Common / Miscellaneous / Community >> Occupation & positions Abbreviations
Look through 3846 acronyms and abbreviations related to Occupation & positions:
-RMP | Risk Management Professional | |
1LT | First Lieutenant | |
2LT | Second Lieutenant | |
A | Accelerating Contactor or Relay | |
AA | Anesthesiologist Assistant | |
AA | Adverse Action | |
AA | Administrative Assistants | |
AA | Accounting Assistant | |
AA | Accredited Appraiser | |
AADC | Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor | |
AAMS | Accredited Asset Management Specialist | |
AAOF | Assistant Administrator of Operations and Finance | |
AAS | Average Annual Salary | |
AASA | Assistant Area Sales Advisor | |
AATS | Average Annual Taxable Salary | |
AAVP | Associate Administrator For Veterans Programs | |
AB | Administrative Board | |
ABA | Accredited Business Accountant | |
ABCD | Above and Beyond the Call of Duty | |
ABCP | Associate Business Continuity Planner | |
ABMP | Associated Bodywork and Massage Professional | |
ABR | Accredited Buyers Representative | |
ABSHP | Archbishop | |
ABSS | Applied Behavior Science Specialist | |
ABW | Activity Based Workplace | |
AC | Area Coordinator | |
AC | Assistant Commissioner | |
AC | Analyst Certification | |
AC | Academic Counsellor | |
AC | Assistant Camera (film production) | |
ACA | Associate Chartered Accountant | |
ACAS | Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society | |
ACC | Association Corporate Counsel | |
ACC | Assistant County Commissioner (scouting) | |
ACCESS | Aurora Community Counseling Employee Support And Services | |
ACCP | Aptech Certified Computer Professional | |
ACCW | Advanced Child Care Worker | |
ACD | Authorized Corporate Director | |
ACD | Art Creative Designer | |
ACDC | Academic Chairs and Directors Council | |
ACDT | Apple Certified Desktop Technician | |
ACE | Aruba Certified Expert | |
ACE | Adobe Certified Expert | |
ACE | Autocad Certified Expert | |
ACE | Associate Career Enhancement | |
ACE | Available Consultants and Executives | |
ACFO | Associate Chief Financial Officer | |
ACFO-FS | Associate Chief Financial Officer for Financial Systems | |
ACGI | Associate of the City and Guilds Institute | |
ACIO | Agency Chief Information Officer |
ACIS | Associate in the Chartered Institute of Secretaries | |
ACM | Audio Codec Manager | |
ACMA | Acquisition Career Management Advocate | |
ACNP | Acute Care Nurse Practitioner | |
ACOE | AUTONOC Certified Operations Engineer | |
ACOS | Assistant Chiefs Of Staff | |
ACP | Assistant Commissioner of Police | |
ACP | Associated Computer Professional | |
ACPA | Arab Certified Public Accountant | |
ACPC | Automotive Career Placement Counselor | |
ACPT | Apple Certified Portable Technician | |
ACR | Average Classification Rate | |
ACRN | AIDS Certified Registered Nurse | |
ACS | Associate Customer Service (LOMA) | |
ACSE | Alcatel Certified Switch Expert | |
ACSR | Avid Certified Support Representative | |
ACSR | Advanced Customer Service Representative | |
ACT | Acquired Clear Thinking | |
ACWE | AreTec Certified Wireless Engineer | |
AD | Assistant Director | |
AD | Art Director | |
AD | All Day | |
AD | Assistant Deputy | |
AD | Advertising Director | |
AD | Always Demanding | |
AD | Acronym Director | |
AD | Always Dependable | |
ADA | Apprentice Dark Angel | |
ADAF | Associate Director of Administration and Finance | |
ADC | Assistant District Commissioner | |
ADDA | Advanced Data Dictionary Architect | |
ADI | Advanced Driving Instructor | |
ADIA | Approved Driving Instructor - Advanced | |
ADIF | Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias | |
ADM | Assistant Deputy Minister | |
ADoF | Associate Director of Finance | |
ADPSO | Automatic Data Processing Security Officer | |
ADPSSO | Automatic Data Processing System Security Officer | |
ADRP | Assistant Director for Research and Planning | |
ADS | Associate Development Scheme | |
ADTS | Applicant Document Tracking System | |
AE | Account Engineer | |
AEE | Assistant Executive Engineer | |
AEIOU | Authenticating Environment Input-Output Underwriter | |
AEMT | Advanced Emergency Medical Technician | |
AEP | Alternative Examination Process | |
AEP | Accelerated Encryption Processing | |
AEPS | Aviation Employee Placement Service | |
AES | Applicants Enquiry Servuce |
AET | Assistant English Teacher | |
AEW | Aboriginal Educational Worker | |
AFC | Agriculture Food Consulting | |
AFI | Advanced Flight Instructor | |
AFI | Air Force Instruction | |
AFI | Absent For Interveiw | |
AFM | Assistant Floor Manager | |
AFP | Associate Financial Planner | |
Ag | Alpha Geek | |
Ag | Almost Governor | |
AG | Ayatollah General | |
AGI | Advanced Ground Instructor | |
AGM | Assistant Game Manager | |
AGM | Assistant General Manager | |
AHC | Architectural Hardware Consultant | |
AHCP | Accredited Health Care Practitioner | |
AI | Absent Indefinitely | |
AI | Assistant Instructor | |
AIA | Annual in Advance | |
AIC | Administrator in Charge | |
AICC | Advanced Illness Care Coordinator | |
AIDES | Alert, Industrious, Dedicated, Energetic, and Service-oriented | |
AIF | Accredited Investment Fiduciary | |
AIFA | Applied Investment & Finance Analyst | |
AINS | Associate in General Insurance | |
AIO | Assistent in Opleiding | |
AIO | Activities, Interests and Opinions | |
AIS | Administrative Information Services | |
AIT | Aid In Training | |
AIT | Administrative Information Technician | |
AITC | Area Instructional Technology Coordinator | |
AITS | Accredited Interviewer Training Scheme | |
AKF | Alien Kelp Farmers | |
AL | Agricultural Labourer | |
ALA | Academic Learning Assistant | |
ALAT | Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician | |
ALC | Accredited Land Consultant | |
ALD | Assistant Lighting Designer | |
ALOC | Acceptable Level of Competence | |
ALT | Assistant Language Teacher | |
AM | Administration Manager | |
AM | Area Manager | |
AM | Accounts Manager | |
AMIT | Assistant Manager in Training | |
AMRT | Applied Microbial Remediation Technician | |
AMSS | Alarm Management Systems Specialist | |
ANP | Adult Nurse Practitioner | |
ANUM | Associate Nurse Unit Manager | |
AO | Accountable Officer | |
AO | Auxiliary Operator |
AOC | Architect of the Capitol | |
AOD | Area Operations Director | |
AOE | Area of Effect | |
AOM | Airport Operations Manager | |
AOS | Area of Specialty | |
AOS | Adjustment of Status | |
AOT | Advocate Of Technocracy | |
AP | Award Program | |
AP | Addiction Professional | |
AP | Associate Pastor | |
APC | Associate Player Character | |
APD | Assistant Program Director | |
APE | Associate Pastor Emeritus | |
APM | Artronic Project Manager | |
APN | Academic Position Network | |
APN | Advanced Practice Nurse | |
APN | Awards Promotions And Novelties | |
APO | Apprentice Police Officer | |
APO | Alcohol Procurement Officer | |
APO | Accountable Property Officer | |
APP | Average Pensionable Pay | |
APP | Australian Pharmacy Professional | |
APP | Accredited Purchasing Practitioner | |
APRN | Advanced Practice Registered Nurse | |
APS | Agricultural Production Specialist | |
APS | Acting Police Sergeant | |
APT | Appointment Promotion and Tenure | |
AQ | Anticipated Questions | |
AQ | America's Queen | |
AQ | Application Question | |
AQA | All Qualified Applicants | |
AR | Accounts Receivable | |
ARA | Accredited Rural Appraiser | |
ARA | Associate of the Royal Academy | |
ARC | Acquire Retain And Cultivate | |
ARD | Associate Regional Director | |
ARI | Application, Resume, and Interview | |
ARIA | A Really Important Award | |
ARM | Accredited Residential Manager | |
ARM | Associate in Risk Management | |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner | |
ARP | Alternative Retirement Plan | |
ARPC | Accredited Retirement Plan Consultant | |
ARPS | Accredited Retirement Plan Specialist | |
ARS | Awards And Recognition Specialists | |
AS | Appointment Secretary | |
ASA | Accredited Senior Appraiser | |
ASA | Alarm Systems Agent | |
ASA | Associate of the Society of Actuaries | |
ASA | Assistant Secretary of the Army |
ASAP | Automated Staffing Application Program | |
ASAP | Advanced Staffing Assistance Process | |
ASAP | Administrative Staff Assistance Personnel | |
ASARS | Automated Stopper And Referral System | |
ASBF | Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance | |
ASCO | Australian Standard Classification of Occupations | |
ASE | Assistant System Engineer | |
ASI | Aerospace Science Instructor (AFJROTC) | |
ASK | Attitude, Skills, and Knowledge | |
ASM | Assistant Service Manager | |
ASM | Area Sales Manager | |
ASN | Assistant Secretary of the Navy | |
ASP | Accredited Staging Professional | |
ASPD | Assistant State Public Defender | |
ASPO | Asset Security Protection Officer | |
ASR | Authorized Sales Representative | |
Ass't | Assistant | |
ASSETS | Service For Self Employment Training And Support | |
ASSIST | Assistant Superintendent for School Improvement Supervision and Training | |
AST | Automotive Service Technician | |
AST | Advanced Skills Teacher | |
ASU | Accident Sickness and Unemployment | |
AT | Administration Technician | |
ATC | Afghan Technical Consultants | |
ATCG | Annual Total Compensation Guarantee | |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Specialist | |
ATP | Air Transport Pilot | |
ATR | Art Therapist Registered | |
AUSA | Assistant United States Attorney | |
AUST | Assistant United States Trustee | |
AV | Annual Vacation | |
AVA | Amateur Voice Actor | |
AVID | Advancement Via Individual Determination | |
AVP | Assistant Vice President | |
AVP | Alternate Vice President | |
AVPB | Associate Vice President for Budget | |
AVPMA | Associate Vice President for Multicultural Affairs | |
AVT | Auditory-Verbal Therapist | |
AW | Assistant Wizard | |
AWD | Author, Writer, Dreamer | |
AWD | Apprentice Water Dog | |
AWI | Average Wage Increase | |
AWMA | Accredited Wealth Management Advisor | |
AWS | Annual Wage Supplement | |
AWSA | Airline Web Service Agent | |
B | Boss | |
BA | Business Analyst | |
ba | Brand Ambassador | |
BA | Buyer's Agent | |
BAC | Breath Analyzer Coordinator |
BAM | Back At Mac | |
BAT | Be Able To | |
BATNA | Begin At The Negotiated Agreement | |
BB | Bunny Boy | |
BBB | Bargain Basement Braggart | |
BBC | Better Balanced Coverage | |
BCA | Bank Credit Analyst | |
BCAP | Business Careers Awareness Program | |
BCE | Base Civil Engineer | |
BCIO | Business Chief Information Officer | |
bcm | Business Continuity Manager | |
BCP | Black Caped Person | |
BCPS | Board-Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist | |
BCSW | Board Certified Social Worker | |
BD | Birth Doula | |
BD | Building Designer | |
BDC | Building Department Clerk | |
BDM | Business Development Manager | |
BDO | Business Development Officer | |
BE | Bridge Engineer | |
BEACON | Become Employed at Career Online Network | |
BEAM | Bridge to Employment and More | |
BEAT | Bristol Employment Action Team | |
BEAT | Binary Electric Automotive Technician | |
BES | Business Experience System | |
BESS | Benefits Eligibility Screening Services | |
BF | Bad Fisherman | |
BF | Best Friend | |
BFF | Boy Friend Forever | |
BFF | Best Female Friend | |
BFOQ | Bona Fide Occupational Qualification | |
BG | Baby gangster | |
BGO | Bevel Gear Operator | |
BH | Bounty Hunter | |
BH | Better Half | |
BH | Big Helper | |
BHD | Behavioral Health Director | |
BHO | Behavioral Health Officer | |
BHSAI | British Horse Society Assistant Instructor | |
BHSI | British Horse Society Instructor | |
BI | Best Individual | |
BIO | Biology Investigative Opportunities | |
BLDR | Builder | |
BLDR | Builders FirstSource, Inc. | |
BLM | Branch Lending Manager | |
BLT | Building Leadership Team | |
BM | Beast Master | |
BM | Bank Messenger | |
BM | Barbarian Mercenary |
BM | Blog Master | |
BMA | Behavior Management Assistant | |
BMD | Big Mean Dude | |
BMG | Black Magician Girl | |
BMW | Boat Maintenance Worker | |
BNC | Boardman Number Custodian | |
BOA | Branch Office Administrator | |
BOD | Board of Directors (Budget) | |
BOD | Bookseller On Duty | |
BOM | Branch Office Manager | |
BOOTY | Bus Operator Of The Year | |
BOQ | Bonifide Occupational Questions | |
BOS | Board of Supervisors | |
BP | Back Printer | |
BP | Beyond Potential | |
BP | Backup Photographer | |
BPA | Border Patrol Agent | |
BRO | Business Relationship Officer | |
BRT | Building Resource Teacher | |
BRT | Broadcast Recording Technician | |
BS | Boy Scout | |
BS | Big Shot | |
BSC | Base Station Controller | |
BSO | Business Support Operator | |
BSW | Beginning Social Worker | |
BT | Biotechnician | |
BTC | Biochemical Test Coordinator | |
BTE | Bridge to Employment | |
BTP | Big Time Potential | |
BUDGET ANALYST | Balances Fiscal Budgets | |
BW | Beautiful Wife | |
BW | Boy Wonder | |
BWCs | Business Writing Consultants | |
BYB | Back Yard Breeder | |
BYOB | Be Your Own Boss | |
C | Cookie | |
C | Chairman | |
C | Cardinal | |
C | Captain | |
CA | Cartoon Artist | |
CA | Chartered Accountant | |
CA | Computer Assistant | |
CA | Community Associate | |
CA | Cognitive Apprenticeship | |
CA | Customer Agent | |
CABS | Candidate Aspiration Based Search | |
CAC | Clinical Addictions Counselor | |
CAD | Community Affairs Director | |
CADC | Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor | |
CAE | Certified Association Executive |
CAE | Compositeur Auteur Editeur | |
CAFM | Commerce Asset Fund Manager | |
cag | Comptroller and Auditor General's | |
CAISS | Certified Automated Information System Specialist | |
CALM | Career and Life Management | |
CAM | Customer Account Manager | |
CAM | CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation) Asset Manager | |
CAM | Certified Administrative Manager | |
CAMF | Certified Anger Management Facilitator | |
CAO | Chief Administrative Officer | |
CAO | City Administration Officer | |
CAP | Career Apprenticeship Program | |
CAP | Career Alignment Profile | |
CAP | Career Action Plan | |
CAP-OM | Certified Administrative Professional - specializing in Organizational Management | |
CAPI | Computer Aided Personal Interviewing | |
CAPI | Computer Assisted Personal Interview | |
CAPM | Certified Associate in Project Management | |
CAPP | Career And Personal Planning | |
CAPS | Community Alternative Placement Scheme | |
caps | Certified Apartment Portfolio Supervisor | |
CAR | Chief of the Army Reserve | |
CARE | Career Average Revalued Earnings | |
CARE | Certified Atkins Retail Expert | |
CARM | Customer Analysis And Relationship Manager | |
Carp | Carpenter | |
CARP | Carpenter Research Project | |
CARS | Candidate Assessment and Referral System | |
CARW | Certified Advanced Resume Writer | |
CAS | Certified Advertising Specialist | |
CASA | Court Appointed Special Advocate | |
CASAC | Credentialed Alcoholism Substance Abuse Counselor | |
CASPA | Central Application Service for Physician Assistants | |
CATC | Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor | |
CATI | computer-assisted telephone interview instrument | |
CAVSP | Certified Audio Visual Solutions Provider | |
CBA | Certified Bank Auditor | |
CBCO | Certified Building Code Official | |
CBD | Certified Birth Doula | |
CBET | Certified Biomedical Electronic Technician | |
CBI | Competency-Based Interview | |
CBM | Certified Business Manager | |
CBM | Certified Bioinformatics Master | |
CBO | Control Board Operator | |
CBO | Chief Blogging Officer | |
CBS | Certified Banyan Specialist | |
CBs | Certified Bilingual Secretary | |
CBs | Certified Bioinformatics Specialist | |
CBT | Cognitive Behavioral Therapist | |
CBV | Chartered Business Valuator |
CC | Chief of Communications | |
CC | Circus Chimp | |
CCA | Critical Care Associate | |
CCA | Certified Citrix Administrator | |
CCA | Child Care Assistant | |
CCA | Certified Crime Analyst | |
CCA | Certified Coding Associate | |
CCA | Certified Crop Adviser | |
