Governmental & Military >> Army & Military Abbreviations
Look through 5000 acronyms and abbreviations related to Army & Military:
/s/ | Signature | |
3M | Material, Maintenance, Management | |
5D | Demand-Driven Direct Digital Dissemination | |
a | Acting Rank | |
A-TM | Alpha Team (Special Forces Operational Detachment) | |
A/C | Aircraft Commander | |
A/D | Analog/Digital | |
A/JSIC | Alternate JSIC | |
A2 | Air Force Intelligence Staff Officer | |
a2c2 | Army Airspace Communications and Control | |
A3I | Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative | |
AA | Anti-Aircraft | |
AAA | anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A" | |
AAAOB | Antiaircraft Artillery Order of Battle | |
AAAV | Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle | |
AABNCP | Advanced Airborne National Command Post | |
AAC | Alaskan Air Command | |
AACB | Aeronautics & Astronautics Coordinating Board | |
AACE | Army Alternate Command and Control Element | |
AACOMS | Army Area Communications System | |
AACS | Attitude and Antenna Control Subsystem | |
AAD | Airborne Assault Division | |
AAD | Armoured Amphibious Dozer | |
AADCCS | Area Air Defense Command and Control System | |
AADP | Area Air Defense Plan | |
AADS | antiaircraft defense system | |
AAE | Army Acquisition Executive | |
AAFES | Army and Air Force Exchange Service | |
AAFIF | Automated Air Facilities Information File | |
AAG | Anti-Aircraft Gun | |
AAG | Army Artillery Group | |
AAI | Air-to-Air Intercept | |
AAIFF | Air-to-Air Identification Friend or Foe | |
AAK | Appliqué armor kit (US) | |
AAN | Army After Next | |
AAO | Analysis of the Area of Operations | |
AAPC | Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (Turkey) | |
AAPCI | Atlantic Agri-Products Competitiveness Initiative | |
AAR | After Action Review | |
AARADCOM | Army Armament Research and Development Command | |
AAS | Analyst Automation Segment | |
AASLT | Air Assault | |
AATS | Automated Architecture Tool Suite | |
AAV | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | |
AAVS | Aerospace Audiovisual Service | |
AAW | Anti-Air Warfare | |
AAWC | Anti-Air Warfare Commander | |
AB | Air Base | |
AB | Air Burst | |
AB(C) | Aviation battalion(combat) |
AB2 | Air Battle Command System Brigade and Below | |
ABC | Automatic Brightness Control | |
ABC | Airborne Corps | |
ABC | Atomic, Biological, Chemical | |
ABCCC | Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center | |
ABCOMM | Alternate/Backup Communications | |
ABE | Automated Buyer Environment (Bilingual client/server that automates the federal government's procurement operations) | |
ABIC | Army Battlefield Interface Concept | |
ABIT | advanced built-in test | |
ABM | anti-ballistic missile | |
ABM | air bursting munition | |
ABMA | Army Ballistic Missile Agency | |
ABMS | air bursting ammunition system | |
ABN | Airborne | |
ABR | Available Bit Rate | |
ABRO | Army Base Repair Organisation | |
ABSV | Armoured Battlegroup Support Vehicle | |
AC | Alternating Current | |
AC-130 | AFSOF Spectre Gunship | |
AC2MP | Army Command & Control Master Plan | |
AC2SMAN | Alaskan Command and Control System Military utomated Network | |
aca | Ammunition Container Assembly | |
ACAAM | Air Courses of Action Assessment Model | |
ACACS | Army Command & Area Communications System | |
ACAVP | Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform | |
ACCB | Army Configuration Control Board | |
ACCE | Abrams/Crusader Common Engine | |
ACCHAN | Allied Command Channel | |
ACCIS | Allied Command and Control Information System | |
ACCO | Army Central Control Office | |
ACCV | Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle (US) | |
acda | Arms Control and Disarmament Agency's | |
ACDS | Advanced Combat Direction System | |
ACDUTRA | Active Duty Training | |
ACE | Armored Combat Earthmover (US) | |
ACES | Automated Command and Control Evaluation System | |
ACEVAL | Air Combat Evaluation | |
ACF | Alternate Command Facility | |
ACFT | Aircraft | |
ACH | Advanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet) | |
ACI | Airborne Controlled Intercept | |
ACINT | Acoustic Intelligence | |
ACIS | Arms Control Intelligence Staff | |
ACIS (now BIS) | Automated Customs Information Service | |
ACL | Access Control List | |
ACLANT | Allied Commander Atlantic | |
ACLOS | Automatic Command to Line of Sight | |
ACOG | Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight | |
ACOS/I | Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence |
ACOUSTINT | Acoustical Intelligence | |
ACP | Automatic Colt Pistol | |
ACPERS | Army Civilian Personnel System | |
ACR | Armored Cavalry Regiment | |
ACR | Advanced Combat Rifle | |
ACRV | Armoured Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle | |
ACS | Artillery communications system | |
ACS/I | Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence | |
ACSA | Allied Communications Security Agency | |
ACSB | Amphibious Contingency Support Briefs | |
ACSC | Air Command and Staff College | |
ACSI | Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, HQ USAF | |
ACST | Advisory Council on Science and Technology | |
ACTEDS | Army Civilian Training, Education & Development System | |
ACU | Army Combat Uniform | |
ACV | Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle (US) | |
ACVT | Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program (US) | |
ADA | Air Defense Artillery | |
ADACP | Alcohol & Drug Abuse Control Program | |
ADAM | Area Denial Artillery Munition | |
ADAMS | Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US) | |
ADAPCP | Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Program | |
ADAPT | Automated Decisionmaking and Program Timeline | |
ADARS | Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement | |
ADATS | Agricultural Development And Training Society - Air Defence Anti-Tank System - Australian Defence Air Traffic System | |
ADATS | Air Defense Antitank System Threat Simulators | |
ADBT | Advanced Data Base Technology | |
ADC-A | Assistant Division Commander – Fire and Maneuver | |
ADC-B | Assistant Division Commander – Combat Support | |
ADCAP | Advanced Capability | |
ADCC | Air Defense Command Center | |
ADCCP | Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures | |
ADCON | Administrative Control | |
ADCSOPS | Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations & Plans | |
ADDIS | Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery System | |
ADDISS | Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System | |
ADDO | Associate Deputy Director of Operations | |
ADDO(MA) | Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Affairs | |
ADDO(MS) | Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Support | |
ADDS | Army Data Distribution System | |
ADDU | Additional Duty | |
ADEA | Army Development & Employment Agency | |
ADEW | Airborne Directed Energy Weapons | |
ADF | Australian Defence Force | |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finding | |
ADFH | Air Deployable Forward Headquarters | |
ADG | Deperming Ship | |
ADI | Australian Defence Industries Ltd | |
ADI | Air Defense Initiative | |
ADIC | Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center |
ADIEC | Army Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability | |
ADIO | Additional Duty Intelligence Officer | |
ADISS | Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System | |
ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone | |
ADJ | Adjutant | |
ADLP | Advanced Datalink Protocol | |
ADN | ACE DGZ Number | |
ADNET | Antidrug Network | |
ADOC | Air Defense Operations Center | |
ADP-MIS | Automated Data Processing Management Information System | |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation | |
ADPE | Automatic Data Processing Equipment | |
ADPSSM | Automated Data Processing Systems Security Manual | |
ADPSSO | ADP Special Security Officer | |
ADPSSP | Automated Data Processing System Security Program | |
ADRG | Advanced Digitized Raster Graphics | |
ADRI | Arc Digital Raster Imagery | |
ADSS | Aerospace Defense Systems Subcommittee | |
ADSTAR | Advanced Document Storage & Retrieval System | |
ADSW | Active Duty for Special Work | |
ADTLP | Army Doctrine and Training Literature Program | |
ADTOC | Air Defense Tactical Operations Center | |
ADTS | Adversary Threat Squadron | |
ADVAL | Air Defense Evaluation Test | |
ADVON | Advanced Echelon | |
ADX | Air Defense Exercise | |
ADZ | Air Defense Zone | |
AE | Action Express | |
AEAO | Airborne Emergency Action Officer | |
AEC | ASARS Exploitation Cell | |
AECB | Atomic Energy Control Board | |
aecl | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited's | |
AEDS | Atomic Energy Detection System | |
AEF | Allied Expeditionary Force | |
AEICC | Area Emergency Information Coordination Center | |
AEM | Missile Tender | |
AEMS | Automated Edge Measurement System | |
AEN | Arbitrary ELINT Notation | |
AEOS | Advanced Electro-Optical Sensor | |
AEROFLOT | Former Soviet Union Civil Airline | |
AESA | Active Electronically Scanned Array | |
AESC | Aerospace Environmental Support Center | |
aetc | Air Education and Training Command's | |
AETCAE | Army Europe Technical Control and Analysis Element | |
AEV | Armored Engineer Vehicle | |
AEV | Armoured engineer vehicle | |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning | |
AEW&C | Airborne Early Warning and Control | |
AEXDP | Accelerated Executive Development Program(Learning program under CCMD) | |
AF | Air Force |
AF ACSI | Air Force Chief of Staff Intelligence | |
AF/VC | Air Force Vice Chief of Staff | |
AFA | Aerial Field Artillery | |
AFAITC | Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center | |
AFAL | Air Force Armament Laboratory | |
AFAMPE | USAF Automated Message Processing Exchange | |
AFAP | Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectile | |
AFARN | Air Force Air Request Net | |
AFARV | Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle (US) | |
AFAS | Advanced Field Artillery System | |
AFC | Australian Flying Corps | |
AFC4A | USAF Command, Control, Communications and Computer Agency | |
AFCA | Air Force Collection Assets | |
AFCEA | Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association | |
AFCS | automatic fire-control systems | |
AFCSC | Air Force Cryptologic Support Center | |
AFD | Alternative Forms of Delivery(PWGSC initiative) | |
AFD | Automatic Feeding Device | |
AFDB | Auxiliary Floating Drydock (large) | |
AFDD | Air Force Doctrine Document | |
AFDIGS | Air Force Digital Graphic Systems | |
AFDL | Auxiliary Floating Drydock (small) | |
AFDM | Auxiliary Floating Drydock Medium | |
AFDT | AEELS Fixed Downlink Terminal | |
AFEOC | Air Force Emergency Operations Center | |
AFEWC | Air Force Electronic Warfare Center | |
AFFIS | Airfield Facilities Information System | |
AFFOR | Air Force (Component) Forces | |
AFGCCS | USAF Global Command and Control System | |
AFGL | Air Force Geophysics Laboratory | |
AFGWS | Air Force Ground Weather Stations | |
AFIA | Air Force Intelligence Agency | |
AFICE | Air Forces Iceland | |
AFICP | Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan | |
AFIES | Armed Forces Imagery Exploitation System | |
AFIISP | Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plan | |
AFIP | Air Force Intelligence Plan | |
AFIS | Air Force Intelligence Service/Study | |
AFISA | Air Force Intelligence Support Agency | |
AFITC | Air Force Intelligence Training Center | |
AFIWC | Air Force Information Warfare Center | |
AFLAN | AFSOC Local/Wide Area Network | |
AFLANT | Air Forces, Atlantic | |
aflc | Air Force Logistics Command's | |
AFLE | Air Force Liaison Element | |
AFLO | Air Force Liaison Office | |
AFM | Air Force Manual | |
AFMD/GF | Air Forces of the Military District/Group of Forces | |
AFMIC | Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center | |
AFMPC | Air Force Military Personnel Center |
AFMSIS | Air Force Modeling and Simulation Information System | |
AFMSS | Air Force Mission Support System | |
AFNORTH | Air Force North; Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO) | |
AFOC | Air Force Operations Center | |
AFOE | Assault Follow-On Echelon | |
AFOSI | Air Force Office of Special Investigations | |
AFOSP | Air Force Office of Security Police | |
AFOSR | Air Force Office Of Scientific Research(USA) | |
AFOTEC | Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center's | |
AFSAA | Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency | |
AFSAC | Air Force Special Activities Center | |
AFSAT | Air Force Satellite | |
AFSATCOM | Air Force Satellite Communications System | |
AFSC | United States Air Force specialty code | |
AFSCF | Air Force Satellite Control Facility | |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network | |
AFSCOORD | Assistant Fire Support Coordinator | |
AFSIP | Air Force Satellite Intelligence Program | |
AFSOB | Air Force Special Operations Base | |
AFSOD | Air Force Special Operations Detachment | |
AFSOE | Air Force Special Operations Element | |
AFSOF | Air Force Special Operations Forces | |
AFSOS | Air Force Special Operations School | |
AFSOUTH | Allied Forces, Southern Europe | |
AFSOUTHCOM | Air Force Southern Command | |
AFSPACECOM | Air Force Space Command | |
AFSPC | Air Force Space Command | |
AFSPCIP | Air Force Space Command Intelligence Plan | |
AFSPOC | Air Force Space Operations Center | |
AFSSE | Air Force Space Surveillance Element | |
AFSST | Air Force Space Support Team | |
AFSTC | Air Force Space Technology Center | |
AFSV | armoured fire support vehicle | |
AFTAC | Air Force Technical Applications Center | |
AFTACIES | Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System | |
AFTF | Air Force Task Force | |
AFTFWC | Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center | |
AFTOCONF | Air Tasking Order Confirmation | |
AFV | Armored Fighting Vehicle | |
AFV | Armored Family of Vehicles (US) | |
AFWAL | Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory | |
AFWARNS | Air Force Warning System | |
AFWCCS | Air Force Wing Command and Control System | |
AFWL | Air Force Weapons Laboratory | |
AGARD | Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development | |
AGB | Icebreaker | |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control | |
AGCCS | Army's Global Command and Control System | |
AGDS | Deep Submergence Support Ship (misc) | |
AGE | Experimental Auxiliary |
AGEF | Frigate Research Ship | |
AGEH | Experimental Auxiliary (Hydrofoil) | |
AGER | Intelligence Research Ship | |
AGES | Advanced Ground Exploitation System | |
AGF | Army ground forces | |
AGF | Miscellaneous Command Ship | |
AGHS | Patrol Combatant Support Ship | |
AGL | Automatic Grenade Launcher | |
AGL | Above Ground Level | |
AGLS | Automatic Gun Laying System | |
AGMET | Agriculture and Meteorology | |
AGMR | Major Communications Relay Ship | |
AGMS | Armored Ground Mobility System | |
AGOR | Oceanographic Research Ship (misc) | |
AGP | Patrol Craft Tender (misc) | |
Agr | Army Guard Reserve | |
AGS | armored gun system (US) | |
AGT | Agent | |
agv | Assault Gun Vehicle | |
AGVT | Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology | |
AGZ | Actual Ground Zero | |
AH | Ampere-Hour | |
AHC | Attack Helicopter Company (USA) | |
AHFEWS | Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System | |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. | |
AIAWS | Automated Intelligence Analyst Workstation | |
AIB | Atlantic Intelligence Board | |
AICBM | Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile | |
AICS | Accuracy International Chassis System | |
AICW | Advanced Individual Combat Weapon | |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI) | |
AIFS | Advanced Indirect Fire System | |
AIFV | Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
AIIC | Advanced Imagery Interpretation Course | |
AIIF | Automated Installation Intelligence File | |
AIIRS | Automated Intelligence Information Retrieval System | |
AIM | Air Intercept Missile | |
AIMD | Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department | |
AIMP | Army Intelligence Management Plan | |
AIMTB | Artificial Intelligence Module Testbed | |
AIN | Advanced Intelligence Network | |
AIO | Air Intelligence Officer | |
AIOEC | Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries | |
AIP | Architecture Implementation Plan | |
AIPR | Automated Information Processing Request | |
AIPS | Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (US) | |
AIRA | Air Attache | |
AIRCENT | Air Forces Central Region (NATO) | |
AIRCOM | Air Command | |
AIRCOMTERM | Airborne Communications Terminal |
AIRES | Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System | |
AIRES II | Airborne Reconnaissance Electronic System II | |
AIREW | Airborne Infrared Early Warning | |
AIRK | Area Interswitch Rekeying Key | |
AIRLO | Air Liaison Officer | |
AIRREQRECON | Air Request Reconnaissance | |
AIRS | Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere | |
AIRTAPS | Aerial Imagery Reconnaissance Tracking And Plotting System | |
AIS | Automated Indicator System | |
AISA | Automated Intelligence Support Activity | |
AISS | Automated Information Systems Security | |
AIST | Air Intelligence Support Team | |
AITE | Advanced Indications Technology Experiment | |
AIU | Army Interrogation Unit | |
AIWO | Air Intelligence Warning Officer | |
AIWS | Advanced Interdiction Weapon System | |
AJ | Antijamming | |
AJCC | Alternate Joint Communications Center | |
AJFP | Adaptive Joint Force Package | |
AJNPE | Airborne Joint Nuclear Planning Element | |
AKA | Also Know As | |
AKD/RCU | Automatic Key Distribution/Rekeying Control Unit | |
AKDC | Automatic Key Distribution Center | |
AKL | Light Cargo Ship | |
AKM | Apogee Kick Motor | |
AKMC | Automated Key Management Center | |
AKMS | Automated Key Management System | |
AKR | Vehicle Cargo Ship | |
AKTCAE | Army Korea Technical Control And Analysis Element | |
ALAAVS | Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System (US) | |
ALAIRCOM | Alaskan Air Command | |
ALARM | Alert Locate And Report Missiles | |
ALASAT | Air-Launched Antisatellite | |
ALASCOM | Alaskan Communications Inc. | |
ALB | Air-Land Battle Doctrine (FM 100-5) | |
ALBM | Air-Launched Ballistic Missile | |
ALC | Accounting Legend Code | |
ALC | Advanced Land Combat (US) | |
ALCATS | Automated Lines of Communication and Target System | |
ALCC | Airlift Control Center | |
ALCE | Airlift Control Element | |
ALCM | Air-Launched Cruise Missile | |
ALCOP | Alternate Command Post | |
ALCOR | ARPA Lincoln CBand Observable Radar | |
ALCS | Airborne Launch Control System | |
ALD | Airlift Division | |
ALE | AIRES Lifecycle Extension | |
ALERT | Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater (AF) | |
ALES | AIRES Life Extension System | |
ALF | Auxiliary Landing Field |
ALFA | Advanced Liaison Forward Area | |
ALICE | All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment | |
ALL | Airborne Laser Laboratory | |
ALMS | Automated Logistics Management System | |
ALO | Air Liaison Officer | |
ALOC(S) | Air Line(s) of Communication | |
ALPS | Accidental Launch Protection System | |
ALRAAM | Air-Launched Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile | |
ALRP-S | Army Long-Range Plan for Space | |
ALRPG | Army Long-Range Planning Guidance | |
ALS | Advanced laying system | |
ALS | Active Laser Seeker | |
ALSA | Air-Land-Sea Application (Center) | |
ALSS | Advanced Location Strike System | |
alsv | Armoured Logistics Support Vehicle | |
ALT | Armoured Launching Turret | |
ALTAlR | ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar | |
ALTREV | Altitude Reservation | |
ALUSNA | American Legation U.S. Naval Attache | |
ALUSNLO | American Legation U.S. Naval Liaison Officer | |
ALWT | Advanced Lightweight Torpedo | |
ALWTIC | Annual Land Warfare Technical Intelligence Conference | |
AM | Ante Meridian | |
AMAB | Air Mobile Assault Brigade | |
AMASS | Advanced Marine Airborne SlGlNT System | |
AMBISS | Automated Map-Based Intelligence Support System | |
AMC | Airspace Management and Control | |
AMC | Advanced Mortar Carrier (Turkey) | |
AMC/IN | AMC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence | |
AMCC | Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications | |
AMCCOM | Armament Munitions and Chemical Command | |
AMCIT | American Citizen | |
AMD | Activated Metal Decoy | |
amds | Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot | |
AMDT | AEELS Mobile Downlink Terminal | |
AME | Airspace Management Element | |
AMEMB | American Embassy | |
AMES | Aerospace, Marine and Electronics Systems Sector (Procurement organization within PWGSC) | |
AMF | Amphibische Mehrzweck-Fahrzeuge (multipurpose amphibious vehicle) | |
AMF | Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO) | |
AMH | Automated Message Handling | |
AMHA | Army Management Headquarters Activity | |
AMIDS | Airborne Mine Detection System | |
AMIM | Army Modernization Information Memorandum | |
AMIP | Army Model Improvement Plan | |
AMIRS | Army Multispectral Imagery Requirements Study | |
AMIS | Advanced Microwave Imaging Sensor | |
AML | Automitrailleuse Légère (light armoured car) | |
AMLCD | Active-matrix liquid crystal display | |
AMMS | Allowance Material Management System |
AMOPES | Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System | |
AMOPS | Army Mobilization Operations and Planning System | |
AMOS | Advanced Mortar System | |
AMOS | Air Force Maui Optical System | |
AMP | Amplification | |
AMPDS | Automated Message Processing Dissemination System | |
AMPE | Automated Message Processing Exchange | |
AMPHI | Aerial Mission Photographic Indoctrination | |
AMPHIB | Amphibious | |
Ampl | Amplitude | |
AMPS | Automated Mission Planning System | |
AMR | Anti-materiel rifle | |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile | |
AMRWS | Advanced Remote Miniaturized Weather Station | |
AMRWS | Advanced Multi-Role Weapon Station | |
ams | Armoured Mortar System | |
AMS | Automated Message System | |
AMS-H | Advanced Missile System - Heavy | |
AMSAT | Amateur Radio Satellite | |
AMSC | Advanced Military Spaceflight Capability | |
AMSSA | Assured Mission Support Space Architecture | |
AMST | Advanced Medium STOL Transport | |
AMT | ACTS Mobile Terminal | |
AMTF | Airmobile Task Force | |
AMTP | Army Mission Training Plan | |
AMTRAC | APC used by the Marines AO: Area of Operations. | |
AMU | Astronaut Maneuvering Unit | |
AMX | Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux | |
AN | Net Tender | |
AN/VRC | Army Navy Vehicle Radio Communications | |
ANAD | Anniston Army Depot | |
ANALIT | Analyst-to-Analyst Message Format | |
ANCC | Ashore Navy Communications Capability | |
ANDVT | Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal | |
ANEX | Analyst-to-Analyst Exchange Message Format | |
ANFO | Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Explosive | |
ANGB | Army National Guard Base | |
ANGLlCO | Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company | |
ANL | Net-Laying Ship | |
ANLYS | Analysis | |
ANMCC | Alternate National Military Command Center | |
ANMIC | Alternate National Military Intelligence Center | |
ANR | Alaskan NORAD Region | |
ANRPC | Association of Natural Rubber-Producing Countries | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute, Inc. | |
ANVIS | Aviator's Night Vision Imaging System | |
ANZAC | Australia and New Zealand Army Corps | |
ANZUS | Australia-New Zealand-United States Treaty | |
AO | Area of operations | |
AO&M/NM | Administration, Operations, and Maintenance/Network Management |
AOA | Amphibious Objective Area | |
AOB | Air Order of Battle | |
AOBTS | Air Order of Battle Textual Summary | |
AOCC | Area Operations Control Center | |
AOCS | Aviation Officer's Candidate School | |
AOE | Fast Combat Support Ship (underway Replenishment) | |
AOFDA | U.S. AID Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance | |
AOG | Gasoline Tanker (misc) | |
AOI | Area of Influence | |
AOI | Arab Organisation for Industrialisation | |
AOIC | Assistant Officer in Charge | |
AOIR | ACE Operational Intelligence Requirements | |
AOL | Area of Limitation | |
AOO | Air Operations Order | |
AOR | Area of Responsibility. The assigned area to any given unit. | |
AOS | Special Liquids Tanker | |
AOS | Add-on stabilisation | |
AOSG | Amphibious Operation Support Graphic | |
AOSS | automated office support system | |
AOT | Transport Oiler | |
AOTF | Acoustic-Optic Tunable Filter | |
AP | Armor-Piercing | |
AP | Anti-personnel | |
AP-I | Armor Piercing Incendiary | |
APAM | Anti-personnel, anti-matériel | |
APB | Self-propelled Barracks Ship (misc) | |
APBC | Armour-piercing ballistic cap | |
APC | Armoured personnel carrier | |
APC-T | Armour-piercing capped – tracer | |
APCBC | Armour-piercing capped ballistic cap | |
APCC | Alternate Processing and Correlation Center | |
apcnr | Armour-piercing Composite Non-rigid | |
APCR | Armour-piercing composite rigid | |
APCRBC | Armour-piercing composite rigid ballistic cap | |
APCT-BF | Armour-piercing capped tracer – base fuze | |
APDS | Armour-piercing discarding sabot | |
APDS-T | Armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer | |
APE | Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle) | |
APEP | Armour-Piercing Enhancement Programme | |
APERS | Anti-Personnel | |
APERS-T | Anti-personnel tracer | |
APFIDS | Armour-piercing fragmentation incendiary discarding sabot | |
APFSDS | Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot | |
APFSDS(P) | Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (practice) | |
APFSDS-T | Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer | |
APFSDSDU | Armour piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, depleted uranium | |
APG | Aberdeen Proving Ground | |
APGM | Autonomous precision-guided munition | |
APHC | Armour-piercing hard core | |
aphe | Armour-Piercing High Explosive |
APHIS | U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | |
API | Armour-piercing incendiary | |
APIT | Armour-piercing incendiary tracer | |
APL | Barracks Craft (non self-propelled) | |
APM | Anti-Personnel Mine | |
APM | Army Program Memorandum | |
APMS | Automated Production Management System | |
APOD | Aerial Port of Debarkation | |
APOE | Aerial Port of Embarkation | |
APORTS | Aerial Ports File (JOPES) | |
APPL | Application | |
approx | Approximate | |
APS | ASARS-II Processing Segment | |
aps | Artillery Pointing System | |
APSA | Armour piercing secondary effect | |
APSE | Armour-piercing secondary effect | |
APSE-T | Armour-piercing secondary effect – tracer | |
APT | Automatic Picture Transmission | |
APT | Armour-piercing tracer | |
APTE | Abrams Power Train Evolution (US) | |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit | |
APV | Armoured Patrol Vehicle | |
APVO | FSU Air Defense Aviation | |
APW | American Prisoner of War | |
AQF | Advanced QUICKFIX | |
AR | Assault Rifle | |
AR | Advanced Readiness | |
AR/AAV | Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle (US) | |
ARA | Aerial Rocket Artillery | |
Arabsat | Arab Satellite Communications | |
ARB | Battle Damage Repair Ship | |
ARC | Cable Ship | |
ARCENT | U.S. Army Forces Central Command | |
ARCENT-K | USACENT forward element-Kuwait | |
ARCENT-SA | USACENT forward element-Saudi Arabia | |
Arch | Architect | |
ARCOM | Army Command | |
ARCS | Automated Reproduction and Collating System | |
ARD | Anti-Reflective Device | |
ARDC | Air Research and Development Command | |
ARDEC | Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center | |
ARDF | Airborne Radio Direction Finding | |
ARDM | Auxiliary Repair Drydock | |
ARDNOT | Automatic day/night optical tracker | |
ARE | Atelier de Construction Roanne | |
AREC | Air Element Coordinator | |
AREPT | Agent Report | |
ARETS | Armour Remote Target System | |
ARF | Airborne Relay Facility | |
ARFCOS | Armed Forces Courier Service |
ARFORGEN | Army Force Generation | |
ARIS | Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship | |
ARL | Landing Craft Repair Ship | |
ARL-I | Airborne Reconnaissance Low-Imagery | |
ARLANT | U.S. Army Forces | |
ARLEA | Army Logistics Evaluation Agency | |
ARLO | Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer | |
ARMA | Army Attache | |
ARMAD | Armoured and Mechanised Unit Air Defence | |
ARMISE | Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element | |
ARMLO | Army Liaison Officer | |
ARMSCOR | Armament Manufacturing Corporation (South Africa) | |
ARMVAL | Anti-armor vehicle evaluation (US) | |
ARO | Area Records Officer | |
ARP | Alert Response Plan | |
ARP | Anti-Radiation Projectile | |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency (made early internet) | |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (early internet) | |
ARPS | Advanced Radar Processing System | |
