
NEAF | North East Astronomy Forum | |
NEEDS | NASA end-to-end data system | |
NEMS | NASA Equipment Management System | |
NEP | Nuclear Electric Propulsion | |
NERVA | Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application | |
NESDIS | National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service | |
NESS | National Environmental Satellite Service (NOAA) | |
NewAR | New Astronomy Review | |
NFS | NASA FAR Supplement | |
NGT | NASA Ground Terminal | |
NHB | NASA Handbook | |
NizRe | Nizamiah Observatory Reprints | |
NLS | National Launch System | |
NMI | NASA Management Instituteuction | |
NOBLs | New Outer Blanket Layers | |
NOES | National Operational Environmental Satellite Serv. | |
NOSS | National Oceanic Satellite System | |
NPC | NASA publication control | |
NPD | NASA Policy Directive | |
NPN | NASA Part Number | |
NPS | NASA Planning Studies | |
NPSS | NASA Packet Switching System | |
NRALT | NASA radar altimeter | |
NRAOR | National Radio Astronomy Observatory Reprints | |
NS | Nuclear Shuttle | |
NSAU | National Space Agency of Ukraine | |
NSC | Navigational Star Catalog | |
NSD | NASA standard detonator | |
NSI | NASA Science Internet | |
NSI | NASA Standard Initiator | |
NSIF | Near-Space Instrumentation Facility | |
NSIF | Near-Space Instituteumentation Facility | |
NSL | Northrop Space Laboratory | |
NSO | NASA Support Operation | |
NSO | National Solar Observatory | |
NSP | NASA Support Plan | |
NSSCC | NORAD Space Surveillance Computation Center | |
NSSDC | National Space Science Data Center (Greenbelt, MD) | |
NSTL | National Space Technology Laboratories (NASA) |
NSTS | National Space Transportation System | |
NTD | NASA test director | |
NTS | Navigation Technology Satellite | |
NTSO | NASA Test Support Office | |
Nustar | Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array | |
OAA | Orbiter Access Arm | |
OAA | Orbiter Alternate Airfield | |
OAFTO | Orbiter Atmospheric Flight Test Office | |
OAMS | orbital attitude and maneuvering system | |
OAO | Orbital Astronomical Observatory | |
OAP | Odessa Astronomical Publications | |
OARE | Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment | |
OAS | Orbiter Avionics System | |
OAS | Orbiter Atmospheric Simulator | |
OAS | Orbiter Aeroflight Simulator | |
OASCB | Orbiter Avionics Software Control Board | |
OAST | Office of Aeronautics & Space Technology | |
OBIGGS | Onboard Inert Gas Generating System | |
OCDR | Orbiter Critical Design Review | |
OCF | Orbiter Computational Facilities | |
OCH | Orbiter Common Hardware | |
OCTW | Optical Communications Through The Shuttle Window | |
ODF | Orbit Determination Facility | |
OEAS | Orbital Emergency Arresting System | |
OEJV | Open European Journal on Variable Stars | |
OES | Orbiter Emergency Site | |
OF | Orbital Flight | |
OFI | Operational Flight Instituteumentation | |
OFK | OPtical Flight Kit | |
OFP | Operational Flight Program | |
OFP | Operational Flight Profile | |
OFP | Orbiter Flight Program | |
OFS | Orbiter Functional Simulator | |
OFT | Orbital Flight Test | |
OFTDS | Orbital Flight Test Data System | |
OGMT | Orbiter Greenwich Mean Time | |
OI | Orbiter Insertion | |
OI | Orbiter Instituteumentation | |
OIA | Orbiter Interface Adapter | |
OIS | Orbiter Instituteumentation Systems | |
OIVS | Orbiter Interface Verification Set | |
OLOW | orbiter lift-off weight | |
OLSP | Orbiter Logistics Support Plan | |
OMA | Orbiter Maintenance Area | |
OMCF | Orbiter Maintenance & Checkout Facility | |
OMDP | Orbiter Maintenance Down Period | |
OME | Orbital Maneuvering Engine | |
OME | Orbiter Main Engine | |
OMeT | Orbiter Mission Elapsed Time | |
OMEWG | Orbiter Maintenance Engineering Working Group |
OML | Orbiter Mold Line | |
OMR | Orbiter Management Review | |
OMRF | Orbiter Maintenance and Refurbishment Facility | |
OMS | orbital maneuvering system | |
OMV | Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle | |
ONBT | Orbiter Neutral Buoyancy Trainer | |
ONRAS | Occasional Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society | |
OOS | orbit-to-orbit Shuttle | |
OOS | orbit-to-orbit stage | |
OOS | on-orbit station | |
OOSDP | on-orbit station distribution panel | |