CCBW | Chief Cook & Bottle Washer | |
CCC | CBS Creative Consultant | |
CCC | Certified Cost Consultant | |
CCC | Campus Computing Coordinators | |
CCC | Current Countess of Christchurch | |
CCDC | Consultant in Communicable Disease Control | |
CCE | Certified Computer Examiner | |
CCE | Customized Conditions of Employment | |
CCE | Certified Chamber Executive | |
CCE | Customer Care Executive | |
CCE | Certified Childbirth Educator | |
CCEA | Citrix Certified Enterprise Administrator | |
CCENT | Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician | |
CCFF | CIFFA Certified Freight Forwarder | |
CCIA | Citrix Certified Integration Architect | |
CCIE | Cisco Certified Internetworking Engineer | |
CCIM | Certified Commercial Investment Manager | |
CCIP | Cisco Certified Internetworking Professional | |
CCM | Certified Chemoinformatics Master | |
CCN | Certified Clinical Nutritionist | |
CCNA | Cisco Certified Network Administrator | |
CCNP | Cisco Certified Network Professional | |
CCO | Customer Care Officer | |
CCO | Chief Customer Officer | |
CCP | Certified Childcare Professional | |
CCP | Certified Compensation Professional | |
CCP | Clinical Career Pathway | |
CCP | Certified Computing Professional | |
CCP | Certified Culinary Professional | |
CCPS | Certified College Planning Specialist | |
CCR | Customer Care Representative | |
CCRN | Critical Care Registered Nurse | |
CCS | Certified Chemoinformatics Specialist | |
CCS | Certified Coding Specialist | |
CCS | Customer Care Specialist | |
CCSA | Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator | |
CDA | Certified Dental Assistant | |
CDA | Communicative Disorders Assistant | |
CDCA | Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant (Ohio) | |
CDE | Certified Directory Engineer | |
CDE | Career Development Events | |
CDE | Certified Document Examiner |
CDI | Career Development Interview | |
CDIA | certified document imaging architect | |
CDL | Commercial Driver's License | |
CDL | Certified Dock Loader | |
CDL | Career Development Loan | |
CDM | Contract Development Manager | |
CDMT | Corporate Directors Management Team | |
CDN | Certified Dietician Nutritionist | |
CDO | Chief Development Officer | |
CDS | Continuous Deflective Separation | |
CDT | Certified Derma-Technician | |
CDT | Certified Document Technician | |
CDV | Community Disaster Volunteer | |
CE | Chief Engineer | |
CE | Civil Engineer | |
CEA | Customer Experience Associate | |
CEA | Certified Energy Analyst | |
CEAP | Certified Employee Assistance Professional | |
CEBS | Certified Employee Benefits Specialist | |
CED | Certified Environmental Drycleaner | |
CEFA | Certified European Financial Analyst | |
CEICC | Council-Certified Environmental Infection Control Consultant | |
CEICI | Council-Certified Environmental Infection Control Investigator | |
CEM | Cisco Equipment Manager | |
CEM | Certified Eifs Mechanic | |
CEM | Certified Energy Manager | |
CEN | Certified Emergency Nurse | |
CENA | Competency Evaluated Nursing Assistant | |
CENG | Chartered Engineer | |
CEO | Chief Evangelist Officer | |
CEO | Chief Ethics Officer | |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | |
CEO | Chief Engineering Officer | |
CEO | Chief Elf of Operations | |
CEO | Chief Exercise Operator | |
CEOO | Chief Executive Operating Officer | |
CEOP | Certified Educational Office Professional | |
CEP | Certified Education Planner | |
CES | Current Employment Status | |
CESO | career executive service officer | |
CET | Certified Engineering Technologist | |
CET | Civil Engineering Technician | |
CET | Certified Elevator Technician | |
CET | Certified Electronics Technician | |
CET | Certified Environmental Trainer | |
CET | Certifiable Entertaining Troll | |
CETC | Council-Certified Environmental Thermography Consultant | |
CFA | Chief Financial Advisor | |
CFA | Can Fix Anything | |
cfa | Certified Financial Adviser |
CFC | Chartered Financial Consultant | |
CFC | Certified Forms Consultant | |
CFCE | Certified Forensic Computer Examiner | |
CFCM | Certified Federal Contracts Manager | |
CFCP | Certified Functional Continuity Professional | |
CFE | Certified Fraud Examiner | |
CFE | Certified Financial Evaluator | |
CFEI | Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator | |
CFF | Career Fire Fighter | |
CFI | Certified Flight Instructor | |
CFI | Computer Forensic Investigator | |
CFII | Certified Fire Investigation Instructor | |
CFII | Certified Flight Instrument Instructor | |
CFLE | Certified Family Life Educator | |
CFM | Certified Floodplain Manager | |
CFM | Certified Financial Manager | |
CFNP | Certified Family Nurse Practitioner | |
CFO | Chief Fraud Officer | |
CFO | Chief Fun Officer | |
CFO | Communication Filing Officer | |
CFO | Chief Finance Officer | |
CFO | Chief Fetching Officer | |
CFO | Career is Finally Over | |
CFO | Chief Furniture Officer | |
CFO | Common Funds Organizer | |
CFOI | Certified Fiber Optic Installer | |
CFPP | Certified Food Protection Professionals | |
CFPS | Certified Fire Protection Specialist | |
CFRE | Certified Fund Raising Executive | |
CFS | Certified Fund Specialist | |
CFSA | Certified Financial Services Auditor | |
CFTO | Chief Financial and Technology Officer | |
CFW | Chief Flag Waver | |
CG | Certified Genealogist | |
CGA | Certified General Accountant | |
CGAT | Certified Governmental Accounting Technician | |
CGFM | Certified Government Financial Manager | |
CGMP | Canadian Government Marketing Personnel | |
CGMT | Chief General Manager Telecommunication | |
CGP | Certified Guitar Player | |
CGP | Country Guitar Picker | |
CGP | Certified Group Psychotherapist | |
CGR | Certified Graduate Remodeler | |
CGRS | Certified Genealogical Records Specialist | |
CH | Certified Hypnotherapist | |
CH | Chief | |
CH | Chief Hydrologist | |
CH.F.C. | Chartered Financial Consultant | |
CHA | Certified HACCP Auditor | |
CHAE | Certified Hospitality Accountant Executive |
CHES | Certified Health Education Specialist | |
CHESP | Certified Healthcare Environmental Services Professional | |
CHIEF | Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship | |
CHN | Community Health Nurse | |
CHNA | Community Health Nursing Associate | |
CHNE | Community Health Nursing Educator | |
CHPA | Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator | |
CHSP | Certified Healthcare Safety Professional | |
CHSP | Certified Hospitality Sales Professional | |
CHSP | Certified Homeland Security Professional | |
CHSâ„¢ | Certified Health Insurance specialist (Canada) | |
CHT | Certified Hypnotherapist | |
CI | Chief inspector | |
CI | Co-Investigator | |
CI | Criminal Investigator | |
CI | Component Inspector | |
CI | Claims Inspector | |
CI | Claims Investigator | |
CI | Certified Instructor | |
CI | Computer Instructor | |
CIA | Course Instruction Assistant | |
CIA | Chief Information Advisor | |
CIA | Christian Indie Artists | |
CIA | Crime Implementation Analyst | |
CIA | Counter Intelligence Associates | |
CIAQM | Council-certified Indoor Air Quality Manager | |
CIC | Certified Insurance Counselor | |
CICA | Certified Internal Controls Auditor | |
CID | Chemistry Instructor Director | |
CIE | Council-Certified Indoor Environmentalist (American Indoor Air Quality Council; Glendale, AZ) | |
CIEC | Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant | |
CIER | Council-Certified Indoor Environmental Remediator | |
CIES | Council-Certified Indoor Environmental Supervisor | |
CIG | Chief Information Guru | |
CIM | Canadian Investment Manager | |
CIM | Certified Inventory Manager | |
CIME | Certified Independent Medical Examiner | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CIO | Career Is Over | |
CIO | Chief Internet Officer | |
CIO | Coordinating Information Officer | |
CIO | Corporate Information Officer | |
CIP | Career Intern Program | |
CIPE | Certified In Plumbing Engineering | |
CIPO | Chief Intellectual Property Officer | |
CIPO | Critical Infrastructure Protection Officer | |
CIR | Coordinator of International Relations | |
CIRA | Certified Insolvency and Restructuring Advisor | |
CIRCA | Communication And Information Resource Centre Administrator | |
CIS | Career Information System |
CISA | Certified Information System Auditor | |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer | |
CISR | Certified Insurance Service Representative | |
CISSP | Certified Information Systems Security Professional | |
CIT | Coach in Training | |
CIT | Camper in Training | |
CIT | Counselor in Training | |
CIT | Campus Instructional Technologist | |
CITM | Certified Information Technology Manager | |
CITRMS | Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist | |
CITT | Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation | |
CIW | Certified Internet Webmaster | |
CIW | Illinois Central Railroad Company | |
CJL | Certified Journeyman Locksmith | |
CJO | Command Job Officer | |
CK | Career Killer | |
CK | Construction King | |
CK | Cat Killer | |
CKD | Certified Kitchen Designer | |
CKO | Chief Kid Officer | |
CL | Certified Lymphologist | |
CLA | Call Listing Agent | |
CLD | Certified Labor Doula | |
CLEP | Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional | |
CLM | Career Limiting Move. A reminder to think twice before embarking on any action that has an obvious whiff of disaster about it. (Ack R Gesling and S Phillips) | |
CLM | Certified Ladies Man | |
CLMC | Certified Lighting Management Consultant | |
CLNC | Certified Legal Nurse Consultant | |
CLO | Coroner's Liaison Officer | |
CLO | Community Liaison Officer | |
CLO | Chief Logistics Officer | |
CLP | Certified Life (insurance) Planner | |
CLP | Certified Logistics Professional | |
CLRP | Certified Labor Relations Professional | |
CLS | Certified Lotus Specialist | |
CLT | Certified Landscape Technician | |
CLU | Chartered Life Underwriter | |
Cm | Chill Master | |
CM | Chief Minister | |
CM | Cast Member | |
CM | Certified Manager | |
Cm | Country Manager | |
Cm | Construction Manager | |
CM | Communications Manager | |
Cm | Contact Manager | |
Cm | Camera Man | |
CMA | Certified Management Accountant | |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant | |
CMA | Certified Medication Aide | |
CMA | Contract Management Assistant |
CMA | Certified Marketing Analyst | |
CMAA | Chief Master At Arms | |
CMAC | Captial Military Assistance Command | |
CMAS | Certified Medical Administrative Specialist | |
CMAT | Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist | |
CMB | Cooking Master Boy | |
CMC | Certified Management Consultant | |
CMC | Council-Certified Microbial Consultant (American Indoor Air Quality Council; Glendale, AZ) | |
CMC | Church Ministry Coordinator | |
CMCA | Council-certified Microbial Claims Adjuster | |
CMD | Certified Marketing Director | |
CMDSM | Certified Mail & Distribution Systems Manager | |
CME | Certified Medical Electrologist | |
CMEC | Certified MasterMind Executive Coaching | |
CMFA | Certified Municipal Finance Administrator | |
CMFT | Certified Marriage and Family Therapist | |
CMG | Certified Master Groomer | |
CMHC | Clinical Mental Health Counselor | |
CMHS | Certified Mental Health Specialist | |
CMI | Certified Mechanical Inspector | |
CMI | Council-certified Microbial Investigator | |
CMI | Certified Medical Illustrator | |
CMIP | Case Management Internship Program | |
CMJ | Certified Music Journalist | |
CMLA | Certified Medical Laboratory Assistant | |
CMLC | Certified Master Life Coach | |
CMO | Chief Media Officer | |
CMO | Chief Marketing Officer | |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer | |
CMP | Certified Meeting Professional | |
CMP | Certified Medical Planner | |
CMP | Certified Meeting Planner | |
CMP | Complete Metaphysical Practitioner | |
CMPE | Certified Medical Practice Executive | |
CMR | Council-certified Microbial Remediator | |
CMR | Certified Marketing Representative | |
CMR | Certified Medical Representative | |
CMRS | Council-certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor | |
CMT | Certified Medical Transcriptionist | |
CMT | Coach Mentor Tutor | |
CMT | Certified Massage Therapist | |
CMT | Chartered Market Technician | |
CN | Community Nurse | |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant | |
CNA | Certified Novell Administrator | |
CNA | Cleaning Nasty Arses. (alternative to usual meaning: Certified Nurses Assistant) | |
CNA | Certified Network Associate | |
CNA | Certified Nurse Aide | |
CNAP | Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional | |
CNC | Certified Nutritional Consultant |
CNE | Certified Network Engineer | |
CNE | Certified NetWare Engineer | |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwifery | |
CNMW | Certified Nurse MidWife | |
CNO | Chief of Naval Operations | |
CNO | Chief Networking Officer | |
CNPA | Certified Natural Products Advisor | |
CNPR | Certified National Pharmaceutical Representative | |
CNS | Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
CNS | Certified Novell Salesperson | |
CNSD | Certified Nutrition Support Dietitian | |
CO | Certified Operator | |
CO | Crematory Operator | |
CO | Certified Orthotist | |
CO | Customization Operator | |
Co | Corrections Officer | |
CO-I | Co-Investigator | |
COA | Certified Ophthalmic Assistant | |
cob | Co-Chairman of the Board | |
COB | Chief of the Boat | |
COBC | Coordination of Benefits Contractor | |
COE | Chief Operation Executive | |
COE | Chief Of Engineers | |
COMT | Certified Opthalmic Medical Technician | |
COO | Chief Operation Officer | |
COOL | Construction Opportunities on Line | |
COOL | Career Options on Line | |
COORD | Coordinator | |
COP | Constable On Patrol | |
COP | Continuation Of Pay | |
CORE | Comprehensive Occupational Requirements Evaluator | |
CORI | Clinical Outcomes Research Initiative | |
COS | Computer Operations Specialist | |
COS | Chief of Security | |
COSA | Coordinator of Student Activities | |
COT | Certified Ophthalmic Technician | |
CP | Couch Potato | |
CP | Certified Palmtherapist | |
CPA | Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering | |
CPA | Can't Produce Anything | |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant | |
CPA | Candid Political Accountant | |
CPA | Chartered Professional Accountant | |
CPAN | Certified Post Anesthesia Nurse | |
CPC | Certified Professional Coder | |
CPC | Certified Pension Consultant | |
CPC | Certified Pastry Cook | |
CPC | Certified Professional Coach | |
CPC | Certified Personnel Consultant | |
CPC | Church- Planting Coordinator |
cpd | Certified PowerBuilder Developer | |
cpd | Continual Professional Development | |
cpd | Certified Professional Drycleaner | |
CPDF | Central Personnel Data File | |
CPE | Certified Professional Electrologist | |
CPE | Certified Peer Educator | |
CPEA | Certified Professional Environmental Auditor | |
CPed | Certified Pedorthist | |
CPESC | Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control | |
CPF | Certified Picture Framer | |
CPI | Cleaning, Pressing, and Ironing | |
CPI | Certified Professional Inspector | |
CPIP | Certified Pharmaceutical Industry Professional | |
CPL | Cleaning, Pressing, and Laundering | |
CPL | Certified Professional Locksmith | |
CPL | Certified Professional Landlord | |
CPL-QRB | Certified Professional Logistician Qualification Review Board | |
CPM | Certified Purchasing Manager | |
cpm | Chief Project Manager | |
CPM | Customer Project Management | |
CPM | Certified Property Manager | |
CPMM | Certified Plant Maintenance Manager | |
CPMSM | Certified Professional Medical Services Management | |
CPN | Community Psychiatric Nurse | |
CPO | Certified Park Operator | |
CPO | Chief Professional Officer | |
CPO | Correctional Probation Officer | |
CPO | Certified Pool Operator | |
CPO | Chief Process Officer | |
CPO | Chief Propaganda Officer | |
CPO | Chief Privacy Officer | |