ARPV | Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle | |
ARR | Radiological Repair Ship | |
ARRADCOM | Armament Research and Development Command | |
ARRN | Andean Ridge Radar Network | |
ARRS | Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service | |
ARRV | Armoured repair and recovery vehicle | |
ARS | Salvage and Rescue Ship | |
ARSA | Annual Reevaluation of Safe Areas | |
ARSGS | Airborne Reconnaissance SIGINT Ground Systems | |
ARSO | Assistant Regional Security Officer | |
ARSOA | Army Special Operations Aviation | |
ARSOC | Army Special Operations Command | |
ARSOF | Army Special Operations Forces | |
ARSOFE | Army Special Operations Forces, Europe | |
ARSOFSUPCOM | Army Special Operations Forces Support Command | |
ARSOTF | Army special operations task force (US DoD) | |
ARSP | Advanced Reconnaissance Support Program | |
ARSPACECOM | Army Space Command | |
ARSPOC | Army space operations center (US DoD) | |
ARSST | Army Space Command Space Support Team | |
ARSV | Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle (US) | |
ART | Armoured Recon Transport | |
ART | Aerial Reconnaissance Team | |
ARTADS | Army Tactical Data System | |
ARTAS-K | Army Training and Support-Kuwait | |
ARTBASS | Army Training Battle Simulation Systems | |
ARTCC | Air Route Traffic and Control Center | |
ARTEP | Army Readiness Training Evaluation Program | |
ARTISS | Advanced Requirements Tasking Information and Support System | |
ARTPP | Airborne Reconnaissance Technology Program Plan | |
ARTS | Automated Remote Tracking Station |
ARTY | Artillery | |
ARV | Armed Robotic Vehicle | |
ARV | Armored Recovery Vehicle | |
ARV | Armoured Recovery Vehicle | |
ARW | Air Refueling Wing | |
AS | Submarine Tender (material Support) | |
asa | Advanced Security Agency | |
ASAB | All-Source Analysis Branch | |
ASAC | All-Source Analysis Center | |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible (pronounced AY-sap) | |
ASAR | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
ASARC | Army Systems Acquisition Review Council | |
ASART | AEELS Support Analysis Reporting Terminal | |
ASAS | All-Source Analysis System | |
ASAS-AS | All-Source Analysis System All-Source Workstation | |
ASAS-E | All-Source Analysis System-Extended | |
ASAS-SS | All-Source Analysis System Single-Source Workstation | |
ASAS-W | All-Source Analysis System WARRIOR | |
ASB | Air Surveillance Broadcast | |
ASC | AUTODlN Switching Center | |
ASCAMP | Advanced Single-Channel Manpack | |
ASCM | Antiship Cruise Missile | |
ASCOD | Austrian Spanish Co-operative Development | |
ASCON | Automatic Switched Communications Network | |
ASD(C3I) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence) | |
ASD(C4I) | Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence) | |
ASD(ISA) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs | |
ASD(S&R) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements | |
ASD(SO/LIC) | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict | |
ASDC | Advanced Space Data Corporation | |
ASDEP | Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Programs | |
ASDIA | All-Source Document Index | |
ASDIAZ | All-Source Document Index Automated File-Compartmented | |
ASDIAZO | All-Source Document Index Automated File-ORCON | |
ASDIC | Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center | |
ASDS | Automated SlGlNT Dissemination System | |
ASDV | Auxiliary SEAL Delivery Vehicle | |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations | |
ASED | Army Space Exploitation Demonstration | |
ASEDP | Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Program | |
ASEMA | Army Special Electronic Mission Aircraft | |
ASF | All-Source Format | |
ASFC | All-Source Fusion Center | |
ASGOBS | Army Standard Ground Order of Battle System | |
ASI | Additional Skill Indicator | |
ASIC | All-Source Intelligence Center | |
ASICC | All-Source Intelligence Coordinating Center | |
ASIDS | Airborne Secondary Imagery Dissemination System | |
ASIP | All-Source Imagery Processor | |
ASIPS | Army Standard Intelligence Plotter System |
ASIS | Army Space Initiatives Study | |
ASIT | Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal | |
ASK kit | Armor Survivability Kit. A kit designed in response to the high number of casualties produced by IEDs hitting unarmored vehicles. The kits consist of armor encapsulating the personnel compartment AT-4 | |
ASM | Armored Systems Modernisation (US) | |
ASMD | Antiship Missile Defense | |
ASMT | Assessment | |
ASN(RDA) | Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) | |
ASOC | Air Support Operations Center | |
ASOG | Air Support Operations Group | |
ASOS | Air Support Operations Squadron | |
asp | Automatic, Self-Powered | |
ASP | Ammunition Supply Point | |
ASPAC | Asian and Pacific Council | |
ASPADOC | Alternate Space Defense Operations Command | |
ASPB | Assault Patrol Support Boat | |
ASPIC | Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center | |
ASPJ | Airborne/Advanced Self-Protection Jammer | |
ASPS | All-Source Production Section | |
ASR | Submarine Rescue Ship (fleet Support) | |
ASRP | Airborne SlGlNT Reconnaissance Program | |
ASRRS | Army Survivable, Recovery and Reconstitution System | |
ASSC | Alternate Space Surveillance Center | |
ASSET | All-Source Satellite Evaluation Tool | |
ASSIST | Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals | |
ASSM | Antiship Surface Missile | |
ASSOTW | Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World | |
ASSR | Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic | |
ASST | Antiship Surveillance and Tracking | |
ASSW | Antisurface Ship Warfare | |
ASTAG | Army Service and Technology Advisory Group | |
ASTEC | Advanced Satellite Technology and Extremely High Frequency Communications | |
ASTERIX | Automated Analyst Support Tools | |
ASTMP | Army Science and Technology Master Plan | |
ASTP | APOLLO-SOYUZ Test Program | |
ASTROS | Artillery Saturation Rocket System (Brazil) | |
ASU | FSU Airborne Self-Propelled Antitank Gun | |
ASU SWA | Administrative Support Unit Southwest Asia | |
ASUW | Antisurface Warfare | |
ASUWC | Antisurface Warfare Commander | |
ASV | Armored Security Vehicle (US) | |
ASV | Armored Support Vehicle | |
ASV | Ammunition Supply Vehicle | |
ASWCCS | Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System | |
ASWOC | Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Center | |
ASWTF | Antisubmarine Warfare Task Force | |
AT | Anti-Tank | |
AT | Antitank | |
at | Ape Tape | |
AT&T | American Telephone and Telegraph (U.S. company, also known as "Ma Bell") | |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATAC | ASAP Technical Advisory Committee | |
ATACC | Advanced Tactical Air Command Center | |
ATACMS | (U.S.) Army Tactical Missile System | |
ATACMS ER | Army Tactical Missile System Extended Range | |
ATACS | Advanced tank cannon system (US) | |
ATACS | Analyst-to-Analyst Communications Service | |
ATAF | Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO) | |
ATARS | Advanced Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System | |
ATAS | Air-To-Air Stinger (missile) | |
ATAS | Automatic Target Acquisition System | |
ATB | Air Technical Battalion | |
ATBM | Antitactical Ballistic Missile | |
ATC | Air traffic control | |
ATCAE | Army Technical Control and Analysis Element | |
ATCAS | Advanced Towed Cannon System | |
ATCC | Air Traffic Control Center | |
ATCCS | Army Tactical Command and Control System | |
ATCH | ASW Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter | |
ATCU | Airfield Traffic Control Unit | |
ATD | Automatic Target Detection | |
ATD | Advanced technology demonstrator (US) | |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure | |
ATD/IFD | Advanced Technology Demonstration/Integrated Feasibility Demonstration | |
ATDB | ACE Target Data Base | |
ATDL | Automated Tactical Data Link | |
ATDS | Airborne Tactical Data Systems (USN) | |
atdt | Automatic Target Detection and Tracking | |
ATDU | Armoured Trials and Development Unit (UK) | |
ATE | Automatic Test Engineer | |
ATETS | Atomic Heat and Powerplant | |
ATFCS | Automated Targeting and Fire Control System | |
ATFD | Automated Tactical Fusion Division | |
ATG | Antitank Gun | |
ATGIN | Atomic Ground Intercept | |
ATGL | Antitank Guided Launcher | |
ATGL | Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher | |
ATGM | Anti-tank Guided Missile | |
ATGW | Anti-Tank Guided Weapon | |
ATH | Above the Horizon | |
ATI | Automated Tactical Intelligence | |
ATIC | Aircraft Technical Intelligence Conference | |
ATIMS | Advanced Technical Information Management System | |
ATK | Alliant Techsystems Inc. | |
ATL | ACE Threat List | |
atlas | Advanced Technology Light Artillery System | |
atlv | Artillery Target Location Vehicle | |
ATM | Anti-Tank Mine | |
ATMDE | Army Theater Missile Defense Element | |
ATMG | Arms Transfer Management Group | |
ATMOS | Atmospheric Trace Molecules Spectroscopy |
ATMP | Air Target Materials Program | |
ATOC | Allied Tactical Operations Center (NATO) | |
ATOL | Assisted Takeoff & Landing | |
ATOS | Atlantic Theater Operational Intelligence System | |
ATP | Allied Tactical Publication (NATO) | |
ATP-FO | Automated Tracking Prototype Follow-On | |
ATP/RMBUX | Advance Tracking Prototype/Rocky Mountain Basic UNIX | |
ATR | Automatic Target Recognition | |
ATR | Automotive Test Rig | |
ATRS | Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance System | |
ATS | Atelier de Construction de Tarbes | |
ATSS | Alaskan Transportable Satellite System | |
ATT | Technical Assistance Training Team | |
att'd | attached | |
ATTC | All Terrain Tracked Carrier | |
ATTCS | Army Tactical Command and Control System | |
ATTD | Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration | |
ATTE | Assistant Theater Topographic Engineer | |
ATTG | Automated Tactical Target Graphic | |
ATTN/Attn | Attention (to the attention of) | |
ATTP | ACOM Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | |
atts | Air-Transportable Towed System | |
ATV | Armoured TOW vehicle (Turkey) | |
ATWC | Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity | |
AUD | Arbitrary Unit Designator | |
AUG | Armee-Universal-Gewehr | |
AUGTDA | Augmentation Table of Distribution & Allowances | |
AUM | Air-to-Underwater Missile | |
AUS | Army of the United States | |
ausa | Association of the United States Army's | |
AUSCANUKUS | Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States | |
AUSD | Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Defense | |
auth | authorized, authority | |
AUTODIN | Automatic Digital Network | |
AUTOSEC | Automation Security | |
AUTOSEVOCOM | Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network | |
AUTOVON | Automatic Voice Network | |
AUTUMN FORGE | NATO Exercise | |
AUXCP | Auxiliary Command Post | |
AV | Armored Vehicle | |
AVCS | Attitude and Velocity Control System | |
AVF | All-Volunteer Force | |
AVGAS | Aviation Gasoline | |
AVGP | Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Canada) | |
avh | Armoured Vehicle Heavy | |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer | |
avl | Armoured Vehicle Light | |
AVLB | Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge | |
AVLB | Armoured vehicle-launched bridge | |
avm | Armoured Vehicle Medium |
AVMF | FSU Naval Aviation | |
AVMT | Aviation Maintenance Trainer | |
AVP | Authorized Vendor Program | |
AVR | Aircraft Rescue Vehicle | |
AVR | Armoured Vehicle Reconnaissance | |
AVRE | Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (UK) | |
AVSAT | Aviation Satellite System | |
AVT | Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship (misc) | |
AVT | Advanced Vehicle Technologies (US) | |
AVUM | Aviation Unit Maintenance | |
AW | Air Warning | |
AWACS | Airborne Warning And Control System | |
AWADS | Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System | |
AWARS | All-Weather Reconnaissance System | |
AWC | Air War College | |
AWDS | Automated Weather Distribution System | |
AWE | Advanced Warfighting Experiment | |
AWESS I | Automatic Weapon Effect Signature Simulator | |
AWGN | Additive White Gaussian Noise | |
AWIS | Army WWMCCS Information System | |
AWL | Absent Without Leave | |
AWOP | Absent Without Pay | |
AWS | Air Weather Service | |
AWSS | Area Weapon Scoring System | |
AWT | Water Transport | |
AWWIMS | Automated Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System | |
AWX | All-Weather | |
AXAF | Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility | |
AXP | Allied Exercise Publication | |
AXT | Training Ship | |
AZ | Azimuth | |
B&W | Babcock & Wilcox - Black And White - Bowers & Wilkins | |
B-H | Bosnia-Hercegovina | |
B/R | Bridge/Router | |
B2C2 | Brigade and Below Command and Control System | |
BA | Budget Authority | |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement | |
BAC | Budget Activity Code | |
BAD | Baseline Assessment Document | |
BADGE FINDER | Proper Name of System | |
BADGE KEEPER | Proper Name of System | |
BAE | Battlefield Area Evaluation | |
BAE | British Aerospace Systems, LTD | |
BAF | Bagram Air Field | |
BAG | Battalion Artillery Group | |
BALTAP | Baltic Approaches (NATO Naval Command) | |
BAN | Base Area Network | |
BANDIT | Bragg Area Network for Digital Intelligence Transmission | |
BAO | Basic Attack Option | |
BAOR | British Army of the Rhine |
BAR | M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle | |
BARB | Beacon-Aided Radar Bombing | |
BARCS | Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System | |
BARV | Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle | |
BAS | Broad Area Search | |
BASE | British Aerospace Systems and Equipment | |
BASIC | Battle Area Surveillance & Integrated Communications | |
BASS | Battlefield Surveillance System | |
BAT | Biometrics Automated Toolset | |
BAT-D | Battlefield Deception | |
BATES | Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System | |
BATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms | |
BATO | Balloon-Assisted Take-Off | |
BATS | Ballistic Aerial Target System | |
BAWB | Bomber Activity Weekly Brief | |
BB | Battleship | |
BB | Base Bleed | |
BBBG | Battleship Battle Group | |
BBLS | Barrels | |
BBO | Booster Burnout | |
BBS | Brigade/Battalion Simulation System | |
BBSP | Blowback shifted pulse | |
BC | Battery Commander | |
BC2A | Bosnia Command and Control Augmentation | |
BCA | Broadcast Control Authority | |
BCC | Battery Control Centre (Hawk) | |
BCC | Base Communications Center | |
BCDSS | Battle Command Decision Support System | |
BCE | Battlefield Coordination Element | |
BCI | Bit-Count Integrity | |
BCP | Battery Command Post | |
BCR | Battlefield Communications Review | |
BCRD | British Columbia Regimental Depot | |
BCS | Broadcast Control Station | |
BCT | Basic Combat Training (familiarly Basic Training Or Basic) | |
BCT | Base Consolidated Telecommunications | |
BCV | Battle Command Vehicle | |
BD | Base Detonating | |
BD | Baud | |
BDA | Bomb Damage Assessment | |
BDA | Browning Double Action | |
BDA/PSA | Bomb Damage Assessment/Post Strike Assessment | |
BDC | Business Development Bank of Canada | |
BDE | Brigade | |
BDE/Bde | Brigade | |
BDM | Budget Decision Memorandum | |
BDM | Bunker Demolition Munition | |
BDS | Base Development Survey | |
BDSP | Battle Dress System Project | |
BDU | Battle Dress Uniform |
BE | Base Ejection | |
BE | Basic Encyclopedia | |
BEF | British Expeditionary Force | |
BEMT | Basic Electronic Maintenance Trainer | |
BER | Bit-Error Rate | |
BES | Budget Estimate Submission | |
BETA | Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition | |
BEYOND DUTY | Proper Name of System | |
BF | Battle Force | |
BF(S)BL | Battle Focus (Support) Battle Lab | |
BFA | Battlefield Function Area | |
BFA | Blank-firing adaptor or blank-firing attachment | |
BFACS | BFA Control System | |
BFCS | Ballistic Framing Camera System | |
BFE | BLACKER Front End | |
BFI | Battlefield Interdiction | |
BFM | Basic Flight Maneuvers | |
BFMA | Battlefield Functional Mission Area | |
BFOV | Broad Field of View | |
BFV | Bradley Fighting Vehicle | |
BG | Battle Group (naval) | |
BGN | United States Board on Geographic Names | |
BGT | Brigade combat team | |
BGW | Battlefield Guided Weapon | |
BGWU | Battle Group Workup | |
BH | Busy Hour | |
BHP | Brake Horse Power | |
BI | Background Investigation | |
BIACC | Basic Integrated Aircraft Command & Control | |
BIAP | Baghdad International Airport | |
BIC | Battlefield Information Center | |
BICC | Battlefield Information Coordination Center | |
BICES | Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems (NATO) | |
BICM | Battlefield Intelligence Collection Model | |
BIDS | Battlefield Information Distribution System | |
BIF | Basic Imagery File | |
BIFF | Bistatic Identification Friend or Foe | |
BIFF | Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe | |
BIIB | Basic Imagery Interpretation Brief | |
BIIR | Basic Imagery Interpretation Report | |
bill | Bofors Infantry Light and Lethal | |
BIM | Ballistic Intercept Missile | |
BIOLDEF | Biological Defense | |
BIOLOPS | Biological Operations | |
BIOLWPN | Biological Weapons | |
BIS (formerly ACIS) | Border Information Service | |
BISS | Baseline Intelligence Summary Supplement | |
BIT | Binary Digit (either 0 Or 1) | |
BITE | Built-In Test Equipment | |
BITS | Base Information Transfer System |
BIU | Bus Interface Unit | |
BL | Bomb Line | |
BL | Blank | |
bl | Blank Line | |
BL-T | Black tracer | |
BLDG | Building | |
BLEST | Berm-Loaded Explosive Simulation Technique | |
BLEU | Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union | |
BLIP | Background Limited IR Photography | |
BLITS | Beta Lighted Infantry telescope System | |
BLR | Blindado Ligero de Ruedas | |
BLSS | Base Level Self-Sufficiency Spares | |
BLT | Battalion Landing Team | |
BLUE FLAG | ACC command and control exercise | |
BM | FSU Truck-Mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher | |
BM/C2 | Battle Management/Command and Control | |
BM/C3 | Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications | |
BMATT | Briefcase Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal | |
BMC | Battle Management Cell | |
BMCT | Beginning of Morning Civil Twilight | |
BMD | Ballistic Missile Defense; Boyevaya Mashina Desantika (Russian: airborne combat vehicle) | |
BMDO | (U.S.) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (bim-do) | |
BMDSCOM | Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command | |
BMEWS | Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (bee-mews) | |
bmf | Belgian Mechanical Fabrication | |
BMG | Basic Mission Guidance | |
BMNT | Begin Morning Nautical Twilightight | |
BMNT | beginning (of) morning nautical twilight | |
BMP | FSU Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle | |
BMP | Pronounced "bimp". A Former Warsaw Pact IFV | |
BMR | Blindado Medio de Ruedas | |
BMS | Battalion Mortar System | |
BMS | Battlefield Management System | |
BMSS | Ballistic Missile Systems Subcommittee | |
BN | Battalion | |
BN/Bn | Battalion | |
BNCC | Base Network Control Center | |
BND | Bundesrepublik Nachrichtendienst (German Intelligence Service) | |
bns | Bill Night Sight | |
BOA | Broad Ocean Area | |
BOCCA | Board for Coordination of Civil Aircraft (NATO) | |
bocv | Battery Operations Centre Vehicle | |
BOG-Dwell | Boots on the ground – dwell (down time) | |
BOHICA | Bend Over, Here It Comes Again | |
BOIP | Basis Of Issue Plan | |
BOL | Bearing-only launch | |
BOLTS | Bolt-on loading tray system | |
BOMREP | Bombing Report | |
BOQ | Bachelor Officers'Quarters | |
BOSS | Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System |
Boulogne | Boulogne | |
BPA | Battlefield Psychological Activities | |
BPE | Beacon Precision Enlarger | |
BPF | Bandpass Filter | |
bpi | bits per inch | |
BPPBS | Biennial Planning, Programming, & Budgeting System | |
BPR | Business Process Re-engineering | |
BPS | Basic Psychological Operations Study | |
BPS | Battery Power Source | |
BPSK | Burst Pulse Shift Key | |
BR | Blade Rate | |
BR/Br | Branch | |
BRAC | Base Realignment and Closure (Commission) | |
Bramshott | Bramshott | |
BRDM | FSU Wheeled Amphibious Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle | |
BRET | Bistatic Reflected Energy Target | |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface | |
BRIXMIS | British Commanders-In-Chief Military Liaison Mission | |
BRL | Bomb Release Line | |
BRP | Bomb Release Point | |
BRS | Beachman Reporting System | |
BRU | Bomb Release Unit | |
BS | Broadcast Service | |
BSD | Battlefield Surveillance Device | |
BSP | Bright Source Protection | |
BSS | Broadcast Satellite Service | |
BSSC | Battle Staff Support Center | |
BSSG | Brigade Service Support Group | |
BST | Basic Skills Trainer | |
BST | Battle Staff Team | |
BSTS | Boost Surveillance Tracking System | |
bt | Bullet Trap | |
BT | Boat Tail | |
BT | Basic Training | |
BTA | Best Technical Approach | |
BTF | battalion task force | |
BTG | Basic Target Graphic | |
BTI | Balanced Technology Initiative | |
BTR | FSU Armored Personnel Carrier | |
btu | Bullet Trap Universal | |
BTU | British Thermal Unit | |
BTW | By The Way | |
BTY | Battery | |
BUA | Built-Up Area | |
BUD/S | Basic Underwater Demolition/Sea-Air-Land (SEAL) | |
BUIC | Backup Intercept Control | |
BUNT | British Underground Nuclear Test | |
BUR | Bottom Up Review | |
BVITS | Baseline Video Imagery Transmission System | |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
BW | Biological Warfare | |
BW | Bacteriological Warfare | |
BWC | Biological Weapons Convention | |
BWP | Basic Working Paper | |
BX | Bionix AFV | |
BZ | Buffer Zone | |
c | Crisis | |
C&D | Cover & Deception | |
C&E | Collection and Exploitation | |
C&J | Collection and Jamming | |
C&LB | Coasts and Landing Beaches | |
C&P | Characteristics & Performance | |
C-band | 3.9 to 6.2 GHz Communications Band | |
C-C3 | Counter Command, Control, and Communications | |
C-Day | Day in Which Movement From Origin Begins | |
C-E | Communications-Electronics | |
C-HUMINT | Counter Human Resources Intelligence | |
C-IMINT | Counter-Imagery Intelligence | |
C-LAMP | Community Laser Measurement Program | |
C-MASINT | Counter-Measures and Signature Intelligence | |
C-P | Counterproliferation | |
C-QUIP | Combined Quarterly Intelligence Production Listing | |
C-RISTA | Counter-Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition | |
C-SIGINT | Counter-Signals Intelligence | |
C/E | Crew/enlisted (enlisted aircrew member) | |
C/MC | Command Master Chief | |
C/No | Ratio of carrier to noise in a 1Hz bandwidth | |
C/W | Crisis/Wartime | |
c1 | Combined Staff Personnel Officer | |
C2 | Command and Control Class C2 | |
C2I | Command, Control, & Intelligence | |
c2ips | C2 Information Processing System | |
C2S2LAN | Command and Control Support System LAN | |
C2W | Command and Control Warfare | |
C2X | CCTF C2 OBI/CI Support Element | |
C3 | Command, Control, and Communications | |
C3CM | Command, Control, and Communications Countermeasures | |
C3I | Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence | |
c3ic | Coalition Coordination and Communications Integration Center | |
C3ISC | C3I Systems Committee | |
C3NET | Command, Control, and Communications Networks | |
C3OB | C3 Order of Battle | |
C3S | Command, Control, and Communications Systems | |
C3SMP | Command, Control, Communications System Master Plan | |
C4 | Command, Control, Communications, and Computers | |
C4I | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence | |
C4I2 | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence and Information | |
c4iftw | C4I for the Warrior | |
C4ISR | Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance | |
C4S | Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems |
c5 | Combined Staff Strategic Planning and Policy Officer | |
c6 | Combined Staff Command, Control and Communications Systems Officer | |
C6F | Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet | |
C7F | Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet | |
CA | Cryptanalysis | |
CAA | Concepts Analysis Agency (U.S. Army) | |
CAB | Combat Aviation Battalion | |
CAC | U.S. Army Combined Arms Command | |
CACDA | Combined Arms Combat Development Activity | |
CACM | Central American Common Market | |
CACTIS | Community/Computer Automated Counterterrorism Intelligence System | |
CAD | Computer-Assisted Design | |
CADC | Canadian Army Dental Corps | |
CADES | COMIREX Advanced Exploitation System | |
CADIZ | Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone | |
CADOB | Consolidated Air Defense Order of Battle | |
CADS | Containerized Ammunition Distribution System | |
CADST | Civil Affairs Direct Support Team | |
CAE | Computer-Aided Engineering | |
CAF | Crisis Augmentation Facility | |
CAFI | Canadian Agriculture and Food International | |
CAFMS | Computer-Assisted Force Management System | |
CAG | Commander of the Air Group | |
CAI | Computer-Aided Instruction | |
CAIF | Command Automated Intelligence File | |
CAIMS | Conventional Ammunition Information Management System | |
CAJIT | Central America Joint Intelligence Team | |
CAL | Canadian Arsenals Limited | |
CAL | Canadian Agriculture Library | |
CaLANdar | Da Vinci E-Mail Application | |
CALS | Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CAALS) | |
CALT | Civil Affairs Liaison Team | |
CAM | Computer-Assisted Modeling | |
CAMC | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
CAMO | Computer-Aided Manual Operation | |
CAMPS | Computer-Aided Management Planning System | |
CAMS | COMIREX Automated Management System | |
CAN | Coastal Air Navigation Supplement | |
CANARIE | Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research Industry and Education | |
CANDOB | Consolidated Aerospace Defense Order of Battle | |
CANMET | Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology(An arm of NRCan) | |
CANR | Canadian NORAD Region | |
CANSIM | Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System | |
CANSIS | Canadian Soil Information System | |
CANT | Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Test | |
Canterbury | Canterbury | |
CANUK | US Canada, United Kingdom, United States | |
CANUS | Canadian - United States | |
CANUS LANDOP | Canada-United States Land Operations Plan | |
CAO | Crisis Action Organization |
CAO(SOP) | Coordination of Atomic Operations (Standard Operating Procedure) | |
CAOCC | Combined Air Operations Coordination Center | |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol | |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol | |
CAPS | Canadian Annual Procurement Strategy | |
CAPSULE JACK | Proper Name of System | |
CAR | Canadian Airborne Regiment | |
CARC | Corrective Action Review Committee | |
CARDA | Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment | |
CARE | Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc. | |
CARG | Crisis Action Review Group | |
CARGRU | Carrier Group | |
CARIBJIC | Caribbean Joint Intelligence Center | |
CARIBROC | Caribbean Regional Operations Center | |
CARIFTA | Caribbean Free Trade Association | |
CARL | Category Assignment Responsibility List | |
CARRV | Challenger armoured repair and recovery vehicle | |
CARVE | Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, and Effect | |
CARVER | Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effects and Recognizability | |
CAS | Close Air Support | |
CASAP | Canadian Submarine Aquisition Program | |
CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation | |
CASIC | Combined All-Source Intelligence Center | |
CASLAN | Command Automated Software Local Area Network | |
CAST | Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks | |
CAT | Conventional Arms Transfer | |
CAT-1 | RECategory-1 Receive Equipment | |
CAT/FCS | Command adjusted trajectory/fire-control system (US) | |
CAT/LCV | Combined arms team/lightweight combat vehicle (US) | |
CATF | Commander, Amphibious Task Force | |
CATIS | Computer-Aided Tactical Information System | |
CATIS/IESS | Computer-Aided Tactical Information System/Imagery Exploitation Support System | |
CATS | Combined Arms Training Systems (pmtrade) | |
CATSS | Cartographic Applications for Tactical and Strategic Systems | |
CATT | Combined arms tactical trainer (UK) | |
CATT-B | Component Advanced Technology TestBed (US) | |
CAV | Composite armored vehicle (US) | |
CAVU | Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited | |
CAWS | Commercial Analyst Work Station | |
CAWS | Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems (US) | |
CAX | Combined Arms Exercise | |
CB | Chemical, Biological | |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Christmas Bird Count - Cipher-Block Chaining - Cornering Brake Control | |
CBEC | Canadian Book Exchange Centre | |