OPF | Orbiter Processing Facility | |
OPI | Orbiter Payload Interrogator | |
OPIS | Orbiter Prime Item Specification | |
OPLF | Orbiter Processing and Landing Facility | |
OPM | Outer Planet Mission | |
OPO | Orbiter Project Office | |
OPSS | Orbital Propellant Storage Subsystem | |
ORD | Orbital Requirements Document | |
ORROE | Occasional Reports of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh | |
ORS | Orbital Refueling System | |
ORT | Orbit Readiness Test | |
ORU | Orbital Replacement Unit | |
OSC | Orbital Sciences Corporationration | |
OSCAR | Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio | |
OSCRS | orbital spacecraft consumables resupply system | |
OSDH | Orbiter System Definition Handbook | |
OSE | Orbital Support Equipment | |
OSO | Orbiting Solar Observatory | |
OSS | Orbiting Space Station | |
OSS | Office of Space Sciences | |
OSSA | Office of Space Sciences and Applications | |
OST | Orbiter SuPport Trolley | |
OSTA | Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (US NASA; now OAST) | |
OSTDS | Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems (NASA) | |
OSTO | Office of Space Transportation Operations | |
OSTP | Orbiting System Test Plan | |
OSTS | Office of Space Transportation Systems | |
OTA | Optical Telescope Assembly | |
OTB | Orbiting Tanker Base | |
OTC | Orbiter Test Conductor | |
OTD | Orbiter Test Director | |
OTOS | Orbit-to-Orbit Stage | |
OTV | Orbital Transfer Vehicle | |
OV | Orbital Vehicle | |
OVS | Observation of Variable Stars | |
OxfOO | Oxford University Observatory Observations | |
P&SS | Planetary and Space Science | |
PA | Popular Astronomy | |
PAAS | Publications of the American Astronomical Society |
PAB | Publications of The Astrophysics Branch Ottawa | |
PABei | Progress in Astronomy | |
PACS | Pointing and Attitude Control System | |
PAD | Propellant Acquisition Device | |
PADEU | Publications of the Astronomy Deparment of the Eotvos Lorand University | |
PAIB | Publications of the Astronomy Institute of Bonn | |
PAICU | Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University | |
PAICz | Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences | |
PAllO | Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh | |
PALS | precision approach and landing system | |
PAMELA | Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics | |
PASA | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia | |
PASAu | Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia | |
PASJ | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | |
PASK | Publications of the Academy of Science Kasakstan | |
PASPS | Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Supplement | |
PATH | Postflight Attitude and Trajectory History | |
PBeiO | Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory | |
PBosO | Publications of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang | |
PBrn | Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Borneo | |
PBV | Post-Boost Vehicle | |
PCARS | Publication of COMU Astrophysics Research Center | |
PCIL | Pilot-Controlled Instituteument Landing | |
PCinO | Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory | |
PCooO | Publications of the Cook Observatory | |
PCS | Physics and Chemistry in Space | |
PDA | Propellant Drain Area | |
PDAA | Publications of the Department of Astronomy, Austin, Texas | |
PDAO | Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory | |
PDAUC | Publications of the Department of Astronomy University of Chile | |
PDDO | Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory | |
PDO | Publications of the Dominion Observatory Ottawa | |
PDP | Postinsertion Deorbit Preparation | |
PDreO | Publications of the Dresden Observatory | |
PerCo | Perkins Observatory Contributions | |
PF | Powered Flight | |
PF&CO | Publications of the Flower and Cook Astronomical Observatory | |
PFAO | Publications of the Flower Astronomical Observatory | |
PFC | Performance Flight Certification | |
PFCF | Payload Flight Control Facility | |
PFCS | Primary Flight Control System | |
PFRT | Preliminary Flight Rating Test | |
PFS | Primary Flight System | |
PFTA | Payload Flight Test Article | |