CPO | Commodity Pool Operator | |
CPO | Chief Petting Officer | |
CPOI | Chief Petty Officer Instructor | |
CPOI | Certified Pool-Spa Operator Instructor | |
CPOI | Certified Protection Officer Instructor | |
CPON | Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse | |
CPOT | Certified Paraoptometric Technician | |
CPP | Certified Packaging Professional | |
CPP | Certified Protection Professional | |
CPP | Certified Payroll Professional | |
CPPA | Certified Professional Public Adjuster | |
CPPC | Certified Professional and Personal Coach | |
CPPD | Certified Post-Partum Doula | |
CPPP | Certified Print Production Practitioner | |
CPR | Commission Prospecting and Rejection | |
CPRM | Certified Professional Resource Management | |
CPRM | Contributory Post Retirement Medicare | |
CPRM | Certified Practicing Risk Manager | |
CPS | Certification Practice Statement and Subscription Agreement |
CPS | Certified Professional Scopist | |
CPS | Certified Purchasing Supervisor | |
CPT | Certified Phlebotomy Technician | |
CPTM | Certified Professional Turf Manager | |
CPU | Centrifugal Power User | |
CPW | Certified Professional Wetcleaner | |
CPW | Certified Professional Webmaster (World Organization of Webmasters) | |
CQCM | Construction Quality Control Manager | |
CQE | Certified Quality Engineer | |
CQIB | Corporate Qualified Institutional Buyer | |
CQO | Chief Quality Officer | |
CR | California Reporter | |
CRA | Client Responsible Attorney | |
CRA | Certified Research Administrator | |
CRA | Clinical Research Administrator | |
CRA | Certifcations, Registries, and Associations | |
CRA | Customer Relations Associate | |
CRADO | Chief Research and Development Officer | |
CRAP | Comedian Replacement Acquiring Proficiency | |
CRAT | Certified Rational Addictions Therapist | |
CRAT | Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician | |
CRB | Certified Residential Broker | |
CRBP | Client Representative for Business Partners | |
CRC | Component Responsibility Collaborator | |
CRC | Corrosion Reaction Consultants | |
CRCM | Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager | |
CRE | Coordinator for Residential Education | |
CRE | Contents Recovery Expert | |
CRE | Commercial Real Estate Professional | |
CRE | Counselor of Real Estate | |
CRES | Commercial Real Estate Salesman | |
CRL | Certified Registered Locksmith | |
CRM | Captain's Right Mate | |
CRM | Customer Relationship Manager | |
crm | Customer Relationship Management | |
CRM | Certified Records Manager | |
CRMI | Certified Residential Mold Inspector | |
CRMR | Council-Certified Residential Microbial Remediator | |
CRMS | Certified Residential Mortgage Specialist | |
CRNA | Certified registered nurse anesthetist | |
CRNFA | Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant | |
CRO | Chief Requisition Offcier | |
CRO | Competitor Relations Officers | |
CRO | Complaint Resolution Official | |
CRO | Chief Registration Officer | |
CRO | Chief Restructuring Officer | |
CRO | Chief Risk Officer | |
CRO | Customer Relationship Officer | |
CRO | Chief Returning Officer | |
CRO | Chief Revenue Officer |
Crow | Cybernetic Remotely Operated Woman | |
CRP | Certified Relocation Professional | |
CRP | Certified Risk Planner | |
CRP | Corporate Recruitment Plan | |
CRPC | Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor | |
CRPT | Certified Robotics Production Technician | |
CRR | Certified Realtime Reporter | |
CRS | Cognitive Retraining Specialist | |
CRS | Certified Residential Specialist | |
CRSP | Certified Recovery Support Practitioner | |
CRSP | Canadian Registered Safety Professional | |
CRT | Certified Respiratory Therapist | |
CRUD | Comedian Replacement Under Development | |
CS | Committee Substitute | |
CS | Computer Scientist | |
CS | Civil Servant | |
CSA | Certified Senior Advisor | |
CSA | Cashier Sales Associate | |
CSA | Customer Support Advisor | |
CSA | Customer Support Associate | |
CSA | Chief Software Architect | |
CSA | Customized Services Administrators | |
CSA | Community Standard Advisor | |
CSAC | Certified Substance Abuse Counselor | |
CSAC | Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor | |
CSADC | Certified Supervisor Alcohol Drug Counselor | |
CSC | Customer Satisfaction Coordinator | |
CSC | Construction Supervision Consultant | |
CSC | Community School Coordinator | |
CSC | Child Service Coordinator | |
CSC | Code Snippet Creator | |
CSCS | Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist | |
CSD | Customer Service Desk | |
CSDR | Council-certified Structural Drying Remediator | |
CSDS | Council-certified Structural Drying Supervisor | |
CSE | Client Service Executive | |
CSE | Customer Service Executive | |
CSI | Criminal Science Investigator | |
CSM | Channel Sales Manager | |
CSM | Certified Scrum Master | |
CSO | Chief Scientific Officer | |
CSO | Customer Services Officer | |
CSO | Consumer Safety Officer | |
CSO | Customer Support Officer | |
CSO | Computer Security Officer | |
CSOC | Cryogenics Safety Officers Committee | |
CSP | Coordinator Special Programs | |
CSP | Community Service Personnel | |
CSP | Certified Safety Professional | |
CSP | Certified Speaking Professional |
CSP | Certified Staffing Professional | |
CSP | Closed Skill Performance | |
CSPO | Center Senior Procurement Official | |
CSPO | Chief Strategic Planning Officer | |
CSPO | Certified Scrum Product Owner | |
CSR | Community Service Representative | |
CSR | Certified Shorthand Reporter | |
CSR | Customer Support Representative | |
CSR | Customer Service Representative | |
CSSR | Career Success Standards Rating system | |
CSSR | Customer Sales Service Representative | |
CSSW | Certified School Social Worker | |
CST | Constable | |
CSUO | Chief Start-Up Officer | |
CSVP | Corporate Services Vice President | |
CSVP | Corporate Senior Vice President | |
CSW | Communication Support Worker | |
CSW | Certified Social Worker | |
CSW | Commercial Sex Workers | |
CSW | Clinical Social Worker | |
CT | Counter Terrorist | |
CTA | Commodity Trading Advisor | |
CTA | Chief Technical Adviser | |
CTA | Chartered Tax Adviser (Chartered Institute of Taxation; UK) | |
CTAS | Certified TestPoint Application Specialists | |
CTC | Certified Travel Counselor | |
CTDI | Contribution To Disposable Income | |
CTE | Computer Telephony Engineer | |
CTM | Company Transaction Manager | |
CTO | Chief Technical Officer | |
CTO | Control Tower Operator | |
CTO | Compensatory Time Off | |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer | |
CTP | Certified Tarot Practitioner | |
CTPA | Certified Transit Program Administrator | |
CTPE | Certified Technology Procurement Executive | |
CTR | Certified Tarot Reader | |
CTRA | Clinical Trials Research Associate | |
CTREPTR | Court Reporter | |
CTRM | Collaborative Tissue Resource Manager | |
CTRN | Connecticut Registered Nurse | |
CTRS | Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist | |
CTRT | Curriculum Technology Resource Teacher | |
CTS | Certified Temporary Specialist | |
CTS | Certified Temporary Staffing | |
CTS | Certified Trauma Specialist | |
CTS | Certified Technology Specialist | |
CTT | Certified Technical Trainer | |
CTTP | Certified Tennessee Tourism Professional | |
CTW | Communications Technology Wizard |
CUA | Certified Unix Administrator | |
CUO | Cadet Under-Officer | |
CUP | Common Underlying Proficiency | |
CUSA | Certified Unix System Administrator | |
CV | Commissionable Volume | |
CVA | Certified Valuation Analyst | |
CVAS | Certified Victim Assistance Specialist | |
CVE | Compliance Verification Engineer | |
CVO | Chief Visionary Officer | |
CVP | Corporate Vice President | |
CVS | Certified Value Specialist | |
CVT | Certified Veterinary Technician | |
CW | Copywriter | |
CW | Certified Welder | |
CWC | Certified Working Chef (designation of the Canadian Culinary Institute) | |
CWCA | Certified Wound Care Associate | |
CWH | Casual Worker Hire | |
CWI | Certified Welding Inspector | |
CWNA | Certified Wireless Network Administrator | |
CWNP | Certified Wireless Network Professional | |
CWWS | Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist | |
D | Disciple | |
D | Dreamer | |
DA | Dining Assistant | |
DA | Disciplines Associated | |
DA | District Attorney | |
DAAC | Departmental Affirmative Action Coordinator | |
DACO | Diplomatic and Consular Officer | |
DAD | Dear Ancient Daddy | |
DAD | Dedicated Angling Director | |
DAME | Designated Aviation Medical Examiner | |
DAPQA | Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance | |
DAVE | Digital Applications Virtual Engineer | |
DAVP | Deputy Associate Vice President | |
DAVPB | Deputy Associate Vice President for Budget | |
DB | Defined Benefit (retirement Plan; For Example, A Pension) | |
DBA | Database Administrator | |
DBC | Distributor Business Consultant | |
DBM | DataBase Manager | |
DBO | Database Operator | |
DC | Delivery Coordinator | |
DC | Doctor of Chiropractic | |
DC | Division Chief | |
DCA | Department Computer Assistant | |
DCC | Direct Client Connection | |
DCH | Delivery Centre Head | |
DCI | Detective Chief Inspector | |
DCI | Detective Coporate Investigator | |
DCM | Deputy Chief of Mission | |
DCMH | Deputy Configuration Manager For Hardware |
DCP | Dental Care Professional | |
DCP | Deferred Compensation Program | |
DCSO | Deputy Chief Security Officer | |
DCW | Dust, Clean, Wax | |
DD | Deputy Director | |
DD | Disco Dancer | |
DDC | Detailed Design Consultant | |
DDPO | District Development & Panchayat Officer | |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery | |
DE | Digital Employee | |
DE | Domain Expert | |
DEA | Data Entry Assistant | |
Dea. | Deacon | |
DEC | Department Emergency Coordinator | |
DEL | Dean of English Language | |
DEM | Direct Editorial Marketing | |
DEM | District Education Manager | |
DEO | Design Executive Officer | |
DEO | Data Entry Operator | |
DEP | Director of Educational Partnerships | |
DER | Designated Employer Representative | |
DER | Designated Engineering Representative | |
DES | Data Entry Supervisor | |
DES | Drug Enforcement Specialist | |
DEVOPS | software DEVelopment and IT OPErations | |
DEW | Dollar Every Week | |
DFF | Dirrector Of Fantasy Fire | |
DFL | Doesn't Follow or Lead | |
DFL | Democratic Farmer Laborer | |
DFL | Drug Free Lifter | |
DFO | Donut Field Officer | |
DG | Director General | |
DGCA | Director General of Civil Aviation | |
DGFT | Director General of Foreign Trade | |
DGM | Deputy General Manager | |
DGM | District General Manager | |
DGS | Director of Graduate Studies | |
DH | Deer Hunter | |
DH | Domestic Husband | |
DH | Does Housework | |
DH | Dear Husband | |
DH | Department Head | |
DHC | Dance Hall Crashers | |
DI | Development Intern | |
DICE | Drug Intervention Community Educators | |
DICT | Dominant Introvert Concrete Thinker | |
DiDA | Diploma in Digital Applications | |
DIME | Direct Internet Marketing Executive | |
DIO | Divisional Information Officers |
DIR | Directory | |
DISO | Deparmental Individual Standing Offer | |
DJ | Disc Jockey | |
DJ | Digital Jockey | |
DJ | Dynamic Job | |
DJ | Day Job | |
DK | Dad and Kid | |
DKC | Distinguished Key Clubber | |
DLPDS | Distance Learning Program Development Specialist | |
DLPM | District Loss Prevention Manager | |
DLPM | Director of Land Personnel Management | |
DM | District Magistrate | |
DM | Decision Maker | |
DM | District Manager | |
DM | Dungeon Master | |
DM | Dark Mistress | |
DM | Drink Maker | |
DM | Dragon Maulers | |
DM | Display Manager | |
DMCD | Digital Motor Control Developer | |
DMD | Deputy Managing Director | |
DMD | Director of Market Development | |
DMER | Director of Medical Education and Research | |
DMHW | Disaster Mental Health Worker | |
DMM | Digital Marketing & Merchandising | |
DMM | District Merchandise Manager | |
DMP | Designated Medical Practitioner | |
DMPR | Directorate of Manpower Planning and Recruitment | |
Dmt | Diver Medic Technician | |
Dmt | Drum Machine Technicians | |
DMW | Dead Man Walking | |
DN | District Nurse | |
DNA | Departmental Network Administrators | |
DNC | Did Not Contribute | |
DOE | Depends on Experience | |
DOE | Director of Engineering | |
DOG | Duke Of Gloucester | |
DOIM | Director of Information Management | |
DOM | Distinguished Old Man | |
DOM | Doctor of Oriental Medicine | |
DOO | Director of Operations | |
DOP | Director of Photography | |
DOQ | Depending On Qualifications | |
DOR | District of Residence | |
DORM | Director of Revenue Management | |
DOS | Director of Sales | |
DP | Director of Photography | |
DPH | Doctor of Public Health | |
DPM | Deputy Project Manager | |
DPM | Deputy Prime Minister |
DPN | Driver Placement Network | |
DPS | Director of Personal Services | |
DR | Doctor of Radiology | |
DR | Diminished Responsibility | |
DR | Desk Receptionist | |
DR | Doctor | |
DR | Director of Romance | |
DR | Dealer Representative | |
dr | Doctor of Religion | |
DR | Doctor Robert (Beatles song) | |
dr | Doctoral Research | |
DR | Designated Runner | |
dra | Doctoral Research Awards | |
DRCS | Disaster Recovery Certified Specialist | |
DREI | Distinguished Real Estate Instructor | |
DRG | Door Repair Guy | |
DRL | Dealers Room Liaison | |
DRM | Digital Rights Manager | |
DRM | Divisional Railway Manager | |
DRPM | Design Resource and Program Manager | |
DS | Detective Sergeant | |
DSA | Department Security Administrator | |
DSD | Deep Sea Diver | |
DSI | Discretionary Salary Increase | |
DSM | Da Skills Manifest | |
DSM | District Sales Manager | |
DSN | Diabetes Specialist Nurse | |
DSO | Distribution System Operator | |
DSO | Designated School Official | |
DSO | Distribution System Overseer | |
DSP | Direct Support Professional | |
DSQR | Designated Source Quality Representitive | |
DSR | Dealer Sales Representative | |
DSV | Drilling SuperVisor | |
DTC | Department Technology Coordinator | |
DTC | Distributed Transaction Coordinator | |
DTDC | Desk-To-Desk Courier | |
DTL | Deputy Team Leader | |
DTO | District Transport Officer | |
DTR | Dietetic Technician, Registered | |
DTS | Drive Train Specialists | |
DTS | Don't Talk Software | |
DU | Dimwitted Underling | |
DU | Desktop Underwriter | |
DUC | Designated Underlying Carder | |
DUS | Director Of Undergraduates Studies | |
DVEP | Digital Visual Effects Professional | |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | |
DW | Deputy Warden | |
E | Employee |
E | Earl | |
E | Entrepreneur | |
E | Experience | |
EA | Excused Absence | |
EA | Employment Authorization | |
EA | Executive Administration | |
EAC | Exhibitor Appointed Contractor | |
EAD | Employment Authorization Document | |
EAD | Entertainment Analysis Development | |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program | |
EAP | Executive Administrative or Professional | |
EAP | Employee Assistance Professional | |
EAPD | Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities | |
EAR | Emerging Artist Representative | |
EAR | Earnings After Retirement | |
EASE | Employee Assistance Services for Education | |
EBC | Employee Benefit Consultants | |
EBI | Enterprise Building Integrator | |
EBP | Enterprise Buyer Professional | |
EC | Eye Candy | |
ECC | European Clinical Chemist | |
ECE | E-Commerce Entrepreneur | |
ECNE | Enterprise Certified Netware Engineer | |
ECO | Electronic Commerce Operator | |
ECO | Equipment Control Officer | |
ECOS | Education and Career Opportunities System | |
ECP | Emergency Care Practitioner | |
ECT | Elementary Computer Technologist | |
ED | Executive Director | |
ED | Enterprise Director | |
ED | Environmental Director | |
ED | Entertainment Director | |
ED | Earnings difference | |
ed | Editorial Department | |
ED | Enterprise Directory | |
ed | Editor display | |
ED | Editorial Division | |
ed | Editor's Draft | |
ed | Editorial Decision | |
EDAS | Executive Director for Administrative Services | |
EDF | Employer Data Form | |