CBF | Common Budget Framework | |
CBI | Complete Background Investigation | |
CBI/T | Computer-Based Instruction/Training | |
CBJB | Congressional Budget Justification Book | |
CBM | Confidence Building Measure(s) | |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CBR | Chemical, Biological, and Radiological | |
CBR | California Bearing Ratio | |
CBRN | Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear | |
CBRS | Concept Based Requirements System | |
CBS | Combat Battle Simulation | |
CBSA | Canada Border Services Agency | |
CBSCs | Canada Business Service Centres | |
CBT | Computer Based Training | |
CBTDEV | Combat Developer | |
CBTI | Combat Intelligence | |
CBW | Chemical and Biological Warfare | |
CBZ | Confidence Building Zone | |
CCA | Communications Control Authority | |
CCAC | Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre | |
CCB | Configuration Control Board | |
ccc | Combustible Cartridge Case | |
cccc | Canadian Corps Composite Company | |
CCD | Charge Coupled Device - a device for the movement of electrical charge. | |
CCE | Contingency Communications Element | |
CCEB | Combined Communications Electronic Board | |
CCEP | Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program | |
CCF | Collection Coordination Facility | |
CCF-SS | Collection Coordination Facility-Support System | |
CCFC | Commander in Chief, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command | |
CCG-NB | Communications Control Ground-Narrowband | |
CCGD | Commander, Coast Guard District | |
CCGP | Combat Communications Group | |
CCHC | Headquarters Commandant | |
CCI | Controlled Cryptographic Item | |
CCIC | Concentrated Counterdrugs Intelligence Collection | |
CCIP | Command Center Improvement Program | |
CCIR | International Radio Consultative Committee (French Acronym) | |
CCIRID | Charge-Coupled Infrared Imaging Device | |
CCIRM | Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management | |
CCIS | Command, Control and Intelligence Support | |
CCISCMO | Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Office | |
CCISS | Command & Control Intelligence Support Squadron | |
CCITT | Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph | |
CCJ1 | USCENTCOM Manpower, Personnel, and Administration Directorate | |
CCJ2 | USCENTCOM Intelligence Directorate | |
CCJ3 | USCENTCOM Operations Directorate | |
CCJ4/J7 | USCENTCOM Logistics and Security Assistance Directorate | |
CCJ5 | USCENTCOM Plans and Policy Directorate | |
CCJ6 | USCENTCOM Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Directorate | |
CCJA | USCENTCOM Staff Judge Advocate | |
CCM | Cross-Country Movement | |
CCMD | Canadian Centre for Management Development | |
CCMF | Consolidated Collection Management Facility | |
CCN | Crisis Communications Network (CIA) | |
CCO | Communication Collection Outstation |
CCO | Close Combat Optic | |
CCO/SCO | Central Control Office/Sub-Control Office | |
CCOHS | Canadian Centre for Occupational Safety and Health | |
CCP | Computer Control Panel | |
CCPC | Critical Collection Problems Committee | |
CCPDS | Command Center Processing and Display System | |
CCPDS-R | Command Center Processing & Display System Replacement | |
CCPP | Cover Crop Protection Program | |
ccr | Crown Copyright Reserved | |
CCRC | Canadian Corps Reinforcement Centre | |
CCS2 | Command and Control Subordinate System | |
CCSA | USCENTCOM Scientific and Technical Advisor | |
CCSC | Cryptologic Combat Support Console | |
CCTB | Canada child tax benefit | |
CCTC | Command & Control Technical Center | |
CCTF | Contingency Communications Test Facility | |
CCTP | Continuously Computed Target Point | |
CCTS | Combat Crew Training Squadron | |
CCTT | Close Combat Tactical Trainer | |
CCTV | Closed-circuit television | |
CCTW | Combat Control Training Wing | |
CCU | Central Control Unit | |
CCV | Command and control vehicle (US) | |
CCV-L | Close combat vehicle – light | |
CCWT | Command Center Watch Team | |
cd | Candela | |
CD | Controlled Dissemination | |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory | |
cda | Combat Defensive Action | |
CDA | Congressionally Directed Action | |
CDAC | Canadian Divisional Ammunition Depot | |
CDAS | Central Data and Applications Support | |
CDB | Central Data Base | |
CDC | Career Development Course | |
CDCS | Communications Distribution Control Segment | |
CDD | Canadian Discharge Depot | |
CDE | Conference on Disarmament in Europe | |
CDEC | Captured Document Exploitation Center | |
cdf | Central Document File | |
CDIC | Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation | |
CDIP | Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program | |
CDIS | Communications Data Interface System | |
CDIST | Canadian Department of Industry, Science, and Technology | |
CDL | Common (high bandwidth) Data Link | |
CDLF | Consolidated Domestic Launch Forecast | |
cdm | Coastal Defence Missile | |
CDM | Common Digital Map | |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access (voice/data transmission) | |
CDP | Central Data Processor | |
CDPS | Coherent Data Processing System |
CDR | Critical Design Review | |
CDRUSAJFKSWC | Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center | |
CDRUSELEMNORAD | Commander, US Element, NORAD | |
CDRWESTCOM | Commander, U.S. Army Western Command | |
CDS | Chief of Defence Staff (Canadian) | |
CDSE | Cryptologic Direct Support Element | |
CDSORG | Civil Direction of Shipping Organization | |
CDST | C3CM Data Support Team | |
CDT | Central Daylight Time | |
CDTS | Computer-Directed Training System | |
CDU | Command Display Unit | |
CDU | Control Display Unit | |
CDU | Computer Display Unit | |
CDV | Compressed Digital Video | |
CE | Chemical Energy | |
CEAO | West African Economic Community | |
CEC | Cooperative Engagement Capability | |
CECOM | Communications-electronics command | |
CECOM | U.S. Army Communications And Electronics Command | |
CED | Collection, Exploitation and Dissemination | |
CEDO | Community Economic Development Opportunity | |
CEE | Captured Enemy Equipment | |
CEF | Canadian Expeditionary Force | |
CEFO | Combat equipment fighting order (webbing contents) | |
CEI | Communications Electronic Instructions | |
CEL | Celestial | |
CELT | Current Emitter Location Testbed | |
CEM | Concepts Evaluation Model | |
CEMA | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance | |
CENTAF | Central Region Air Forces (NATO) | |
CENTAG | Central Army Group (NATO) | |
CENTAM | Central America | |
CENTCOM | Central Command (U.S. Army) | |
CENTJIC | Joint Intelligence Center USCENTCOM | |
CENTLANT | Central Sub-Area of Eastern Atlantic Area | |
CENTO | Central Treaty Organization (Baghdad Pact) | |
CENTO | Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact | |
CEO | Communications Electronic Officer (USMC) | |
CEOI | Communications electronics operating instruction | |
CEOI | Communications Electronics Operations Instructions | |
CEP | Circular Error Probable | |
CEP | Circular error of probability | |
CEPA | Canadian Environmental Protection Act | |
CEPG | Combined Exercise Planning Group | |
CEPIR | Current Exploitation Photographic Interpretation Report | |
CEPP | Controlled Effect Police Projectile | |
CEPR | Compromising Emanation Performance Requirement | |
CER | Cryptographic Equipment Room | |
CERD | Canadian Engineer Reinforcement Depot | |
CERP | Combined Economic Reporting Program |
CERT | Computer Security Emergency Response Team | |
CES | Concept Exploration Studies | |
CESARS | Chemical Evaluation Search and Retrieval System(Database containing environmental and health information on chemicals) | |
CESD | Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development | |
CESM | Cryptologic Electronic Warfare Support Measures | |
CEST | Contingency Exploitation Support Team | |
CET | Combat Engineer Tractor | |
CETA | Chinese-English Translation Assistance | |
CETC | CANMET Energy Technology Centre | |
ceu | Computer Electronics Unit | |
CEV | Combat Engineer Vehicle | |
CEWI | Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence | |
CF | Canadian Forces | |
CFB | Canadian Forces Base | |
CFBAS | Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services | |
CFD | Common Fill Device | |
CFDC | Community Futures Development Corporation | |
CFE | Conventional forces Europe | |
CFE-U | Communications Front-End-Upgrade | |
CFER | CFE Replacement | |
CFI | Canadian Foundation for Innovation | |
CFI&I | Center for Integration and Interoperability | |
CFIS | Combined Forces Command Information System, (CFC) | |
CFMS | Combat Fuels Management System | |
CFP | Contingency Force Pool | |
CFR | Commander Force Reconnaissance | |
CFSO | Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations | |
CFSQP | Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program | |
CFSR | Contract Funds Status Report/ing | |
CFSSU | Canadian Forces Supply System Upgrade | |
CFV | Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (M-3 Bradley) | |
CG | Commanding General | |
CGA | Canadian Garrison Artillery | |
CGEUSA | Commanding General, 8th US Army | |
CGF | Central Group of Forces (FSU Forces in Czechoslovakia) | |
CGFMFLANT | Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces, Atlantic | |
CGH | Canadian General Hospital | |
CGN | Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Powered | |
CGR | Canadian Garrison Regiment | |
cgs | Crew Gunnery Simulator | |
CGS | Coast & Geodetic Survey | |
CGSC | Command and General Staff College (U.S. Army) | |
CGUSARPAC | Commanding General U.S. Army Pacific | |
cGy/hr | CentiGray hour | |
CH | Aviation Cruiser | |
CHA | Cast homogeneous armour | |
CHAALS | Communications High Accuracy Airborne Location System | |
CHAALS-X | CHAALS Exploitation | |
CHABNCP | Chief, Airborne Command Post | |
CHAH | Canada Health Accredited Herd |
CHARM | Challenger chieftain armament | |
CHARS | Characters | |
CHBDL | Communications High Bandwidth Data Link | |
CHCMSA | Chief, Cruise Missile Support Activity | |
CHCSS | Chief, Central Security Service | |
CHG | Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser | |
CHGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser | |
CHIP | Challenger improvement programme | |
CHIP | Communications Handbook for Intelligence Planners | |
CHJUSMAGK | Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Korea | |
CHJUSMAGPHIL | Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Philippines | |
CHJUSMAGTHAI | Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Thailand | |
CHMAAGDOMREP | Chief, Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Dominican Republic | |
CHMDO JAPAN | Chief, Military Defense Office, Japan | |
CHODC INDIA | Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, India | |
CHT | Canada Health Transfer | |
CHUSMLO | Chief, U.S. Military Liaison Office | |
CI/SCM | Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures | |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency | |
CIAC | Computer Incident Assessment Capability | |
CIAD | Combat Intelligence Applications Division | |
CIAP | CIA Program | |
CIARDSCIA | Retirement and Disability System | |
CIAS | Counterintelligence Analysis Section | |
CIB | Combat Infantryman's Badge | |
CICAC | Counterintelligence Control and Analysis Center | |
CICC | Consolidated Intelligence Communications Center | |
CICWS | Combined Intelligence Center Workstation | |
CIDBS | Combined Intelligence Center Integrated Database Server | |
CIDC | Combined Interview and Debriefing Center | |
CIDF | Cultural Industries Development Fund | |
CIE | Communication Intercept and Exploitation | |
cIEF | Consolidated Imagery Exploitation Facility | |
CIF | Corps Interrogation Facility | |
CIFAX | Enciphered Facsimile | |
CIFV | Composite infantry fighting vehicle | |
CIG | Computer Image Generation | |
CIGSS | Common Imagery Ground/Surface System | |
CIHR | Canadian Institutes of Health Research | |
CIHS | Classified Information Handling System | |
CIIC | Current Intelligence and Indications Center | |
CIID | Command Intelligence Implementation Document | |
CIK | crypto-ignition key | |
CILAS | Compagnie Industrielle des Lasers | |
CILMS | Covert Infrared Lighting and Marking System | |
CILO | Counterintelligence Liaison Officer | |
CILOP | Conversion In Lieu Of Procurement | |
CIMAS | CENTCOM Iranian Military Activities Summary | |
CIMEX | Civil Military Exercise (NATO) | |
CIMOC | Civil Military Operations Center |
CIMP | COMSEC Interoperability Master Plan | |
CIN | Cargo Increment Number | |
CINC | Commander in Chief | |
CINCACOM | Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command | |
CINCAFLANT | Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic | |
CINCAL | Commander in Chief, Alaska | |
CINCARLANT | Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic | |
CINCCENT | Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO) | |
CINCCFC | Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command, Korea | |
CINCEASTLANT | Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic (NATO) | |
CINCENT | Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Central Europe | |
CINCEUR | Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces Europe | |
CINCFOR | Commander in Chief, Forces Command | |
CINCFORSCOM | Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Forces | |
CINCHAN | Commander in Chief, Channel (NATO) | |
CINCIBERLANT | Commander-In-Chief Iberian Atlantic Area | |
CINCLANT | Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command | |
CINCLANTFLT | Commander-in-chief (atlantic Fleet) | |
CINCLANTFLTDETSO | Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet Detachment SOUTHCOM | |
CINCMAC | Commander in Chief, Military Airlift Command (archaic) | |
CINCNORAD | Commander in Chief North American Air Defense Command | |
CINCNORTH | Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO) | |
CINCONAD | Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command | |
CINCPAC | Commander in Chief, Pacific Command | |
CINCPACAF | Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Force | |
CINCPACFLT | Commander-in-chief (pacific Fleet) | |
CINCPACREP | Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative | |
CINCSAC | Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command | |
CINCSO | Commander in Chief, Southern Command | |
CINCSOC | Commander in Chief, Special Operations Command | |
CINCSOUTH | Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO) | |
CINCSPACE | Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command | |
CINCSPECOMME | Commander in Chief, Specified Command, Middle East | |
CINCTAC | Commander in Chief, Tactical Air Command | |
CINCTRANS | Commander in Chief, Unified Transportation Command | |
CINCTRANSCOM | Commander in Chief, US Transportation Command | |
CINCUKAIR | Commander in Chief, United Kingdom Air Defense Region (NATO) | |
CINCUNC | Commander in Chief, United Nations Command | |
CINCUSACOM | Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command | |
CINCUSAFE | Commander in Chief, U.S. Air Forces, Europe | |
CINCUSAREUR | Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe | |
CINCUSARPAC | Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific | |
CINCUSNAVEUR | Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces, Europe | |
CINCWESTLANT | Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic (NATO) | |
CINF | Community Imagery Needs Forecast | |
CINSGCY | Counterinsurgency | |
CIO | Central Imagery Office | |
CIOB | Chief Information Officer Branch | |
CIOC | Combined Intelligence Operations Center (Korea) | |
CIOP | Controlled Intelligence Operational Proposal |
CIP | Consolidated Intelligence Program | |
CIPE | (US) CENTCOM Imagery Production Element | |
CIPHONY | Enciphered Telephone | |
CIPL | ClNC's Integrated Priority List | |
CIPMS | Career Intelligence Professional Management System | |
CIPO | Canadian Intellectual Property Office | |
CIPR | Consolidated Intelligence Production Requirement | |
CIPS | Counterintelligence Periodic Summary | |
CIR | Central Intelligence Report | |
CIRC | Central Information Reference and Control | |
CIRCOL | Central Information Reference and Control On-Line System | |
CIRIS | Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System | |
CIRK | Common Interswitch Rekeying Key | |
CIRL | Current Intelligence Requirements List | |
CIRT | Computer Security Incident Response Team | |
CIRVlS | Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings | |
CIS | Chartered Industries of Singapore | |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States | |
CIS | Country Intelligence Study | |
CISA | (U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity | |
CISC | Counterintelligence Support Cell | |
CISD | Command Intelligence Strategy Document | |
CISE | (US) CENTCOM Intelligence Support Element | |
CISION | Enciphered Television | |
CISPOTREP | CI Spot Report | |
CISR | Communications Intelligence Security Regulation | |
CIT | Counterintelligence Team | |
CITA | Combat Intelligence and Targeting on Arrival | |
CITP | Canadian Integrated Traceability Program | |
CITS | CENTCOM Imagery Transmission System | |
CIV | Civil | |
CIVC | Carrier Intelligence Center | |
CIVIC | Civilian Vulnerability Indicator Code | |
CIW | Consolidated Intelligence Watch | |
CIWC | CIW Commander | |
CIWG | Cooperative Interaction Working Group | |
CIWS | Close-in weapons system | |
CIWS | Close-In Weapon System | |
CJB | Congressional Justification Book | |
CJCS | Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff | |
CJCSI | Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction | |
CJIATF-E | Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-East | |
CJIATF-W | Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-West | |
CJIT | Combined Joint Interrogation Team | |
CJTF-AK | Commander, Joint Task Force-Alaska | |
CJTF-FA | Commander, Joint Task Force-Full Accounting | |
CK | Compartment Key | |
CKG | Cooperative Key Generation | |
CL/TECH | Clear Language Technical Report | |
CLAMS | Clear lane marking system (US) |
CLASS | Computerised Laser Sight System | |
CLAWS | Close combat light armor weapon system (US) | |
CLF | cantilever lifting frame; combat logistics force; commander, landing force | |
CLGP | Cannon-launched guided projectile (US) | |
CLH | Canadian Light Horse | |
CLMD | COMSEC Local Management Device | |
CLNC | Clearance | |
CLO | Counterdrug Liaison Officer | |
CLOCE | Contingency Lines Of Communication, Europe | |
CLOS | Command to line of sight | |
CLRB | Canada Labour Relations Board | |
CLS | Contractor Logistics Support | |
CLSC | COMSEC Logistics Support Center | |
CLSP | Composite Launch Sequence Plan | |
CLU | Command Launch Unit | |
CM | Continue Mission | |
cm | Colour-Marking | |
CM&D | Collection Management & Dissemination | |
CMA | Countermission Analysis | |
CMAA | Command Master at Arms | |
CMAFB | Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base | |
CMAFS | Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station | |
CMAH | CINC Mobile Alternate Headquarters | |
CMAS | Cheyenne Mountain Air Station | |
CMB | Collection Management Branch | |
CMC | Cheyenne Mountain Complex | |
CMCA | Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft | |
CMCC | Commander in Chief, Mobile Command Center | |
CMCDS | Community Multilateral Counterterrorism Database System | |
CMCI | Computed Mission Coverage Index | |
CMCM | Commandant, U.S. Marine Corp Memorandum | |
CMCS | COMSEC Material Control System | |
CMD | Collection Management Division | |
CMDC | Command Cell | |
CMDR | Commander | |
CME | Communications Monitoring Equipment | |
CMEA | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance | |
CMF | Combat Mission Folder | |
CMFC | Combined Marine Forces Command | |
CMGC | Canadian Machine Gun Corps | |
CMIC | Combined Military Interrogation Center | |
CMISE | Corps Military Intelligence Support Element | |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | |
CMOTF | Civil Military Operations Task Force | |
CMP | Combat Mission Planning | |
CMPF | Confidential Military Purpose Funds | |
CMPS | Compartmented Mode Processing System | |
CMRS | Collection Management Requirements System | |
cms | Common Missile System | |
cms | Compact Modular Sight |
CMS/RMG | Community Management Staff, Resource Management Group | |
CMSA | Cruise Missile Support Activity | |
CMSI | Civilian Multi-Spectral Imagery | |
CMSS | Collection Management Support System | |
CMST | Collection Management Support Terminal | |
CMT | Cadmium–mercury telluride | |
CMT | Crisis Management Team | |
CMTC | Combat Maneuver Training Center | |
CMTC-IS | CMTC-Instrumentation System | |
CMTS | Critical Mobile Target Server | |
CMV | Combat mobility vehicle (US) | |
CMW/CMWS | Compartmented Mode Workstation | |
CN-CMS | Counternarcotics Command and Management System | |
CNA | Center for Naval Analysis | |
CNAC | Customs National Air Command, Oklahoma City | |
CNAD | Conference on NATO Armament Directors | |
CNAVSPACECOM | Commander, Navy Space Command | |
CNC | Counternarcotics Center | |
CNCS | Cryptonet Control Station | |
CNES | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (French National Space Agency) | |
CNET | Chief of Naval Education and Training | |
CNFJ | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Japan | |
CNFK | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea | |
CNFM | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas | |
CNI | Communicating NATO Intentions | |
CNIC | Combined Naval Intelligence Center | |
CNIN | Composite Network, Front-End Internal Network | |
CNIPS | Counternarcotics Information Processing System | |
CNK | Cryptonet Key | |
CNMI | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations | |
CNOC | Counternarcotics Operations Center | |
cnom | Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum | |
CNOR | Command Not Operationally Ready | |
CNR | Chief of Naval Research | |
CNRIU | Combat Net Radio Interface Unit | |
CNS | Commercial Network Survivability | |
CNSWTG | Commander, Naval Special Warfare Task Group | |
cntl | Command Nuclear Target List | |
CNVD | Clip-on night vision device | |
CNVFD | Color Night Vision Fusion Device | |
CNWDI | Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information | |
CO | Commanding officer | |
CO3 | Combined Staff Public and Governmental Affairs Officer | |
CO6 | Combined Staff Judge Advocate | |
co7 | Combined Staff Command Surgeon | |
Cob | close of business (End of duty day) | |
COBOL | Common Business-Oriented Language | |
COC | Combat Operations Center | |
COD | Carrier On-board Delivery |
CODIS | Continuity of Defense Intelligence Systems | |
COEA | Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis | |
COEF | Canada-Ontario Export Forum | |
CofI | Court of Inquiry | |
COFIR | Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements | |
CofS | Chief Of Staff | |
COG | Course Over Ground | |
COG | Combined Operations Group | |
COI | Communities of Interest | |
COIC | Combat Operations Intelligence Center (USAFE) | |
COINS | Consolidated On-Line Intelligence System | |
COINS-II | Community On-Line Intelligence System-II | |
COIR | Commander's Operational Intelligence Requirements | |
COIS | Combat Operations Intelligence System | |
COLISEUM | Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers | |
COLL | Collect | |
COLOP | Collection Opportunity (messages) | |
COLT | Combat Observation and Laser Team | |
COMA | Court Of Military Appeals | |
COMAAFCE | Commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe | |
COMACC | Commander, Air Combat Command | |
COMAFFOR | Commander, Air Force Forces | |
COMAFOSI | Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations | |
COMAFSOC | Commander, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command | |
COMAFSPACE | Commander, Air Force Space Command | |
COMAINT | Command Maintenance | |
COMAIR-BALTAP | Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches | |
COMAIRSOUTH | Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe | |
COMALCOM | Commander, Alaskan Command | |
COMALF | Commander of Airlift Forces | |
COMAMC | Commander, Air Mobility Command | |
COMANR | Commander, Alaskan NORAD Region | |
COMANTDEF-COM | Commander, Antilles Defense Command | |
COMARFOR | Commander, Army Forces | |
COMARSOC | Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command | |
COMARSOF | Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Forces | |
COMARSPACECOM | Commander, Army Space Command | |
COMASPC | Commander, Air Force Space Command | |
COMATF | Commander, Amphibious Task Force | |
COMBALTAP | Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches | |
COMBAT DF | Combat Direction Finding | |
COMBENE-CHAN | Commander, Benelux Sub-Area Channel | |
COMBISCLANT | Commander, Bay of Biscay Submarine Area | |
COMCANLANT | Commander, Canadian Atlantic Submarine Area | |
COMCARGRU | Commander, Carrier Group | |
COMCENTAG | Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe | |
COMCENTLANT | Commander, Central Submarine Area | |
COMCM | Communication Countermeasures & Deception | |
COMCO | Canadian SSO | |
COMCRUDESGRU | Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group |
COMDT COGARD | Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard | |
COMECON | Council For Mutual Economic Assistance (economic Counterpart Of The Warsaw Pact | |
COMEDCENT | Commander, Central Mediterranean Area | |
COMEDEAST | Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area | |
COMEDNOREAST | Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area | |
COMEDOC | Commander, Western Mediterranean Area | |
COMEDS | CONUS Meteorological Data System | |
COMEDSOUEAST | Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area | |
COMEX | Committee on Exchanges | |
COMFAIRKEF | Commander, Fleet Air Keflavik | |
COMFIVEATAF | Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern Europe | |
COMFLDCOMDASA | Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency | |
COMFOURATAF | Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe | |
COMGIB | Naval Commander, Gibraltar | |
COMGIBMED | Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean Command | |
COMGTMODEFCOM | Commander, Guantanamo Defense Command | |
COMICEDEFOR | Commander, Iceland Defense Force | |
COMIDEASTFOR | Commander, Middle East Force (USN) | |
COMINEWARCOM | Commander, Mine Warfare Command | |
COMINT | Communications Intelligence | |
COMINTADTSK | COMINT Advisory Tasking Message | |
COMIREX | Committee On Imagery Requirements & Exploitation | |
COMIS | Collection Management Information System | |
COMJAM | Communications Jamming | |
COMJSOC | Commander, Joint Special Operations Command | |
COMJSOTF | Commander, Joint Special Operations Task Force | |
COMJTF | Commander, Joint Task Force | |
COMJUWATF | Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force | |
COMLANDFOR | Commander, Land Forces | |
COMLANDJUT | Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein & Jutland | |
COMLANDNORWAY | Commander, Allied Land Forces, Norway | |
COMLANDSOUTH | Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe | |
COMLANDZEALAND | Commander, Allied Land Forces, New Zealand | |
COMLANTAREA | Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area | |
COMLOGNET | Combat Logistics Network | |
COMM(S) | Communication(s) | |
COMMAIRCHAN | Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, Channel | |
COMMAIRNORLANT | Maritime Air Commander, Northern Submarine Area | |
COMMARBASPAC | Commander, Marine Corps Base, Pacific | |
COMMARDEZSECAK | Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone Sector, Alaska | |
COMMARFOR | Commander Marine Forces | |
COMMARFORJAPAN | Commander, Marine Forces, Japan | |
COMMARFORK | Commander, Marine Forces, Korea | |
COMMARFORPAC | Commander Marine Corps Forces, Pacific | |
COMMARFORSOUTH | Commander, Marine Corps Forces, South | |
COMMCEN | Communications Center | |
COMMDET | Communications Detachment | |
COMMO | Communications Officer | |
COMMS CTR | Communications Center | |
COMMZ | Communications Zone (military) |
COMNAVAIR | Commander, Naval Air Forces | |
COMNAVAIRLANT | COMmander, NAVal AIR forces, atLANTic | |
COMNAVAIRPAC | COMmander, NAVal AIR forces, PACific | |
COMNAVBALTAP | Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches | |
COMNAVFOR | Commander Naval Forces | |
COMNAVFORK | Commander, Naval Forces, Korea | |
COMNAVINTCOM | Commander, Naval Intelligence Command | |
COMNAVLOG | Commander, Naval Logistics | |
COMNAVMARIANAS | Commander, Naval Forces, Marianas | |
COMNAVNON | Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway | |
COMNAVSCAP | Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Scandinavian Approaches | |
COMNAVSEASYSCOM | Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command | |