PGLO | Publications of the Goethe Link Observatory | |
PGooO | Publications of the Goodsell Observatory | |
PHA | Physics And Astronomy | |
PhASp | Physics and Astrophysics from Spacelab | |
PHP | Planetary Horizontal Platform | |
PIO | Pilot-Induced Oscillation |
PIstO | Publications of the Istanbul Observatory | |
PKAS | Publication of the Korean Astronomical Society | |
PKirO | Publications of the Kirkwood Observatory of Indiana University | |
PLA | Parachute Location Aid | |
PlAst | Planetary Astronomy | |
PLawO | Publications of Laws Observatory | |
PLicO | Publications of Lick Observatory | |
PlR | Planetary Report | |
PLS | Primary Landing Site | |
PLS | Personnel Launch System | |
PLS | Propellant Loading System | |
PLSL | Propellants and Life Support Laboratory | |
PManO | Publications of the Manila Observatory | |
PMC | Permanently Manned Capability (of Space Station) | |
PMcCO | Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory | |
PMunO | Publications of the Munich Observatory | |
PNAOJ | Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | |
POD | Precision Orbit Determination | |
POE | Pilot Operational Equipment | |
POEM | Polar-Orbiting Earth Mission | |
POGO | Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory | |
POGS | polar-orbiting geomagnetic survey | |
POHel | Publications of the Astronomical Observatory Helsinki | |
POMic | Publications of Michigan Observatory | |
POMin | Publications of the Astronomical Observatory University of Minnesota | |
POVRO | Publications of the Owens Valley Observatory | |
PPARC | Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council | |
PPCAS | Publication of the Pomona College Astronomical Society | |
PPMtO | Publications of the Purple Mountain Observatory | |
Pqgs | Propellant Quantity Gauging System | |
PrAeS | Progress in Aerospace Sciences | |
PrAst | Practical Astronomy | |
PRB | Parachute Refurbishment Building | |
PRCO | Publications of the Riverview College Observatory | |
PRM | Posigrade Rocket Motor | |
PROE | Publications of the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh | |
PRTLS | Powered Return to Launch Site | |
PSCL | Propellant Systems Cleaning Laboratory | |
PSF | Propellant Servicing Facility | |
PSIG | Propulsion Systems Integration Group | |
PSM | Propellant Storage Module | |
PSprO | Publications of the Sproul Observatory | |
PSS | Propellant Supply Subsystem | |
PSV | Planetary Space Vehicle | |
PTCS | Propellant Tanking Computer System | |
PTV | Pathfinder Test Vehicle | |
Pu | Propellant Unit | |
PU | Propellant Utilization | |
PUAms | Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam | |
PUCS | Propellant Utilization Control System |
PUGS | propellant utilization and gauging system | |
PUSNO | Publications of the US Naval Observatory | |
PUV | Propellant Utilization Valve | |
PVA | Propellant Valve Actuator | |
PVA | Preburner Valve Actuator | |
PVasO | Publications of the Vassar College Observatory | |
PVO | Pioneer Venus Orbiter | |
PVSS | Publications of Variable Star Section | |
PVT | Pyrotechnic Verification Test | |
PVT | Preflight Verification Test | |
PVVO | Publications of the Van Vleck Observatory | |
PW&SO | Publications of the Warner Swasey Observatory | |
PWasO | Publications of the Washburn Observatory | |
PWHHO | Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland | |
PYerO | Publications of the Yerkes Observatory | |
PYunO | Publications of the Yunnan Observatory | |
QJRAS | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society | |
QRSL | quick-reaction space laboratory | |
Qtv | Qualification Test Vehicle | |
RABF | Radio Astronomy Bandstop Filter | |
RAE | Royal Aerospace Establishment | |
RAE | Radio Astronomy Explorer | |
RAI | Radar Altimeter Indicator | |
RAI | Roll Attitude Indicator | |
RALPH | Reduction and Acquisition of Lunar Pulse Heights | |
RALT | Radar Altimeter | |
RAPCON | radar approach and control | |
RAS | Royal Astronomical Society | |
RATO | Rocket-Assisted TakeOff | |
Razel | Range, Azimuth and Elevation | |
RDS | Rocketdyne Digital Simulator | |
RECONS | Research Consortium on Nearby Stars | |
REM | Rocket Engine Module | |
RGOB | Royal Greenwich Observatory Bulletin | |