EDGE | Earning Dignity Gaining Employment | |
EDH | Enrolled Dental Hygienist | |
EDHR | Executive Director of Human Resources | |
EDP | Electronic Document Professional | |
EE | Electrical Engineer | |
EE | Executive Editor | |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunities | |
EEQ | Evaluation Of Effort And Quota | |
EES | Easy Exit System |
EFI | Extra Financial Incentives | |
EFT | Equivalent Full Time | |
EG | Elder Geek | |
EG | Engineer Grade | |
EG | Evil Geniuses | |
EG | Evil Genius | |
EI | Ecology Inspector | |
EI | Employee Involvement | |
EI | Engineer Intern | |
EI | Employment Insurance | |
EIC | Editor in Chief | |
EIC | Engineer In Charge | |
EIG | Extremely Insane Girl | |
EIR | Engineer in Residence | |
EISC | Early Intervention Service Coordinator | |
EIT | Engineer In Training | |
EL | Entry Level | |
ELC | Early Learning Coordinator | |
ELMT | ELectrical Maintenance Technician | |
EM | Extra Mechanic | |
EM | Electrician's Mate | |
EMA | Emergency Medical Attendant | |
EMA | Emergency Medical Assistant | |
EMAC | E-Mail Address Coordinator | |
EMP | Ethical Massage Practitioner | |
EMR | Experience Modification Rating | |
EMS | Experience Management System | |
EMT | Extraordinary Masochistic Tendencies (joke At Expense Of Emergency Medical Technicians) | |
EMT | Emergency Mojo Technician | |
EN | Employee Name | |
ENABLE | Employees Needs And Benefits for Life Expenses | |
ENG | Engineer Network Group | |
ENS | Extreme Networks Specialist | |
EO | Eminent Occultist | |
EO | Ex Officio | |
EOB | Explanation Of Benefits | |
EOC | End Of Career | |
EOE | Equal Opportunity Employer | |
EOS | Equal Opportunity Specialist | |
EP | Exceptional Performance | |
EPA | Eligible Performer Audition | |
EPB | Equivalent Pension Benefits | |
EPC | Education Program Consultant | |
EPD | Extended Position Description | |
EPF | Employer Paid Fee | |
EPMO | Enterprise Project Management Officer | |
EPPR | Employee Performance Plan and Results | |
EPV | Employer Provided Vehicle | |
ER | Easily Replaced | |
ERA | Executive Right Away |
ERC | Employee Relocation Council | |
ERTB | Executive Recruitment and Team Building | |
ES | Evil Stepmother | |
ESA | Educational Staff Associate | |
ESA | Employee Security Amendment | |
ESAF | Electronic Staff Appointment Form | |
ESB | English Speaking Background | |
ESC | Executive Sales Coordinator | |
ESC | Essential Selection Criteria | |
ESD | Enterprise Service Director | |
ESE | Environment And Safety Expert | |
ESM | Educational Service Manager | |
ESP | Education Support Professional | |
ESR | Employment Service Register | |
EST | Electrical Service Technician | |
ET | Early Termination | |
ET | Educational Trainer | |
ET | Executive Team | |
ET | Evil Temptress | |
ET | Executive Technical | |
ET | Enterostomal Therapist | |
ETA | English Teaching Assistant | |
ETC | Executive Transaction Coordinators | |
ETL | Executive Team Leader | |
ETM | Early Teen Ministry | |
EU | Experience Unlimited | |
EUSR | Energy and Utility Skills Register | |
EVC | Executive Vice Chancellor | |
EVL | Employment Verification Letter | |
EVP | Executive Vice President | |
EWT | Extended Working Time | |
EXE | Executive Flight | |
EXW | Ex-Wife | |
EYOR | Estimated Year Of Retirement | |
FA | Field Agent | |
FA | First Assistant | |
FAA | Famous American Architects | |
FAAHC | Fellow of the American Association of Healthcare Consultants | |
FAAPM | Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine | |
FAAPM | Fellow of the American Academy of Pain Management | |
FAAR | Fellow of American Academy in Rome | |
FACC | Fellow of the American Academy of Cardiology | |
FACE | Fast Accredited Creative Experts | |
FACHE | Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives | |
FACMPE | Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives | |
FACMS | Facility Management Support | |
FACPM | Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine | |
FADM | Fleet Admiral | |
FAE | Field Application Engineer | |
FAICD | Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors |
FAIM | Fidi Accredited International Mover | |
FAISES | Fellow of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society | |
FAM | Filter Automobile Mechanic | |
FAS | final average salary | |
FAST | Firefighter Assistance Search Team | |
FBA | fellow of the British Academy | |
FBDO | Fellow of British Dispensing Opticians | |
FBI | Female Body Inspectors | |
FBO | Flag Banking Officer | |
FC | Freaky Clown | |
FC | Foreign Correspondent | |
FC | Female Channeler | |
FCAS | Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society | |
FCC | Facilities Construction Coordinator | |
FCHI | Flight Certified Helicopter Instructor | |
FCHRP | Fellow Certified Human Resources Professional | |
FCII | Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute | |
FCIS | Fellow in the Chartered Institute of Secretaries | |
FCLA | Fraud Claims Legal Associate | |
FCLS | Fraud Claim Law Specialist | |
FCMO | Fractional Chief Marketing Officer | |
FCS | Full Certification Scheme | |
FCSI | Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute | |
FCUK | Fast Cargo Unloading King | |
FD | Funky Drummer | |
FD | Finance Director | |
FD | Fixes Diamlers | |
FDAA | Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor | |
FDM | Front Desk Manager | |
FDO | Form Definition Operator | |
FDW | First Day Worked | |
Fe | Financial Expert | |
FE | Field Engineer | |
FEA | Female Espionage Associate | |
FEM | Forestry Equipment Manager | |
FEP | Fluent English Proficient | |
FEP | Friendly Enthusiastic Professional | |
FF | Firefighter | |
FFA | Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaies | |
FFB | Fit for Breeding | |
FGA | Fellow of the Gemmological Association | |
FIC | Fraternal Insurance Counselor | |
FID | Foot In Door | |
FIM | Financial Institutions Manager | |
FIOJ | Fellow of the Institute Of Jamaica | |
FIS | Fitness Instructor Specialist | |
FISA | Food Industry Sanitation Auditor | |
FIT | Fireman in Training | |
FLP | Fuzzy Logic Professional | |
FM | Fire Marshall |
FM | File Man | |
FM | File Management | |
FM | Field Manager | |
FM | Field Marshall | |
FM | File Manager | |
FMA | Facilities Management Administrator | |
FMLA | Family and Medical Leave Act | |
FMP | Firearm Manufacturing Professional | |
FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner | |
FO | Financial Officer | |
FO | Forward Observer | |
FOB | Father of Bride | |
FOB | Friend of Bill Wilson | |
FOB | Fresh Off Boat | |
FOCUS | Future Opportunities Careers and Ultimate Success | |
FOD | Facilitator of the Day | |
FOM | Front Office Manager | |
FP | Forensic Psychologist | |
FP | Forensic Pathologist | |
FP | Full Potential | |
FP | Fishing Partner | |
FP-C | Flight Paramedic-Certified | |
FPC | Fire Protection Consulting | |
FPO | For Position Only | |
FPO | For Placement Only | |
FPO | Fully Paid Ordinary | |
FPR | Final Performance Review | |
FR | Father | |
FRA | Fugitive Recovery Agent | |
frcpc | fellow of the royal college of physicians of canada | |
FREE | Formerly Radio Employed Executives | |
FRJ | FindRichmondJobs.Com | |
FRM | For the Financial Risk Manager | |
FRP | Financial Resource Planning | |
FRP | Fast Reliable Personal | |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society | |
FRSA | Family Readiness Support Assistant | |
FRSE | fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | |
FRSPH | Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health | |
FRW | Financial Report Writer | |
FS | Fully Successful | |
FSA | Fellow of the Society of Actuaries | |
FSAS | Fan System Assessment Specialist | |
FSE | Field Service Engineer | |
FSM | Federated System Manager | |
FSM | Field Staff Member | |
FSO | Facility Security Officer | |
FSO | Floor Support Officer | |
FSO | Frito Services Officer | |
FSR | Fiberglass Stain Remover |
FSR | Financial Sales Representatives | |
FSR | Free Spectral Range | |
FSR | Fully Sampled Region | |
FSR | Field Service Representative | |
FST | Food Safety Training | |
FT | Fortune Teller | |
FT | Functional Trainer | |
FTA | Full Time Artist | |
FTE | Full-Time Employee | |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | |
FTF | Fast Track Finder | |
FTFI | Face-to-Face Interview | |
FTFP | Full-Time First Professional | |
FTFY | Full Time, Full Year | |
FTM | Freight Traffic Manager | |
FTM | Full Time Manual | |
FTO | Field Training Officer | |
FTRA | Fiscal Trusted Registration Agent | |
FTSE | Full-Time Student Equivalent | |
FTSS | Field Technical Sales Specialist | |
FW | Fellow Worker | |
FWB | Friend With Benefits | |
FWR | Fire When Ready | |
FYDP | Five Year Development Plan | |
G | Grandparent | |
GA | Guardian Angel | |
GA | General of The Army | |
GAA | General Accredited Appraiser | |
GAAC | Google Analytics Authorized Consultant | |
GAC | Graphic Adventure Creator | |
GAC | Global Assessment Certificate | |
GAP | Generally Annoying People | |
GAP | Guaranteed A Project | |
GARS | Global Automated Recruitment System | |
GAS | Guardian Activites Scientologist | |
GASP | Graphic Artist Service Provider | |
GC | Good Candidates | |
GCCM | General Contractor/Construction Manager | |
GCM | General Clearing Member | |
GD | Graphic Design | |
GD | Golden Dragon | |
Gd | General Director | |
GD | Grave Digger | |
GD | Grand Daugther | |
GD | General Duties | |
GDL | Grand Duchy Of Luxembourg | |
GDP | General Dental Practitioner | |
GE | Garranty Employment | |
GE | Graphics Editor | |
GE | Gremlin Extraordinaire |
GE | Geotechnical Engineer | |
GE | Grade Equivalency | |
GE | Gainfully Employed | |
GE | Geological Engineer | |
GEEK | Greatly Educated Emitter Of Knowledge | |
GEF | Genetically Enhanced Female | |
GEMS | Gentle Excellent Mature Sister | |
GEORGE | General Experiment Organisation Response and Guidance Executive | |
GF | Get Fired | |
GF | Grand Father | |
GG | Graduate Gemologist | |
GG | Good Girl | |
GG | Gateway Guardian | |
GG | Great Grandma | |
GGM | Group General Manager | |
GHP | Group Health Practitioner | |
GJ | Good Job | |
GK | Graffiti King | |
GLE | Grade Level Equivalency | |
GLO | GCA (GAC Corporate Academy) Liaison Officer | |
GLUE | Grade Level Union Executive | |
GLW | Good Lady Wife | |
GM | Good Mate | |
GM | Games Moderator | |
GM | Gentle Men | |
GM | Garbage Mover | |
GM | Gaffe Monger | |
GM | Guild Mistress | |
GM | Gold Master | |
GM | Grand Matriarch | |
GM | General Manager | |
GMD | General Materials Designator | |
GMDB | Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit | |
GMO | General Medical Officer | |
GMP | Guaranteed Minimum Pension | |
GMP | General Medical Practitioner | |
GMSC | General Manager Search Committee | |
GMT | General Multi-Tasker | |
GNP | Gender Number Person | |
GNVQ | General National Vocational Qualification | |
GO | Global Opportunity | |
GO | Guys Only | |
Go | Guild Officer | |
GOB | Good Ol Boy | |
GOD | Good Old Dad | |
GOL | Gentleman Of Leisure | |
GOM | Grumpy Old Man | |
GOV | Governor | |
GOYA | Get Over Yourself Award | |
GP | Guinea Pig |
GP | General Practitioner | |
GP | General Practice | |
GP | Grand Parade | |
gp | Grand Parkway | |
GP | Grazed Pontiffs | |
gp | Grand Parent | |
gp | Grand Pavilion | |
gp | Grand Paradise | |
gp | Grand Patriarch | |
GPC | General Personnel Consultants | |
GPHR | Global Professional in Human Resources | |
GPM | General Program Manager | |
GPO | Government Pension Offset | |
GPT | Get Paid To | |
GPT | Get Paid Today | |
GR | Grim Reaper | |
GRANDPA | Grand Radical Awesome Nice Dude Personal Assistant | |
GRE | Guest Relation Executive | |
GRE | Guaranteed Research Experience | |
GRI | Graduate Of Realtor Institute | |
GRO | Guest Relations Officer | |
GS | Gun Smith | |
GS | Government Service [as in Pay Scale] | |
GSA | General Sales Agent | |
GSM | General Sales Manager | |
GSO | General Services Officer (U.S. Department Of State) | |
GSQM | Global Supplier Quality Manager | |
GSR | Group Service Representative | |
gss | Government Sales Specialists | |
GSS | Game Support Specialist | |
GSSA | General Sales and Service Agent | |
GT | Graph Theorist | |
GTST | Gas Turbine System Technician | |
GUD | Geographically Undesirable | |
GUIDE | General Unemployment Insurance Development Effort | |
GW | Great Writer | |
GWH | Girl Who Hustles | |
GWM | General Works Manager | |
GYN | Gynecologist | |
GZR | Geezer | |
H | Hobo | |
H-PFQ | Hierarchical Packet Fair Queueing | |
HAB | Haberdasher | |
HAM | Home Amateur Mechanic | |
HARM | Hot And Ready Man | |
HATS | High Achieving Talented Students | |
HBA | Health and Beauty Associate | |
HBs | Hospital Based Specialist | |
HC | Highly Commended | |
HC | High Counciler |
HC | Hard Charger | |
HCD | Housing Commission Director | |
HCE | Highly Compensated Employee | |
HCLD | High Complexity Laboratory Director | |
HCP | Health Care Provider | |
HCR | High Chief Ranger | |
HCS | Human Capital Strategist | |
HCW | Health Care Worker | |
HD | Hall Director | |
HD | Head Delegate | |
HD | Head of Department | |
HDA | Help Desk Analyst | |
HDM | Help Desk Manager | |
HE | Highway Engineer | |
HEAL | Health Education AIDS Liaison-NYC | |
HELP | High Energy Lifeguard People | |
HELP | Humorously Entertaining Literary Personae | |
HERO | Home Emergency Resource Officer | |
HERO | Highway Emergency Response Operator | |
HERO | Home Economic Related Occupation | |
HG | Helicopter Guy | |
HG | Home Gateway | |
HG | Hunting And Gathering | |
HH | Head Hunter | |
HHC | Holistic Health Counselor | |
HHC | Hooters Hat Chick | |
HHCP | Home Health Care Providers | |
HI | Health Insurance | |
HI | Home Inspector | |
HIA | Health Insurance Associate | |
HIM | His Imperial Majesty | |
HIP | Hospitality Information Professional | |
HIP | Historically Informed Performance | |
HIPP | Health Insurance Premium Payment | |
HIPPO | Highly Individual Peak People Only | |
HIRE | Help in Re Employment | |
HIT | Husband in Training | |
HIT | Hooker in Training | |
HK | House Keeper | |
HKT | Hong Kong Tailor | |
HLQ | High Level Qualifier | |
HLS | Healthcare Linen Specialist | |
HM | History Makers | |
HM | Head Madam | |
HM | Headmaster | |
HMF | Horizontal Mating Facility | |
HMO | Health Medical Opportunity | |
HMR | Hospitality Management Recruiters | |
HNC | Holistic Nurse Certified | |
HNWI | High Net-Worth Individual |
HOD | Head of Department | |
HOI | Head Of the Institute | |
HOPE | High Office Parachute Escape | |
HoS | Head of School | |
HP | High Performance | |
HPA | Health Plan Administrator | |
HPI | High Performance Indicator | |
HPQ | Home Personality Questionnaire | |
HRA | Hay Remuneration Assistant | |
HRB | Human Resources Board | |
HRBL | Human Resource Business Leads | |
HRC | Human Relations Council | |
HRC | Human Resources Coordinator | |
HRH | His Royal Highness | |
HRH | Her Royal Highness | |
HRM | Human Resource Manager | |
HRO | Human Resources Officer | |
HRRM | Human Resources and Risk Management | |
HS | High Standards | |
HSE | Highly Skilled Educator | |
HSE | Health and Safety Executive | |
HSG | High School Graduate | |
HSI | Hearing and Sight Impaired | |
HSI | Health and Safety Inspector | |
HSO | Head Sub Office | |
HSO | Health and Safety Officer | |
HSP | Hospitality Sales Professional | |
HTI | Home Technology Integrator | |
HTP | Helper Training Program | |
HTSPC | Head of The Soda Poll Committee | |
HTTA | Half-Time Teaching Assistantship | |
HUN | Honey | |
HW | Hack Writer | |
HW | Home Wrecker | |
HW | Healthcare Worker | |
HWA | Head Wedding Angel | |
HWHP | Health Wellness and Human Performance | |
HYS | Half Yearly Supplement | |
IA | Independent Agent | |
IA | Individual Achievement | |
IA | Intelligence Assistant | |
IA | Individual Assignment | |
IA | Information Archaeologist | |
IA | Information Architecture | |