COMNAVSECGRU | Commander, Naval Security Group | |
COMNAVSOF | Commander, Naval Special Operations Forces | |
COMNAVSPACECOM | Commander, Naval Space Command | |
COMNAVSPECWARCOM | Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command | |
COMNAVSURF | Commander, Naval Surface Forces | |
COMNAVSURFLANT | Commander, Naval Surface Force, US Atlantic Fleet | |
COMNAVSURFPAC | Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific | |
COMNORECHAN | Commander, Northern Submarine Area, Channel | |
COMNORLANT | Commander, Northern Submarine Area | |
COMNORTHAG | Commander, Northern Army Group, Central Europe | |
COMNSWU | Commander, Naval Special Warfare Unit | |
COMOCEANLANT | Commander, Ocean Atlantic | |
COMOCEANSYSLANT | Commander, Oceanographic Systems Atlantic | |
COMOCEANSYSPAC | Commander, Oceanographic Systems Pacific Company | |
COMOPS | Communications Operations Summary | |
Comp | Compatible | |
Comp | company | |
COMPACAF | Commander, Pacific Air Forces | |
COMPATWINGSLANT | Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic | |
COMPHIBGRU | Commander, Amphibious Group | |
COMPLYMCHAN | Commander, Plymouth Submarine Area, Channel | |
COMPUINT | Computer Intelligence | |
COMPUSEC | Computer Security | |
COMPW | Composite Wing | |
COMPWING | Composite Wing | |
COMS | Collection Operations Management System (HUMINT) | |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation | |
COMSC | Commander, Military Sealift Command | |
COMSEC | Communications Security (military) | |
COMSECONDFLT | Commander, U.S. Second Fleet | |
COMSEVENTHFLT | Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet | |
COMSIXATAF | Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern Europe | |
COMSIXTHFLT | Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet | |
COMSOC | Commander, Special Operations Command | |
COMSOC-K | Commander, Special Operations Command, Korea | |
COMSOCEUR | Commander, Special Operations Command, Europe | |
COMSOCLANT | Commander, Special Operations Command, Atlantic | |
COMSOCPAC | Commander, Special Operations Command, Pacific |
COMSOCSOUTH | Commander, Special Operations Command, Southern Command | |
COMSOTFE | Commander, Support Operations Task Force, Europe | |
COMSPOT | Communications Spot Report | |
COMSTAT | Communication Status Report | |
COMSTRATCOMWING ONE | Commander, Strategic Communications Wing One | |
COMSTRICKFLANT | Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic (Afloat) | |
COMSTRIKFLTLANT | Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic | |
COMSTRIKFORSOUTH | Commander, Striking Force, South | |
COMSTS | Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service | |
COMSUBACLANT | Commander, Submarine Forces, Allied Command, Atlantic | |
COMSUBEASTLANT | Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic | |
COMSUBGRU | Commander Submarine Group | |
COMSUBGRU 8/CTF MED | Commander Submarine Group (Mediterranean)/Commander Task Force Mediterranean | |
COMSUBLANT | Commander, Submarine Force, US Atlantic Fleet | |
COMSUBMED | Commander, Submarines, Mediterranean | |
COMSUBPAC | Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific | |
COMSUBWESTLANT | Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area | |
COMSUPNAVFOR | Commander, Supporting Naval Forces | |
COMTAFNORNOR | Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway | |
COMTAFSONOR | Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway | |
COMTASKFORNON | Commander, Allied Task Force North Norway | |
COMTECHREP | Complementary Technical Report | |
COMTHIRDFLT | Commander, Third Fleet | |
COMTRAPAC | Commander, Training Command, Pacific | |
COMTWOATAF | Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe | |
COMUKADR | Commander, UK NATO Air Defense Region | |
COMUSAFAK | Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Alaska | |
COMUSAFFOR | Commander, United States Air Force Forces | |
COMUSAFJ | Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Japan | |
COMUSAFK | Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Korea | |
COMUSAFTF | Commander, United States Air Force Task Force | |
COMUSARAK | Commander, U.S. Army Forces, Alaska | |
COMUSARCENT | Commander, U.S. Army Forces Central Command | |
COMUSARFOR | Commander, United States Army Forces | |
COMUSARSO | Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command | |
COMUSARSPACE | Commander, U.S. Army Space Command | |
COMUSARTF | Commander, United States Army Task Force | |
COMUSASOC | Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command | |
COMUSFK | Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea | |
COMUSFOR KOREA | Commander, U.S. Forces Korea | |
COMUSFORAZ | Commander, U.S. Forces, Azores | |
COMUSFORCARIB | Commander, US Forces, Caribbean | |
COMUSFORCNTY | Commander US Forces Country | |
COMUSJ | Commander, US Forces Japan | |
COMUSJAPAN | Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan (also COMUSJ) | |
COMUSJTF | Commander, United States Joint Task Force | |
COMUSJUWTF | Commander, United States Joint Unconventional WarfareTask Force | |
COMUSKOREA | Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea (also COMUSK) | |
COMUSLANDFOR | Commander, United States Land Forces | |
COMUSMACTHAI | Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand |
COMUSMARCENT | Commander, U.S. Marine Forces Central Command | |
COMUSMARDEZLANT | Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Atlantic | |
COMUSMARDEZPAC | Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Pacific | |
COMUSMARFOR | Commander, United States Marine Forces | |
COMUSMARTF | Commander, United States Marine Task Force | |
COMUSMILGP | Commander, United States Military Group | |
COMUSNAVAK | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Alaska | |
COMUSNAVCENT | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command | |
COMUSNAVEUR | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe | |
COMUSNAVFOR | Commander, United States Naval Forces | |
COMUSNAVPHIL | Commander, US Naval Forces, Philippines | |
COMUSNAVSO | Commander, US Naval Forces, South | |
COMUSNAVTF | Commander, United States Naval Task Force | |
COMVAT | Combat vehicles armament technology (US) | |
COMZ | Communications Zone | |
COMZEALAND | Commander, Allied Land Forces, New Zealand | |
CON | Control(led) | |
CONDECA | Central America Defense Council | |
CONF | Confidential | |
CONGEN | Consul General | |
CONGINT | Congressional Interest | |
ConNMJIC | Contingency NMJIC | |
CONOBJTR | Conscientious Objector | |
CONOP(S) | Concept of Operation(s) | |
CONOPS | United States Army Intelligence Command Continental (United States) Operations | |
CONPG | Chairman, Operational Nuclear Planning Group | |
CONTEXT | Conferencing and Text Manipulation System | |
CONTRA- | Against, Opposite (Prefix) | |
CONUS | Continental United States (48 Contiguous States and DC) | |
CONUSA | Continental United States Army | |
CONV | Convalescent | |
CONVL | Conventional | |
COOP | Continuity of Operations | |
cop | Combat Out-Post | |
COP | Command Observation Post | |
COPG | Chairman, Operational Planners Group | |
COPRA | Comparative Postwar Recovery Analysis | |
COPRL | Command Operations Priority Requirements List | |
COPSTRAT | Continuity of Operations Plan (USSTRATCOM) | |
COR | Command Operationally Ready | |
CORCEN | Correlation Center | |
CORD | Central Ontario Regimental Depot | |
CORE | Contingency Response Program | |
CORL | Collection Opportunity Requirements List | |
CORPS SAM | Corps Surface-to-Air Missile | |
CORTRAIN | Corps/Division Training Coordination Program | |
COS | Chief of Section | |
COS | Combat Operations Staff | |
COSA | Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic |
COSAL | Consolidated Ship/Squadron Allowance | |
COSCOM | Corps support command (US Army) | |
COSIN | Control Staff Instructions | |
COSP | Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Pacific | |
COSPO | Community Open Source Program Office Cotangent | |
COTAC | Conduite de Tir Automatique pour Char (tank automatic fire) | |
COTP | Captain Of The Port | |
COTR | Contracting Officer Technical Representative | |
COTS | Commercial Off the Shelf Software | |
COTS | Commercial-off-the-shelf | |
COUNTERMASINT | Counter Measurements and Signature Intelligence | |
COV | Counter obstacle vehicle (US) | |
COVCOM | Covert Communications | |
CoVRT | Commanders (and Staff) Visualization Research Tool | |
CP | Concrete-Piercing | |
CP OSCAR | Command Post Operations Support Center and Rear | |
CP TANGO | Command Post Tactical Air, Naval, Ground Operations | |
CPA | Chairman’s Program Assessment | |
cpat | Collection Planning and Targeting | |
CPB | Charged Particle Beam | |
CPBS | Capabilities, Programming, and Budgeting System | |
CPC | Coastal Patrol Boat | |
CPE | Circular Probable Error | |
CPFL | Contingency Planning Facilities List | |
CPI | Communications Processor and Interface | |
CPIA | Chemical Propulsion Information Agency | |
CPIC | Coastal Patrol & Interdiction Craft | |
CPM | Cycles Per Minute | |
CPMIEC | China Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation | |
CPNET | Custom Product Network | |
CPO | Command Project Officer | |
cpr | Common Practice Round | |
CPR | Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation | |
CPS | Collection Problem Set | |
CPS | Cardinal points specification (UK) | |
CPSB | Career Program Selection Board | |
CPSS | Computer Systems Squadron | |
cpsu | Communist Party of the Soviet Union's | |
CPT | Command Post Terminal | |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | |
CPV | Command Post Vehicle | |
CPX | Command Post Exercise | |
CQB | Close quarters battle | |
CQB | Close Quarter Battle | |
CQBW | Close-Quarters Battle Weapon | |
CR | Crisis Relocation | |
cr | Capability Requirement | |
CRA | Canada Revenue Agency | |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet | |
CRB | Contingency Reference Book |
CRBIF | Crisis Basis Imagery File | |
CRC | Command and Reporting Center | |
CRCR | Canadian Reserve Cavalry Regiment | |
CRDC | United States Army Chemical Research & Development Center | |
CRDL | Collateral Recurring Document Listing | |
CRE | Combat Readiness Evaluation | |
CREST | Covert Reconnaissance/Strike | |
CRF | Crisis Response Force | |
CRFID | Canadian Radio Frequency Identification | |
CRIMP | Crisis Management Plan | |
CRIS | Command Resources Information System | |
CRISAT | Collaborative research into small arms technology | |
CRISCON | Crisis Condition (I&W System) | |
CRITICOM | Critical Intelligence Communications Network | |
CRJOIC | Central Region Joint Operational Intelligence Center | |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List | |
CRM | Collection Requirements Management | |
CRM | Composite risk management (US) | |
CRMA | Collection Requirements Management Architecture/Application | |
CRMO | Collection Requirements Management Officer | |
CRMP | Collection Requirements Management Program or Plan | |
CRMS | Collection Requirements Management System | |
CRN | Combat Radio Net | |
CROF | Crete Remote Operating Facility | |
CROM | Continuous Read-Only Memory | |
CROWS | Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station | |
CRP | Committee To Re-elect The President - Control And Reporting Post | |
CRR | Carro de Reconhecimento Sobre Rodas (reconnaissance tracking scout car) | |
CRRC | Combat Rubber Raiding Craft | |
CRRES | Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite | |
CRRS | Customer Requirements Registration System | |
CRS | COMIREX Requirements Structure | |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube (type of TV) | |
CRTA | Chief of Rocket Troops and Artillery | |
crtc | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission's | |
cru | Cable Reel Unit | |
CRUDESGRU | Cruiser-Destroyer Group | |
CRWG | Current Requirements Working Group | |
CS | Communications subsystem | |
CS | Confined Space | |
CS | Communications squadron | |
CS1 | Critical-Sensitive Level 1 | |
CSA | Chief of Staff, U.S. Army | |
CSABE | Central and South African Basic Encyclopedia | |
CSAF | Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force | |
CSAFM | Chief of Staff, Air Force Memorandum | |
CSAM | Chief of Staff, Army Memorandum | |
CSAS | Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat | |
CSAW | Cryptologic Support to Amphibious Warfare | |
CSB | Combat Support Boat |
CSBR | Commander, Special Boat Squadron | |
CSCE | Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Now OSCE) | |
CSCG | Communications Security Control Group | |
CSCR | Computer System Change Request | |
CSCT | Combat Support Coordination Team | |
CSDS | Command Spatial Display System | |
CSE | Cryptologic Support Element(s) | |
CSE-SS | Client Server Environment-System Services | |
CSEL | Combat Survivor-Evader Locator | |
CSENCNET | Satellite Education Network | |
CSF | Command Support Functions | |
CSF | Combined service forces | |
CSFOCI | Force Protection Operations | |
CSG-SOCOM | Cryptologic Support Group/USSOCOM | |
CSGB | Canadian General Standards Board | |
CSGN | Nuclear Strike Cruiser | |
CSH | Combat Support Hospital | |
CSI | Commercial Satellite Interconnectivity | |
CSI | computer-synthesised image | |
CSM | Company Sergeant-Major | |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection | |
CSMO | Cryptologic Support to Military Operations | |
CSMR | Coarse Spatial Resolution, Multispectral | |
CSOC | Consolidated Space Operations Center | |
CSP | Communications Support Processor | |
CSP/HOL | Communications Support Processor/High Order Language | |
CSPAR | Central Strategic Processing, Analysis and Reporting | |
CSPO | Consolidated SAFE Project Office | |
CSR | Current Situation Room | |
CSRD | Communication-Computer Systems Requirement Document | |
CSRS | Civil Service Retirement System | |
CSS | Communications Security System | |
css | Computer Sighting System | |
CSSA | Cryptologic Shore Support Activity | |
CSSCS | Combat Service Support Control System | |
CSSD | Combat Service Support Detachment | |
CSSO | Contractor Special Security Officer | |
CSSOC | Combat Service Support Operations Center | |
CSSP | Combined Services Support Program | |
CSSR | CSS Replacement | |
CSST | Combat Service Support Team | |
CSTC | Consolidated Space Test Center | |
CSTIP | Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program | |
CSTOL | Cargo Short Take-Off & Landing | |
CSTVRP | Computer Security Technical Vulnerability Reporting Program | |
CT | Training Cruiser | |
CT&E | Certification Test and Evaluation | |
CTA | Central Technical Authority | |
CTA | Case Telescoped Ammunition | |
CTAI | Continuous-Tone Aerial Imagery |
ctak | Cypher-Text Auto-Key | |
CTAPS | Contingency Theater Automated Planning System | |
CTBT | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty | |
CTC | Combat Targeting Center | |
CTD | Concept Technology Demonstrator | |
CTD | Collective Training Directorate | |
CTDR | Commercial Training Device Requirements | |
CTE | Coefficient of Thermal Expansion | |
CTEA | Cost & Training Effectiveness Analysis | |
CTEM | Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model | |
CTF PC II | CTF Provide Comfort II | |
CTF-B | Combined Task Force-Bomber | |
CTF-BM | Combined Task Force-Battle Management | |
CTF-C2 | Combined Task Force Director of Intelligence | |
CTF/JTF | Crisis Task Force | |
CTG | Commander, Task Group | |
CTH | Aviation Training Cruiser | |
CTI | Central Tyre Inflation | |
CTIA | Counter Technical Intelligence Activities | |
CTIS | Central tyre inflation system | |
CTIS | Commander's Tactical Information System | |
CTL | Critical Task List | |
CTLZ | Control Zone (formerly CTR) | |
CTO | Central Treaty Organisation | |
CTOC | Corps Tactical Operations Center (Main) | |
CTOCSE | CTOC Support Element | |
CTOL | Conventional Takeoff & Landing | |
CTP | consolidated telecommunications program | |
CTR | Close Target Recce | |
CTRA | Carro de Transporte Sobre Rodas Anfibo (amphibious tracking scout car) | |
CTS | Course Training Standards | |
CTSCR | Critical Time-Sensitive Collection Requirement | |
ctt | Challenger Training Tank | |
CTT | Commanders'Tactical Terminal | |
CTT-H | Commanders'Tactical Terminal-Hybrid | |
CTTA | Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority | |
CTTP | USCENTCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual | |
CTU | Commander Task Unit | |
CU | Channel Unit | |
CUBB | Collateral Users Bulletin Board | |
CUBIC | Common User Baseline for the Intelligence Community | |
CUCV | Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle | |
CUDIXS | Common-User Digital Information Exchange System | |
CUL | Combined User Language | |
CUP | COMSEC Utility Program | |
CUPE | Canadian Union of Public Employees(Pronounced: KEW-pee.) | |
CUPW | Canadian Union of Postal Workers(Pronounced: CUP-DUB-uhl-yoo) | |
CURR | Current | |
CUSRPG | Canadian-U.S. Regional Planning Group (NATO) | |
CUWTF | Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force |
CV90 | Combat Vehicle 90 | |
CVA | Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis | |
CVAN | CINCPAC Voice Alert Network | |
CVAST | Combat vehicle armament system technology (US) | |
CVBG | Carrier Battle Group | |
CVG | Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier | |
CVGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier | |
CVH | V/STOL Aircraft Carrier | |
CVHG | Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft Carrier | |
CVHGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft Carrier | |
CVHN | Nuclear-Powered V/STOL Aircraft Carrier | |
CVIC | Carrier-Based Intelligence Center | |
CVL | Light Aircraft Carrier | |
CVLGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Light Aircraft Carrier | |
CVLN | Nuclear-Powered Light Aircraft Carrier | |
CVN | Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier | |
CVR(T) | Combat vehicle reconnaissance(tracked) | |
CVR(W) | Combat vehicle reconnaissance(wheeled) | |
CVRDE | Combat vehicle research and development establishment (India) | |
CVRT | Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked | |
CVS | Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier | |
CVSD | Continuously Variable-Slope Delta Modulation | |
CVT | Controlled variable time | |
CVT | Training Aircraft Carrier | |
CVTS | Compressed Video Transmission Service | |
CVTTS | Combat vehicle targeting system | |
CVW | Carrier Air Wing (US Navy) | |
CW | Chemical Warfare | |
CWG | Coordinates Working Group | |
CWI | Conventional Weapons Index | |
CWIS | Crisis Window Information System | |
CWR | Continuous Wave Radar | |
CWS | Cupola weapon station | |
CWS | Compartmented Work Station | |
CWT | Chemical Weapons Treaty | |
CY | Calendar Year | |
CYCLOPS | Fleet Support Message | |
CZ | Combat Zone | |
D | Deciduous | |
D of W | Died of Wounds | |
D&D | Denial and Deception | |
D&M | Detection and Monitoring | |
D&SA | Depth & Simultaneous Attack | |
D&SABL | Depth & Simultaneous Attack Battle Lab | |
D-cell | Deployment Cell | |
D-Day | Day in which a particular operation begins | |
D/A | Digital/Analog | |
D/DARO | Director, DARO | |
D/TWP | Director, Tactical Warfare Programs | |
D2 | Data Distribution |
DA | Department of the Army's | |
DA | double action | |
DAA | Designated Approval Authority | |
DAB | Defense Acquisition Board | |
DABM | Defense Against Ballistic Missiles (Now SDI) | |
DABS | Dynamic Air Blast Simulator | |
DACCO | Department of the Army Central Control Office | |
DACCS | Digital Access Cross-Connect System/Switch | |
DACOM | Data Communications | |
DACOS | Deputy Assistant Chief of Station | |
DACOS/I | Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff-Intelligence | |
DACT | Dissimilar Air Combat Tactics | |
DACU | Device Access Control Unit | |
DAD | Dual Air Density | |
DAES | Defense Acquisition Executive Summary | |
DAF | Department of the Air Force | |
DAG | Defense Special Security Communications Systems Address Group | |
DAHA | Dual-Axis Head Assembly | |
DAIRSDIA | Advanced Imagery Reproduction System | |
DAISY | Daily Summary | |
DAJDIA | Office Symbol for JMITC | |
DALASP | Defense Advanced Language and Area Studies Program | |
DALATS | Data Logging and Transmission System | |
DAMA | Demand Assigned Multiple Access | |
DAMI | Department of the Army Military Intelligence | |
DAMPL | Department of the Army Master Priority List | |
DAO | Double Action Only | |
DAPA | Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor | |
DAR | Designated Area for Recovery | |
DARC | District Area Command | |
DARCOM | US Army Matériel Development and Readiness Command | |
DAREOD | damaged airfield reconnaissance explosive ordnance disposal | |
DARP | Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program | |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US) | |
DARS | Daily Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance | |
DARSC | Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Steering Committee | |
DARSP | Defense Academic Research Support Program | |
DARTS | Digital Antijam Radio Teletype System | |
DAS | Defense Attache System | |
das | Defensive Aid Suite | |
DAS | Deep Air Support | |
DASD | (U.S.) Deputy Assistant Secretary Of Defense | |
DASD(I&S) | Deputy ASD (Intelligence and Security) | |
DASH | Deployable Automated Support Host | |
dasp | Demountable Artillery Surveillance Pod | |
DASPA | Defense Attache System Property Accounting | |
DASR | Defense Analysis Special Report | |
DASVA | Defense Attache System Vehicle Accounting | |
DAT | Direct Action Team | |
DATAINT | Data Intelligence |
DATEXT | Data Extract | |
DATPS | Diver Active Thermal Protection System | |
DATS | Data Automated Tower Simulation | |
DATT | Defense Attache | |
DAWN | Defense Attache Worldwide Network | |
DAWS | Defense Automated Warning System | |
DAYLT | Daylight | |
dB/K | Decibels per Degrees Kelvin | |
DBA | Data Base Administrator | |
DBAS | Data Base Applications System | |
DBC | Data Base Correlation | |
DBCTRL | Data Base Control | |
DBD | Data Burst Device | |
dBi | Decibel (referenced to isotropic radiator) | |
DBIDI | Data Base of Imagery-Derived Information | |
DBK | Dominant Battlefield Knowledge | |
DBM | decibels referred to 1 milliwatt | |
DBMAINT | Data Base Administrator | |
DBMS | dead bodies make sense | |
DBQ | Data Base Query | |
dBSM | Decibels Per Square Meter | |
dBw | Decibels Referenced to One Watt of Power | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DC | District Commissioner | |
DCA | défense contre avions (anti-aircraft) | |
DCAEUR | Defense Communications Agency Europe | |
DCAOC | DCA Operations Control Center | |
DCAPSS | Dual Criteria Aimpoint Selection System | |
DCAS | Deployable Consolidated Applications Server | |
DCCC | Defense Collection Coordination Center | |
DCCT | Dismounted Close Combat Trainer | |
DCE | Defensive Counter Espionage | |
DCF | DOCS Certification Facility | |
DCG | Deputy Commanding General | |
DCI&S | Director of Counterintelligence and Security | |
DCIA | Director, Central Intelligence Agency | |
DCIB | Defense Counterintelligence Board | |
DCID | Director of Central Intelligence Directive | |
DCII | Defense Central Index of Investigations | |
DCIIS | Defense CI Integrated Information System | |
DCINC | Deputy Commander in Chief | |
DCIP | Defense Counterdrug Intelligence Program | |
DCL | Direct Communications Link | |
DCMM | Database Creation and Management Module | |
DCMS | Database Creation and Management Segment | |
DCN | Defense Communications Network | |
DCO | Defense Communications Office | |
DCOS | Deputy Chief Of Staff | |
DCOSIPR | Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence Plans and Requirements | |
DCP | Disaster Control Plan |
DCR | Data Change Request | |
DCRSI | Digital Cassette Recording System - Improved | |
DCS/I | Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence | |
DCS/IN | Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence | |
DCS/SSI | Deputy Chief of Staff for Safety, Security, and Intelligence | |
DCSCA | Defense Communications System Central Area | |
DCSEC | Deputy Chief of Staff, Security | |
DCSI | Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence | |
DCSI/DCSINT | Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence (USAREUR) | |
DCSIM | Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management | |
DCSINT | Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (U.S. Army) | |
DCSLOG | Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, US Army | |
DCSO | Deputy Commander for Space Operations | |
DCSOPS | Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans | |
DCSP | Design Controlled Spare Part(s) | |
DCSTOP | Damage Criteria Study Target Data Base | |
DCTN | Defense Commercial Telecommunications/Teleconferencing Network | |
DD | Detroit Diesel | |
DDA | Detroit Diesel-Allison | |
DDAC | Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee | |
DDCMP | Digital Data Communications Message Protocol | |
DDDDD | Demand-Driven Direct Digital Dissemination System | |
DDG | Guided Missile Destroyer (US) | |
DDGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Destroyer | |
DDH | Aviation Destroyer (ASW) | |
DDHG | Guided-Missile Aviation Destroyer | |
DDHGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Destroyer | |
DDHN | Nuclear-Powered Aviation Destroyer | |
DDI | Deputy Director of Intelligence | |
DDL | Direct Data Link | |
DDP | Defense Dissemination Program | |
DDPO | Defense Dissemination Program Office | |
DDR&E | Director, Defense Research and Engineering | |
DDRS | Defense Data Repository System | |
DDS | Department of Defense Support | |
DDS/RL | Defense Dissemination System/Receive Location | |
DDSP | Defense Development Sharing Project | |
DDSS | Document Dissemination and Storage Segment | |
DDT | Training Destroyer | |
DDU | Distant Device Unit | |
DDU | Digital Display Unit | |
DE-U | Dissemination Element-Upgrade | |
DE/EW | Directed Energy/Electronic Warfare | |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration (U.S. Department of Justice) | |
DEACON | Defense Estimates Analytical Computer On-Line Network | |
DEB | Digital European Backbone | |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation | |
DEC(VAX) | Digital Equipment Corporation (Virtual Address Extension) | |
DECA | Digital Electronic Control Assembly | |
DECCO | Defense Commercial Contracting Office (now DITCO) |
DECM | Defense Electronic Countermeasures | |
DECON | Decontaminate(ion) | |
DEDAC | Deception and Denial Analysis Committee | |
DEDDF | Digital Elevation Data Dubbing Facility | |
DEFA | direction des études et fabrications d'armement | |
DEFCON | Defense Condition | |
DEFCOS | Defense Courier System | |
DEFPLAN | Defense Plan | |
DEFSMAC | Defense Special Missile & Astronautics Center | |
Degrad | Degradation | |
DELORME | a Digital Mapping Computer Program | |
DEMEX | Demonstration Exercise | |
DEMONS | Demonstration System | |
DEMPC | Data Exploitation, Mission Planning, Communications/Center | |
DENAS | Daily European Naval Activity Summary | |
DEP | Deflection Error Probable | |
DEPCOMUSNAVCENT | Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command | |
DEPSECDEF | (U.S.) Deputy Secretary Of Defense | |
DERA | British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (1995–2001) | |
DES | Digital Exploitation System | |
DESA | Defense Evaluation Support Activity | |
DESC | Defense Electronics Supply Center | |
DESIGN | Designator (U.S. Navy) | |
DESIST | Decision Support and Information System for Terrorism | |
DESO | Defence Export Sales Organisation (UK) | |
DESRON | Destroyer Squadron | |
DESS | Defense Exploitation Support System | |
DET/Det | Detachment | |
DEW | distant early warning (radar) | |
DEW (Line) | Distant Early Warning(Radar system) | |
DEWLINE | Distant Early Warning Line | |
DFAA | Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements | |
DFAC | Dining Facility | |
DFAD | Digitized Feature Analysis Data | |
DFCS | digital fire-control system | |
DFDS | Data Facility Dataset Services | |
DFED | Digitized Features Data | |
DFH | Deployed Forward Headquarters | |
DFLP | Defense Foreign Language Program | |
DFM | Deterrent Force Modules | |
DFO | Department of Fisheries and Oceans(Pronounced: DEE-fete) | |
DFOV | Dual Field of View | |
DFRIF | Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet | |
DFS | Direction Finding Subsystem | |
DFSV | Direct-Fire Support Vehicle | |
DFT | Deployed for Training Team | |
dfv | Desert Fighting Vehicle | |
DG | Defense Guidance | |
DGCS | Downsized Ground Control Station |
DGCT | Downsized Ground Control Terminal | |
DGIAP | Defense General Intelligence Applications Program | |
DGIF | Deployable Ground Intercept Facility | |
DGIS | Director General Intelligence and Security | |
DGITS | Digital Graphics Information Tailoring System | |