RGOO | Royal Greenwich Observatory Observations | |
RHS | Rocketdyne Hybrid Simulator | |
RIAPS | Remote Infrared Atmospheric Profiling System | |
RICAP | Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics | |
RJ/EC | Reaction Jet/Engine Control | |
RJC | Reaction Jet Control | |
RJD | Reaction Jet Device | |
RJD | Reaction Jet Driver | |
RJDA | Reaction Jet Driver Aft | |
RJDF | Reaction Jet Driver Forward | |
Rm | Rendezvous Maneuver | |
RNAOJ | Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | |
RNP | Rotation, Nutation and Precession | |
ROAn | Royal Observatory Annals | |
ROLun | Reports of the Lund Observatory | |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude |
RORSAT | Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite | |
ROSA | Romanian Space Agency | |
ROSAT | Roentgen Satellite | |
RP | Rocket Propellant | |
RPL | Rocket Propulsion Laboratory | |
RR | Rendezvous Radar | |
RREA | Rendezvous Radar Electronics Assembly | |
RREU | Rendezvous Radar Electronics Unit | |
RSO | Resident Space Object | |
RSRM | Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor | |
RSSPO | Resident Space Shuttle Project Officer | |
RTF | Return To Flight | |
RTG | Radioisotope Thermal Generation | |
RTLS | Return To Launch Site | |
RV | Reentry Vehicle | |
RvGSP | Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics | |
RvMA | Reviews in Modern Astronomy | |
s&t | Sky & Telescope | |
SA | Selective Availability (on GPS transmissions) | |
SAAOC | South African Astronomical Observatory Circular | |
SAB | Spacecraft Assembly Building | |
SABIR | space-based interceptor | |
SAD | Spacecraft Attitude Display | |
SAD | Shuttle Authorized Document | |
SAEF | Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility | |
SAIL | Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (JSC) | |
SAL | Shuttle Avionics Laboratory | |
SAM | Shuttle Attachment ManiPulator | |
SAM | Shuttle Activation Monitor | |
SAMP | Shuttle Automated Mass Properties | |
SAMS | Space Acceleration Measurement System | |
sans | Stellar Autonomous Navigation System | |
SAOCo | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Contributions to Astrophysics | |
SAREX | Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment | |
SARP | Shuttle Astronaut Recruitment Program | |
SAS | Small Astronomy Satellite | |
SATAF | Shuttle Activation Task Force | |
satco | Satellite Communications | |
SATS | Small Applications Technology Satellite | |
Sb | Space Base | |
SBDEW | space-based, directed-energy weapon | |
SBDEWSIM | space-based, directed-energy weapon simulation | |
SBI | Space-Based Interceptor | |
SBKEW | space-based kinetic-energy weapon | |
SBKEWS | space-based kinetic-energy weapon system | |
SBKKV | Space-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle | |
SBKKVWS | space-based kinetic kill vehicle weapon system | |
SBL | Space-Based Laser | |
SBLIP | Space-Based Laser Intercept Program | |
SBNPB | Space-Based Neutral Particle Beam |
sbs | Scientific Business Satellite | |
SBS | Skylab Boost System | |
SBSS | Space-Based Surveillance System | |
SCA | Shuttle Carrier Aircraft | |
SCAN | Shuttle Connector Analysis Network | |
SCDR | Shuttle Critical Design Review | |
SCF | Spacecraft Control Facility | |
SCF | Satellite Control Facility | |
SCOA | Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics | |
SCS | Spacecraft Control System | |
SCSA | Science and Culture Series Astrophysics | |
SCSP | Science and Culture Series Physics | |
SD | Space Divisionsion | |
sdccc | Space Defense Command Communication Center | |
SDCOC | Space Defense Command Operations Center | |
SDD | Shuttle Design Directive | |
SDE | Space Divisionsion Evaluator | |
SDHS | Satellite Data Handling System | |
SDLV | Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle | |
SDM | Shuttle Data Management | |
SDP | Shuttle Data Processor | |
SDR | Spacelab DisPosition Record (ESA) | |
SDS | Space Defense System | |
SDS | Satellite Data System | |
SDSS | Sloan Digital Sky Survey | |
SDSS | Space Divisionsion Shuttle Simulator | |
SDT | Shuttle Data Tape | |
SDV | Shuttle-Derived Vehicle | |
SEADS | Shuttle Entry Air Data Sensor | |