IA | Information Architect | |
IA | Instructional Assistant | |
IAO | Information Assurance Officer | |
IAP | Instructors Assistant Position | |
IAP | Individual Aquisition Plan | |
IB | Imperial Blogger |
IBA | Independant Business Associate | |
IBCLC | International Board Certified Lactation Consultant | |
IBE | Independent Business Entrepreneur | |
IBM | Incredible Business Maiden | |
IBO | Independent Business Operator | |
IC | Independent Contractor | |
IC | Individual Contributor | |
IC | Investment Counselor | |
IC | Independent Consultant | |
IC | Ice Climbers | |
ICCE | International Certified Childbirth Educator | |
ICE | Industrial Communication Engineers | |
ICE | Independent Cosmetology Educators | |
ICE | Inventory Control Expert | |
ICIS | Indiana Career Information System | |
ICS | Inventory Control Specialist | |
ICSAN | Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria | |
ICSE | International Classification of Status in Employment | |
ICST | Integrated Clinical Specialist Technician | |
ID | Intelligent Designer | |
ID | Interaction Designer | |
ID | Industrial Design | |
IDA | Interactive Decision Assistant | |
IDA | Ill Do Anything | |
IDB | I Deserve Better | |
IDE | Independent Design Executive | |
IDEA | Incident Data Entry Actuary | |
IDEA | Innovation Development Employment And Applications | |
IDEAS | Interest Determination Exploration and Assessment System | |
IDP | Individual Defensive Player | |
IDP | International Development Professional | |
IDT | Independent Developmental Tester | |
IDTP | Intern Development Training Plan | |
IDTP | Individual Development and Training Plan | |
IES | Indian Engineering Service | |
IF | Information Forager | |
IFA | Independent Financial Advisor | |
IFA | Income Finance Advisor | |
IFSEA | International Food Service Executive Association | |
IGC | Income Generation Capability | |
IGP | Inspector General of Police | |
IGR | Insect growth regulators | |
IIP | Initial Information Packet | |
IJO | Internet Job Offer | |
IJP | Internet Job Posting | |
IKE | Interactive Knowledge Expert | |
IL | Institutional Liaison | |
ILT | Instructional Lead Teacher |
IM | item manager | |
IM | Independent Musician | |
IMC | Impress, Motivate, Connect | |
IME | Independent Medical Examiner | |
IMP | Internet Media Producer | |
IMS | Internal Medicine Specialist | |
IMS | Integrated Meetings Specialist | |
ING | Italian Night Girl | |
INRQ | INgenieur Responsible de la Qualite | |
IO | Internet Officer | |
IOP | Intensive Outpatient ProgramIntraocular Pressure | |
IOP | Integrated Occupational Program | |
IOR | Inspector of Record | |
IPA | Independent Public Accountant | |
IPA | Individual Pension Account | |
IPAA | Institute of Public Administration Australia | |
IPAS | Individual Personal Assistance Services | |
IPC | Import & Purchasing Coordinator | |
IPDP | Individual Professional Development Plan | |
IPPA | International Public Policy Analyst | |
IPR | Integrity Performance And Reliability | |
IPS | Individual Placement and Support | |
IPT | Integrated Physiological Trainer | |
IQ | Interview Question | |
IRA | Irish Republican Activist | |
IRA | Increased Retirement Advantages | |
IRA | Individual Retirement Arrangement | |
IRM | International Relations Managers | |
IRM | Integrated Resource Manager | |
IRPM | Information Resource Program Manager | |
IRS | Institutional Representatives | |
ISA | Independent Safety Assessor | |
ISBM | Injection Stretch Blow Molding | |
ISC | Independent Search Consultants | |
ISG | Indian Snake Giver | |
ISM | Interior Systems Mechanic | |
ISO | Independent Systems Operator | |
ISP | Information Systems Professional | |
IST | Instructional Support Teacher | |
ITA | International Teaching Assistant | |
ITAS | Information Technology Applications Specialist | |
ITEM | Information Technology Equipment Manager | |
ITO | International Thespian Officer | |
ITP | Information Technology Professional | |
ITSA | Information Technology Support Associate | |
IU | Individual Unemployable | |
IVA | Individual Voluntary Agreement | |
IVO | Intelligent Valve Operator | |
IW | Industrial Worker | |
JA | Jedi Apprentice |
JA | Judicial Administrator | |
JA | Job Ability | |
JA | Junior Assistant | |
JAE | Junior Account Executive | |
JAG | Jobs for Arizona Graduates | |
JAM | Just Another Messenger | |
JAMS | Job Access & Management System | |
JAN | Job Accommodation Network's | |
JAQ | Job Analysis Questionnaire | |
JAWS | Just Another Working Stiff | |
JBCAA | JBoss Certified Application Administrator | |
JBD | Job and Business Development | |
JCIP | Job Career Improvement Program | |
JCM | Jaguar Connection Manager | |
JCP | Job Content Questionnaire | |
JCP | Java Certified Programmer | |
JCS | Job Connection Services | |
JCS | Job Cut Survival | |
JCSK | Job Cut Survival Kit | |
JD | Job Description | |
JDM | Japanese Domestic Maid | |
JDPO | Junior Dynamic Positioning Officer | |
JDQ | Job Description Questionnaire | |
JDQ | Job Documentation Questionnaire | |
JE | Junior Engineer | |
JEO | Joint Elected Official | |
JETS | Joint Employment Transition Services | |
JFM | Junior Fire Marshal | |
JFP | Jobs for Programmers | |
JFP | Jobs for Philosophers | |
JFR | Job Fair Recruit | |
JFRP | Job Fair Recruit Package | |
JFW | Junior Forest Wardens | |
JFY | Jobs for Youth | |
JGW | Junior Grand Warden | |
JHH | Job Hunting Handbook | |
JHO | Judicial Hearing Officer | |
JIC | Junior Ingenieur Conseil | |
JIF | Job Information Form | |
JIM | Job Information Manager | |
JIP | Justice In Pay | |
JIQ | Job Information Questionnaire | |
JIS | Job Impact Statement | |
JIS | Job Index Survey | |
JIS | Job Information Service | |
JIT | Job In Trouble | |
JLD | Job Location Development | |
JM | Jovial Munchkin | |
JM | Job Model | |
JM | Job Matching |
JMG | Junior Master Gardner | |
JO | Junior Officer | |
Job | Job Opportunity Bank | |
JOB | Just Obey Boss | |
JOBS | Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, and Stability | |
JP | Justice of the Peace | |
JP | Junior Priestess | |
JP | Jungle Person | |
JPE | Java Programmers Editor | |
JPO | Juvenile Probation Officer | |
JPO | Junior Police Officer | |
JPR | Junior Police Rangers | |
JR | Justified Removal | |
JS | Job Skill | |
JSA | Job Seeker’s Allowance | |
JSA | Job Safety Analysis | |
JT | Japanese Teacher | |
JTO | Junior Telecom Officer | |
JTO | Job Training Office | |
JUB | Junior Under Barstaff | |
JV | Jesuit Volunteer | |
JVA | Job Vacancy Announcement | |
JVS | Jewish Vocational Service | |
JWO | Junior Watch Officer | |
JWSD | Java Web Service Developer | |
K | Kaiser | |
K | Knowledge | |
KA | Knight Alpha | |
KAP | Korean American Princess | |
KBK | Knight Bridging Korean | |
KE | Knowledge Engineer | |
KEC | Kraft Export Consultant | |
KERA | Kentucky Early Retirement Act | |
KEY | Kiwanis Educated Youth | |
KEYS | Keep Earning Your Success | |
KISA | Knight In Shining Armor | |
KISS | Keep It Simple Salesman | |
KIT | Knight In Transit | |
KJ | Karaoke Jock | |
KL | King Lion | |
KOG | Kindly Old Gentleman | |
KOR | Knights of the Round | |
KOV | Keeper Of The Vision | |
KP | Key Programmer | |
KP | Kitchen Porter | |
KPP | Key Principal Partners | |
KRA | Key Responsibility Area | |
KRT | Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung | |
KSA | Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities | |
LA | Landscape Architects |
LA | Language Assistant | |
LA | Legislative Assistant | |
LA | Little Angel | |
LAC | Licensed Acupuncturist | |
LACRO | Local Area Complaint Resolution Officer | |
LADAC | Licensed Alcohol and Drug Assessment Counselor | |
LADC | Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor | |
LAFT | Licensed Aquatic Facility Technician | |
LAM | Land Air Mech | |
LAT | Licensed Athletic Trainer | |
LB | Lucky Boy | |
LBA | Live Blood Analyst | |
LBB | Licensed Business Broker | |
LBS | Little Big Sister | |
LBSW | Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker | |
LC | Limited Credibility | |
LC | Lactation Consultant | |
LCDC | Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (Ohio) | |
LCN | Last Closer Needed | |
LCP | Linux Certified Professional | |
LCSW | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | |
LCSW-C | Licensed Certified Social Worker - Clinical | |
LD | Licensed Dietitian | |
LD | Lippy Drywaller | |
LD | Labor Doula | |
LDB | Little Drummer Boy (software to create drumloops) | |
LDM | Local Data Manager | |
LDN | Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist | |
LDO | Licensed Dispensing Optician | |
LDPH | Lead Director of Public Health | |
LDW | Last Day Worked | |
LE | Layout Editor | |
LE | Lactation Educator | |
LE | Life Experience | |
LEADERS | Learn Earn And Develop Employment Readiness Skills | |
LEAP | Leadership Effectiveness Attribute Profile | |
LED | Lawyers Engineers and Doctors | |
LEP | Licensed Environmental Professional | |
LEP | Literal Experience Person | |
LES | Learning Environment Specialist | |
LES | Licensing Executives Society | |
LETS | Local Employment and Trade System | |
LF | Labor Force | |
LFG | Lost and Found Guy | |
LFT | Little Foolhardy Tasks | |
LFW | Looking for Work | |
LG | Lazy Guy | |
LGA | Living Group Advisor | |
LHCRM | Licensed Health Care Risk Manager | |
LHRM | Licensed Healthcare Risk Manager |
LI | Licensed Irrigator | |
LIA | Legal Information Assistant | |
LIC | Large in Charge | |
LICDC | Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor (Ohio) | |
LICSW | Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker | |
LIL | Long Island Lass | |
LISA | Leasing Information And Service Assistant | |
LISA | Large Installation System Administrator | |
LISAC | Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor | |
LISW | Licensed Independent Social Worker | |
LIT | Lifeguard in Training | |
LIT | Leader-In-Training | |
LITE | Leon's Intensive Training For Employment | |
LJ | Lost job | |
LJ | Lord Justice | |
LK | Legendary Knight | |
LK | Little Kid | |
LLLL | La Leche League Leader | |
LLPC | Limited Licensed Professional Counselor | |
LM | Leisure Monitor | |
LM | Logistics Manager | |
LMA | Laban Movement Analyst | |
LMBT | Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist | |
LMC | Lighting Management Consultant | |
LMFT | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist | |
LMHC | Licensed Mental Health Counselor | |
LMP | Licensed Massage Practitioner | |
LMSW | Licensed Master Social Worker | |
LMT | Licensed Massage Therapist | |
LNC | Legal Nurse Consultant | |
LO | Legal Officer | |
LOI | Letter Of Intent | |
LOM | Lords Of Mashpotatos | |
LOR | Letter of Recommendation | |
LPA | Leading Property Agents | |
LPC | Licensed professional counselor | |
LPI | Licensed Private Investigator | |
LPS | Licensed Prevention Specialists | |
LRD | Licensed Registered Dietitian | |
LRT | Lobster Repair Technician | |
LS | Land Surveyor | |
LSA | Local Security Assistant | |
LSCSW | Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker | |
LSI | Land Surveyor Intern | |
LSO | Laser Safety Officer | |
LSP | Licensed Site Professional | |
LSP | Language Service Provider | |
LSW | Licensed Social Worker | |
LT | Lead Trainer | |
LT | Landscape Technician |
LTE | Limited Term Employee | |
LTP | Landscape Technicians Program | |
LUTCF | Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow | |
LVN | Licensed Vocational Nurse | |
LWMC | Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant | |
LWS | Land Warrior Surrogate | |
LX | Lighting Technician | |
M | Maneuver | |
m | Manufacturing | |
m | Mantissa | |
m | Mandible | |
M | Manual | |
M | Mandatory | |
M | Maiden | |
M | Manager | |
M | Manchester | |
m | Mandibular | |
m | Manipulator | |
m | Manila | |
m | Manitoba | |
m | Manufacture | |
m | Manhattan | |
M | Manifold | |
m | Manuscript | |
m | Managua | |
m | Mandrel | |
m | Mantle | |
M | Manservant | |
M | Management | |
M/F/D/V | Male/Female/Disabled/Veteran | |
M/MGR | Marketing Manager | |
MA | Multicultural Assistant | |
MA | Medical Assistant | |
MAACTI | Member of Accredited Allen Carr Therapists International | |
MAB | Moronic Assinine Boss | |
MAC | Medicare Administrative Contractor | |
MACO | Military Assault Command Operative | |
MAD | Musician, Artist, and Dancer | |
MAFIA | Masters At Finding Intellegent Attitudes | |
MAI | Member, Appraisal Institute | |
Map | Measure And Perform | |
MAPP | Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential | |
MAPS | Memory Attention and Problem Solving | |
MARCOM | MARketing COmmunications Manager | |
MAS | Master Advertising Specialist | |
MATA | Marketing And Technical Ace | |
MAW | Model Actress Whatever | |
MAW | Model Actor Whatever | |
MBA | Microsoft Business Associate | |
MBBS | Myanmar Buddha Bainnaw Saya (Myanmar traditional pharmacist) |
MBC | Multi-Business Consultant | |
MBM | Munchkin By Marriage | |
MBO | Manager Of Business Operations | |
MBP | Maximum Benefits Payable | |
MC | Mastered The Craft | |
MC | Microsoft Certified | |
MC | Music Composer | |
MC | Master of Ceremonies | |
MCAD | Microsoft Certified Application Developer | |
MCC | Master Certified Coach | |
MCDBA | Microsoft Certified DataBase Administrator | |
MCDST | Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician | |
MCITP | Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional | |
MCM | Master Chief Musician | |
MCO | Master Control Operator | |
MCOM | Marketing COmmunication Manager | |
MCP | Microsoft Certified Professional | |
MCS | Mentor Coach Specialist | |
MCSA | Microsoft Certified Systems Admnistrator | |
MCSD | Microsoft Certified Solution Developer | |
MCSE | Must Consult Someone Experienced | |
MCSE | Mcdonalds Certified Server Of Egg Mcmuffins | |
MCT | Microsoft Certified Trainer | |
MCTM | Managed Care Transaction Manager | |
MD | Medical Doctor | |
MD | Metaphysical Doctor | |
MD | Master of Disguise | |
MD | Mall Detective | |
MD | Managing Director | |
MD | Manly Dude | |
MD | Medical Detective | |
MD | Marketing Director | |
MDO | Marketing Development Officer | |
MDS | Modern Day Samurai | |
ME | Mechanical Engineer | |
ME | Master Electrician | |
ME | Managing Editor | |
ME | Medical Examiner | |
MEA | Merchandising Execution Associate | |
MEA | Medical Examiner of Arkansas | |
MEM | Merchandising Execution Manager | |
MEMBER SERVICE COORDINATOR | The one who's taking care of members of the Vacation Clubs | |
MEP | Multi Engine Pilot | |
MERM | Merchandising Execution Regional Manager | |
MERP | Medical Expense Reimbursement Program | |
MESH | Manager of Environmental Safety and Health | |
MET | Merchandising Execution Team | |
MF | Mean Fiddler | |
MFE | Manufacturing Engineering, Mfg & Supply Chain | |
MFR | Medical First Responder |
MFT | Marriage and Family Therapist | |
MG | Marketing Goddess | |
MG | Man of God | |
MG | Master Gardener | |
MGL | Manga Group Leader | |
MGNT | Missionary | |
MGR | Manager | |
MGU | Managing General Underwriter | |
MGV | Master Gardener Volunteer | |
MH | Member of Hell | |
MH | Ministerio de Hacienda | |
MH | Materials Handler | |
MH | Mystery Host | |
MH | Mail Handler | |
MH | Must Have | |
MHCS | Master Human Capital Strategist | |
MHI | Meat Hygiene Inspector | |
MHT | Medical Health Technician | |
MI | Master Iridologist | |
MIA | Medical Information Assistant | |
MIC | Midget In Charge | |
MiC | Music Industry Consultant | |
MICT | Mobile Intensive Care Technician | |
Mid | Midshipman | |
MIDDIE | Midshipman | |
MIG | Member In Good standing | |
MIL | Mother-In-Law | |
MILCM | Member of the Institute of Local Council Management | |
MIPMA | Member International Project Management Association | |
MIS | Manager of Information Systems | |
MISS | Future Wife | |
MIT | Missionary-In-Training | |
MIT | Manager-In-Training | |
MITI | Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity | |
MIV | Master Internet Volunteer | |
MJA | Master Jazz Artist | |
MKS | Modern Kid Stars | |
MLFC | Medical Leave and Family Care | |
MLS | Multi Lingual Scholar | |
MLT | Medical Laboratory Technician | |
MM | Machine Mastery | |
MM | Market Maker | |
MMA | Mixed Media Artist | |
MMD | Mini-Marketing Director | |
MME | Micro Manager Extreme | |
MMIC | Mass Marketing Insurance Consultants | |
MMM | Mental Medicine Man | |
MNA | Medical Nurse Associate | |
mngr | manager | |
MNK | My Neighbor's Kid |
MO | Maintenance Operator | |
MO | Marketing Officer | |
MOA | Medical Office Administrator | |
MOB | Mother Of the Bride | |
MOB | Mail Order Bride | |
MOC | Maintenance of Certification | |
MOC | Master of Ceremonies | |
MOD | Manager On Duty | |
MOG | Missionaries Of God | |
MOG | Man Of God | |
MOH | Maid of Honor | |
MOM | Mobile Operations Manager | |
MOM | Music Operations Manager | |
MOM | Mentor On The Move | |
MOM | Manager Of Messes | |
Mom | Master Of Multi-tasking | |
MOM | Maintenance Operations Mechanic | |
MOPE | Managers, Owners, Professionals and Entrepreneurs | |
MOS | Microsoft Office Specialist | |
MOS | Make Over Specialist | |
MOS | Military Occupational Speciality | |
MOS | My Other Secretary | |
MOSH | My Own Special Helper | |
MOT | Members Of the Tribe | |
MOTO | Master Of The Obvious | |
MOTU | Master Of The Universe | |
MOUS | Microsoft Office User Specialist | |
MOY | Man of the Year | |
MP | Multieditor Professional | |
MP | Managing Partner | |
MP | Material for Promotion | |
MP | More pension | |
MPC | Master Player Character | |
MPS | Maximum Pensionable Salary | |
MPT | Matching Person & Technology | |
MQC | Mailpiece Quality Control Certified Specialist | |
MQCCS | Mailpiece Quality Control Certified Specialist | |
MQP | Myob Qualified Professional | |
MR | Mister | |
MRA | Minimum Retirement Age | |
MRCC | Missouri Registered City Clerk | |
MRICS | Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors | |
MRM | Managing Risk Manager | |
MRM | Medical Risk Managers | |
MRSL | Middle Range Salary Level | |
MRSL | Master Recruitment Source List | |
MS | Mad Scientist | |
MS | Mean Salary | |
MSA | Medical Savings Account | |
MSAA | Marketable Skills Achievement Award |
MSAA | Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisor | |
MSAHM | Married Stay-At-Home Mom | |
MSC | Medicaid Service Coordinator | |
MSE | Most Significant Ex | |
MSI | Maharishi Sadashiva Isham | |
MSO | Money Service Operator | |
MSO | Management Services Officer | |
MSO | Medical Service Officer | |
MSP | Member of Scottish Parliament | |
MSPA | Member of the American Society of Pension Actuaries | |
MSR | Member Service Representative | |
MSW | Mental Services Worker | |
MSW | Medical Social Worker | |
MT | Medical Technologist | |
MT | Master Trainer | |
MT | Master Taxidermist | |
MT | Move Tutor | |
MTA | Medical Technical Assistant | |
MTM | Master Technician Mercruiser | |
MTM | Manufacturing Team Member | |
MTO | Management Training Officer | |
MTO | Manufacturing Technical Operations | |
MTS | Mission Team Specialist | |
MTS | Member of the Technical Staff | |
MUA | Make-Up Artist | |
MVA | Market Value Appraiser | |
MVD | Motor Vehicle Dealer | |
MVO | Motor Vehicle Operator | |
MW | Master Worker | |
MW | Multi Writer | |
MW | Mystery Worshipper | |
MWAH | Mommie Works At Home | |
MYW | Montgomery Youth Works | |
N | Negotiator | |
N | Nurse | |
N | Novelist | |
N | Nerd | |
N | Naturalist | |
NA | Nurse Anesthetist | |
NA | Nursing Assistant | |
NAC | Nursing Assistant Certified | |
NAE | National Account Executive | |
NAPE | North American Prospect Expo | |
NAR | New Artist Representative | |
NAR | Nursing Assistant Registered | |
NAS | Network Administrator Specialist | |
NATI | Not All That Interested | |
NB | No Bargaining | |
NB | Net Benefits |
NBCOT | National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. | |
NBO | National Business Opportunities | |
NBT | Non-Billable Time | |
NBWS | New Build Window Specialist | |
NCB | No Christmas Bonus | |
NCC | National Certified Counselor | |
NCDA | NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator | |
NCE | NARTE Certified Engineer | |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer | |
NCRC | National Career Readiness Certificate | |
NCRCS | National Career Readiness Certificates | |
NCT | Non Certified Technician | |
NCTM | Nationally Certified Teacher of Music | |
NCW | NACSE (National Association of Communication Systems Engineers) Certified Webmaster | |
ND | Naturopathic Doctor | |
NDSE | New Deal Self-Employment | |
NDST | Non-Dual Status Technician | |
NECA | National Electrical Code Administrator | |
NED | Non-Executive Director | |
NEO | Named Executive Officer | |
NF | Non-Filled | |
NFA | No Future Ambition | |
NFA | No Future Advancement | |
NFO | Naval Flight Officer | |
NH | New Hire | |
NHC | Natural Health Counselor | |
NI | Not Interested | |
NIA | Network Insurance Agent | |
NICE | Novell Internet Connection Expert | |
NIMO | Neighborhood Infrastructure Management Officer | |
NINA | No Irish Need Apply | |
NJ | Net Jockey | |
NLE | No Longer Employed | |
NLM | Nasty Looking Madam | |
NLWC | No Longer With Company | |
NM | New Material | |
NM | Novice Middle | |
NM | News Manager | |
NME | No Musical Experience | |
NMR | New Management Recruiting | |
NNP | Neonatal Nurse Practition | |
NNS | Non Native Speakers | |
NNT | NACSE (National Association of Communication Systems Engineers) Network Technician | |
NOB | No One Better | |
NOC | Not Otherwise Classified | |
NOMAD | Nominated Advisor | |
NOMC | National Orientation and Mobility Certificant | |
NOPI | No Other People Interested | |
NOW | New Optimists Wanted | |
NP | Naturopathic Physician |
NP | Nurse Practitioner | |
NPA | Net Pay Advice | |
NPH | Neutral Protamine Hagedorn (Insulin) | |
NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship | |
NQ | Not Qualified | |
NQF | National Qualifications Forum | |
NQT | Newly Qualified Teacher | |
NRA | Normal Retirement Age | |
NRC | Not Really Competent | |
NRCMA | Nationally Registered Certified Medical Assistant | |
NRS | Networking and Referrals Unlimited | |
NS | Non-Supervisory | |
NS | No Show | |
NS | Non-Smoker | |
NSG | National Security Guards | |
NSI | Negotiated Salary Increase | |
NSM | Network Security Manager | |
NSO | Nuclear Security Officer | |
NSP | Night Shift Premium | |
NST | Native Speaking Teacher | |
NT | Newer Transfer | |
NTD | National Training Director | |
NTG | Not That Good | |
NTN | National Transition Network | |
NTO | Non- Traditional Occupation | |
NTP | National Transition Network | |
NTR | National Teacher Recruitment | |
NTRC | National Teacher Recruitment Clearinghouse | |
NTS | No Talent Schmoes | |
NVL | New Vision Leader | |
NVQ | Not Very Qualified | |
NVQ | Non-Vocational Qualification | |
NW | Nightwatch | |
NW | Net Wage | |
NWC | Noteworthy Composer | |
NWW | Non-Working Worker | |
NWX | Non-Working Executive | |
NYE | Nice Young Episcopalian | |
NYE | National Youth Executive | |
NYM | Not Yet Meets | |
NYU | Now You're Unemployable | |
O | Opportunities | |
O | Overlay | |
O.T.R. | Occupational Therapist Registered | |
OA | Offer Accepted | |
OA | Operations Assistant | |
OAP | Old Age Pension | |
OAP | Over Anxious Person. (ODSA) Original doctors' shorthand seen on prescription notes, but applicable far more widely, and an alternative to the conventional Old Age Pensioner interpretation, which I predict will be deemed politcally incorrect within the nex | |
OAP | Old Age Premium | |
OASIS | Online Applicant Status and Information System |
OB | Obstetrician | |
OBAT | Oil Burner Activation Technician | |
OCC | Occupational Character Class | |
OCD | Oriental Circus Dancer | |
OCG | Occupational Classifications Guide | |
OCI | On Campus Interviewing | |
OCJ | Ontario Court Judge | |
OCP | On a Career Path | |
OCP | Oracle Certified Professional | |
OCPJP | Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer | |
oCS | Orthopaedic Certified Specialist | |
OD | Operating Dispatcher | |
ODB | Optional Dental Benefit | |
ODD | Official Designated Driver | |
ODG | Official Disability Guidelines | |
ODP | Operating Department Practitioner | |
OE | Owner's Engineer | |
OEX | Overland EXpert | |
OF | Older Fellow | |
OF | Outfielder | |
OFG | Opportunity For Growth | |
OFI | Opportunity For Improvement | |
OG | Organ Grinder | |
OG | Old Girl | |
OG | Original Gangsta | |
OG | Old Gangster | |
OG | Old Guy | |
OHD | Occupational Health Doctor | |
OHN | Occupational Health Nurse | |
OHP | Occupational Health Psychologist | |
OHPA | Occupational Health Physician Assistant | |
OIC | Officer In Charge | |
OIM | Offshore Installation Manager | |
OIV | Open InVentor | |
OJE | Objective Job Evaluation | |
OJL | Oklahoma Job Link | |
OJM | On the Job Mentoring | |
OJM | Operation Job Match | |
OJN | Ohio JobNet | |
OJT | On the Job Training | |
OK | Opportunity Knocks | |
OK | Organizational Knowledge | |
Old | Old Lady Driver | |
OLI | One Little Indian | |
OLK | Old Lighthouse Keeper | |
OLM | Ordained Local Minister | |
OLY | Olympian | |
OM | Operating Manager | |
OM | Old Maid | |
OM | Office Manager |
OM | Officiating Minister | |
OM | Operator Mechanic | |
OM | Organizational Manager | |
OMD | Office of Managing Director | |
OMD | Oriental Medical Doctor | |
OMFS | Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgeon | |
OMH | Online Marketing Hero | |
OMT | Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapist | |
OMW | Operation Michigan Works | |
ONC | Oncle ( French: Uncle) | |
One | Over Nearly Everyone | |
OOG | Olive Oil Guru | |
OOH | Occupational Outlook Handbook | |
OOR | Occupational Outlook Reports | |
OP | Official Photographer | |
OPA | Overseas Performing Artist | |
OPAC | Office Proficiency Assessment and Certification | |
OPC | Online Parish Clerks | |
OPD | Occupational Property Databank | |
OPE | Oshkosh Placement Exchange | |
OPEB | Other Post-Employment Benefits | |
OPECC | Outpatient Pharmacy Electronic Claims Coordinator | |
OPH | Ophthalmologist | |
OPL | Old Pushy Liturgist | |
OPPM | Occupational Performance Process Model | |
OPQ | Occupational Personality Questionnaire | |
OPS | Outstanding Performance Series | |
OPS | Other Personnel Services | |
OPSVA | One-Pipe Steam Valve Assembly | |
OPVI | OptiView Fiber Inspector | |
OPW | Oregon Peaceworker | |
OQW | One Quarter Worker | |
ORA | Organizational Research Analyst | |
ORA | Operations Research Analyst | |
ORCA | Occupational Researcher's Computer Assistant | |
ORF | Old Retired Fart | |
ORL | Oto- RhinoLaryngologist | |
ORM | Occupational Risk Management | |
ORO | Over Raise Only | |
OS | Out Sized | |
OS | Other Singer | |
OSA | Office Support Assistant | |
OSC | On-Scene Coordinator | |
OSCAR | Occupational Skills Competition and Review | |
OSCI | One Stroke Certified Instructor | |
OSJ | Order Of St John | |
OT | Occupational Therapist | |
OT | Overtime | |
OT | Occupational Transfer | |
OT | Opportunity Transfer |
OT | Old-Timer | |
OTA | Occupational Therapy Assistant | |
OTE | On Target Earnings | |
OTR | Old Time Radio | |
OTS | One To Six | |
OVT | Optical Video Technician | |
Ow | Old Wench | |
OWA | Occupational Work Adjustment | |
OWD | Open Water Diver | |
OWE | Occupational Worker Experience | |
OWL | Orientation Workshop Leader | |
OWQ | Official Work Qualifications | |
OYL | Online Youth Leader | |
P | Promoter | |
P | Professional | |
P | Probationary | |
P.A. | Production Assistant | |
P.ADM. | Professional Administrator | |
PA | Psychological Associate | |
PA | Public Accountant | |
PA | Per Annum | |
PA | Production Assistant | |
PA | Prefectural Advisor | |
PA | Performance Artist | |
PA | Program Assistant | |
PA | Private Actress | |
PA | Personal Assistant | |
PA | Project Administrator | |
PA | Physical Aptitude | |
PA | Personal Author | |
PA | Personal Authority | |
PA | physician’s assistant | |
PA-C | Physician Assistant - Certified | |
PA-QSA | Payment Application Qualified Security Assessors | |
PAC | Physician Assistant-Certified | |
PACE | Parts Accessories And Clothing Expert | |
PACS | Practising Attorney Confederate States | |
PAE | Personnel Aspect Evaluation | |
PAIR | Performing Artist In Residence | |
PAJ | Pilot Air Jet | |
PAL | Personal Assistant For Leisure | |
PAL | Promoter of Administrative Leadership | |
PALS | Peer Assistant Leadership Student | |
PAM | Professional Audience Member | |
PAPI | Paper-Assisted Personal Interviewing | |
PAQ | Position Assignment Questionnaire | |
PAR | Performance Average Rating | |
PAs | Performance Against Standard | |
PASEP | Peer Assisted Self Evaluation Plan | |
PASS | Professionalism, Ability, Skill, Service |
PASS | Professional Airways System Specialist | |
PAT | Personal Assistant Technician | |
PAT | Performance Achievement Target | |
PAT | Pump Algebra Tutor | |
Pb | Playboy Bunny | |
Pb | Pushy Broad | |
Pb | Punk Buster | |
PBC | Personal Business Commitment | |
PBD | Professional Building Designer | |
PBGC | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | |
PBM | Pharmacy Benefit Manager | |
PBO | Personal Business Objective | |
PBR | Professional Bull Rider | |
PBS | Payroll Benefit Services | |
PBSSI | President of British Superultramodern Scientific Institution | |
PBW | PaperBack Writer | |
PC | Paper Carrier | |
PC | Poetic Chap | |
PC | Project Coordinator | |
PC | Perfect Corner | |
PC | Police Constable | |
PC | Personal Coach | |
PC | Personal Consultant | |
PC | Perfectly Comfortable | |
PC | Privy Counsellor | |
PCA | Physician Care Assistant | |
PCA | Personal Care Attendant | |
PCA | Personal Care Aide | |
PCA | Pest Control Advisor | |
PCA | Personal Care Associate | |
PCA | Personal Care Assistant | |
PCC | Professional Certified Coach | |
PCC | Patient Care Coordinator | |
PCC | Personal Cruise Consultant | |
PCCM | Primary Care Case Manager | |
PCD | Personal Career Development | |
PCFM | Private Client Fund Manager | |
PCG | Primary Care Giver | |
PCM | Personal Challenge Manager | |
PCM | Primary Care Manager | |
PCO | Professional Conference Organiser | |
PCO | Precinct Committee Officer | |
PCO | Pest Control Operator (licensed applicator) | |
PCO | Prospective Commanding Officer | |
PCP | Payroll Compliance Practitioner | |
PCP | Primary Care Provider | |
PCQ | Position Classification Questionnaire | |
PCT | Patient Care Technician | |
PD | Program Director |
PD | Professional Development | |
PD | Pizza Delivery | |
PD | Porch Dog | |
PD | Prison Deliverer | |
PD | Pencil Dick. General US insult. It gets applied to lazy doctors who pass work on to their peers and should not be confused for that other PD, Program Director (US terminology) | |
PD | Physical Director | |
PD | Private Detective | |
PDA | Participatory Development Appraisal | |
PDA | Primary Data Assistant | |
PDA | Playwright, Director, and Actor | |
PDDM | Project Document and Data Management | |
PDH | Professional Development Hours | |
PDJ | Party Disc Jockey | |
PDO | Player Development Officer | |
PDP | Personal Development Planner | |
PDP | Professional Development Planning | |
PDP | Personal Development Program | |
PDRA | Post-Doctoral Research Assistant | |
PDS | Professional Development Scheme | |
PDT | Professional Development Time | |
PDU | Professional Development Unit(s) | |
PE | Performance Evaluation | |
PE | Punctuation Editor | |
PE | Publisher Emeritus | |
PE | Person Equivalent | |
PE | Professional Engineer | |
PEA | Practice Edi Administrator | |
PEARL | Performance Evaluation And Reporting Logic | |
PEARS | Personal Effort And Responsibility System | |
PEARS | Professional Employment And Resource Solutions | |
PED | Pediatrician | |
PEER | Program for Enhanced Early Retirement | |
PEERS | Performance Effort Efficiency Recognition And Selection | |
PEM | Professional Event Management | |