DGS | Deployable Ground Station | |
DGU | Downgrade to Unclassified | |
DGZ | Desired Ground Zero | |
DH-7 | deHavilland Dash 7 (Drug Interdiction Aircraft) | |
DHCA | Data Handling Capability Analysis | |
DHFN | Direct Hire Foreign National | |
DHS | Defense HUMINT Service | |
DHSS | Data Handling Subsystem | |
DI | Director of Intelligence (USEUCOM) | |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency (USA) | |
DIA/CS | Defense Intelligence Agency/Command Support | |
DIAAPR | Defense Intelligence Agency Appraisal | |
DIAC | Defense Intelligence Analysis Center | |
DIAI | DIA Instruction | |
DIAIAPPR | DIA Intelligence Appraisal | |
DIAL | Defense Intelligence Agency Liaison | |
DIAL-J | DIA Liaison Office for Japan | |
DIALO | DIA Liaison Office | |
DIALOG | DIA Information Retrieval System | |
DIAMCP | DIA Master Contingency Plan | |
DIAND | Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development | |
DIANM | DIA Analytical Memorandum | |
DIAOB | Defense Intelligence Air Order of Battle | |
DIAOLS | DIA On-Line System | |
DIAPF | DIA Part File | |
DIAR | DIA Regulation | |
DIATP | DIA Tactical Program | |
DIATS | DIA Terrorism Summary | |
DIB | Defense Intelligence Board | |
DIC | Defense Intelligence Community | |
DICBM | Depressed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile | |
DICON | Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria | |
DICP | Defense Intelligence Counterdrug Program | |
DID | Data Line Description | |
DIDHS | Deployable Intelligence Data Handling System | |
DIDOP | Digital Image Data Output Product | |
DIDS | Defense Intelligence Dissemination System | |
DIDSRS | Defense Intelligence Dissemination, Storage & Retrieval System | |
DIE | Defense Intelligence Estimate | |
DIEB | Defense Intelligence Executive Board | |
DIEC | Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability | |
DIEM | Defense Intelligence Estimates Memorandum | |
DIEOB | Defense Intelligence Electronic Order of Battle | |
DIEPS | Digital Imagery Exploitation and Production System | |
DIFAR | Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording System |
DIFAX | Defense Intelligence Facsimile | |
DIFM | Defense Intelligence Functional Manager | |
DIFR | Defense Intelligence Facility Report | |
DIGITS | Digital Geographic Information Tailoring System | |
DIGOB | Defense Intelligence Ground Order of Battle | |
DIH | Daily Intelligence Highlights | |
DIHEST | Direct Induced High-Explosives Simulation Technique | |
DII | Defense Information Infrastructure | |
DIIN | Defense Imagery Intelligence Notice | |
DIIP | Defense Intelligence Interoperability Panel | |
DIIPS | Digital Imagery Interactive Processing System | |
DIIS | DIA Integrated Intelligence System | |
DILC | Dedicated Intelligence Loop Circuit | |
DIM | Defense Intelligence Memorandum | |
DIMES | Digital Image Manipulation & Enhancement System | |
DIMMD | Diver Integral Magnetic Mine Detector | |
DIMOB | Defense Intelligence Missile Order of Battle | |
DIMSS | DSN Integrated Management Support System | |
DIN | Defense Intelligence Notice | |
DINAH | Desktop INterface to AUTODIN Host | |
DINOB | Defense Intelligence Naval Order of Battle | |
DINSUM | Defense Intelligence Summary | |
DIO | Defense Intelligence Officer (DIA) | |
DIOB | Defense Intelligence Order of Battle | |
DIOBS | Defense Intelligence Order of Battle System | |
DIOP | Defense Intelligence Objectives & Priorities | |
DIP | Driver Instrument Panel | |
DIP | Defense Intelligence Plan | |
DIPC | Defense Intelligence Production Council/Conference | |
DIPFAC | U.S. Diplomatic Facilities Graphic | |
DIPOLES | Defense Intelligence Photoreconnaissance On-Line Exploitation System | |
DIPP | Defense Intelligence Projection for Planning | |
DIPS | Defense Intelligence Production Schedule | |
DIR | Defense Intelligence Report | |
DIRCM | Direct Infrared Countermeasures | |
DIRES | Defense Imagery Requirements & Exploitation System | |
DIRINT | Director of Intelligence | |
DIRLAUTH | Direct Liaison Authorized | |
DIRNSA | Director, National Security Agency | |
DIRNSA/CHCSS | Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service | |
DIROI | Directorate Operating Instruction | |
DIRS | Defense Intelligence Reference Series | |
DISA | U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency | |
DISA WESTHEM | DISA Western Hemisphere | |
DISA-EUR | Defense Information Systems Agency-Europe | |
DISA-PAC | DISA-Pacific | |
DISAM | Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management | |
DISC | Daily Intelligence Summary Cable | |
DISC4 | Director of Information Systems Command, Control, Communications and Computers | |
DISCAS | Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System |
DISCOM | Division Support Command | |
DISE | Deployable Intelligence Support Element | |
DISECS | Defense Intelligence Space Exploitation and Correlation System | |
DISES | Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service | |
DISIDS | Display and Information Distribution System/Subsystem | |
DISMOB | Defense Intelligence Strategic Missile Order of Battle | |
DISN | Defense Information Systems Network | |
DISNET | Defense Integrated Secure Network | |
DISO | Defense Intelligence Support Office | |
DISOB | Defense Intelligence Space Order of Battle | |
DISP | Defense Industrial Security Program | |
DISPEWT | Defense Intelligence Space Electronic Warfare Threat Data Base | |
DISR | Daily Indicator Status Report | |
DISS | Digest of Intelligence and Security Services | |
DISSEM | Dissemination | |
DISSO | Deputy Information Systems Security Officer | |
DIST | Digital Imagery Support Terminal | |
DISTAFF | Directing Staff (NATO Commands, JECG) | |
DISTP | Defense Intelligence Special Technologies Program | |
DISTS | Defense Intelligence Secure Telephone System | |
DISUM | Daily Intelligence Summary;(2) Defense Intelligence Summary | |
DIT | Defense Intelligence Thesaurus | |
DITB | Digital Imagery Test Bed | |
DITCO | Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (formerly DECCO) | |
DITEQ | Defense Intelligence Thesaurus Equivalency List | |
DITFOR | Defense Intelligence Technical Forum | |
DITS | Digital Imagery Transmission System | |
DITSUM | Defense Intelligence Terrorism Summary | |
DIV | Division | |
DIVARTY | Division Artillery | |
DIVISION | Enciphered Television | |
DIW | Dead In Water | |
DIWO | Duty Intelligence Watch Officer | |
DIWS | Digital Imagery Workstation Suite | |
DJ2 | Deputy Director of Intelligence | |
DJS | Director, Joint Staff | |
DJSM | DJS Memorandum | |
DJTF | Deployable Joint Task Force | |
DJTFAC | DJTF Augmentation Cell | |
DLA | U.S. Defense Logistics Agency | |
DLAB | Defense Language Aptitude Battery | |
DLEA | Drug Law Enforcement Agency | |
DLED | Dedicated Loop Encryption Device | |
DLIFLC | Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center | |
DLPT | Defense Language Proficiency Test | |
DLTV | Daylight Television | |
DM | Dissemination Manager | |
DMA | U.S. Defense Mapping Agency | |
DMAAC | Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center | |
DMACSC | Defense Mapping Agency Combat Support Center |
DMAHTC | DMA Hydrographic and Topographic Center | |
DMAI | Defense Mapping Agency Instruction | |
DMAL | Defense Mapping Agency Liaison | |
DMAR | Deferred Maintenance And Repair | |
DMB | DoDIIS Management Board | |
DMC | Digital Magnetic Compass | |
DMC&GP | Defense MC&G Program | |
DMD | Digital Message Device | |
DMDG | Digital Message Device Group | |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment | |
DMED | Digital Message Entry Device | |
DMFE | DAWS Message Front End | |
DMI | Directorate of Military Intelligence | |
DMOB | Defensive Missile Order of Battle | |
dmos | Daily Maritime OPINTEL Summary | |
DMPC | Deployment Media Production Center Project | |
dmr | Dedicated Marksman Rifle | |
DMS | Data Management System | |
DMSP | Defense Meteorological Satellite (or Support) Program | |
DMU | Distance Measurement Unit | |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone | |
dn | Data Network | |
DNA | Defense Nuclear Agency | |
DNAS | DODIIS Network Access System | |
DNC | Director, Naval Communications | |
DNCC | Data Network Control Center | |
DNRS | Day/Night Range Sight | |
DNSIX | DODIIS Network Security for Information Exchange | |
DNVT | Digital Non-secure Voice Terminal | |
DOAT | JAC Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Analysis Branch | |
DOB | Depth Of Burst | |
DOC | United States Department of Commerce | |
DOCC | Defense Communications Agency Operations Center Complex | |
DOCKLAMP | Defense Attache System Message Channel | |
DOCS | DSCS Operations Control System | |
DOD | United States Department of Defense | |
DOD SAT COM | DOD Satellite Communications | |
DOD TCSEC | DOD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria | |
DoD, DOD | Department of Defense | |
DoDCI | DoD Computer Institute | |
DODCSC | Department Of Defense Computer Security Center | |
DODD | DoD Directive | |
DODEX | DoDIIS Extended | |
DODFCIP | DoD Foreign Counterintelligence Program | |
DODFDCO | Department Of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office | |
DODFIP | DoD Futures Intelligence Program | |
DoDIIS | DoD Intelligence Information System | |
DODIIS SCINET | DoDIIS Sensitive Compartmented Information Network | |
DODIMS | DoD Intelligence Management System | |
DODIPP | DoD Intelligence Production Program |
DODNACC | Department Of Defense National Agency Check Center | |
DODSATCOM | DoD Satellite Communications Program | |
DODSI | Department of Defense Security Institute | |
DODSPECREP | DoD Special Representative | |
DOE | United States Department of Energy (government) | |
DOF | Disposition of Forces | |
DOI | Date of Information | |
DOIM | Directorate Of Information Management | |
DOJ | Department of Justice (US) | |
DOMS | Directorate Of Military Support | |
DON | Department Of the Navy | |
DOO | Daily Operations Order (NATO) | |
dop | Department of Productivity | |
DOPS | DIA Outline Plotting System | |
DOSCOM | Division Support Command | |
DoSIP | Department of State Intelligence Program | |
DOSTN | Department Of State Telecommunications Network | |
DOT | Department of Transport | |
DP | Duplicate Positive | |
dp | Demonstration Purpose | |
DP | Dual-Purpose | |
DPA | Defence Procurement Agency (UK) | |
DPAC | Defense Program Analysis Center | |
DPAE | Director, Program Analysis & Evaluation | |
DPAS | Digital Patch & Access System | |
DPF | Digital Processing Facility | |
DPG | Defense Planning Guidance | |
DPI | Desired Point of Impact | |
DPIC | Decentralized Pacific Imagery Processing and Interpretation Center | |
DPICM | Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions | |
DPICM | dual-purpose improved conventional munition (US) | |
DPKO | Department of Peacekeeping Operations | |
DPL | Degausser Products List | |
DPM | Dissemination Program Manager | |
DPOB | Date, Place of Birth | |
DPOM | Directorate of Plans, Operations and Mobilization | |
DPOMIS | Directorate of Plans, Operations, Mobilization, Intelligence, and Security | |
DPP | Delegated Production Program | |
DPPC | Deployable Print Production Center | |
DPPDB | Digital Point Positioning Database | |
DPPG | Defense Policy & Planning Guidance | |
DPQ | Defense Planning Questionnaire (NATO) | |
DPRB | Defense Planning and Resources Board | |
DPRK | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | |
DPS | Delegated Production System | |
DPSK | Digital Pulse Shift Key | |
DPTR | diopter | |
DR&E | Defense Research and Engineering | |
DRA | Defence Research Agency (UK) | |
DRA | Defense Research Assessment |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory (dee-ram) (computing) | |
DRASH | Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters | |
DRB | Defense Resources Board | |
DRC | Defense Review Committee (NATO) | |
DRDC | Defence R&D Canada | |
DRIC | Defense Resource Identification Code | |
DRM | Defense Research Memorandum | |
DRO | Departmental Requirements Officer | |
drops | Demountable Rack Offloading and Pick-up System | |
dRP | Disaster Relief Program | |
DRS | Data Relay Satellite | |
DRSA | Defense Reconnaissance Support Activities | |
DRSEM | Deployable Receive Segment Engineering Model | |
DRSN | Defense Red Switch Network | |
DRSP | Defense Reconnaissance Support Program | |
DRU | Direct Reporting Unit | |
DRZ | Deep Reconnaissance Zone | |
DS | Defense Suppression | |
DS&T | Director of Science and Technology | |
DS/T | practice discarding sabot/tracer | |
DSA | Defense Supply Agency | |
DSAA | (U.S.) Defense Security Assistance Agency | |
DSACS | direct support armored cannon system (US) | |
DSARC | Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council | |
DSAT | Developmental Submarine Analysis Terminal | |
DSC | Defense Satellite Communications | |
DSC-SLEP | Defense Satellite Communications System Service Life Enhancement Program | |
DSCIS | Daily Space Command Intelligence Summary | |
DSCSOC | Defense Satellite Communications System Operations Center | |
DSDIO | Director, Strategic Defense Initiative | |
DSE | Direct Support Element | |
DSEC | Directorate of Security | |
DSETS | Direct Support Electrical Test System | |
DSFOB | Daily Strategic Forces Order of Battle | |
DSG | Defense Steering Group | |
DSI | Defense Simulation Internet | |
DSI/TCCS | Defense Simulation Internet/Theater Command and Control System | |
DSIATP | Defense Sensor Imagery Application Training Programs | |
DSIIB | Direct Support Imagery Interpretation Brief | |
DSIMS | Deployable SouthCom Intelligence Management System | |
DSM | Data Systems Modernization | |
DSNET | Defense Integrated Secure Network | |
DSNET 1 | Defense Integrated Secure Network 1 (SECRET level) | |
DSNET 2 | Defense Integrated Secure Network 2 (TOP SECRET level) | |
DSNET 3 | Defense Integrated Secure Network 3 (TS/SCI level) | |
DSO | Defence Sales Organisation | |
DSO | Direct Support Operator/Operations | |
DSPO | Defense Special Projects Office | |
DSR | Defense Source Register | |
DSRP | Defense Space Reconnaissance Program | |
DSRV | Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (US) | |
DSS | Decision Support System | |
DSSCC | Defense Special Security Communications Center | |
DSSCS | Defense Special Secure Communications System | |
DSSCS/DIN | Defense Special Security Communications System/Digital Intelligence Network | |
DSSR | Deep Space Surveillance Radar | |
DSSS | Defense Special Security System | |
DST | Daylight Savings Time | |
DSTE | Digital Subscriber Terminal Equipment | |
DSTF | Decision Support Task Force | |
DSTP | Director, Strategic Target Planning | |
DSTS | Deep Space Tracking System | |
DSU | Direct Support Unit | |
DSV | Deep Submergence Vehicle | |
DSVT | Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal | |
DSWS | Division Support Weapon System | |
DT&E | Developmental Test & Evaluation | |
DTA | Directorate of Threat Analysis | |
dtat | Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres | |
DTC | Digital Tape Cassette | |
DTC-2 | Desktop Computer-2 (Navy) | |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment | |
DTI | Doppler-Time-Intensity | |
DTIC | (U.S.) Defense Technical Information Center | |
DTIO | Deputy Target Intelligence Officer | |
DTIR | Defense Technical Intelligence Report | |
DTLOMS | Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Material, Soldiers | |
DTLS | Descriptive Top-Level Specification | |
DTM | Data Transfer Module | |
DTMF | Dual-Tone MultiFrequency | |
DTNSRDC | David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research & Development Center | |
DTOC | Division Tactical Operations Center | |
DTOCSE | Division Tactical Operations Center Support Element | |
DTOLM | Doctrine, Training, Organization, Leader Development and Material | |
DTP | Drug Testing Program | |
DTS | Diplomatic Telecommunications System/Service | |
DTSA | (U.S.) Defense Technology Security Administration | |
DTSG | Digital Technology Subworking Group | |
dtt | Driver Training Tank | |
DTU | Data Transfer Unit | |
DTUC | Data Transfer Unit Cartridge | |
DTWS | Digital Topographic Work Station | |
DU | Depleted Uranium | |
DU | Decision Unit | |
DUA | Directory User Agent | |
DUCA | Distributed Users Coverage Antennas | |
DUG | Deep Underground | |
DUPLEX | Simultaneous Transmit and Receive | |
DUSD(AT) | Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Technology) |
DUSD(P) | Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) | |
dv | Demining Vehicle | |
DV | Distinguished Visitor | |
DVE | Driver's Vision Enhancer | |
DVI | Digital Video Interactive | |
DVITS | Digital Video Imagery Transmission System | |
DVM | Digital Voice Module | |
DVTC | Digital Voice Transmit Communications | |
DWFK | Deep Water Fording Kit | |
DWIO | Duty Watch Intelligence Officer (Canadian) | |
DWIP | Defense-Wide Intelligence Plan | |
DWS | Disaster Warning System | |
DZ | Drop Zone | |
DZ/LZ | Drop Zone/Landing Zone | |
DZ/LZ/RZ | Drop/Landing/Recovery Zone | |
DZS | Drop Zone Study | |
e&a | Exploitation and Analysis | |
E&E | Escape And Evasion (training) | |
E&MD | Engineering & Manufacturing Development | |
E-DAY | Start Day of an Exercise | |
E-DRB | Expanded Defense (Planning &) Resources Board | |
Electronic Mail | ||
E-MIPE | Enhanced MIPE | |
E-NET | Ethernet | |
E-OPTINT | Electro-Optical Intelligence | |
E3 | End-to-End Encryption | |
EA | Emergency Action(s) | |
EAAK | Enhanced Appliqué Armor Kit (US) | |
EAC | Emergency Action Console | |
EACIC | Echelon-Above-Corps Intelligence Center | |
EACTPC | Echelon-Above-Corps Theater Production Center | |
EAD | Echelon Above Division | |
EADSIM | Extended Air Defense Simulation | |
EAM | Emergency Action Message | |
EAMA | African States Associated with the EEC | |
EAMAS | Emergency Action Message Authentication System | |
eaos | Enhanced Artillery Observation System | |
EAS | Emergency Action System | |
EASTLANT | Eastern Atlantic Command (NATO) | |
EASTPAC | Eastern Pacific Ocean | |
EATTG | Enhanced Automated Tactical Target Graphics | |
EBG | Engin Blindé Génie (armoured combat vehicle) | |
EBR | Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance (armoured reconnaissance vehicle) | |
EBRC | Engine Blindé à roues de Contact | |
EBS | Emergency Broadcast System | |
ec | Enhanced Carbine | |
EC | European Community | |
ECA | Enemy Capability Assessment | |
ECAC | Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center | |
ECB | Engineering and Construction Bulletins |
ECC | Eurasian Communist Countries | |
ECDB | EISS Consolidated Database | |
ECG | Emergency Coordination Group | |
ECI | External Communications Interface | |
ECM | Error Correcting Memory | |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturer's Association | |
ECMC | Enhanced Crisis Management Capability | |
ECMO | European Collection Management Office | |
ECO | Electronic Collection Outstations | |
ECOA | Enemy Courses of Action | |
ECOS | Enhanced Combat Optical Sight | |
ECP | Emergency Communications Plan | |
ECPL | Endorsed Data Encryption Standard Products List | |
ECS | Electronic Combat Support | |
ECS | Environmental Control Subsystem | |
ECSM | Special Assistant for Security Matters | |
ECSO | European Command Special Operations | |
ECU | Environmental Control Unit (GSM) | |
ECV | Enhanced Capacity Vehicle | |
ED | European Capability Datum | |
EDA | Emergency Dissemination Authorityies | |
EDD | Explosive Detonation Disruption | |
EDI | European Defense Initiative | |
EDL | Electric Discharge Laser | |
EDM | Engineering Development Model | |
EDMS | Electronic Dissemination Management System | |
EDN | Emergency Data Network | |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) | |
EDPSELINT | Data Processing System | |
EDRE | Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises | |
EDS | Electric Drive System | |
EEA | Essential Elements of Analysis | |
EEC | European Economic Community (predecessor of the European Union|EU) | |
EECT | End of Evening Civil Twilight | |
EEFI | Essential Elements of Friendly Information | |
EEI | Essential Elements of Information | |
EELS | Early Entry, Lethality, and Survivability | |
EELV | Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
EENT | End Evening Nautical Twilight | |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity | |
EEOB | enemy electronic order of battle | |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | |
EES | Emergency Evacuation Study | |
EFAB | Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de Bourges | |
EFC | Equivalent Full Charge | |
EFCR | equivalent full charge rounds | |
EFCS | Electronic Filmless Camera System | |
EFD | Electronic Fill Device | |
EFM | Explosives Factory Maribyrnong | |
EFP | Explosively Formed Penetrator |
efp | Expanded Feasibility Phase | |
EFP | Environmental Farm Plans | |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association (Geneva) | |
EFTO | Encrypt(ed) for Transmission Only | |
EFV | Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (New name for AAAV) | |
EFVS | Electronic Fighting Vehicle System (US) | |
eg | External Gun | |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter | |
EGADS | Electronic Generation, Accounting, & Distribution System | |
EGIS | East German Intelligence Service | |
EGLM | Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module | |
EHF | Extremely High Frequency | |
EI | Engineering and Installation | |
EI | Effectiveness Index | |
EI (formerly UI) | Employment Insurance | |
EI SIT | Engineering and Installation Site Implementation Team | |
EIA | Electronics Industry Association (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) | |
EIB | European Investment Bank | |
EIC | Economic Intelligence Committee | |
EIDB | EISS Integrated Database | |
EIDS | Electronic Information Delivery System | |
EIF | ECMC Interface Facility | |
EIG | Explosive Incendiary Grenade | |
EIP | ELlNT Improvement Program | |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | |
EIS | Engineering and Installation Squadron | |
EIS | Enhanced Imagery System | |
EISI | Electrical Interface-SWPS/lDHS 2000 | |
EISS | EUCOM Intelligence Support System | |
EITO | EUCOM Intelligence Training Office EKIP Enhanced Korean Information Package | |
EKMS | Electronic Key Management System | |
elb | Extended Life Barrel | |
ELDO | European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization | |
ELECTRO-OPINT | Electro-Optical Intelligence Element | |
ELECTRO-OPTINT | Electro-Optical Intelligence | |
ELEV | Elevator | |
ELF | Extremely Low Frequency | |
ELI | Emitter Location & Identification | |
ELINT | Electronic Intelligence Satellite | |
ELISA | Electronic Intelligence Search & Analysis | |
ELKE | Elevated Kinetic Energy Weapon (US) | |
ELMT | Element | |
ELNET | European Liaison Network | |
ELNOT | ELINT Notation | |
ELOS | Extended Line Of Sight | |
ELS | Emitter Location System | |
els | Electromagnetic Launcher System | |
ELSAP | Elektronische Schiessanlage für Panzer (electronic fire system for tanks) | |
ELSEC | Electronic Security | |
ELSET | Element Set |
ELV | Expendable Launch Vehicle | |
EM | Electromagnetic | |
EMA | European Monetary Agreement | |
EMAP | Electromagnetic Analysis Program | |
EMATS | Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System | |
emb | embarked | |
EMC | Executive Management Committee | |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility | |
EMCON | Electromagnetic Emission Control | |
EMCP | Electromagnetic Compatibility Program | |
EMCS | ELINT Mission Control System | |
EMD | Engineering and Manufacturing Development | |
EMDG | Euromissile Dynamics Group | |
EMEW | Electromagnetically-Augmented High Explosive Warhead | |
EMG | externally mounted gun | |
EMGTN | Equivalent Megatonnage | |
EMHS | EUCOM Message Handling System | |
EMI | Electromagnetic interface | |
EMIDS | Experiment for Management Information Data Systems | |
EMINT | Emissions Intelligence | |
EMIS | Early Mission Identification System | |
EMIT | Emergency Message Initiation Terminal | |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse | |
EMPG | Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade | |
EMSEC | Emanations/Emissions Security | |
EMT | Emergency Management Team | |
EMTR | Eastern Missile Test Range | |
EMUT | Enhanced Manpack UHF Terminal | |
EN | Enemy | |
ENDEX | End Date of an Exercise | |
ENGESA | Engesa Engenheiros Especializados (Brazil) | |
Engr | Engineer | |
ENL | Enlisted | |
ENMCC | Expanded National Military Command Center | |
ENSCD | Enemy Situation and Correlation Division | |
ENSCE | Enemy Situation Correlation Element | |
ENSIT | Enemy Situation | |
ENTNAC | Entrance National Agency Check | |
EO | Engineering Order | |
EOA | Early Operational Assessment | |
EOBS | Electronic Order of Battle Server | |
EOC | Essential Operational Capability | |
EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal | |
EOINT | Electro-Optical Intelligence | |
EOP | Emergency Operating Procedures | |
EOR | Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance | |
EORD | Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot | |
EORSAT | ELINT Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite | |
EOS | Earth Observation Satellite | |
EOSAT | Earth Observation Satellite Co. |
EOSS | Electro-Optic Sensor System | |
EOTDA | Electro-Optical Tactical Decision Aids | |
EOTS | Electro-Optical Tracking System | |
EOW | Electro-Optic Warfare | |
EP | ELINT Processor | |
EP-3 | U.S. Navy Reconnaissance Aircraft | |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency (US) | |
EPAMS | Exercise Planning and Message System | |
EPAT | Earliest Possible Arrival Time | |
EPC | Engin Principal de Combat (future main battle tank) | |
EPDS | Electronic Processing and Dissemination System | |
epg | European Programme Group | |
EPG | Enhanced Performance Grenade | |
EPG | European Production Group | |
EPIC | El Paso Intelligence Center | |
EPIRB | Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon | |
EPL | ELINT Parameters List | |
EPLRS | Enhanced Position Location and Reporting System | |
EPMO | European Production Management Office | |
EPR | Extended Planning Annex | |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | |
EPS | Electrical Power Subsystem | |
EPS | ELINT Processing System | |
EPU | Electronics Processing Unit | |
EPUU | Enhanced PLRS User Units | |
EPWG | Exploitation Plans Working Group | |
ER | Extended Range | |
ER | Enhanced Radiation | |
ERA | Explosive Reactive Armour | |
ERA | Extended Range Ammunition | |
ERADCOM | Electronic Research and Development Command | |
ERAP | Economic Recovery Assistance Program | |
ERAST | Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology | |
ERBM | Extended Range Ballistic Missile | |
ERC | Engin de Reconnaissance Canon | |
ERCS | Emergency Rocket Communications System | |
ERDA | Economic and Regional Development Agreement | |
ERDAS | Earth Resources Data Analysis System | |
ERF | Early Reinforcing Force | |
ERFB | extended range full-bore | |
ERFB-BB | extended range full-bore - base bleed | |
ERGFCDS | Extended Range Gunnery Fire-Control Demonstration System | |
ERGP | Extended Range Guided Projectile | |
ERIN | Electronic Radio Intercept Network (USCS) | |
ERINT | Extended Range Intercept Missile | |
ERIR | Electronic Reconnaissance Intercept Report | |
ERIS | Exo-atmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interception System | |
ERMIS | Extended Range Modification Integration System | |
EROS | Earth Resources Observational System | |
ERP | Extended Range Projectile |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power | |
ERPHO | Earth Resources Photographic Satellite | |
ERRS | Emergency Regional Reporting System | |
ERS | Emergency Relocation Site | |
ERSC | extended range subcalibre | |
ERSSO | Emergency Reaction Special Security Officer | |
ERT | Executive Reference Time | |
ERTM | Electronic Intelligence Request Tasking Message | |
ERTS | Earth Resources Technology Satellite (now Landsat) | |
ERTZ | Equipment Radiation TEMPEST Zone | |
ERV | Emergency Rescue Vehicle | |
ERV | Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle | |
ERW | Enhanced Radiation Weapon | |
ES | Extreme Spread | |
ES | Emplacement Site | |
ESA | European Space Agency | |
ESAA | European Special Activities Area (U.S. Air Force) | |
ESAC | El Salvador Analysis Cell | |
ESAF | European Special Activities Facility | |
ESAF | Electronic Safety and Arm Function | |
ESAMS | Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation | |
ESAR | Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
ESC | Electronic Security Command (U.S. Air Force) | |
ESD | Electronique Serge Dassault | |
ESD | Electronic Systems Division | |
ESF | Environmental Scale Factor | |