secor | Sequential Collation of Range | |
SECS | Shuttle Events Control Subsystem | |
sef | Space Environmental Facility | |
SEM | space environment monitoring | |
SEMS | Space Environment Monitor System | |
SEOS | Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite | |
SEPAP | Shuttle Electrical Power Analysis Program | |
SEPAR | Shuttle Electrical Power Analysis Report | |
SEPS | Solar Electric Propulsion System | |
SerAJ | Serbian Astronomical Journal | |
SERB | Shuttle Engineering Review Board | |
SERF | Space Environment Research Facility | |
SERS | Shuttle Equipment Record System | |
SES | Shuttle engineering simulator | |
SESC | Shuttle Events Sequential Control | |
SESL | Space Environment Simulation Laboratory | |
SETI | Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence | |
seva | Skylab Extravehicular Visor Assembly | |
SEWS | Satellite Early Warning System | |
SFACI | Software Flight Article Configuration Inspection | |
SFCS | Survival Flight Control System |
SFO | Space Flight Operations | |
SFOF | Space Flight Operations Facility | |
SFOM | Shuttle Flight Operations Manual | |
SFP | Summary Flight Plan | |
SFS | Shuttle Flight Status | |
SFSS | Satellite Field Service Station | |
SFT | Simulated Flight Test | |
SGC | Stabilized Ground Cloud | |
sgemp | Space-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse | |
SHA | Sidereal Hour Angle | |
SHAD | Stellar Horizon Atmospheric Dispersion | |
shad | Stellar Horizon Attitude Determination | |
shar | Stellar Horizon Atmospheric Refraction | |
SI | Scientific Investigation | |
SIA | Solar Inertial Attitude | |
SID | Shuttle Integration Device | |
SIE | Shuttle Interface Equipment | |
SIMAS | Shuttle Information Management Accountability System | |
SIMCAT | simulate observations using space catalog | |
SIMS | Shuttle Inventory Management System | |
SIMS | Shuttle Imaging Microwave System | |
SIR | Shuttle Imaging Radar | |
SIRTF | Space Infrared Telescope Facility | |
SIRTF | Shuttle InfraRed Telescope Facility | |
SIS | Shuttle Interface Simulator | |
SIS | Shuttle Information System | |
SISEX | Shuttle Imaging Spectrometer Experiment | |
SIT | Shuttle Integrated Test | |
SIT | Shuttle Interface Test | |
SLAP | Space Link Access Protocol | |
SLC | Space Launch Complex | |
SLCSAT | submarine laser communications satellite | |
SLF | Shuttle Landing Facility (OLF) | |
SLS | Secondary Landing Site | |
SLSA | Shuttle Logistics Support Aircraft | |
SLV | Space Launch Vehicle | |
SM | Shuttle Management (KSC) | |
SM | Standard Model | |
SMAB | Solid Motor Assembly Building | |
SMB | Space Meteorology Branch | |
SMCC | Shuttle Mission Control Center | |
SMD | Spacelab Mission Development | |
SME | Solar Mesosphere Explorer | |
SMES | Shuttle Mission Engineering Simulator | |
smg | Space Flight Meteorology Group | |
SMIRR | Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer | |
SML | Spacecraft Markup Language | |
SMM | Solar Maximum Mission | |
SMPTRB | Shuttle Main Propulsion Test Requirement Board | |
SMS | Synchronous Meteorological Satellite |
SMS | Shuttle Mission Simulator | |
SMS | Solar Maximum Satellite | |
SMVP | Shuttle Master Verification Plan | |
SMVRD | Shuttle Master Verification Requirements Document | |
SN | Space Network | |
SNAP | Space Nuclear Auxiliary Power | |
SNSB | Swedish National Space Board | |
SNSO | Space Nuclear SYstems Office | |
so | Space Operations | |
SO/SI | space operations and scientific investigation | |
SOAR | Shuttle Orbital Applications and Requirements | |
SOARS | Shuttle Operation Automated Reporting System | |
SOCAR | Shuttle Operational Capability Assessment Report | |
SOCC | Satellite Operations Control Center | |
SOCH | Spacelab Orbiter Common Hardware | |
SODB | Shuttle Operational Data Book | |
SODS | Shuttle Operational Data System | |
SODS | Skylab Orbit-Deorbit System | |
SOF | Safety Of Flight | |
SOI | Space Object Identification | |
SOIS | Spacelab/orbiter interface simulator | |
SOLSTICE | Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment | |
SOMS | Shuttle Orbiter Medical System | |
SOP | Spacelab OPportunity Payload | |
SOPC | Shuttle Operations and Planning Center | |