PEM | Plant Engineering and Maintenance | |
PEM | Project Engineering Manager | |
PEMP | Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan | |
PEN | Poets Essayists And Novelists | |
PEO | Performing Engineering Operations | |
PEO | Professional Employment Organization | |
PEO | Personal Entertainment Organizer | |
PEP | Personal Education Partner | |
PEP | Positive Enhanced Performance | |
PEP | Personal Efficiency Program | |
PEP | Professional Employer Panel | |
PEP | Performance Evaluation Program | |
PEPE | Pathways to Employment for Professional Engineers | |
PEPI | Physical Education Pupil Instructor | |
PERC | Performance Evaluation Research Center | |
PERM | Privatize Eliminate Retain or Modify |
PERM | Permanent | |
PERT | Performance Evaluation Review Tracking | |
PERT | Partner Evaluation and Review Team | |
PESA | Pre Employment Skills Assessment | |
PET | Project Executive Team | |
PF | Peer Facilitator | |
PFI | Pay for Inclusion | |
PFI | Perishable Fruit Inspector | |
PFM | Professional Food Management | |
PFP | Personal Financial Planner | |
PFQ | Personal Feedback Questionnaire | |
PFR | Professional Fund Raiser | |
PFSO | Port Facility Security Officer | |
PG | Professional Geologist | |
PG | Piano God | |
PGC | People Group Consultant | |
PGM | Process Group Manager | |
PH | Professional Hunter | |
PHD | Professional Hair Dresser | |
PHDA | Physically Handicapped Direction Administrator | |
PHDH | Public Health Dental Hygienist | |
PHE | Peer Health Educator | |
PHI | Public Health Investigator | |
PHN | Public Health Nurse | |
PHR | Professional in Human Resources Certification | |
PHY | Physician | |
PI | Problem Investigator | |
PI | Principle Investigator | |
PI | Property Inspector | |
PI | Position Independent | |
PI | Private Investigator | |
PI | Pure Integrity | |
PI | Paranormal Investigator | |
PI | Political Informant | |
PI | Pool Instructor | |
PI | Program Integrator | |
PI | Primary Investigator | |
PI | Physician Investigator | |
PIA | Partner In Angelicuss | |
PIA | Program of Integrative Assignments | |
PIC | Personal Information Connection | |
PIC | Pictorial Inventory of Careers | |
PIC | Professional Interest Committee | |
PIC | Pharmacist in Charge | |
Pif | Professional Interest Forum | |
PIH | Permanent Income Hypothesis | |
PIL | Personal Injury Lawyer | |
PILO | Public Information Liaison Officer | |
PIM | Professional in Multimedia | |
PIM | Project Information Manager |
PIMP | Positive Intellectual Motivated Person | |
PIP | Performance Improvement Potential | |
PIP | Performance Improvement Plan | |
PIP | Personal Information Processing | |
PIP | Performance Incentive Points | |
PIQ | Position Information Questionnaire | |
PIR | Professiional In Residence | |
PIT | Prophet in Training | |
PIT | Pilot in Training | |
PIT | Platinum In Training | |
PITS | Pay Is The Same | |
PJ | Pixel Jockey | |
PJ | Pararescue Jumper | |
PJ | Personal Job | |
PK | professional knowledge | |
PL | Project Leader | |
PLAN | Position Level Actions Network | |
PLC | Power line communication (electricity) | |
PLL | Paralegal Legal Litigator | |
PLM | Play List Manager | |
PLS | Professional Land Surveyor | |
PM | Pay Me | |
PM | Program Manager | |
PM | Perfect Man | |
PM | Periodically Missing | |
PM | Porch Monkey | |
PM | Project Manager | |
PM | Production Manager | |
PM | Property Manager | |
PM | Prime Minister | |
PM | Post Master | |
PM | Piranha Manager | |
PM | Post Man | |
PMA | Program Management Analyst | |
PME | Projects Management Expert | |
PMHNP | Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner | |
PMI | Presidential Management Internship | |
PMI-RMP | Project Management Institute-Risk Management Professional | |
PMP | Project Management Professional | |
PMQV | Personal Monthly Qualifying Volume | |
PMRS | Performance Measurement and Reporting System | |
PMSE | Programme Making & Special Events | |
PMT | Personal Motivating Time | |
PMW | Postmaster's Window | |
PN | Practical Nurse | |
PNCC | Primary Nurse Care Coordinator | |
PNP | Pediatric Nurse Practitioner | |
PNQ | Primary Nurse Questionnaire | |
PO | Printer Operators | |
PO | Police Officer |
PO | Performance Objective | |
PO | Promotion Opportunity | |
PO | Pee-Ons | |
PO | Parole Officer | |
PO | Presenting Officer | |
PO | Personal Offer | |
PO1 | Petty Officer First Class | |
PO2 | Petty Officer Second Class | |
PO3 | Petty Officer Third Class | |
POD | Professional & Organizational Development | |
POE | Prince Of Egypt | |
POG | Portly Old Gent | |
POL | Position Organization Listing | |
POLO | Previously Owned Loved Ones | |
POQ | Pipeline Operator Qualification | |
POT | Post Ordination Training | |
POW | Person of the Week | |
POW | Prince of Wales | |
POWER | Providing Oneself With Employment Resources | |
POY | Person of the Year | |
PP | Parish Priest | |
PPA | Personnel Profile Analysis | |
PPC | Personal And Professional Capabilities | |
PPD | Post-Partum Doula | |
PPI | Paranormal Private Investigator | |
PPI | Pay per Inclusion | |
PPI | Personal Priesthood Interview | |
ppm | Pension Plan for Management | |
PPP | Per Pay Period | |
PPR | Performance Percentage Rank | |
PPR | Placement Process Restructuring | |
PPS | Professional Personal Skills | |
PPS | Professional Protection Specialist | |
PPS | Parliamentary Private Secretary | |
PPT | Pre-Placement Talk | |
PPT | Project Placement and Training | |
PQ | Preliminary Questionnaire | |
PQ | Performance Qualification | |
PQE | Performance Quality Evaluation | |
PQE | Post Qualification Experience | |
PQF | Pre-Qualification Form | |
PQI | Performance Quality Inspection | |
PQO | Performance Quality Operation | |
PQQ | Pre-Qualifications Questionaire | |
PQR | Performance Quality Review | |
PQS | Performance Qualification System | |
PQT | Personal Quiet Time | |
PQU | Professional QUalification | |
PQV | Personal Qualifying Volume | |
PQW | Performance Quality Work |
PR | Performance Rating | |
PR | Performance Recognition | |
PR | Public Relations | |
PRA | President of the Royal Academy | |
PRC | Professional Rodeo Cowboy | |
PRC | Psychiatric Rehabilitation Coordinator | |
PRE | Public Relations Engineer | |
PRE | Patent Retrieval Expert | |
PREP | Point Rating Evaluation Plan | |
PREP | Pahrump Real Estate Professional | |
PRES | President | |
PRICE | Pinpoint Record Involve Coach And Evaluate | |
PRIDE | Plan of Recovery for Individual Development and Employment | |
PRIME | Prescribed Right to Income and Maximum Equity | |
PSM | Production Stage Manager (theatre) | |
PSM | Professional Staff Member (Congress) | |
PSO | Product Support Officer | |
PSP | Professional Standards Program | |
PSP | Personal Solicitation Program | |
PSR | Patient Services Representative | |
PSR | Personnel Selection Report | |
PSS | Private School Supporter | |
PSS | Professional Selling Skills | |
PSTB | Prison Shower Towel Boy | |
PSV | Personal Sales Volume | |
PSW | Personal Support Worker | |
PT | Preferential Treatment | |
Pt | Physical Terrorist | |
PT | Perpetual Traveler | |
PT | Physical Torturer | |
PT | Personal Trainer | |
PTA | Personal Travel Assistant | |
PTB | Physical Therapy Board | |
PTC | Professional Technical And Clerical | |
PTD | Professional Technical Development | |
PTF | Part Time Flexible | |
PTFP | Part-Time First Professional | |
PTJ | Part-Time Job | |
PTK | Prime Time Kings | |
PTO | Paid Time Off | |
PTO | Public Telephone Operator | |
PTP | Professional Tax Planner | |
PTP | Professional Travel Planner | |
PTPM | Packaging and Transportation Program Manager | |
PTQ | Pro Tour Qualifier (gaming, Magic: The Gathering) | |
PTR | Paid To Read | |
PTS | Psycho Teenage Shopper | |
PTS | Paid To Signup | |
PTS | Paid To Surf | |
PTS | Personal Trainer Specialist |
PTU | Personal Time Unit | |
PVA | Property Valuation Administrator | |
PVAT | Property Valuation Advisory Team | |
PVN | Placement Vacancy Notice | |
PW | Production Worker | |
PWE | Practical Work Experience | |
PWT | Personal WebTutor | |
PYF | Pay Yourself First | |
PYT | Professional Yoga Therapist | |
PZD | Planning and Zoning Director | |
Q | Qualification | |
QA | Quote Assistants | |
QAE | Quality Assurance Engineer | |
QAI | Quality Assurance Inspector | |
QAM | Quality Assurance Manager | |
QAR | Quality Assurance Representative | |
QBE | Qualified by Experience | |
QBS | Qualification Based Selection | |
QC | Quality Certificate | |
QCA | Quality Control Analyst | |
QCJ | QuantifiCare Jobs | |
QCM | Quality Control Manager | |
QCS | Quality Control Supervisor | |
QCSW | Qualified Clinical Social Worker | |
QDA | Quality Defect Analyst | |
QDD | Quality Document Developer | |
QDE | Questioned Document Examiner | |
QDSP | Qualified Data Security Professional | |
QE | Quality Engineer | |
QEA | Qualified Estate Agent | |
QEAD | Qualified Estate Agent Designee | |
QEP | Quality Environmental Professional | |
QFA | Qualified Financial Advisor | |
QFG | Quest for Glory | |
QFO | Qualification For Operation | |
QFP | Qualified Financial Planner | |
QHB | Quarter Horse Breeder | |
QHI | Qualified Helicopter Instructor | |
QHM | Queens Harbour Master | |
QHP | Qualified Hardware Professional | |
QHP | Qualified Health Professional | |
QHP | Qualified Handicapped Professional | |
QHP | Qualified Horary Practitioner | |
QI | Qualified Intermediary | |
QI | Qualified Individual | |
QIA | Quality Improvement Administrator | |
QIA | Quality Improvement Agent | |
QIB | Qualified Institutional Buyer | |
QIE | Quality Inspection Engineer | |
QIM | Quality Improvement Monitor |
QIY | Qualified Instructor Yeoman | |
QJI | Quality Job Inspector | |
QJM | Quality Job Manager | |
QJT | Quality Job Trainer | |
QKA | Qualified 401(K) Administrator | |
QLA | Quark License Administrator | |
QM | Quality Manager | |
QM | Quartermaster | |
QMA | Quality Management Associate | |
QMA | Qualified Medication Aide | |
QMD | Quality Management Director | |
QME | Qualified Medical Examiner | |
QMF | Qualified Metal Fabricator | |
QMF | Qualified Marine Firefighter | |
QMJ | Quit My Job | |
QMJ | Quad Manager Judge | |
QMRP | Qualified Mental Retardation Professional | |
QOH | Quantification of Humans | |
QOSC | Quality Operating Systems Coordinator | |
QOSM | Quality of Service Manager | |
QoX | Quality of Experience | |
QP | Quality Professional | |
QP | Quality Performance | |
QPA | Quality Performance Analysis | |
QPA | Qualified Plan Administrator | |
QPA | Quality Performance Accreditation | |
QPASP | Qualified Payment Application Security Professionals | |
QPC | Qualified Pension Consultant | |
QPO | Qualified Personnel Only | |
QPR | Queens Park Rangers (English Football Team) | |
QPR | Quality Performance Review | |
QPT | Quality Process Technician | |
QRB | Qualifications Review Board | |
QRBP | Qualifications Review Board Process | |
QRC | Quality Rehabilitaion Counselor | |
QRE | Qualifications and Relevant Experience | |
QRR | Qualified Rehabilitation Representative | |
QRS | Quantitative Risk Specialist | |
QRW | Qualified Resident Wizard | |
QS | quantity surveyor | |
QSR | Quality System Representative | |
QSW | Qualified Social Worker | |
QSX | Quality Software Expert Ltd. | |
QTR | Quality Training Retainer | |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status | |
QtT | Qualifying to Teach | |
QUALIFIED | Qualification | |
QV | Qualifying Volume | |
QVD | Qualified Vehicle Driver | |
QVE | Qualified Vocational Education |
QVO | Qualified Vehicle Operator | |
QVR | Qualified Vehicle Repairer | |
QWD | Quality Web Designer | |
R | Rector | |
R.F.P. | Registered Financial Planner | |
R.I.D. | Registered Interior Designer | |
RA | Royal Academician | |
RA | Respect Authority | |
RA | Residential Assistant | |
RA | Royal Armorer | |
RA | Residental Advisor | |
RA | Registered Accountant | |
RA | Resident Advisor | |
RAA | Residential Accredited Appraiser (National Association of Realtors) | |
RAC-CT | Resident Assessment Coordinator-Certified | |
RACE | Recorded Activity Compared To Expectations | |
RAIN | Referral and Information Network | |
RAP | Registered Accounting Practitioner | |
RAP | Really Annoying Pop | |
RAP | Registered Apprenticeship Program | |
RATL | Regulatory Audit Trade Liaison | |
RAW | Restauranteur Artist Warrior | |
RBI | Reliable But Incompetant | |
RBL | Reasonable Benefit Limit | |
RBSV | recreational boating safety visitor | |
RC | Region Commissioner | |
RCA | Resident Computer Assistant | |
RCC | Resident Computer Consultant | |
RCC | Recognised Current Competencies | |
RCES | Registered Cardiac Electrophysiology Specialist | |
RCG | Recent College Graduate | |
RCM | Registered Condominium Manager | |
RCM | Registered Cooperative Manager | |
RCP | Resources, Connections, and Professionalism | |
RCP | Respiratory Care Practitioner | |
RD | Resident Director | |
RD | Registered Dietitian | |
RDA | Regional Director of Agencies | |
RDA | Registered Dental Assistant | |
RDBS | Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer | |
RDCS | Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer | |
RDH | Registered Dental Hygienist | |
RDH | Recirculating Document Handler | |
RDMS | Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer | |
RDN | Registered Dietitian Nutritionist | |
RE | Royal Engraver | |
RE | Reproductive Endocrinologist | |
RE | Radiological Engineer | |
RE | Resident Engineer | |
Rea | Real Estate Agent |
REACH | Relevant Education Achieves Career Horizons | |
REAL | Reliable Experienced Automation Leader | |
REAL | Relevant Experience And Learning | |
REBC | Registered Employee Benefits Consultant | |
REC | Recruitment and Employment Confederation | |
REHP | Registered Environmental Health Professional | |
REM | Really Extraordonary Memory | |
REO | Regional Event Organiser | |
REO | Re Employment Options | |
REP | Renewable Energy Professional | |
RETAIN | Responsible Ethical Treatment Of Animal In Neighborhoods | |
REV | Reverend | |
Revd | Reverend | |
RFC | Registered Floor Clerk | |
RFC | Registered Financial Consultant | |
RFI | Room for Improvement | |
RFQ | Request for Qualifications | |
RFR | Request For References | |
RFT | Registered Floor Trader | |
RG | Registrar General | |
RGD | Registered Graphic Designer | |
RGK | Royal Grounds Keeper | |
RGR | Rigger | |
RGS | Retirement Government Specialist | |
RGT | Registered Genetic Technologist | |
RHA | Residence Hall Assistant | |
RHC | Residence Hall Coordinator | |
RHCE | Red Hat Certified Engineer | |
RHE | Reproductive Health Externship | |
RHIA | Registered Health Information Administrator | |
RHIT | Registered Health Information Technician | |
RHP | Retirement Housing Professional | |
RHU | Registered Health Underwriter | |
RHW | | |
RIA | Registered Investment Advisor | |
RIC | Regional Instructional Coordinator | |
RIG | Respected Internet Guitarist | |
RIL | Reduced Income Logging | |
RIMG | Reinsurance Intermediary Manager | |
RIO | Regional Inspection Officer | |
RIO | Radar Intercept Officer (US Navy) | |
RIP | Recreation Internship Program | |
RIP | Russian Imperial Porter | |
RJ | Radio Jockey | |
RJ | Real Job | |
RJP | Realistic Job Preview | |
RLA | Registered Landscape Architect | |
RLA | Residential Life Assistant | |
RLC | Residence Life Coordinator | |
RLG | Reshall Linux Geek |
RLL | Rusher, Loscavio, & LoPresto | |
RLO | Resident Liaison Officer | |
RLP | Registered Lighting Practitioner | |
RLS | Registered Land Surveyor | |
RM | Regional Manager | |
RM | Routemaster | |
RM | Resident Magistrate | |
RM | Recovery Manager | |
RM | Resort Manager | |
RMA | Registered Medical Assistant | |
RMC | Registered Municipal Clerk | |
RMD | Research and Market Development | |
RME | Responsible Management Employee | |
RME | Registered Mechanical Engineer | |
RMN | Registered Mental Nurse | |
RMO | Responsible Managing Officer | |