ESG | Electronic Security Group | |
ESI | Extremely Sensitive Information | |
ESIAC | Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Center | |
ESJ | Escort Jamming | |
ESLDE | Eyesafe Laser Daylight Elbow | |
ESM | Experiment Support Module | |
ESMC | Eastern Space And Missile Center (formerly AFETR) | |
ESMT | External Supply Management Tools | |
ESP | Emergency Special Measures | |
ESPAWS | Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System (US) | |
ESR | ELINT Summary Report | |
ESRO | European Space Research Organisation | |
ESRS | electro-slag refined steel | |
ESS | Electronic Security Squadron | |
ESSA | Expert System for Situation Assessment | |
ESSM | Electronic Shop, Shelter-Mounted | |
ESV | Earth Satellite Vehicle | |
ESW | Electronic Security Wing | |
ET | Enhanced Terminal | |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | |
ETAC | Enlisted Terminal Attack Controllers | |
ETAP | Education Training Awareness Program | |
ETAWG | ELINT Technical Analysis Working Group | |
ETC | ElectroThermal Cannon |
ETC | Estimated Time of Completion | |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | |
ETDS | Elapsed Time Distribution System | |
ETE | Estimated Time of Endurance | |
ETF | Enhanced tactical fighter | |
ETHICS | European Theater High Capacity Intelligence Communications System | |
ETI | Estimated Time of Impact | |
ETIBS | Enhanced Tactical Information Broadcast Service | |
ETII | External-to-Internal Interface | |
ETIWCS | European Theater Intelligence Warning and Communications System | |
ETL | Endorsed Tools List | |
ETM | Electronic Technical Manuals | |
ETO | European Theater of Operations | |
ETP | Extended Tether Program | |
ETPL | Endorsed TEMPEST Products List item | |
ETRAC | Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator | |
ETRO | Estimated Time Return to Operation | |
ETS | Elevated TOW System | |
ETS | European Telephone System | |
ets | Engineer Tank System | |
ETSC | Electronic and Telecommunications Subcommittee | |
ETSS | Electronic Telecommunications Switching System | |
ETTP | EUCOM Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | |
ETUT | Enhanced Tactical User Terminal | |
EU | Expenditure Unit | |
EUCI | Endorsed for Unclassified Cryptographic Information | |
EUCOM | European Command | |
EUCOM/JIC | U.S. European Command/Joint Intelligence Command | |
EUDAC | European Defense Analysis Center | |
EUF | ECME User Facility | |
EUL | Economically Useful Life | |
EUMETSAT | European Meteorological Satellite | |
EURATOM | European Atomic Energy Community | |
EUSA | Eighth U.S. Army (Korea) | |
EUSC | effective United States controlled shipping | |
EUTE | Early User Test and Evaluation | |
Eutelsat | European Telecommunications Satellite Organization | |
EUV | Extreme Ultraviolet Vertical | |
EUVE | Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (NASA Satellite) | |
EV | Enforcement Vector | |
EVA | Extra-Vehicular Activity | |
EVC | DoD Evasion Chart | |
EVO | Event Verification Officer | |
EVR | Enemy Vulnerability Report | |
EVS | Electronic Visual Communications | |
EW | Electronic Warfare | |
EW/GCI | Early Warning/Ground Control Intercept | |
EWAC | Electronic Warfare Anechoic Chamber | |
EWAS | Electronic Workorder Accounting System | |
EWC | Electronic Warfare Center |
EWCC | Electronic Warfare Coordination Center | |
EWCM | Electronic Warfare Coordination Module | |
EWCS | Electronic Warfare Control System | |
EWIR | Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming | |
EWIRS | Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming System | |
EWK | Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern Gцppner | |
EWMIS | Electronic Warfare Management Information System | |
EWMS | EW Mission Summary | |
EWO | Electronic Warfare Officer | |
EWOPFAC | Electronic Warfare Operating Facility | |
EWR | Early Warning Radar | |
EWRL | Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable Library | |
EWS | Electronic Warfare Support | |
EWS | external weapon station | |
EWSE | EW Support Element | |
EWSM | Electronic Warfare Support Measures | |
EWSO | EW Staff Officer | |
EXCAP | Exercise Capability (simulator) | |
EXCOM | Executive Committee | |
EXCRIT | Exercise Critique System | |
EXDEF | Exercise Deficiency Program | |
EXDIR/ICA | Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs | |
EXDIS | Exclusive Distribution (Pneumatic Tube Message Precedence) | |
EXEC | Executive | |
EXERTAS | Exercise Timeline Analysis System | |
EXFIL | Exfiltration | |
EXO | Exoatmosheric | |
EXOPLAN | Exercise Operations Plan | |
EXPER | Experience | |
EXPL | Exploitation | |
EXPLAN | Exercise Plan | |
ExPReS | Expoitation Process Reengineering Study | |
EXRAND | Exploitation Research and Development (COMIREX) | |
EXSCEN | Exercise Scenario System | |
EXSUBCOM | Exploitation Subcommittee (COMIREX) | |
EXSUM | Executive Summary | |
EXTAC | Experimental Tactics | |
f | Degrees Fahrenheit | |
F/d | Ratio of focal-length to diameter (of reflector type antennas) | |
F/O | Fiber-Optics | |
F3S | Field Station Support System | |
FA | Frontal Aviation (FSU) | |
FAAD | Forward Area Air Defense | |
FAAD C3I | Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence | |
FAADS | Forward Area Air Defense System | |
FAAR | Forward Area Alerting Radar (US) | |
FAARP | Forward Area Armament and Refuel Point | |
FAARP | Forward Area Arming & Refueling Point | |
FAAS | Foreign Affairs Administrative Support | |
FAASV | Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (US) |
FAC | Forward Air Control | |
FAC | Forward Air Control (Controller) | |
FAC-A | Forward Air Control(er)-Airborne | |
FACE | Field Artillery Computer Equipment | |
FACP | Forward Air Control Post | |
FACSFAC | Fleet Air Control and Surveillance Facility | |
FAD | Fleet Air Defense | |
FADOC | Future Air Defense Operation Concept | |
FADS | Foreign Area Data System | |
FAE | Fuel-Air Explosive | |
FAF | Fast Access Format | |
FAFIC | Federal Armed Forces Intelligence Center (FRG) | |
FAI | Fuel Air Incendiary Concussion Bomb | |
FAIO | Field Artillery Intelligence Officer | |
FAISA | FORSCOM Automated Intelligence Support Activity | |
FAISS | FORSCOM Automated Intelligence Support System | |
FAL | Fusil Automatique Légère | |
FALD | Field Administration & Logistics Division | |
FAM | Functional Area Model | |
FAME | FORSCOM Automated Modernization Effort | |
FAMP | Foreign Army Materiel Production | |
FAMS | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center Analytical Maritime Summary | |
FAMSIM | Family of Simulation | |
FANS | Friendly Allied Nation Support Network | |
FANT | French Atmospheric Nuclear Test | |
FAO | Foreign Area Officer | |
FAP | Fisheries Alternative Program | |
FAPC | Food and Agriculture Planning Committee | |
FAPDS | Frangible Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot | |
FARP | Forward Area Refueling Point | |
FARP | Forward Area Refuel Point | |
FARRFAA | Air Replacement Radar | |
FARRP | Forward Area Rearming and Refueling Point | |
FARS | Field Artillery Rocket System | |
FARV-A | Future Armored Resupply Vehicle - Artillery (US) | |
FAS | (U.S.) Foreign Agriculture Service | |
FAST | Fleet Antiterrorist Support Teams | |
FAST | Forward Area Support Team | |
FAST-I | Forward Area SID and TRAP-Improved | |
FAST/I2 | Improved FAST/I | |
FASTC | Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center (archaic, now NAIC) | |
FASTFAX | Tactical Digital Facsimile | |
FASTL | Future Analytic Strategic Target List | |
FAV | Fast Attack Vehicle (US) | |
FB | Fighter Bomber | |
FBA | Fighter Bomber Attack | |
FBH | Force Beachhead | |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation | |
FBR | Fast Breeder Reactor | |
FBRV | Future Beach Recovery Vehicle (UK) |
FBS | Forward-Based Systems | |
FCA | Foreign Counterintelligence Activity | |
FCB | Functional Control Board | |
FCC | Fire Command Centre | |
FCC | Fire-Control Computer | |
FCCVS | Future Close-Combat Vehicle System (US) | |
FCE | fire-control equipment | |
FCE | Forward Control Element | |
FCFS | First Come First Served | |
FCG | Foreign Clearance Guide (military) | |
FCIAD | FORSCOM Component Intelligence Architecture Document | |
FCIP | Foreign Counterintelligence Program | |
FCISD | FORSCOM Component Intelligence Strategy Document | |
FCITP | Foreign Counterintelligence and International Terrorism Program (FBI) | |
FCITTP | FORSCOM Component Intelligence Tactics, Techniques and Procedures | |
FCLP | FORSCOM Command Language Program | |
FCLV | Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (UK) | |
FCO | Facility Control Office | |
FCRC | Federal Contract Research Center | |
fcs | Future Combat System | |
FCSE | Forward Control Support Element | |
FCT | Foreign Comparative Test | |
FCU | Fire Control Unit | |
FCZ | Forward Combat Zone | |
FDB | Fleet Database | |
FDBM | functional data base manager | |
FDBPS | Fleet Data Base Production System | |
FDC | Fire Direction Centre | |
FDC | Fire Direction Center | |
FDCV | fire direction centre vehicle | |
FDDAC | Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee | |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface | |
FDDS | Flag Data Display System | |
FDIU | Fill Device Interface Unit | |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplex | |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access | |
FDMS | Farm Debt Mediation Service | |
FDO | Foreign Disclosure Officer | |
FDOA | Frequency Difference Of Arrival | |
FDR | Foreign Disclosure Representative | |
FDSWS | Future Direct Support Weapon System | |
FDT&E | Force Development Test & Experimentation | |
FDU | Force Design Update | |
FDW | Forward Deployed Workstation | |
FEA | Front End Analysis | |
FEAF | Far Eastern Air Forces | |
FEAI | Federal Environmental Assessment Index | |
FEBA | Forward Edge of the Battle Area | |
Fed | Federal Reserve System |
FedNor | (Federal Economic Development Iniative for Northern Ontario ) | |
FEDS | Front End Distribution System | |
FEDSIM | Federal Computer Performance Evaluation and Simulation Center | |
FEL | Free Electron Laser | |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | |
FEMD | Far East Military District | |
FEMP | Front End Message Processors | |
FEP | Front End Processor | |
FEP | Firepower Enhancement Programme | |
FERS | Federal Employees Retirement System | |
FET | Field Effect Transistor | |
FET | Future Engineer Tank | |
FETVD | Far East Theater of Military Operations | |
FEWS | Future Early Warning System | |
FEWSG | Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group | |
FFA | Free-Fire Area | |
FFAR | Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket | |
FFAR | Folding Fin Aerial Rocket | |
FFE | Fire For Effect | |
FFED | FIREFINDER Elevation Data | |
FFG | Guided-Missile Frigate | |
FFGH | Guided-Missile Aviation Frigate | |
FFGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Frigate | |
FFH | Aviation Frigate | |
FFHGN | Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Frigate | |
FFHN | Nuclear-Powered Aviation Frigate | |
FFL | Corvette | |
FFLG | Guided-Missile Corvette | |
FFM | Full Face Mask | |
FFN | Fleet Flash Net | |
FFR | Radar Picket Frigate | |
FFS | Fixed Field Site | |
FFSS | Future Fighting Soldier System (UK) | |
FFT | Training Frigate | |
FG | Field Gun | |
FGHQ | Fighter Group Headquarters (Canada) | |
FGN | Foreign | |
FH | Field Howitzer | |
FH | Frequency Hopping | |
FH/DS | Frequency Hopping/Direct Sequence | |
FHAP | Federal Housing Action Program (Canada) | |
FI | Finished Intelligence | |
FI&SS | Foreign Intelligence and Security Service(s) | |
FIA | Foreign Intelligence Agency | |
FIBUA | Fighting In Built-Up Areas | |
FIC | Fleet Intelligence Center | |
FICEURLANT | Fleet Intelligence Center, Europe & Atlantic | |
FICM | Fleet Intelligence Collection Manual | |
FICPAC | Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific | |
FIDB | Fundamental Intelligence Database |
FIE | Foreign Intelligence Element | |
FIFV | Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle (US) | |
FIGMO | Fuck it, I've got my orders | |
FIIC | Force Imagery Interpretation Center | |
FIIU | Force Imagery Interpretation Unit | |
FIM | Force Integration Master Planner | |
FIMCLA | Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act | |
FIN | Fixed-Site Intelligence Network | |
FINPLAN | Financial Plan | |
FINTRAC | Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | |
FIO | Foreign Intelligence Officer | |
FIP | Force Improvement Plan | |
FIPA | Farm Income Protection Act | |
FIPC | Foreign Intelligence Priorities Committee | |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard | |
FIR | Field Investigative Region | |
FIRA | Foreign Investment Review Agency.(Pronounced: FEAR-ah) | |
FIRCAP | Foreign Intelligence Requirement Capabilities and Priorities | |
FIRE | Fused Intelligence Report in Europe | |
FIRF | Future Information Requirements Forecast | |
FIRM | Floating Integrated Rail Mount | |
FIRMS | Foreign Intelligence Relations Management System | |
FIROPS | Freedom of Air Operations | |
FIRST | Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team | |
FIRSTEURLANT | Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team, Atlantic | |
FIRSTPAC | Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team, Pacific | |
FIS | Fuze Interface System | |
FIS | Foreign Instrumentation Signals | |
FISA | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act | |
FISAP | FMFPac Intelligence Sub-Architecture Plan | |
FISH | Fighting in Someone's House | |
FISINT | Foreign Instrumentation and Signature Intelligence | |
FISS | Foreign Intelligence and Security Services | |
FIST | Future Integrated Soldier Technology | |
FIST-T | Transportable FIST | |
FISTV | Fire Support Team Vehicle (US) | |
FITCPAC | Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Pacific | |
FITD | FORSCOM Intelligence Training Detachment | |
FITOW | Further Improved TOW (US) | |
FITT | Forum for International Trade Training | |
FITWING | Fighter Wing | |
FLA | Foreign Launch Assessment | |
FLAGE | Flexible Lightweight Agile-Guided Experiment | |
FLC | Foreign Language Committee | |
FLEA | Frangible Low-Energy Ammunition (i.e. a fragmentation grenade or a low-yield IED) | |
FLENUMOCEANCEN | Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (U.S. Navy) | |
FLEX | Force-Level Execution System | |
FLI | Force-Level Information | |
FLIR | forward-looking infra-red | |
FLIR | Forward-Looking Infrared (Radar) |
FLOT | forward line of own troops | |
FLOT | Forward Line of Troops | |
FLR | Forward-Looking Radar | |
FLRA | Federal Labor Relations Authority's | |
FLSG | Force Logistics Support Group | |
flsw | Future Light Support Weapon | |
FLT | Flight | |
FLTBCST | Fleet Broadcast | |
FLTCINC | Fleet Commander in Chief | |
FLTSAT | Fleet Satellite | |
FLTSATCOM | fleet satellite communications | |
FM | frequency modulation | |
FM | Titanium tetrachloride (code designation) | |
FMA | Foreign Materiel Acquisition | |
FMAO | Foreign Materiel Acquisition Operation | |
FMAR | Foreign Materiel Acquisition Requirement | |
FMAS | foreign media analysis subsystem | |
FMBS | Family of Muzzle Brake/Suppressors | |
FMC | Field Maintenance Center | |
FMC | Food Machinery Corporation | |
FME | foreign materiel exploitation | |
FMEC | Foreign Materiel Exploitation Catalogue | |
FMEP | Foreign Materiel Exploitation Program | |
FMF | Fleet Marine Force (US) | |
FMF | Fleet Marine Force(s) | |
FMFLANT | Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic | |
FMFM | Fleet Marine Field Manual | |
FMFPAC | Fleet Marine Force, Pacific | |
FMIB | Foreign Materiel Intelligence Board | |
FMIG | Foreign Materiel Intelligence Group | |
FMIS | Force Management Information System | |
FMJ | Full Metal Jacket | |
FMJBT | Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail | |
FMJLF | Full Metal Jacket Lead Free | |
FMLM | French Military Liaison Mission | |
FMOCC | Fleet Mobile Operations Command Center | |
FMPCP | Foreign Military Personnel Contact Program | |
FMPDS | Frangible Missile Piercing Discarding Sabot | |
FMPRB | Foreign Military Program Review Board | |
FMRL | Foreign Materiel Requirements List | |
FMS | Foreign Military Sales | |
FMSF | Foreign Military Sales Financing | |
FMTV | Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles | |
FN | Fabrique Nationale (Manufacturer) | |
FNU | First Name Unknown | |
FO | Forward Observer | |
FOA | Field Operating Agency | |
FOAMP | Foreign Aerospace Materiel Production | |
FOAP | Foreign Aircraft Production | |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOBS | Fractional Orbital Bombardment System | |
FOC | Final Operating Capability | |
FOC | Final Operational Capabilities | |
FOCI | Foreign Owned Controlled or Influenced | |
FOCUS | Interagency Review of Defense Attache Offices | |
FOD | Foreign Object Damage | |
FOFA | Follow-on Forces Attack | |
FOFF | Field Of Fire | |
FOG | Fiber-Optics Guided | |
FOG | Fibre Optic Gyrometer | |
FOGM | Fiber-Optic Guided Missile | |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act | |
FOLAN | Fiber-Optic Local Area Network | |
FOLPEN | Foliage-Penetrating | |
fom | Fibre Optic Missile | |
FOM | Figure Of Merit | |
FOMA | Foreign Military Assistance | |
FOMCAT | Foreign Materiel Catalogue | |
FOMP | Foreign Missile Production | |
FONS | Fleet Operational Needs Statement for Intelligence | |
FOO | Forward Observation Officer (British) | |
FOP | Forward Observation Post | |
FORD-Q | Federal Office of Regional Development - Quebec | |
FORDTIS | Foreign Disclosure Technical Information System | |
FORGE | Force Generation | |
FORMAT | Foreign Materiel | |
FORMDEPS | FORSCOM Mobilization & Deployment Planning System | |
FORMICA | Foreign Military Intelligence Collection Activity | |
FORMMS | Foreign Materiel Management System | |
FORSTAT | Force Status and Identity Report | |
FORT | Force Trends Data Base | |
FORTIS | Forward Observation and Reconnaissance Thermal Imaging System | |
FOSCAS | Foreign Ship Construction and Shipyards | |
FOSD | Family of Sabotage Devices | |
FOSIC | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center | |
FOSIC-E | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center, Europe | |
FOSICLANT | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Intelligence Center, Atlantic | |
FOSICPAC | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center, Pacific | |
FOSIF/WESTPAC | Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility, Western Pacific | |
FOT&E | Follow-On Test and Evaluation | |
FOTARS | Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance System | |
FOTELSYS | Foreign Telecommunications Systems | |
FOTRS | Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance System | |
FOTT | Follow On To TOW | |
FOV | Field Of View (satellite) | |
FP | Fire Position | |
FPA | Federal Preparedness Agency | |
FPA | Focal Plane Array | |
FPB | Fast Patrol Boat | |
FPE | Force Planning Estimate |
FPF | Final Protection Fire | |
FPI | Foreign Positive Intelligence | |
FPIR | Force Protection Information Report | |
FPL | Fire Protective Line | |
FPN | Field Post Number | |
FPS | Feet Per Second | |
FPTOC | Force Projection Tactical Operations Center | |
FPU | Floating Point Unit | |
FQ&P | Flying Qualities & Performance | |
Frac | Fractured | |
FRAG | Fragmentation | |
FRAG | Fragmentary Order | |
FRAGO | FRAGmentary Order. (see OPORD) | |
FRD | Federal Research Division (Library of Congress) | |
FRES | Future Rapid Effect System | |
frg | Federal Republic of Germany's | |
FRIES | Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction System | |
FRIF | Finished Recurring Intelligence File | |
FROG | Free Rocket Over Ground | |
FROKA | First Republic Of Korea Army | |
FROSS | Foreign Reliance on Space Systems | |
FRPG | Facility Reference Point Graphic | |
FRR | Frequency Resource Records | |
FRS | Fleet Readiness Squadron | |
FRY | Former Republic of Yugoslavia | |
FRYM | Former Republic of Yugoslavia-Macedonia | |
FS | fire support element | |
FSA | Forward Sortation Area(first three characters of postal code; see also LDU) | |
FSAIS | FICEURLANT SCI Analyst Information System | |
FSB | Fleet Satellite Broadcast (of FLTSATCOM) | |
FSBS | Fleet Submarine Broadcast System | |
FSCC | Fire Support Coordination Center | |
FSCL | Fire Support Coordination Line | |
FSCM | Fire Support Coordination Measure | |
FSCOORD | Fire Support Coordinator | |
fscv | Fire Support Combat Vehicle | |
FSD | Field Support Division | |
FSED | full-scale engineering development (US) | |
FSHB | Fallout Safe Height of Burst | |
FSI | Foreign Service Institute | |
FSIC | Forward Sensor Interface and Control | |
FSK | Field Station, Korea | |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | |
FSOC | Fairchild Satellite Operations Center | |
FSOF | Forward Special Operations Facility | |
FSP | Fire Support Plan | |
FSRS | Functional Security Requirements Specification | |
FSS | Fast Sealift Ship | |
FSSG | force service support group (Marine air-ground task force) | |
FSSG | Force Service Support Group (USMC) |
FSST | Forward Space Support in Theater | |
FST | Future Soviet Tank | |
FSTC | Foreign Science and Technology Center (archaic; now NGIC) | |
FSTS | Federal Security Telephone Service | |
FSV | Fire Support Vehicle | |
FSV | Future Scout Vehicle (US) | |
FSVS | Future Secure Voice System | |
FSWDS | Fixed-Site Warning & Detection System | |
FT-1 | Fractional T-1 | |
FTA | Field Training Area | |
FTA | Frangible Training Ammunition | |
FTAA | Free Trade Area of the Americas | |
FTAM | File Transfer Access Management | |
FTC | Fast Time Constant (ECCM) | |
FTD | Foreign Technology Division (USAF) | |
FTDB | Foreign Technology Data Base | |
FTL | Future Target List | |
FTLS | Future Target List-Strategic | |
FTM | Full-Time Manning | |
FTMA | Future Tank Main Armament | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
FTPS | FORSCOM Topographic Production System (Facility) | |
FTR | Fighter | |
fts | Future Tank Study | |
FTSC | Fleet Technical Support Center | |
FTT | Field Tactical Trainer | |
FTU | Forecast Tactical Unit | |
FTX | Field Training Exercise | |
FU | Forecast Unit | |
FUBAR | Fucked Up Beyond All Reason | |
FUBAR | Fouled Up Beyond All Reason | |
FUBAR BUNDY | fucked up beyond all recognition but unfortunately not dead yet | |
FUBB | Fucked Up Beyond Belief (A Worst-Case Scenario) | |
FUD | Full Unit Designator | |
FUE | First Unit Equipped | |
fug | Felderitц Usу Gépkosci | |
FUNT | French Underground Nuclear Test | |
FUSS | Fleet Undersea Surveillance System | |
FUWOB | Forward Unconventional Warfare Operations Base | |
FV | Fighting Vehicle | |
FV/GCE | fighting vehicle gun control equipment | |
FVDD | Fighting Vehicle Development Division | |
FVRDE | Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (UK) | |
FVS | Fighting Vehicle System (US) | |
FVS | Foreign Visits System | |
FVSC | Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier (US) | |
FWAIS | Free-World Air Intelligence Study | |
FWAOB | Free-World Air Order of Battle | |
FWD | Forward | |
FWE | Foreign Weapons Evaluation |
FWIC | Fighter Weapon School Intelligence Course | |
FWVP | Fallout Wind Vector Plot | |
FY | Fiscal Year | |
FYDP | Fiscal Year Defense Program/Plan | |
FYI | For Your Information | |
FYIP | Five-Year Intelligence Plan | |
FYMOP | Five-Year Master Objectives Plan | |
FYP | Five-Year Plan (FSU) | |
FYROM | Federal Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | |
G | gendarmerie | |
g | Gain | |
G-O | Office of Law Enforcement and Defense Operations (USCG) | |
G-OINS | Intelligence Division (USCG/G-O) | |
G-OIS | Investigations and Security Division (USCG/G-O) | |
G/T | Ratio of Antenna Gain to Noise Temperature | |
G/W | Gateway | |
G1 | Assistant Chief of Staff, G1 (Personnel) | |
G2 | Assistant Chief of Staff, G2 (Intelligence) | |
G3 | Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Plans) | |
G4 | Assistant Chief of Staff, G4 (Logistics) | |
G5 | Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs) | |
G6 | Director(ate) of C4 | |
G8 | Director(ate) of Resource Management | |
GA | Ground Attack | |
GACC | Ground Attack Coordination Center | |
GAD | Guards Artillery Division | |
GADT | Ground/Air Defense Threat | |
GAF | Ground Alert Facility (of PAC ABNCP) | |
GAFIA | German Armed Forces Intelligence Agency | |
GALE | Generic Area Limitation Environment | |
GALS | FSU Satellite ("Horizon") | |
gama | Gun Automatic Multiple Ammunition | |
GAMO | Ground and Amphibious Military Operations | |
GAO | Government Accountability Office [formerly the General Accounting Office] | |
GAP | Gun Aiming Post | |
GAS | Gray Area Systems | |
GAT | Government Acceptance Test | |
GATS | General Agreement on Trade in Services | |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (government) | |
GB | Gigabyte | |
GBAD | Ground Based Air Defence | |
GBCS(-L or -H) | Ground-Based Common Sensor (-Light or -Heavy) | |
GBI | Ground-Based Interceptor | |
GBL | Ground-Based Laser | |
GBMD | Global Ballistic Missile Defense | |
GBR | Ground-Based Radar | |
GBU | Guided Bomb Unit | |
GC Badge | Good Conduct Badge | |
GCA | Ground-controlled approach | |
GCC | Government Control Center |
GCCS | Ground Command and Control System | |
GCDCAL | Great Circle Distance Calculator | |
gce | Gun Control Equipment | |
GCE | Ground Combat Element | |
GCI | Ground-Controlled Intercept | |
GCN | Ground Communications Network (A/G Worldwide Net) | |
GCNTTY | Ground Communications Network Teletype | |
GCP | Ground-Controlled Processor | |
GCP-E | Ground-Controlled Processor-ELINT | |
GCS | Graphics Compatibility System | |
GCT | Grande Cadence de Tir (high rate of fire) | |
GCU | Gun Control Unit | |
gcw | Gross Combat Weight | |
GD | General Dynamics Corporation | |
GDA | Gimbaled Dish Antenna | |
GDBI | Generic Data Base Interface | |
GDBMS | Generic Data Base Management Server | |
GDIC | General Defense Intelligence Community | |
GDIP | General Defense Intelligence Program | |
GDIPP | General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program | |
GDL | Gas Dynamic Laser | |
GDLS | General Dynamics Land Systems | |
GDOP | Geometric Dilution Of Precision | |
GDP | General Defense Plan | |
GDPS | Ground Data Processing System | |
GDRS | Ground Data Reduction System | |
GDS | General Declassification Schedule | |
GDSS | Global Decision Support System | |
GDT | Ground Data Terminal | |
GDU | Gun Display Unit | |
GEDIS | Government Electronic Delivery Infrastructure Service | |
GEDS | Government Electronic Directory Service | |
GEM | Ground Effects Machine | |
GENIC | German National Intelligence Cell (NATO) | |
GENREP | General Reports | |
GENSER | General Service (Communications) | |
GEO | Geosynchronous Earth Orbit | |
GEODIS | Geographic Display | |
GEODSS | ground-based electro-optical deep-space surveillance | |
GEOFILE | Geographic Locations Code File System | |
GEOREF | Global Reference System, a worldwide position reference system that may be applied to any map or chart graduated in latitude and longitude regardless of projection. | |
GEOSAT | Geological Satellite | |
GEP | Ground Entry Point | |
GEPS | Generic Electronic Publishing System | |
GES | Ground Entry Station | |
GFCP | Generic Front-End Communications Package | |
GFE | Government-Furnished Equipment | |
GFR | Gap Filler Radar | |
GFTD | Global Force Trends Data Base | |
GGI&S | Global Geospatial and Information Services |
GGs | Governor-General's literary awards(Pronounced: GEE-geez) | |
GH | gun-howitzer | |
GHGMP | Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program(for Canadian Agriculture) | |
GHQ | General Headquarters | |
GHz | Gigahertz | |
GIAT | Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres | |
GIGSTER | NSA Video Teleconferencing System | |
GIIPS | Geographic Installation Intelligence Production Specifications | |
GIITS | General Intelligence Imagery Training System | |
GIN | Greenland-Iceland-Norway | |
GIPD | General Intelligence Production Detachment | |
GIPMIS | General Intelligence Production Management Information System | |
GIPS | Geographic Installation Intelligence Production Specifications | |
GIPSY | Graphics Information or Presentation System | |
GIST | Graphical Intelligence Support Terminal | |
GITAC | General Intelligence Training Advisory Committee | |
GITC | General Intelligence Training Center | |
GITS | General Intelligence Training System | |
GIUK | Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom | |
GKNT | State Committee for Science and Technology (FSU) | |
GKS | Graphics Kernel System | |
GL | Grenade Launcher | |
GLATGM | Gun Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile | |
GLC | gun lay computer | |
GLCM | Ground-Launched Cruise Missile | |