soph | Solar Physics | |
SOR | Stable Orbit Rendezvous | |
SoSyR | Solar System Research | |
SOT | Solar Optical Telescope | |
SouSt | Southern Skies | |
SP | Solar Physics | |
SPA | Space Processing Application | |
SPACE | Spacecraft Prelaunch Automatic Checkout Equipment | |
SPAD | Shuttle Payload Accommodation Document | |
SPADATS | Space Defense Acquisition and Tracking System | |
SPADCCS | Space Defense Command and Control System | |
spade | Space Acquisition Defense Experiment | |
SPADOC | Space Defense Operations Center | |
SPADS | Shuttle Problem Analysis Data System | |
SPAH | Spacelab Payload Accommodations Handbook | |
SPAN | Spacecraft Analysis | |
SPARS | Space Precision Attitude Reference System | |
SPART | Space Research and Technology | |
SPARTAN | Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy | |
SPAS | Shuttle Pallet Satellite(German) | |
spc | Shuttle Processing Contract | |
SPD | Solar Physics Division | |
sped | Space Education | |
SPF | Spacelab Processing Facility | |
spfl | Spaceflight |
SPICE | Survey Probe Infrared Celestial Experiment | |
SPICE | Spacelab Payload Integration and Coordination in Europe | |
SPIDPO | Shuttle Payload Integration and Development Program Office | |
SPIE | Shuttle Plume Impingement Experiment | |
SPIF | Shuttle Payload Integration Facility | |
SPII | Shuttle Program Implementation Instituteuction | |
SPIMS | Shuttle Program Information Management System | |
SPIRE | Spectral Infrared Rocket Experiment | |
SPIRIT | Spatial Infrared Telescope | |
SpMar | Space Markets | |
SPN | Shuttle Project Notice (KSC) | |
Spoc | Shuttle Portable on-Board Computer | |
SPP | Solar Physics Payload | |
SPP | Simulation Planning Panel | |
SPPIL | Shuttle Preferred Pyrotechnic Items List | |
SpPol | Space Policy | |
SpRBu | Space Research Bulgaria | |
SPRL | Space Physics Research Laboratory | |
SPRMD | Space Power Resources and Manufacturing Development | |
SprRe | Sproul Observatory Reprints | |
SPS | Satellite Power System | |
SPS | Shuttle Procedures Simulator | |
spT | South Pole Telescope | |
Spvw | Spaceview | |
spwd | Space World | |
SpWea | Space Weather | |
SRAG | Space Radiation Analysis Group | |
srb | Solid Rocket Boosters | |
SRBAB | SRB Assembly Building | |
SRBDF | SRB Disassembly Facility | |
SRD | Shuttle Requirements Definition | |
SRD | Shuttle Requirements Document | |
SRF | Shuttle Refurbishment Facility | |
SRL | Space Radar Laboratory | |
SRM | Solid Rocket Motor | |
SRMS | Shuttle Remote Manipulator System | |
SRR | Shuttle Requirements Review | |
SRS | Stellar Radiation Sensor | |
SRSS | Shuttle Range Safety System | |
SRT | Shuttle Requirements Traceability | |
SRU | Space Replaceable Unit | |
ss | Shuttle System | |
ss | Space Segment | |
SS&A | Space Systems And Applications | |
SSA | Space Suit Assembly | |
SSA | Shuttle Simulation Aircraft | |
SSAT | SPace Shuttle Access Tower (now FSS) | |
SSBUV | shuttle solar backscatter ultraviolet (radiometer) | |
SSC | Shuttle System Contractor | |
SSCB | Space Station Control Board |
SSCC | Space Station Control Center | |
SSCHS | Space Shuttle Cargo Handling System | |
SSCL | Shuttle System Commonality List | |
SSCSP | Space Shuttle Crew Safety Panel | |
SSD | Spacecraft Software Divisionsion | |
ssdf | Space Science Development Facility | |
SSDS | Space Station Data System | |
SSE | Space Support Equipment | |
SSEOS | Space Shuttle Engineering and Operations Support | |
SSF | Space Station Freedom | |
SSFGSS | Space Shuttle Flight and Ground System Specification | |
SSFL | Santa Susana Field Laboratory | |
SSFP | Space Station Freedom Program | |
SSGSR | Springer Verlag Springer Series on Group Geophysics Space Research | |
SSI | Space Science Instrumentation | |
SSIBD | Shuttle System Interface Block Diagram | |
SSIP | Shuttle Student Involvement Project | |
SSIS | Space Station Information System | |
SSITP | Shuttle System Integrated Test Plan | |
SSLV | Standard Small Launch Vehicle | |
SSM/I | Special Sensor Microwave/Imager | |
SSMB | Space Shuttle Maintenance Baseline | |
SSME | Space Shuttle Main Engine | |
SSMEC | Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller | |
SSMTF | Space Station Man-Systems Training Facility | |
SSO | Space Shuttle Orbiter | |
SSOP | Space Systems Operating Procedure(s) | |
SSP | Surface Science Packages | |
Ssp | Space Station Program | |
SSP | Space Shuttle Program | |
ssp | Subsolar Point | |
SSPC | Spacelab Stored Program Command | |
SSPD | Shuttle System Payload Description | |
SSPD | Shuttle System Payload Data | |
SSPD | Shuttle System Payload Definition (Study) | |
SSPDA | Space Shuttle Payload Data Activity | |
SSPDS | Space Shuttle Payload Data Study | |
SSPF | Space Station Processing Facility | |
SSPGSE | Space Shuttle Program Ground Support Equipment | |
SSPM | Space Shuttle Program Manager | |
SSPO | Space Shuttle Program Office | |
SSPP | Space Station Program Participant | |
SSPPSG | Space Shuttle Payload Planning Steering Group | |
SSPRO | Space Shuttle Program Resident Office | |
SSPRv | Space and Solar Power Review | |
ssps | Solar Satellite Power Station | |
SSPS | Space Shuttle Program Schedule | |
SSRMS | Space Station Remote Manipulator System | |
ssrv | Space Science Reviews | |
sss | Spinning Sun Sensor |
SSSS | Space Shuttle System Specification | |
Ssst | Space Station System Trainer | |
SST | Spacecraft Systems Test | |
sst | Space Surveillance and Tracking | |
SSTC | Space Shuttle Test Conductor | |
SSTF | Space Station Training Facility | |
SSTO | Single-Stage-to-Orbit | |
SSTS | Space Surveillance and Tracking System | |
SSUS | Spinning Solid Upper Stage | |
SSUSP | Spinning Solid Upper Stage Project | |
SSV | Space Shuttle Vehicle | |
ST | Space Telescope | |
ST | Star Tracker | |
ST | Spacelab Technology | |
STA | Shuttle Training Aircraft | |
STACC | Standard Telemetry And Communications Component | |
STAG | Shuttle Turnaround AnalYsis Group | |
STAR | Shuttle Turnaround Analysis Report | |
STATS | star tracker alignment test set | |
STBE | Space Transportation Booster Engine | |
STC | Space Technology Center | |
STC | Satellite Test Center | |
STC | Spacecraft Test Conductor | |
stdn | Spacecraft Tracking and Data Network | |
SteRe | Steward Observatory Reprints | |
STERJ | Solar, Terrestrial and Environmental Research Japan | |
STF | Satellite Test Facility | |
STICA | Space Technology Industrial and Commercial Applications | |
STL | Space Technology Laboratories | |
StMaP | Studies in Mathematical Physics | |
STME | Space Transportation Main Engine | |
STO | Solar Terrestrial Observatory | |
STP | Space Test Program | |
STP | Space Technology Payload | |
STP | Space Test Payload | |
STP | Shuttle Technology Panel | |
STP | Solar-Terrestrial Physics | |
STS | Shuttle Test Station | |
STS | Space Transportation System | |
STSCI | Space Telescope Science Institute | |
StSky | Star Sky | |
STSS | Space Tracking and Surveillance System | |
SUMC | Space Ultrareliable Modular Computer | |
SUMS | Shuttle Upper Atmosphere Mass Spectrometer | |
SUSIM | Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor | |
SUVSR | Scandinavian Union of Amateur Astronomers Variable Star Section | |
SV | Shuttle Vehicle | |
SV | Space Vehicle | |
sva | Soviet Astronomy | |
SVA&C | Shuttle Vehicle Assembly And Checkout |
SVAB | Shuttle Vehicle Assembly Building | |
SVAC | Shuttle Vehicle Assembly And Checkout (Facility) | |
SVAL | Soviet Astronomy Letters | |
SVB | Shuttle Vehicle Booster | |
SVB | Space Vehicle Booster | |
SVO | Space Vehicle Operations (KSC Dir.) | |
SVPCS | Springer Verlag Springer Series on Physics Chemistry Space | |
SvPhA | Soviet Physics Astronomy | |
SW | Solar Wing | |
swan | Solar Wind ANisotropy | |
SWAS | Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite | |
SydOP | Sydney Observatory Papers | |
TACSATCOM | Tactical Satellite Communications | |
TALAR | tactical approach and landing radar | |
TAUVEX | Tel Aviv University Ultraviolet Explorer | |
tdrs | Tracking and Data Relay Satellites | |
TDRSS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System | |
TDS | Technology Demonstration Satellite | |
TEA | Torque Equilibrium Attitude | |
TecRv | Technology Review | |
tecu | Technology and Culture | |
TFI | Time from Ignition | |
TFL | Time from Launch | |
TFS | Telemetry Format Selection | |
TGs | Telemetry Ground System | |
TGS | Telemetry Ground Station | |
TGSE | Telemetry Ground Support Equipment | |
ThAst | Theoretical Astrophysics | |
THEL | Tactical High Energy Laser | |
THEMIS | Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sunstorms | |
TIFS | Total In-Flight Simulator | |
TIG | time of ignition | |
TIROS | Television InfraRed Observation Satellite (POES) | |
TIUCS | Transactions of the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research | |
TKSC | Tsukuba Space Center | |
TMG | Thermal Meteoroid Garment | |
TMR | TOPEX Microwave Radiometer (EOS) | |
TNO | Trans-Neptunian Object | |
TOI | Transfer Orbit Insertion | |
TokAB | Tokyo Astronomical Bulletin | |
TokRe | Tokyo Astronomical Observatory Reprints | |
TOS | Transfer Orbit Stage | |
TOW | Tank and Orbiter Weight | |
TOYal | Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University | |
Tp | Time to Perigee | |
tr | Teleoperator Retrieval | |
TR | time to retrofire | |
TR/SBS | Teleoperator Retrieval/Skylab Boost System | |
TT&C | Tracking, Telemetry, and Command | |
TT&C | Telemetry, Tracking and Communications |
TTA | Time to Apogee | |
TTC | Telemetry Telecommand and Control | |
TTP | Time to Perigee | |
TUASB | Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Bulletin | |
TUASR | Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Report | |
UARS | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (NASA) | |
UCLAP | University of California Los Angeles - Astronomical Papers | |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object | |
UIT | Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope | |
ulas | Union List of Astronomy Serials | |
ULV | Unmanned Launch Vehicle | |
UNOOSA | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs | |
UNPSA | United Nations Programme on Space Applications | |
UNSC | United Nations Space Command | |
UOSAT | Universityrsity of Surrey Satellite | |
UppAn | Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Annals | |
UppOR | Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Reports | |
UPS | Upright Perigee Stage | |
USA | United Space Alliance | |
USASATCOMA | United States Army Satellite and Communication Agency | |
USASDG | United States Army Space Defense Group | |
USNOC | United States Naval Observatory Circulars | |
USNOR | United States Naval Observatory Reports | |
usoc | Unified System Orbit Computation | |
USRA | Universities Space Research Association | |
UVF | Unmanned Vertical Flight | |
VAB | Vertical Assembly Building | |
VatOP | Vatican Observatory Publications | |
VFI | Verification Flight Instituteumentation | |
VFR | Visual Flight Rule | |
VFT | Verification Flight Test | |
VGRF | Variable-Gravity Research Facility | |
VHAA | Very High Altitude Abort | |
VilCo | Villanova University Observatory Contributions | |
VISTAR | visible space tracking and reconnaissance | |
VLPS | Vandenberg Launch Processing System | |
VLS | Vertical Launch System | |
VOIR | Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar | |
VPC | Vapor Phase Compression | |
VRM | Venus Radar Mapper | |
VSOLB | Variable Star Observers League in Japan - Bulletin | |
VSSCi | Variable Star Section Circulars | |
VSSRe | Variable Star Section Reprints | |
VSSSC | Variable Star Section Special Circulars | |
VSTAG | Vandenberg Shuttle Turnaround AnalYsis Group | |
VTF | Vertical Test Flight | |
VTS | Vandenberg Tracking Station (AFSCN) | |
VVORe | Van Vleck Observatory Reprints | |
WasOA | Washburn Observatory Astrophysics | |
WCSAR | Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics |
WilOO | Williamstown Observatory Observations | |
WinAR | Windsor Observatory Annual Report | |
WIRE | Wide-Field Infrared Explorer | |
WISE | Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer | |
WOMBAT | Wavelength-Oriented Microwave Background Analysis Team | |
WroRe | Wroclaw Astronomical Observatory Reprints | |
WSMC | Western Space and Missile Center | |
WSMCR | Western Space and Missile Center Regulation | |
WSMCR | Western Space and Missile Center Range | |
WUPPE | Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photopolarimeter Experiment | |
XEUS | X-Ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy Mission |