GLDNSM | Grenade Launcher Day-Night Sight Mount | |
GLH-H | Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy (US) | |
GLLD | Ground Laser Locator Designator (US) | |
GLLD | U.S. Ground Laser Locator Designator (for COPPERHEAD) | |
GLMX | Geological Multi-Source Exploitation (System) | |
GLOBIXS | Global Information Exchange System | |
GLOMR | Global Low-Orbiting Message Relay | |
gls | Gesellschaft für logistischen Service | |
GM | Guided Missile | |
GM, MVO | General Motors, Military Vehicle Operations | |
GMC | General Motors Corporation | |
GMF | Ground Mobile Forces | |
GMFP | Global Military Force Policy | |
GMFSC | Ground Mobile Force Satellite Communications | |
GMG | Grenade Machine Gun | |
GMI | General Medical Intelligence | |
GMIPP | General Military Intelligence Production Plan | |
GMIT | Ground Military Intelligence Team (ROK) | |
GMLRS | Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System | |
GMRD | Guards Motorized Rifle Division (FSU) | |
GMS | Ground Mobile System | |
gms | Gun Management System | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) | |
GMTI | Ground Moving Target Indicator GNAS Gateway Network Access System | |
GNC | Global Navigation Chart |
GND | Ground | |
GNP | gross national product (economics) | |
GNR | Gunner | |
GNS | Global Network Segment | |
GNST | Glossary of Naval Ship Types | |
GO() | Government of (Name of Country) | |
GOB | Ground Order of Battle | |
GOCO | Government Owned Contractor Operated Facility | |
GOCO | government-owned, contractor-operated (US) | |
GOES | Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite | |
GOL | Government On-Line | |
GOLDS | General On-line Display System | |
GOLDWING | Army HF Radio; HF communications system for meteorological and other operations | |
GOMS | Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite | |
gop | General Out Post | |
GOP | Generated Option Plan | |
GOR | General Operational Requirement | |
GORB | General Officer Review Board | |
GOS | Grade Of Service | |
GOSC | General Officer Steering Committee | |
GOSIA | Government Open System Interconnect Architecture | |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnected Profile | |
GOSPLAN | State Planning Committee (FSU) | |
GOSSNAB | State Committee for Material-Technical Supply (FSU) | |
GOTS | Government off-the-shelf | |
GP | General Purpose | |
GP NAF | General Purpose Numbered Air Force | |
GPALS | Global Protection Against Limited Strikes | |
GPEE | General Purpose Encryption Equipment | |
GPF | General Purpose Forces | |
gph | Gallons Per Hour | |
GPMG | General Purpose Machine Gun | |
GPNDS | Global Positioning & Nuclear Detection System | |
GPO | Government Printing Office | |
GPO | Gun Position Officer | |
GPS | Gunner's Primary Sight | |
GPS | Global Positioning System (ex-NAVSTAR) | |
GPSCS | General Purpose Satellite Communications System | |
gpss | Gunner's Primary Sight Subsystem | |
GR | Graphical Reporting | |
GRANITE SENTRY | Proper Name of System | |
GRD | Ground Resolved Distance | |
GREEN FLAG | ACC live-fly electronic combat exercise | |
GREM | Grenade, Rifle, Entry Munition | |
GRG | Gridded Reference Graphic | |
GRID | Brand of Portable PC | |
GRIPF | GUARDRAIL Integrated Processing Facility | |
GRO | Gamma Ray Observatory (NASA) | |
GROFIS | Ground Forces Intelligence Study | |
GRP | Glass Reinforced Plastic |
GRT | Gross Registered Tonnage/Tons | |
gru | Glavnoe Razvedyvatelnoe Upravlenie | |
GRU | FSU General Staff Intelligence Organization | |
GSA | U.S. General Services Administration | |
GSC | Geological Survey of Canada (DEMR) | |
GSD | Ground Sample Distance | |
GSF | Ground Support Fighter (FSU) | |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD) | |
GSFG | Group of Soviet Forces Germany | |
GSFM | Group of Soviet Forces Mongolia | |
GSICS | General Support Interim Contractor Support | |
GSM | Ground Support Module (JSTARS) | |
GSOAF | GGI&S Special Operations Applications Facility | |
GSP | General Strike Plan | |
GSR | Ground Surveillance Radar; General Support Reinforcing | |
GSR | General Staff Requirement (UK) | |
GSR | General Staff Requirement (US) | |
GSRS | U.S. General Support Rocket System | |
GSRS | General Support Rocket System (now MLRS) | |
GSS | Global Support System | |
GST | General Staff Target | |
GSTN | General Switched Telephone Network | |
GSTS | Ground-Based Surveillance and Tracking System | |
GSW | GunShot Wound | |
GTA | Government Training Aid | |
GTAB | Global Transportation Analysis Bulletin | |
GTC | Gas Turbine Compressor | |
GTCS | Gun Test and Control System | |
GTD | Guards Tank Division (FSU) | |
GTI | German Tank Improvement | |
GTIS | Government Technical Information Services | |
GTN | Global Transportation Network | |
GTS | Global Telecommunications Service | |
GTTC | Goodfellow Technical Training Center | |
GUI | Graphics User Interface | |
GVW | gross vehicle weight (transportation) | |
GW | Guided Weapon | |
GW/R | Gateway/Router | |
GWC | Global Weather Control | |
GWEN | Ground Wave Emergency Network | |
GWIC | Great Wall Industries Corporation (China) | |
GWIP | Global Weather Intercept Program | |
GWP | General Work Plan | |
GWS | Gaps, Weaknesses, and Shortfalls (also GW&S) | |
GYRO | Gyroscope or Gyroscopic | |
H | Hour | |
H | Symbol for the magnetic field of the propagated radio wave | |
H&K | Heckler and Koch | |
H-SIP | H-Camera Spectral Improvement Program | |
H2O | Water (vapor) |
HAA | Helicopter Alighting Area | |
HAB | Heavy Assault Bridge (US) | |
HAB | High Altitude Burst | |
HAC | House Appropriations Committee | |
HACC | Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center | |
HACCP | Pathogen Reduction And Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point | |
HAE | High-Altitude Endurance | |
HAG | Heavy Artillery Gun | |
HAIS | Hawaiian Air Intelligence System | |
HAL | Helicopter Light Attack | |
HALE | High-Altitude Long-Endurance | |
HALO | High Altitude Low Opening (parachute Jump) | |
HAMS | Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron - Marine Aircraft Group (USMC) | |
HANE | High-Altitude Nuclear Effects | |
HANG | Hawaii Air National Guard | |
HARDLOOK | Special Data Analysis Product of NAVSPACECOM/N24 | |
HARDS | High-Altitude Radiation Detection System | |
HARM | High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (AGM-88A) | |
HARV | Harassment Vehicle (Drone) | |
HAS | Hardened Aircraft Shelter | |
hasc | House Armed Services Committee's | |
HATMD | High-Altitude Theater Missile Defense | |
HATS | Heuristic Automated Transportation System | |
HAV | High Acceleration Vehicle | |
HAWK | Homing-All-the-Way-Killer (US) | |
HAWS | Hawaii Area Wideband System | |
HAZCON | Hazardous Condition | |
HB | High Burst | |
HB | Heavy Barrel | |
HBAR | Heavy Barrel Assault Rifle | |
HBWP | Host-Based Word Processing | |
HC | hexachloroethane | |
HC | HUMINT Committee | |
HCA | head of contracting activity; humanitarian and civic assistance | |
HCC | HUMINT Contingency Cell | |
HCER | high-capacity extended range | |
HCF | High Command of Forces | |
HCHE | High-Capacity High-Explosive | |
HCI/DV/AEX | Human-Computer Interface/Data Visualization/Automated Expansion | |
HCR | HUMINT Collection Requirement | |
HCS | Helicopter Combat/Search and Rescue | |
HCT | HOT Compact Turret | |
HCU | High-capacity Computer Unit | |
HD | Horizontal Ground Distance | |
HDL | Harry Diamond Laboratories | |
HDM | Hierarchical Development Methodology | |
HDO | Humanitarian Demining Operations | |
HDS | HOLOgraphic Diffraction Sight | |
HDX | Half Duplex | |
HE | high-explosive |
HE-APERS | high-explosive anti-personnel | |
HE-FRAG | high-explosive fragmentation | |
HE-FRAG-FS | high-explosive fragmentation - fin-stabilised | |
HE-FS | high-explosive - fin-stabilised | |
HE-S | high-explosive spotting | |
HE-T | High-Explosive Tracer | |
HE/PR | high-explosive practice | |
HEAA | High-Explosive Anti-Armour | |
HEAB | High-Explosive Air Burst | |
HEAP | High-Explosive Armor-Piercing | |
HEAP-T | high-explosive anti-personnel - tracer | |
HEAT | High-Explosive AntiTank | |
HEAT | high-explosive anti-tank | |
HEAT-FS | high-explosive anti-tank fin-stabilised | |
HEAT-MP | high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose | |
HEAT-MP(P) | high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose (practice) | |
HEAT-T | high-explosive anti-tank - tracer | |
HEAT-T-HVY | high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - heavy | |
HEAT-T-MP | high-explosive anti-tank - tracer - multipurpose | |
HEAT-TP-T | high-explosive anti-tank - target practice - tracer | |
HEC | Helicopter Element Coordinator | |
HED-D | Hybrid Electric Drive - Demonstrator | |
HEDI | High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor | |
HEDP | High-Explosive Dual-Purpose | |
HEER | High-Explosive Extended Range (ammunition) | |
HEF | High-Explosive Fragmentation | |
HEF | Hostile Establishment File | |
HEFT | High-Explosive Follow Through | |
HEI | high-explosive incendiary (ammo) | |
HEIT | high-explosive incendiary tracer | |
HEL | U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratory | |
HEL | High-Energy Laser (US) | |
HELIP | HAWK European Limited Improvement Program | |
HELP | Howitzer Extended Life Program (US) | |
HELRATS | High Energy Laser Radar Acquisition & Tracking System | |
HELSTF | High-Energy Laser Systems Test Facility | |
HELW | High-Energy Laser Weapons | |
HELWING | Helicopter Wing | |
HEMAT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer (US) | |
HEMP | High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse | |
HEMP | High-Explosive Multi-Purpose | |
HEMT | High-Electron-Mobility Transistor | |
HEMTT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (US) | |
HEO | High-Earth-Orbit | |
HEP | High-Explosive Plastic (ammunition) | |
HEP-T | high-explosive practice - tracer | |
HEPD | high-explosive point detonating | |
HERA | high-explosive rocket-assisted | |
HERO | electromagnetic radiation hazards; hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance | |
HERT | Headquarters Emergency Relocation Team |
HES | Hardcopy Exploitation Systems | |
HESH | High-Explosive Squash Head | |
HESH-T | high-explosive squash head - tracer | |
HESS | Hangul English Support System | |
HEST | High-Explosive Simulation Technique | |
HET-PF | high-explosive tracer - percussion fuze | |
hetf | High Explosive Time Fuzed | |
HETS | Heavy Equipment Transport System | |
HF | High Frequency | |
HF/DF | High-Frequency Direction-Finding | |
HFA | High-Frequency Antenna | |
HFCC | Howitzer Fire-Control Computer (US) | |
HFEA | Human Factors Engineering Assessment | |
HFHTB | Human Factors Howitzer TestBed (US) | |
HFM | Heavy Force Modernisation (US) | |
HFP | Host Front-End Protocol | |
HH | Hand-Held | |
HHC | Headquarters and Headquarters Company | |
HHD | Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment | |
HHS | Headquarters and Headquarter Services | |
HHW | Higher High Water | |
HI-PAR | High-Performance Precision-Approach Radar | |
HI-RES | High-Resolution | |
HIC | High-Intensity Conflict | |
HICOM | High Command (CINCPACFLT Voice Network) | |
HIDSS | Helmet-Integrated Display & Sight System | |
HIFAR | High-Frequency Fixed-Array Radar | |
HIFV | Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
HIL | High Interest List | |
HIMAD | High- to Medium-Altitude Defense | |
HIMAG | High-Mobility Agility Test Vehicle (US) | |
HIMARS | High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (US) | |
HIMS | HUMINT Information Management System | |
HIP | Howitzer Improvement Program (US) | |
HIRE | Hughes Infrared Equipment | |
HIRMS | Human Intelligence Requirements Management System | |
HIROCC | Hawaiian Islands Regional Operational Control Center | |
HISP | Hostile Intelligence Service Profiler System | |
HIT | High-Interest Track | |
HITP | High-Ignition Temperature Propellant | |
HITS | Human Intelligence Tasking System | |
HIU | Heading Indicator Unit | |
HJ | HONEST JOHN (U.S. Surface-to-Surface Rocket) | |
HL | Hand-Launched | |
HL-UAV | Hand-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | |
HLA | Helicopter Landing Areas | |
HLA/DZ | Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone | |
HLA/DZS | Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone Study | |
HLLV | Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle | |
HLW | Higher Low Water |
HLZ | Helicopter Landing Zone | |
HM | Helicopter Mine Warfare | |
HMC | Howitzer Motor Carriage | |
HMC | HUMINT Management Center | |
HMCII | Higher Military Command, Interior and Islands (Greece) | |
HMCS | Her Majesty's Canadian Ship | |
HMD | Helmet-mounted display | |
HMF | Handbook of Military Forces | |
HMG | Heavy Machine Gun | |
HMH | Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron | |
HMI | Host-Message Interface | |
HML/A | Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron | |
HMLC | High-Mobility Load Carrier | |
HMM | Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron | |
HMMWV | High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle | |
HMMWV | High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle | |
HMT | His Majesty's Troopship | |
HMTV | Head-Mounted Thermal Vision | |
HMX | Marine Special Mission Helicopter Squadron | |
HN | Host Nation | |
HNAF | Host Nation Armed Forces | |
HNIS | Host Nation Intelligence Support | |
HNS | Host-Nation Support | |
HNSC | House National Security Committee | |
HOB | Height of Burst | |
HOBO | Homing Optical Bomb | |
HOC | History Of Coverage | |
HOCNET | HUMINT Operational Communications Network | |
HOE | Homing Overlay Experiment | |
HOE | Holographic Optical Element | |
HOIS | Hostile Intelligence Service(s) | |
HOJ | Home On Jam | |
HOL | High-Order Language | |
HOM | Head Of Media | |
HOSP | Hospital | |
HOT | Haute subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé | |
HOTA | HUMINT Operational Tasking Authority | |
HOTOL | Horizontal Takeoff & Landing | |
HOTPHOTOREP | Hot Photographic Interpretation Report | |
HOTSIT | Hot Situation Message | |
HOW | Howitzer | |
hp | Horsepower (measurement) | |
HP | Headquarters Pamphlet | |
HPA | High-Power Amplifier | |
HPFP | High-Performance Fragmentation Projectile | |
HPG | Hardcopy Products Group | |
HPM | High-Power Microwave | |
HPS | Helmet Pointing System (or Sight) | |
HPSC | High-Performance Computing Research System | |
HPSCI | House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence |
HPT | High-Payoff Target | |
HPT | high-pressure test | |
HQ | Headquarters (HDQ Preferred) | |
HQ USAF | Headquarters, Department of the Air Force | |
HQ/HQS | Headquarters | |
HQDA | Headquarters, Department of the Army | |
HQJTF | Headquarters, Joint Task Force | |
HQMC | Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps | |
HQMRHITS | Quarterly Management Report | |
HR/MR | Human Readable/Machine Readable (Data) | |
HRC | Human Resources Committee | |
HRCS | High-Resolution Camera System | |
HRDC | Human Resources and Skills Development Canada | |
HRMS | Human Intelligence Requirements Management System | |
HRPT | High-Resolution Picture Transmissions | |
HRR | High-Resolution Radar | |
HRS | Hours | |
HRTV | High-Resolution Television | |
HRU | Heading Reference Unit | |
HRU | Hardcopy Reconstruction Unit | |
HRV | High-Resolution Visible Range Instruments | |
HS | Helicopter Squadron | |
hs | Headquarters Squadron | |
HSD | HUMINT Support Detachment | |
HSE | HUMINT Support Element | |
HSE-E | HSE-Europe | |
HSI | Human Systems Integration | |
HSLLADS | High Speed Low Level Aerial Delivery System | |
HSMS | Human Sources Management System | |
HSS | Hunter Sensor Suite | |
HSS | Health Service Support -High-Speed Steel | |
HSTV(L) | High-Survivability Test Vehicle(Lightweight) | |
HTACC | Hardened Tactical Air Control Center | |
HTKP | Hard-Target Kill Potential/Probability | |
HTLD | High-Technology Light Division | |
HTOHL | Horizontal Takeoff and Horizontal Landing | |
HTTB | High-Technology TestBed (US) | |
HUD | Heads-Up Display | |
HULTEC | Hull-To-Emitter Correlation | |
HUMMV | High Utility Mobile Mechanized Vehicle | |
HUMRO | Humanitarian Relief Operations | |
HUS | Hardened Unique Storage | |
HUSK | Hardened Unique Storage Key | |
HVA | High Value Asset | |
HVAC | High-Voltage Air Conditioning | |
HVAP | high-velocity armor-piercing | |
HVAP | high-velocity armour-piercing | |
HVAP-T | high-velocity armour-piercing tracer | |
HVAPDS-T | high-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot - tracer |
HVAPFSDS | High Velocity Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot | |
HVAPFSDS | high-velocity armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot | |
HVAT | High-Velocity Antitank | |
HVCC | High Velocity Canister Cartridge | |
HVF | Highly Volatile Fuel | |
HVIT | High Volume Information Transfer | |
HVM | Hypervelocity Missile | |
HVSS | Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension (Sherman Tank suspension system) | |
HVSW | Hypervelocity Support Weapon | |
HVT | High-Value Target | |
HVTP-T | high-velocity target practice - tracer | |
HW/SW | Hardware/Software | |
HWAS | High Wycombe Air Station | |
HWC | Hobart Walk-in Cooler | |
HWSTD | High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator | |
HX | Half Duplex | |
HYPAK | Hydraulic Power Assist Kit | |
Hz | cycles per second (hertz) | |
I | Inclination | |
I | Incendiary | |
I&A | Imagery and Analysis | |
I&S | Intelligence and Security | |
I&SS | Intelligence and Security Service | |
I&W | Indications and Warning | |
I-MAE | Interim Medium Altitude Endurance UAV (formerly Tier I) | |
I/O | Input/Output | |
I2 | Intelligence Information | |
I2R | Imaging Infrared | |
IA | Imagery Analyst | |
IAB | Imagery Analysis Branch | |
IAC | Intelligence Analysis Center | |
IAD | Intelligence Analysis Division | |
IADB | Inter-American Defense Board | |
IADS | Integrated Air Defense System | |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | |
IAFV | infantry armoured fighting vehicle | |
IAG | Intelligence Analysis Group (formerly ITAD) | |
IAGC | Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control | |
IAGS | Inter-American Geodetic Survey | |
IAI | Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd. | |
IAIPS | Integrated Automated Intelligence Processing System | |
IAL | Infra-red Aiming Light | |
IAM | Imagery Analysis Memorandum | |
IAMP | Imagery Acquisition and Management Plan | |
IAMS | Individual Aerial Mobility System | |
IAN | Imagery Analysis Notice | |
IAPF | Inter-American Peace Force | |
IAR | Imagery Analysis Report | |
IAS | Intelligence Access System | |
IAS WS | IAS Work Station |
IASD | Instant Ammunition Selection Device | |
IASSA | INSCOM Automated Systems Support Activity | |
IAT | Intelligence Augmentation Team | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | |
IAW | In Accordance With | |
IAWG | Interagency Working Group | |
IAWS | Improved Analyst Workstation | |
IBA | Individual Body Armor | |
IBAC | Identity-Based Access Control | |
IBAS | Improved Bradley Acquisition System | |
IBBS | Interim Brigade/Battalion Simulation | |
IBD | Intelligence Baseline Document | |
IBDTF | IBD Transaction Format | |
IBE | Field-Initiated BE Number | |
IBERLANT | Iberian Atlantic Area | |
IBIP | Industrial Building Incentive Program | |
IBIS | Imaging Background Limited Infrared System | |
IBM | International Business Machines Corporation | |
IBO | Intelligence Baseline Overview | |
IBOS | Intelligence Battlefield Operating System | |
IBSSIR | Background Signature Survey | |
IBTA | Integrated Battlefield Targeting Architecture | |
IBUR | Intelligence Bottom-Up Review | |
IC/EC | Intelligence Community/Executive Committee | |
ICA | Intelligence Center Atlantic | |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | |
ICAP | Improved Capabilities Program | |
ICARIS | Intelligence Communications Architecture and Requirements Information System | |
ICC | information co-ordination centre | |
ICC | Integrated Communications Center | |
ICCC | International Council for Computer Communication | |
ICDP | Intelligence Career Development Program | |
ICE | Independent Cost Estimate | |
ICEDEFOR | Iceland Defense Forces | |
ICES | International Cooperation in Ocean Exploration | |
ICF | Intelligence Collection Flight | |
ICIG | IDHSS CSSR Interface Guard | |
ICITAP | International Criminal Investigative Training and Assistance Program | |
ICL | Intelligence Coordination Cell | |
ICM | Improved Conventional Munitions | |
ICMC | Intelligence Collection Management Course | |
ICOD | Intelligence/Information Cut-Off Date | |
ICOM | Integrated COMSEC (SINCGARS) | |
ICON | Image Communications and Operations Node | |
ICP | Intelligence Collection Platform | |
ICPS | Intelligence Communications Processing Shelter | |
ICR | Intelligence Collection Requirement | |
ICRC | Intelligence Contingency Readiness Center | |
ICRS | Imagery Collection Requirements Subcommittee (COMIREX) | |
ICS | Intercommunications System |
ICTF | Interagency Crisis Task Force | |
ICTT | Improved Commanders Tactical Terminal | |
ICU | Interface Control Unit | |
ICV | Infantry Combat Vehicle | |
ICW | In Coordination With | |
ICWG | Interface Control Working Group | |
IDA | Institute for Defense Analysis | |
IDAD | Internal Defense And Development | |
IDB | Integrated Data Base | |
IDB-II | PC-Based Integrated Data Base | |
IDBM | Integrated Data Base Maintenance | |
IDBR | Integrated Data Base Retrieval | |
IDBTF | Intelligence Data Base Transaction Format | |
IDC | Interagency Defector Committee | |
IDF | Indirect Fire | |
IDF | Israel Defense Forces | |
IDW | Individual Defence Weapon | |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device | |
IEPG | Independent European Program Group | |
IFCS | Integrated Fire-Control System | |
IFF | Identification Friend or Foe (radar) | |
IFV | infantry fighting vehicle | |
IFVwCM | Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Integrated Countermeasures (US) | |
IGLS | Individual Grenade Launcher System | |
II | Image Intensification | |
IIR | Imaging Infrared | |
ILL | illuminating | |
ILMS | Improved Launcher Mechanical System | |
ILS | Instituteument Landing System | |
IM | Insensitive Munition | |
IMMLC | Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier | |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit | |
INSAS | Indian Small Arms System | |
InSb | Indium-antimonide | |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability | |
IOF | Indian Ordnance Factory | |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield | |
IPF | Initial Production Facility | |
IPO | International Programme Office | |
IPPD | Integrated Product Process Development | |
IR | Infrared | |
IRBM | Intermediate-range ballistic missile | |
IRU | Inertial Reference Unit | |
IS | Internal Security | |
ISD | In Service Date | |
ISGU | Integrated Sight and Guidance Unit | |
ISR | Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance | |
ISU | Integrated Sight Unit | |
ISV | Internal Security Vehicle | |
ITAS | Improved Target Acquisition System |
ITOW | improved TOW | |
ITPIAL | Infra-red Target Pointer/Illuminator/Aiming Laser | |
ITT | Invitation To Tender | |
ITV | Improved TOW Vehicle (US) | |
IVPDL | Inter-Vehicle Positioning and Data Link (US) | |
IW | Individual Weapon | |
IWS | Improved Weapon System | |
JBMoU | Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding | |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition (djay-dam) | |
jerrv | Joint Engineer Rapid Response Vehicle | |
JGSDF | Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force | |
JHP | Jacketed Hollow Point | |
JLTA | Javelin Composite Launch Tube | |
JMAC | Joint Medium-calibre Automatic Cannon | |
JPO | Joint Project Office | |
JSC | Joint Steering Committee | |
JSCS | Joint Service Combat Shotgun | |
JSDFA | Japanese Self-Defence Force Agency | |
JSP | Jacketed Soft Point | |
JSSAMP | Joint Services Small Arms Master Plan | |
JSSAP | Joint Services Small Arms Programme | |
KAAV | Korean Armoured Amphibious Vehicle | |
KAC | Knight's Armament Company | |
KE | Kinetic Energy | |
kec | Kaman Electromagnetics Corporation | |
KEM | Kinetic Energy Missile (US) | |
KIA | Killed in Action | |
KIFV | Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle | |
KPA | Korean People's Army | |
L/O | Liaison Officer | |
LAAG | Light Anti-Aircraft Gun | |
LAAM | Light Anti-Aircraft Missile | |
laaw | Light Anti-tank Assault Weapon | |
LACA | Landing Craft Air Cushion | |
LAD | Light Aid Detachment | |
LADS | light air defense system (US) | |
LAG | Light Artillery Gun | |
LALO | Low Altitude Low Opening | |
LAM | Laser Aiming Module | |
LAPES | Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System | |
LAR | Light Automatic Rifle | |
LASER | Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation (cf. Maser) | |
LASIP | Light Artillery System Improvement Plan | |
lats | Light Armoured Turret System | |
lau | Light Armoured Unit | |
LAV | Light Assault Vehicle (US) | |
LAV-AD | Light Armored Vehicle - Air Defense | |
LAW | light antitank weapon | |
LB | Long Barrel | |
lc | Laser Collimator |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | |
lcs | Loader Control System | |
LCU | Landing Craft Utility | |
LCV | Light Contingency Vehicle (LCV) (US) | |
LE | Law Enforcement | |
LED | law enforcement desk; light emitting diode | |
LEP | Life Extension Programme | |
LEU | Launcher Erector Unit | |
lf | Linked Feed | |
LFL | Light Fighter Lethality | |
LF–ATGW | Light Forces' Anti-Tank Guided Weapon | |
LIA | Linear Induction Accelerator | |
LIMAWS | Lightweight Mobile Artillery Weapon System | |
LION | Lightweight Infra-red Observation Night sight | |
LIW | Lyttleton Engineering Works | |
LKP | Loader Keyboard Panel | |
LLAD | low-level air defence | |
LLLTV | Low-Light-Level Television | |
LLM | Launcher Loader Module | |
lmaw | Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon | |
LMG | Light Machine Gun | |
LNS | Land Navigation System | |
LOAL | Lock-On After Launch | |
LOBL | Lock-On Before Launch | |
LOC | Line Of Communication | |
LOS | Line Of Sight | |
LOSAT | Line Of Sight Anti-Tank | |
LP | Liquid Propellant | |
LPC | Launcher Pod Carrier | |
LPC | Launch Pod Container | |
LPG | Liquid Propellant Gun | |
LPO | Leading Petty Officer | |
LPT | Low-Profile Turret | |
lpts | Lightweight Protected Turret System | |
LR | Long-Range | |
LRAR | Long Range Artillery Rocket | |
LRASS | Long-Range Advanced Scout System | |
LRAT | long-range anti-tank | |
LRBB | long-range base bleed | |
LRD | Long Range Deflagrator | |
LRF | Laser Rangefinder | |
lrf | Low Recoil Force | |
LRHB | long-range hollow base | |
LRIP | Low-Rate Initial Production | |
lrm | Laser Rangefinder Module | |
LRN | Lead Round Nose (round, lead bullet with no outer jacket) | |
LRRP | Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol | |
LRSA | Long Range Sniper Ammunition | |
LRSU | Long-Range Surveillance Unit |
LRU | Line Replacement Unit | |
LSB | Landing Support Battalion | |
LSS | Lightweight Shotgun System | |
LSVW | Light Support Vehicle, Wheeled (Canada) | |
LSW | Light Support Weapon | |
LTA | Launch Tube Assembly | |
LTD | Laser Target Designator | |
LTFCS | Laser Tank Fire-Control System | |
LTP | Laser Target Pointer, Luminesant Training Projectile | |
LUTE | Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Imager Equipment | |
LVA | landing vehicle assault (US) | |
lvs | Lightweight Video Sight | |
LVT | Landing Vehicle Tracked (US) | |
LVTC | Landing Vehicle Tracked Command (US) | |
LVTE | Landing Vehicle Tracked Engineer (US) | |
LVTH | Landing Vehicle Tracked Howitzer (US) | |
LVTP | Landing Vehicle Tracked Personnel (US) | |
LVTR | Landing Vehicle Tracked Recovery (US) | |
LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | |
LWIR | Long-Wave Infrared | |
LWL | LightWeight Launcher | |
LWML | LightWeight Multiple Launcher | |
LWMS | LightWeight Modular Sight | |
LWS | Laser Warning System | |
LWT | light weapon turret | |
LZ | Landing Zone | |
M | Million | |
m/s | metres per second | |
MAB | Marine Amphibious Brigade | |
MABS | Marine Air Base Squadron | |
MAC | Medium Armored Car (US) | |
MAC | Military Airlift Command | |
MACS | Marine Air Control Squadron | |
MACS | Modular Artillery Charge System | |
MADLS | Mobile Air Defence Launching System | |
MAF | Marine Amphibious Force | |
MAG | Marine Aircraft Group | |
MAGTEC | Marine Air/Ground Training & Education Command | |
MAGTF | Marine Air/Ground Task Force | |
MAHEM | MAgnetoHydrodynamic Explosive Munition | |
MALOS | Miniature Laser Optical Sight | |
MALS | Marine Air Logistics Squadron | |
MAMBA | Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Radar | |
MANPADS | Man-Portable Air Defense System | |
MAOV | Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle | |
map | Military Aid Programme | |
MAPS | Modular Azimuth Position System | |
MAR | Micro Assault Rifle | |
MARDI | Mobile Advanced Robotics Defence Initiative (UK) | |
MARDIV | Marine Division (US) |
MARS | Multi-purpose Aiming Reflex Sight | |
mars | Military Amateur Radio Station | |
MARS | Mini Assault Rifle System | |
MARS | Multiple Artillery Rocket System | |
MASS | Marine Air Support Squadron | |
MATCS | Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron | |
MATSG | Marine Air Training Support Group | |
MAU(SOC) | Marine Amphibious Unit (Special Operations Capable) | |
MAV | maintenance assist vehicle | |
MAVD | MLRS Aim Verification Device | |
MAW | Marine Air Wing (US) | |
MBA | Main Battle Area | |
MBB | Messerschmitt-Bцlkow-Blohm | |
MBC | Mortar Ballistic Computer | |
MBT | Main Battle Tank | |
MCLOS | Manual Command to Line Of Sight | |
mcrv | Mechanised Combat Repair Vehicle | |
mcs | Modular Charge System | |
mcs | Microclimate Conditioning System | |
MCSK | Mine Clearance System Kit (US) | |
MCT | Medium Combat Tractor (US) | |
MCT | Mercury Cadmium Telluride detector (ir) | |
MCV | Mechanised Combat Vehicle | |
MCWL | Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory | |
MCWS | Minor Calibre Weapons Station (US) | |
MDMP | Military Decision-Making Process | |
MDU | Map Display Unit | |
MEB | Marine Expeditionary Brigade (US) | |
MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation | |
MEF | Marine Expeditionary Force (US) | |
MENS | Mission Element Need Statement (US) | |
MEP | Modular Explosive Penetrator | |
MEPS | Military Entrance Processing Station | |
METL | Mission Essential Task List (mettle) | |
METO | Middle East Treaty Organisation; CENTO or Baghdad Pact | |
METT-TC | Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available—Time available, Civilians | |
MEU(SOC) | Marine Expeditionary Unit(Special Operations Capable) | |
MEV | medical evacuation vehicle (US) | |
MEWS | Mobile Electronic Warfare System | |
MEWSS | Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System | |
MF | Multifunction | |
MFC | Mortar Fire Controller | |
MFCS | Multi-Fire Control System/Mortar Fore Control System | |
MFCV | Missile Fire-Control Vehicle | |
MFF | munition filling factory | |
MG | Machine Gun | |
MGB | Medium Girder Bridge | |
MGL | Multiple Grenade Launcher | |
MGS | Mobile Gun System | |
MGTS | MultiGun Turret System |
MGU | Mid-course Guidance Unit | |
MI | Military Intelligence | |
MIA | Missing In Action | |
MICV | Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle | |
MILES | Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (live Combat Simulation) | |
MILSPEC | Military Specification | |
MILSTAN | MILitary STANdard | |
MILSTAR | MILitary Strategic and Tactical Relay (US) | |
MIPS | Medium Integrated Propulsion System (US) | |
MLA | Manufacturing Licence Agreement | |
MLC | Military Load Classification | |
MLF | Marine Logistics Force | |
MLI | Mid-Life Improvement | |
MLO | Muzzle Loaded Ordnance | |
MLR | Marine Logistics Regiment | |
MLRS | Multiple Launch Rocket System (US) | |
MMBF | mean miles between failures | |
MMG | Medium Machine Gun | |
MMS | Mast-Mounted Sight | |
MNVD | Monocular Night Vision Device | |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement | |
MOA | Minute Of Angle | |
MOD | Ministry Of Defence (United Kingdom) And Various Other Countries | |
MODA | Ministry of Defence and Aviation | |
MOLF | Modular Laser Fire Control (Germany) | |
MOLLE | Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment | |
MOPP | Mission Oriented Protective Posture (US) | |
MOS | Military Occupational Speciality | |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding (an MOU between Food & Drug Administratin and a regulatory agency in another country allows mutual recognition of inspections) | |
MOUT | Military Operations in Urban Terrain (urban warfare) (US) | |
MP | Machine Pistol | |
MPBAV | MultiPurpose Base Armoured Vehicle | |
MPC | MultiPurpose Carrier (Netherlands) | |
MPDS | Missile-Piercing Discarding Sabot | |
MPGS | Mobile Protected Gun System (US) | |
MPI | Mean Point of Impact | |
MPIM | Multipurpose Individual Munition | |
MPM | MultiPurpose Munition | |
MPS | Maritime Prepositioning Ships (US) | |
MPV | Multi-Purpose Vehicle | |
MPWS | Mobile Protected Weapon System (US) | |
MR | Medium-Range | |
MRAP | Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle) | |
MRAR | MultiRole Assault Round | |
MRAV | MultiRole Armoured Vehicle | |
MRBF | mean rounds before failure | |
MRBS | mean rounds between stoppages | |
MRE | Meal Ready To Eat (U.S. Military Rations) | |
MRS | Multiple Rocket System | |
MRS | muzzle reference system |
MRSI | Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact | |
MRV(R) | Mechanised Recovery Vehicle(Repair) | |
MRVR | Mechanised Repair and Recovery Vehicle (US) | |
MSR | Main supply route. Usually a highway with a name designation following it. Largest MSR in Iraq is MSR TAMPA, going from Kuwait to Turkey. | |
MSR | Missile Simulation Round (Army) | |
MSSG | MAU/MEU Service Support Group (USMC) | |
MSTAR | Man-portable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar | |
MSV | Modular Support Vehicle | |
MT | Mechanical Time | |
MTB | Mobility TestBed | |
MTBF | Mean Time Before Failure | |
MTI | Moving Target Indication | |
MTL | Material | |
MTR | Mobile Test Rig (US) | |
MTSQ | mechanical time and super-quick | |
MTSQ | Mechanical Time Semi-Quick | |
MTU | Motoren- und Turbinen-Union | |
MTVL | Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light | |
MUGS | Multipurpose Universal Gunner Sight | |
MULE | Modular Universal Laser Equipment (US) | |
MUSS | Multifunctional Selfprotection System | |
MV | Muzzle Velocity | |
MVEE | Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (UK) | |
MVRS | Muzzle Velocity Radar System | |
MWCS | Marine Wing Communications Squadron | |
MWHS | Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron | |
MWS | Manned Weapon Station (US) | |
MWSG | Marine Wing Support Group | |
MWSS | Marine Wing Support Squadron | |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation | |
NBC | Nuclear, Biological, Chemical | |
NBMR | NATO Basic Military Requirement | |
NCIS | Naval Criminal Investigative Service (US) | |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer | |
NCOIC | Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge | |
NDI | Non-Developmental Item | |
NDU | Navigation Display Unit | |
NFOV | Narrow Field Of View | |
NG | Next Generation | |
NG | New Generation | |
Ni/Cd | Nickel Cadmium | |
NLAW | Next Light (weight) Anti-armour Weapon | |
NLOS-C | Non-Line Of Sight-Cannon | |
NLOS-M | Non-Line Of Sight-Mortar | |
NOD | Night Optical Device | |
NRF | NATO Response Force | |
NS | Network Services | |
NTC | National Training Center (USA) | |
NUGP | nominal unit ground pressure | |
NV | Night Vision |
NVD | Night Vision Device | |
NVE | Night Vision Equipment | |
NVESD | Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate | |
NVG | Night Vision Goggle | |
NVS | Night Vision System | |
NZDF | New Zealand Defence Force | |
NZEF | New Zealand Expeditionary Force | |
NZSAS | New Zealand Special Air Service | |
OBR | Optical Beam-Riding | |
OCC | Obus à Charge Creusé (shaped-charge shell) | |
OCOKA | Observation and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of Approach. | |
OCSW | Objective Crew-Served Weapon | |
OCU | Operational Centre Unit | |
ODE | Ordnance Development and Engineering (Singapore) | |
OEG | Occluded Eye Gunsight (a type of Collimator sight) | |
OEO | Optical and Electro-Optical | |
OFSA | Objective Family of Small Arms | |
OFW | Objective Force Warrior | |
OHWS | Offensive Hand Weapon System | |
OIC | Officer In Charge | |
OICW | Objective Individual Combat Weapon (rifle) | |
OOTW | Operations Other Than War (now SSO) | |
OP | Operator Panel | |
OP | Observation Post | |
OPCON | Operational Control | |
OPDW | Objective Personal Defense Weapon | |
OPORD | OPerations Order | |
OPSEC | Operational Security | |
OPV | Observation Post Vehicle | |
OSS | Operational Support Squadron | |
OSW | Objective Sniper Weapon | |
OT | Operational Test | |
OTA | overflight top attack | |
OTEA | United States Army Operational Test and Evaluation Agency | |
P | How pack howitzer | |
PABD | Pay Entry Base Date | |
PAR | Pulse Acquisition Radar | |
PAT | power-assisted traverse | |
PC | Personal computer (host) | |
PCB | printed circuit board | |
PCC | Police Compact Carbine | |
PCI | Pre-combat inspection | |
PD | Point Defense | |
PD | Point of Departure | |
PD | Point Detonating | |
PDNA | Positioning Determining/Navigation Unit | |
PDRR | Program Definition and Risk Reduction | |
PDW | Personal Defence Weapon | |
PE | Peace Enforcement | |
PEC | Printed Electronic Circuits |
PFD | proximity fuze disconnector | |
PFHE | Prefragmented High-Explosive | |
PFPX | prefragmented proximity fuzed | |
PGMM | Precision Guided Mortar Munition | |
PH | Probability of Hit | |
PI | Probability Of Incapacitation | |
PIAT | Projector Infantry Anti-Tank | |
PIBD | Point Initiating Base Detonated | |
PID | Positive Identification | |
PIE | Pyrotechnically Initiated Explosive | |
PIP | Product Improvement Programme | |
PL | Phase Line | |
PLA | People's Liberation Army | |
PLARS | Position Location And Reporting System (US) | |
PLC | Programmable Logic Control | |
PLF | protective line of fire | |
PLO | Palestinian Liberation Army | |
PLOS | Predicted Line of Sight | |
PLS | Palletised Load System (US) | |
PM | porte mortier (mortar carrier) | |
PMCS | Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services | |
PMEE | U.S. Air Force abbreviation for Prime Mission Electronic Equipment | |
PMO | Program Management Office (US) | |
PMOD | Platform Modifications | |
PMS | Pedestal-Mounted Stinger | |
Pnu | Position Navigation Unit | |
POA&M | Plan Of Action & Milestones | |
POF | Pakistan Ordnance Factory | |
POS | Postes Optiques de Surveillance | |
POW | Prisoners Of War | |
PPI | Plan Position Indicator | |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service | |
PRAC | Practice and Research: Advancing Collaboration | |
PRAC | Practice | |
PRAC-T | practice tracer | |
PRI | projector reticle image | |
PRP | Personnel Reliability Program (screening and monitoring of individuals with access to "special" weapons) | |
PSD | Propulsion System Demonstrator | |
PSO | Peace Support Operations | |
PSS | Primary Sight System | |
PTO | Power Take-Off | |
PVP | Petit Véhicule Protégé | |
PW | Prisoner of War | |
PWI-SR(GR) | Panser Wagen Infanterie-Standaard (Groep) | |
PWP | Plasticised White Phosphorus | |
QCB | Quick Change Barrel | |
QE | Quadrant Elevation | |
QRF | Quick Reaction Force. On standby to react to any situation. | |
RA | Royal Artillery | |
RAA | Royal Australian Artillery |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force | |
RAAM | Rifle-launched Anti-Armour Munition | |
RAAMS | Remote Anti-Armor Mine System (US) | |
RAC | Royal Armoured Corps | |
RADIRS | Rapid Deployment Multiple Rocket System (US) | |
RAE | Royal Aircraft Establishment | |
RAM-D | reliability, availability, maintainability and durability | |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy | |
RAO | Rear Area Operations | |
RAP | Rocket-Assisted Projectile | |
RAPI | Reactive Armour Protection | |
RARDE | Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (UK) | |
RATELO | Radio Telephone Operator | |
RAW | Rifleman's Assault Weapon | |
RBL | Range and Bearing Launch | |
RC/MAS | Reserve Component/Modified Armament System | |
RCAAS | Remote-Controlled Anti-Armor System (US) | |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force | |
RCC | ROLAND Coordination Center (US) | |
RCDU | Remote-Controlled Defence Unit | |
RCL | Recoilless rifle | |
RCN | Royal Canadian Navy | |
RCS | Radar Cross Section | |
RCT | Royal Corps of Transport | |
RCT | Regimental Combat Team | |
RCV | Robotic Command Vehicle | |
RDF/LT | Rapid Deployment Force Light Tank (US) | |
RDJTF | Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (US) | |
RDT&E | Research, Development, Test & Evaluation | |
REME | Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers | |
RF | Rimfire | |
RFA | Royal Field Artillery | |
RFAS | Russian Federation and Associated States | |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps | |
RFI | Request For Information. Sales department shorthand. Special priority when use in conjunction with RFN (see below). | |
RFPI | Rapid Force Projection Initiative | |
RGGS | Rifle Grenade General Service | |
RHA | Royal Horse Artillery | |
RIN | Royal Indian Navy | |
RIS | Rail Interface System | |
RISE | Reliability Improved Selected Equipment | |
RLC | Royal Logistic Corps | |
RLEM | Rifle-Launched Entry Munition | |
RLG | Ring Laser Gyro | |
RLT | Regimental Landing Team | |
RMG | ranging machine gun | |
RN | Royal Navy | |
RNZAF | Royal New Zealand Air Force | |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy | |
RO | Royal Ordnance |
ROBAT | Robotic Counter-Obstacle Vehicle (US) | |
ROC | required operational characteristics | |
ROE | Rules of Engagement. The rules given to every service member on when to engage targets. Changes dependent upon the situation. | |
ROF | Royal Ordnance Factory (UK) | |
ROK | Republic Of Korea | |
ROKIT | Republic Of Korea Indigenous Tank | |
ROKMC | Republic Of Korea Marine Corps | |
ROR | Range Only Radar | |
ROTA | Royal Ordnance Training Ammunition | |
RP | rocket-propelled | |
RPC | Rocket Pod Container | |
RPG | Rocket-Propelled Grenade | |
RPV | Remotely Piloted Vehicle | |
RR | Recoilless Rifle | |
RRPR | Reduced Range Practice Rocket | |
RRTR | Reduced Range Training Round | |
RSAF | Royal Small Arms Factory (UK) (now closed) | |
RSN | Role Specialist Nation (US & NATO) | |
RSS | Rosette Scanning Seeker | |
RTE | Rifle Team Equipment | |
RTT | Roues Transporteur de Troupes | |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constabulary | |
RWS | Remote weapon system (or station) | |
s | second (do NOT use "sec" for "second;" use "sec" for "secant") | |
S&W | Smith and Wesson | |
SABCA | Société Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques | |
SABR | Selectable Assault Battle Rifle | |
SABS | Stabilizing Automatic Bomb Sight | |
sac | Small Arms Collimator | |
SACLOS | Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight | |
SADA | Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly | |
SADARM | Sense And Destroy Armor (US) | |
SADF | South African Defence Force | |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers | |
SAF | Small Arms Fire | |
SAFCS | Small Arms Fire Control System | |
SAFIRE | Surface-to-Air Fire | |
SAL | Semi-Active Laser | |
SAM | Special Airlift Mission | |
samm | Société d'Applications des Machines Motrices | |
SANDF | South African National Defence Force | |
SANG | Saudi Arabian National Guard | |
SAP | Semi-Armour-Piercing | |
SAPHEI | Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary | |
SAPI | semi-armour-piercing incendiary | |
SAS | Special Air Service | |
SAS-EAS | Sealed Authenticator System - Emergency Action Procedures (Nuclear Weapons Release Control) | |
SASR | Special Air Service Regiment | |
SASR | Special Application Sniper Rifle | |
SATCP | Systиme Anti-aérien à Trиs Courte Portée (very short-range anti-aircraft system) |
SAVA | Standard Army Vectronics Architecture | |
SAW | Squad Automatic Weapon | |
SAWS | Squad Automatic Weapon System | |
SB | Short Barrel | |
SCORE | Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine | |
SD | Self-Destruct | |
SEAL | Sea/Air/Land | |
SEALOCK | Search, Locate, and Communicate or Kill | |
SEATO | Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation | |
SEME | School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering | |
SEN | shell extended range NORICUM | |
SEP | Soldier Enhancement Programme | |
sfcs | Simplified Fire-Control System | |
SFIM | Société de Fabrication d'Instrument de Mesure | |
SFIRR | solid fuel integral rocket/ramjet | |
sfm | Sensor Fuzed Munitions | |
SFMG | Sustained Fire Machine Gun | |
SFSW | Special Forces Support Weapon | |
SFW | Special Forces Weapon | |
SGTS | Second-Generation Tank Sight | |
SH/PRAC | squash head practice | |
SHORAD | Short-Range Air Defence System | |
SHP | Shaft Horsepower | |
SIC | Second In Command | |
SICPS | Standard Integrated Command Post Systems | |
SINCGARS | Single Channel Ground/Air Radio System | |
SIP | System Improvement Plan | |
SIPS | Small Integrated Propulsion System | |
SJFN | Semi-Jacketed Flat Nose | |
SJHP | Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point | |
SKOT | Sredni Kolowy Opancerzny Transporter (armoured personnel carrier) | |
SLAP | saboted light armor penetrator | |
slaw | Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon | |
SLEP | Service Life Extension Program | |
slr | Super Low Recoil | |
SLWAGL | Super Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher | |
sm | Smoke | |
smaw | Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon | |
smg | Sub-Machine guns | |
SMK | Smoke | |
smp | Surface Mine Plough | |
SMU | Special Mission Unit | |
SNAFU | Situation Normal All Fouled Up | |
SNCO | Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (USMC, E-6 - E-9) | |
SNCOIC | Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (USMC) | |
SOCOM | United States Special Operations Command | |
SOF | Special Operations Force(s) | |
SOG | Speed Over Ground | |
sop | Standart Operational Procedure | |
SPAAG | self-propelled anti-aircraft gun |
SPAAM | self-propelled anti-aircraft missile | |
SPAG | self-propelled assault gun | |
SPARK | solid propellant advanced ramjet kinetic energy missile | |
SPAS | Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun | |
SPATG | self-propelled anti-tank gun | |
SPAW | self-propelled artillery weapon | |
SPG | Self-Propelled Gun | |
SPH | Self-Propelled Howitzer | |
SPL | self-propelled launcher | |
SPLL | Self-propelled Loader Launcher | |
SPM | self-propelled mortar | |
SPP | Special Purpose Pistol | |
SPR | Special Purpose Rifle | |
SPS | Standard Positioning Service (GPS) | |
SPSM | Sensorgezundete Panzerabwehr SubMunition | |
SPW | Special Purpose Weapon | |
SR | Short Rifle | |
SRAW | Short Range Assault Weapon | |
SRC | Space Research Corporation | |
SRG | shell replenishment gear | |
SRI | Short Range Insert | |
SRTS | Short Range Thermal Sight | |
SRU | Shop Replaceable Unit | |
SRU | Slip Ring Unit | |
SRV | Surrogate Research Vehicle (US) | |
ssa | Special Spaced Armour | |
ssg | Single Shot Gun | |
SSK | Single Shot Kill | |
SSW | Squad Support Weapon | |
ST | Staff Target | |
STA | shell transfer arm | |
STAB | Steered Agile Beams | |
STAFF | Small Target Activated Fire-and-Forget (US) | |
STANAG | (NATO) Standardisation Agreement | |
STARTLE | Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement (US) | |
STE/ICE | Simplified Test Equipment/Internal Combustion Engine (US) | |
STOVL | Short Take Off and Vertical Landing | |
STUP | Spinning Tubular Projectile | |
SUB | Substitute | |
suc | Square Ultra Compact | |
SUIT | Sight Unit Infantry Trilux | |
SUSAT | Sight Unit, Small Arms, Trilux | |
susfu | situation unchanged, still fucked up | |
SWARM | Stabilised Weapon and Reconnaissance Mount | |
SWAT | Special Weapons and Tactics | |
SWC | Semi WadCutter | |
SWS | Sniper Weapon System | |
T | Tracer element (US military ammunition) | |
TACBE | Tacbe | |
TACMS | Army Tactical Missile System (US) |
TACOM | Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (US) | |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty | |
TADDS | Target Alert Display Data Set (US) | |
TADS | Target Acquisition and Designation System (US) | |
TAM | Tanque Argentino Mediano | |
TARFU | Things Are Really Fucked Up. A Situation Worse Than SNAFU, But Not Quite FUBAR. | |
TARFU | Totally And Royally Fucked Up | |
TAS | Turret Attitude Sensor | |
TAS | Target Acquisition Subsystem | |
tas | Tracking Adjunct System | |
TBAT | TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US) | |
TC | Tank Commander | |
TCO | Tactical Combat Operations | |
TCTO | Time-Compliance Technical Order | |
TCU | Tactical Control Unit | |
TD | Tank Destroyer | |
tdcs | Tank Driver Command System | |
TDD | Target Detection Device | |
tdr | Target Data Receiver | |
te | Tangent Elevation | |
TEL | Transporter-Erector-Launcher | |
TELAR | Transporter-Erector-Launcher And Radar | |
TES | target engagement system | |
tes | Tactical Environment Simulation | |
TGMTS | Tank Gunnery Missile Tracking System | |
TGP | Terminally Guided Projectile | |
tgs | Tank Gun Sight | |
TGSM | Terminally Guided Submunition | |
TGTS | tank gunnery training simulator | |
TI | Thermal Image | |
TIC | Troops In Contact | |
TICM | thermal imaging common modules | |
TIIPS | Thermal Imaging and Integrated Position System | |
TIM | Thermal Imaging Module | |
TIPU | Thermal Image Processing Units | |
TIRE | Tank Infra-Red Elbow | |
TIS | Thermal Imaging System | |
tlc | Transport Launching Container | |
tld | Top Level Demonstrations | |
TLE | Treaty Limited Equipment | |
TLP | Troop Leading Procedures (US) | |
TLR | Tank Laser Rangefinder | |
TLS | tank laser sight | |
TM&LS | Textron Marine & Land Systems | |
TMBC | Turret Management Ballistic Computer | |
TMP | Tactical Machine Pistol | |
tms | Turret Modernisation System | |
TMUAS | Turreted Mortar Under Armor System (US) | |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene | |
TO | Technical Order |
TOE | Table of Organisation and Equipment | |
TOGS | Thermal Observation and Gunnery System (UK) | |
Top | Total Obscuring Power | |
TOPAS | Transporter Obrneny Pasovy | |
tote | Tracker, Optical Thermally Enhanced | |
TOW | Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire command link guided (US) | |
TP | Target Practice | |
TP-FL | target practice flash | |
TP-S | or TPS Target Practice-Spotting/Signature | |
TP-SM | target practice - smoke | |
TP-SP | target practice - spotting | |
TP-T | Target Practice Tracer | |
TPCM | Target Practice Colour-Marking | |
TPDS | Target Practice Discarding Sabot | |
TPFSDS-T | target practice fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer | |
TPTF | Target Practice Time Fuzed | |
tr | Triple Rail | |
TRACER | Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement (UK) | |
TRACKSTAR | Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar System (US) | |
TRADOC | United States Army Training and Doctrine Command | |
TSFCS | Tank Simplified Fire-Control System | |
TSQ | time and super-quick | |
TSR | Tavor Sporting Rifle | |
TT | transport de troupes (troop transporter) | |
TTB | Tank TestBed (US) | |
TTD | Transformation Technology Demonstrator | |
TTG | Time-To-Go | |
TTS | Tank Thermal Sight | |
TU | Terminal Unit | |
TUA | TOW Under Armor (US) | |
TUR | Tiefflieger-Ьberwachungs-Radar (low-level surveillance radar) | |
TV | Television | |
TWD | thermal warning device | |
Twmp | Track Width Mine Plough | |
TWS | Thermal Weapon Sight | |
TYDP | Ten Year Defence Programme (Australia) | |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | |
UBLE | Universal Bridge Launching Equipment | |
UCVP | Universal Combat Vehicle Platform | |
UDR | Ulster Defence Regiment | |
UET | Universal Engineer Tractor (US) | |
UGV | Unmanned Ground Vehicle | |
ulc | Unit Load Container | |
UMA | Universal Mounting Adapter | |
UMP | Universal Machine Pistol | |
USA | United States Army | |
USAADS | U.S. Army Air Defense School | |
USAAF | United States Army Air Forces | |
Usaarms | Us Army Armor School | |
USAAVNS | U.S. Army Aviation School |
USAF | United States Air Force | |
USCG | United States Coast Guard | |
USMC | United States Marine Corporation | |
USN | United States Navy | |
USP | Universal Self-Loading Pistol | |
UTL | Universal Tactical Light | |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator (geographical Co-ordinate System) | |
UTs | Universal Turret System | |
UV | Ultraviolet (Light) | |
uw | Urban Warfare | |
V | Volt (measurement) | |
vab | Vickers Armoured Bridgelayer | |
VADS | Vulcan Air Defense System (US) | |
vae | Vehiculo Armado Exploracion | |
VAK | Vehicle Adaptor Kit | |
VAPE | Vehiculo Apoyo y Exploracion | |
VARRV | Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle | |
VARV | Vickers Armoured Recovery Vehicle | |
VBC | Véhicule Blindé de Combat (armoured combat vehicle) | |
VBCI | Véhicule Blindé de Combat D'infanterie | |
VBL | Véhicule Blindé Léger (light armoured vehicle) | |
vbm | Véhicules Blindés Modulaires | |
VC | Vehicle Commander | |
vca | Véhicule Chenillé d'Accompagnement | |
vcc | Veicolo Corazzato de Combattimento | |
VCG | Véhicule de Combat du Genie (armoured engineer vehicle) | |
VCI | Véhicule de Combat d'Infanterie; Vehiculo combate infanteria (infantry combat vehicle) | |
VCP | Vehicle Check Point | |
VCR | Variable Compression Ratio for co2-reduction of gasoline engine | |
VCR | Véhicule de Combat à Roues (wheeled combat vehicle) | |
VCR/AT | Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Atelier Technique (salvage) | |
VCR/IS | Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Intervention Sanitaire (stretchers) | |
VCR/PC | Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Poste de Commandement (HQ) | |
VCR/TH | Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Tourelle HOT (turret with four HOT ATGW) | |
VCR/TT | Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Transport de Troupes (troop carrier) | |
VCTIS | Vehicle Command and Tactical Information System | |
VCTM | Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Mortero (armoured mortar carrier) | |
VCTP | Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal (armoured personnel carrier) | |
VDA | Véhicule de Défense Anti-aérienne (anti-aircraft defence vehicle) | |
VDAA | Véhicule d'Auto-Défense Anti-aérienne | |
VDC | Voltage Direct Current | |
VDM | viscous damped mount | |
VDSL | Vickers Defence Systems Ltd | |
VDU | Visual Display Unit | |
vec | Vehiculo de Exploraciòn de Caballerie | |
VEDES | Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System (US) | |
VERDI | Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative (UK) | |
VHIS | visual hit indicator system | |
VIB | Véhicule d'Intervention du Base | |
VIDS | Vehicle Integrated Defence System |
VINACS | Vehicle Integrated Navigation and Command System | |
VIRSS | Visual and InfraRed Smoke Screening System | |
VITS | Video Image Tracking Systems | |
VLAP | Velocity-enhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile | |
VLC | Véhicule Léger de Combat (light armoured car) | |
VLI | Visible Light Illuminator | |
VLSMS | Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System | |
VMA | Marine Light Attack Squadron | |
VMA(AW) | Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron | |
VMAQ | Marine Electronic Warfare Attack Squadron | |
VMBT | Vickers Main Battle Tank | |
VMF | Marine Fighter Squadron | |
VMFA | Marine Fighter Attack Squadron | |
VMFA(AW) | Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron | |
VMFP | Marine Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron | |
VMGR | Marine Aerial Refueler/Transport Squadron | |
VMR | Marine Transport Squadron | |
VMS | Vehicle Motion Sensor | |
VNAS | Vehicle Navigation Air System | |
VRL | Véhicule Reconnaissance Léger (light reconnaissance vehicle) | |
VSEL | Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd | |
VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft | |
VTP | véhicule transport de personnel (personnel carrier) | |
VTT | véhicule transport de troupe (troop transporter) | |
VVSS | Vertical Volute Spring Suspension | |
VXB | Véhicule Blindé à Vocations Multiples (multipurpose armoured car) | |
WAAC | Women's Auxiliary Army Corps | |
WAC | Women's Army Corporation | |
WAF | Women Air Force | |
WAM | Wide Area Mines (US) | |
WAMI | Wide Area Motion Imagery (US) | |
WAPC | Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (Canada) | |
WASAD | Wide Angle Surveillance and Automatic Detection Device | |
WAV | Wide Angle Viewing | |
WAVES | Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service | |
WES | Wing Engineer Squadron (USMC) | |
WFOV | Wide Field Of View | |
WFSV | Wheeled Fire Support Vehicle (Canada) | |
wha | Weapons Head Assembly | |
WHSA | Weapons Head Support Assembly | |
wlr | Weapon Locating Radar | |
WM | unofficial acronym for a Woman Marine | |
WMD | Weapon of mass destruction | |
WMRV | Wheeled Maintenance and Recovery Vehicle (Canada) | |
WP | White Phosphorus (ammunition) | |
WP-T | White Phosphorus Tracer | |
WSM | Winchester Short Magnum | |
WTS | Wing Transportation Squadron (USMC) | |
XO | Executive Officer | |
YMRS | Yugoslav multiple rocket system |