RMP | Risk Management Professional | |
RMT | Registered Massage Therapist | |
RN | Registered Nurse | |
RN | Resident Nurse | |
RNC | Registered Nurse Certified | |
RNFA | Registered Nurse First Assistant | |
RNMH | Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped | |
RNO | Recruitment Networking Online | |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve | |
RO | Resource Operator | |
ROF | Registered Orthotic Fitter | |
ROG | Really Old Guy | |
ROI | Rate Of Income | |
RON | Really Outgoing Niceguy | |
ROP | Regional Occupation Program | |
RP | Resignation Permitted | |
RPC | Registered Professional Counselor | |
RPF | Registered Professional Forester | |
RPFs | Registered Professional Foresters | |
RPFT | Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist | |
RPFT | Registered Professional Forest Technologist | |
RPH | Registered Pharmacist | |
RPH | Registered Physician | |
RPN | Registered Professional Nurse | |
RPP | Real People Profile | |
RPR | Registered Professional Reporter | |
RPT | Rocket Propulsion Technician | |
RPT | Regular Part-Time | |
RPT | Radiation Protection Technician | |
RPT | Regional President | |
RPTE | Regular Part Time Employment | |
RQ | Reputation Quotient | |
RQMH | Regimental Quarter Master Havildar | |
RR | Registered Representative |
RRA | Registered Records Administrator | |
RRG | Referral Resource Group | |
RRO | Registered Roof Observer | |
RRS | Recreation and Resort Specialist | |
RRS | Registered Relocation Specialist | |
RRT | Registered Respitory Therapist | |
RSA | Regional Specialty Adviser | |
RSA | Regional Support Administrator | |
RSC | Regional Support Coordinator | |
RSDM | Regional Service Delivery Manager | |
RSL | Registered Social Landlord | |
RSM | Regional Sales Manager | |
RSO | Retirement Services Officer | |
RSR | Researcher | |
RSR | Rehabilitation Service Representative | |
RST | Registered Seed Technologist | |
RSW | Registered Social Worker | |
RT | Road Technician | |
RT | Respiratory Therapist | |
RT | Residential Technician | |
RT | Registered Technologist | |
RT | Reliable Totally | |
RT-WPPM | Real Time Wind Power Portfolio Manager | |
RTA | Resident Technical Assistant | |
RTA | Resident Twinning Advisor | |
RTA | Referring Travel Agent | |
RTC | Real Time Captionist | |
RTC | Rail Traffic Controller | |
RTD | Retired | |
RTE | Renault Technical Expert | |
RTP | Retention Tenure Promotion | |
RTPT | Research Technician (Part Time) | |
RTR | Results Through Referrals | |
RTs | Resistance Training Specialist | |
RUNM | Residential Unit Nurse Manager | |
RV | Real Vacation | |
RV | Rich Vagrant | |
RVE | Remote Video Expertise | |
RVST | Recreational Vehicle Service Technician | |
RVT | Registered Veterinary Technician | |
RVT | Registered Vascular Technologist | |
RWA | Ready Willing And Available | |
RWIFE | Rotary Wing Instrument Flight Examiner | |
RWII | Rotary Wing Instrument Instructor | |
RWR | Richard Wayne and Roberts Recruiters | |
RYM | Real Young Man | |
RYT | Registered Yoga Teacher | |
RYY | Royal Yachtmaster | |
S | Sweeper | |
S | Senorita |
S | Sweep | |
S | Seadog | |
S | Samaritan | |
SA | Shopping Assistant | |
SA | Special Agent | |
SA | System Administrator | |
SAA | Senior Accredited Appraiser | |
SAC | Senior Administrative Clerk | |
SAC | Social Action Coordinator | |
SADA | Senior Assistant District Attorney | |
SAE | Sexual Assault Examiner | |
SAFE | Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner | |
sahd | Stay At Home Dads | |
SAHM | Stay At Home Mom | |
SAM | Skills Assessment Manager | |
SAM | Self-Appointed Manager | |
SAM | security account manager | |
SAM | Service And Accounting Manager | |
SANE | Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner | |
SAO | Salvation Army Officer | |
SAP | Substance Abuse Professionals | |
SAPC | Sexual Assault Program Coordinators | |
SAPD | State Appellate Public Defender | |
SAPS | Skills, Abilities, Potential, Suitability | |
SARA | Security Auditor's Research Assistant | |
SARA | Speech Assisted Reception Assistant | |
SASI | Senior Aerospace Science Instructor | |
SAW | Seasonal Agricultural Worker | |
SB | Strong Back | |
SB | Super Brain | |
SB | Sellers Broker | |
SB | Skill Bonus | |
SB | Skill Base | |
SBC | Small Business Consultants | |
SBM | Small Business Manager | |
SC | Second Class | |
SC | Senior Counsel | |
SCA | Sensitive Civil Activist | |
SCE | Senior Consulting Engineer | |
SCE | Site Construction Expert | |
SCEA | Sun Certified Enterprise Architect | |
SCF | Self Completion Form | |
SCG | Sexy Cashier Girl | |
SCJA | Sun Certified Java Associate | |
SCJP | Sun Certified Java Programmer | |
SCM | Service Control Manager | |
SCOM | System Center Operation Manager | |
SCORE | Senior Core of Retired Executives | |
SCP | Sun Certified Programmer | |
SCRAM | Safety Control Rod Ax Man |
SCRAM | Situation Critical Reactor Axe Man | |
SCRAM | Secondary Control Rod Axe Man | |
SCREA | State Certified Real Estate Appraiser | |
SCSC | Senior Citizen Services Coordinator | |
SD | Site Director | |
SD | Somewhat Dependable | |
SD | Sound Designer | |
SD | Space Detective | |
SD | Supervisor Duty | |
SDA | Severe Disability Allowance | |
SDE | Software Development Engineer | |
SDM | Sub-Divisional Magistrate | |
SDPO | Senior Dynamic Positioning Officer | |
SE | Self Employment | |
SE | Structure Engineer | |
SE | Superior Experience | |
SE | Sports Entertainer | |
SE | Sanitary Engineering | |
SE | Senior Engineer | |
SE | Sales Engineer | |
SE | Service Engineer | |
SE | Sports Editor | |
SE | Structural Engineer | |
SE | Sales Expert | |
SE | Subsystem Engineering | |
SEA | Special Education Assistant | |
SEAP | State Employee Assistance Program | |
SEARCH | Self-Employed Arts-Related Contractors for Hire | |
SEC | Secretary | |
SECA | Self Employment Contributions Act | |
SECOFF | Security Officer | |
SEG | Select Employer Group | |
SEM | Search Engine Marketer | |
SEMS | Substitute Employee Management System | |
SENCO | Special Educational Needs Co Ordinator | |
SEO | Senior Executive Officer | |
SEP | Simplified Employee Plan | |
SEP | Self-Employed Professional | |
SEP | Simplified Employee Pension | |
SEP | Surrogate Employer Programme | |
SER | Structural Engineer of Record | |
SERT | Special Education Resource Teacher | |
SET | Senior Engineering Technician (AMSEC) | |
SEV | Severance Pay | |
SeY | Single Enlightened Yogi | |
SF | Supervised Functional | |
SFG | Stock Footage Girl | |
SFI | Six Figure Income | |
SFIS | Shop Floor Information System |
SG | Salary Grade | |
SG | Solicitor General | |
SG | Security Guard | |
SG | Site God | |
SG | Stud Guy | |
SG | Sound Guy | |
SGM | Science Guard Men | |
SGO | Slide Gate Operator | |
SGS | Sales Growth Specialist | |
SGW | Stero Glass Washer | |
SH | Super Hero | |
SH | Senior Hunter | |
SHAPE | Sexual Health Awareness Peer Educator | |
SHLO | Senior Hospital Liaison Officer | |
SHO | Senior house officer (UK) | |
SI | Special Investigator | |
SID | Seniority Integration Date | |
SID | Sports Information Director | |
SIL | Sister-In-Law | |
SIO | serious inquiries only | |
SIRM | Specialist of the Institute of Risk Management | |
SIS | sister | |
SJ | Search Jockey | |
SJ | Soft Job | |
SJ | Spam Janitor | |
SJB | Senior Job Bank | |
SJI | Seattle Jobs Initiative | |
SJN | Southern Job Network | |
SK | Specialized Knowledge | |
SK | Store Keeper | |
SK | Shadow Knight | |
SKC | Chief Storekeeper | |
SL | Software Laborer | |
SL | Service Learning | |
SL | Skill Less | |
SLC | Senior Logistics Consultant | |
SLD | Service Level Director | |
SLG | Slide Gate Operator | |
SLI | Student Life Instructor | |
SLM | Small Loans Manager | |
SLP | Speech Language Pathologist | |
SM | Single Mom | |
SM | Sub Manager | |
SM | Service Manager | |
SM | Supreme Master | |
SM | Salvage Mechanic | |
SM | Stage Manager | |
SM | StationMaster | |
SMART | Store Management Accelerated Recruiting Training | |
SMART | Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique |
SMART | Structural Modification And Repair Technician | |
SMCB | Senior Management Construction Board | |
SME | Senior Mining Engineer | |
SMI | Student Missionary Internship | |
SMIC | Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance | |
SMKLS | Smokeless | |
Smkr | Smoker | |
SMN | Super Mayoreo Naturista | |
SMSA | School Meals Supervisory Assistant | |
SNM | Student Nurse-Midwife | |
SNOW | Simulation for New Opportunities for Work | |
so | Special Officer | |
SOA | Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (medical) | |
SOB | Son of the Boss | |
SOB | Superintendent of Bridges | |
SOE | Supervised Occupational Experience | |
SOF | Soldier Of Fortune (Game) | |
SOF | Supervisor of Flight | |
SOM | Senior Operations Manager | |
SOP | Stock Option Plan | |
SOQ | Statements Of Qualifications | |
SOS | Seek Optimum Skills | |
SoW | Soldier Of War | |
SP | Senior Partner | |
SP | Street Photography | |
SP | Senior Pastor | |
SP | Superior Performance (video tape format) | |
SP | Skating Professional | |
SPA | Standardized Performance Analysis | |
SPAG | State President Acting Governor | |
SPAR | Semper Paratus Always Ready | |
SPAR | Silent Professions Are Random | |
SPC | Senior Project Coordinator | |
SPCLST | Specialist | |
SPG | Strategic Placement Group | |
SPHR | Senior Professional Human Resources | |
SPI | Superintendent of Public Instruction | |
SPO | Special Project Officer | |
SPSM | Senior Professional in Supply Management | |
SPT | Student Physical Therapist | |
SQ | SQuire | |
SQA | Software Quality Analyst | |
SQE | Supplier Quality Engineer | |
SQH | Scottish Qualification for Headship | |
SQO | Swim Qualifications Officer | |
SQP | Software Quality Professional | |
SQS | Sales Quality Specialist | |
SQU | SQUire | |
SR | Senior Representative | |
SR | Senior Rater |
SR | Service Representative | |
SR | Senior | |
SR | Self-Retaining | |
SR | Senior Registrar | |
SR | Stunt Rider | |
SR | Senior Resident | |
SRA | Senior Residential Appraiser | |
SRA | Silent Reading Associate | |
SRC | State Resource Conservationist | |
SRD | Self Reliance And Development | |
SRM | Slot Race Manager | |
SRN | State Registered Nurse | |
SRNA | Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist | |
SRO | Student Resource Officer | |
SRO | Search And Rescue Officer | |
SRO | Senior Reactor Operator | |
SRO | School Resource Officer | |
SRO | Senior Responsibility Officer | |
SROP | Senior Registered Options Principal | |
SRP | Skills Redevelopment Programme | |
SRP | State Registered Physiotherapist | |
SRPA | Senior Real Property Appraiser | |
SRT | Swiftwater Rescue Technician | |
SRT | Surf Rescue Technician | |
SRW | System Requirement Wizard | |
SS | Sprocket Specialist | |
SS | Staff Secretary | |
SS | Sleazy Sister | |
SSA | Supervisory Special Agent | |
SSBB | Six Sigma Black Belt | |
SSCP | System Security Certified Practitioner | |
SSE | Senior Software Engineer | |
SSE | Senior Systems Engineer | |
SSHO | Site Safety and Health Officer | |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | |
SSI | Superior Support Individual | |
SSI | Social Security Income | |
SSO | Senior Support Officer | |
SSO | School Service Officer | |
SSO | System Security Officer | |
SSP | Shameless Self-Promotion | |
SSP | Senior Superintendent of Police | |
SSPI | Summer Service Project Internship | |
SST | Secondary School Teacher | |
SSW | School Social Worker | |
ST | Specialty Trainee | |
ST | Story Teller | |
ST | Speech Therapist | |
STA | Student Technology Assistant | |
STAC | Skills, Talents, Abilities, and Characteristics |
START | Skilled Trades Auto Repair Technician | |
STC | Student Technology Consultant | |
STD | Saves the Day | |
STEPS | Student and Temporary Employee Placement Services | |
STL | Senior Team Leader | |
STLO | Senior Technical Liaison Officer | |
STM | Support Tools Manager | |
stna | State Tested Nursing AssistantFull | |
STRS | State Teacher Retirement System | |
STT | Short Term Temporary | |
STW | Story Teller Webbie | |
SU | System User | |
SUB | Supplemental Unemployment Benefits | |
SUT | State Unemployment Tax | |
SVP | Senior Vice President | |
SVP | Sales Volume Points | |
SW | Social Worker | |
SW | Swedish Warlord | |
SW | Semi Works | |
SW | SignWriter | |
SWAT | Strategic Willing And Temporary | |
SWAT | Skilled With Advanced Tools | |
SWGM | Site Working Group Member | |
SWO | Social Work Officer | |
SXN | Saxon Petroleum, Inc. (stock symbol; Canada) | |
SYA | Struggling Young Artist | |
T6 | Technician Level 6 | |
TA | Teaching Artist | |
TA | Teacher Assistant | |
TA | Teacher's Assistant | |
TA | Technical Assistant | |
TA | Transport Aide | |
TA | Teachers Aide | |
TA | Teaching Assistant | |
TA | Travel Agent | |
TACL | Texas Air Conditioning License | |
TAG | Technician Affiliate Group | |
TAME | Traits Attitudes Moods and Emotions | |
TAP | Trainer Activity Profile | |
TAP | Temporary Applicant Pool | |
TAP | Training and Placement | |
TAPS | Technical Administrative Professional Staff | |
TAPS | Tonality Attitude Posture And Smile | |
TARA | Technology and Resource Advisor | |
TASTE | Traditional Artisan and Speciality Trade Expertise | |
TBH | To Be Hired | |
TC | Tennis Coach | |
TC | Test Conductor (Controller) | |
TC | Top Cop | |
TC | Technology Consultant |
TCC | Technology Consultant Coordinator | |
TCD | Telephony Call Dispatcher | |
TCM | Total Club Manager | |
TCO | Telecommunications Certification Officer | |
TCP | Terran Confederation Pilot | |
TD | Test Director (NASA) | |
TD | Tech Dude | |
TD | Technical Director | |
TD | Tour Director | |
TD | Truss Designer | |
TDA | Tactile Digital Assistant | |
TDC | Total Direct Compensation | |
TDE | Truss Design Engineer | |
TDES | Temporary Data Entry Staff | |
TDJ | Truck Driving | |
TDO | The Devious One | |
TDR | Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities | |
TDSP | Tax Deferred Savings Plan | |
TE | Tutor Evaluator | |
TE | Top Executive | |
TEA | Transitional Employment Assistance | |
TECH | Technician | |
TEK | Technology Experience and Knowledge | |
TEP | Trust and Estate Practitioner | |
TERM | Technology Enabled Relationship Manager | |
TF | Teaching Fellow | |
TFC | Time For a Change | |
TGD | Tactile Graphic Designer | |
TGI | The Grand Inquisitor | |
THT | Texas Healthcare Trustees | |
TIE | Technologists Investors and Entrepreneurs | |
TIO | Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman | |
TIP | Total Incentive Percentage | |
TIP | Talent Interest Profile | |
TISS | Teacher Instructional Support Specialist | |
TJ | Too Judgemental | |
TJ | Tape Jockey | |
TJN | Teacher Job Network (Texas) | |
TKQ | Transition Knowledge Questionnaire | |
TL | Test Leader | |
TL | Team Leader | |
TLC | Technology Life Careers | |
TLMLP | Temporary Licensed Master's Level Psychology | |
TLO | Training Liaison Officer | |
TLP | Target Licensed Practitioner | |
TLW | Termination Liability Worksheet | |
TM | Typing Moms | |
TM | Time missed | |
TM | Technical Manager | |
TM | Trail Master |
TM | Task Master | |
TMM | Trade Marketing Manager | |
TMO | Transportation Movement Officer | |
TMP | Temporary | |
TN | Traineeship Nominee | |
TOD | Teacher Of the Deaf | |
TOG | Terry's Old Geezer | |
TOM | Training Online Manager | |
TOPS | Teller OPeration Supervisor | |
TP | Tidy And Punctual | |
TP | Teaching Professional | |
TP | The Pretender | |
TPA | Third Party Administrator | |
TPB | Their Personal Bonus | |
TPIC | Temporary Person in Charge | |
tpo | Teleprinter Operator | |
TPP | Teachers Pension Plan | |
TPS | Target Protection Specialist | |
TPT | Temporary Placed Teacher | |
TQA | Total Questionnaire Assistance | |
TQC | Total Quality Chump | |
TQD | Target Quit Date | |
TQD | Total Quality Dumbbell | |
TQE | Total Quality Egghead | |
TQF | Total Quality Fancier | |
TQG | Total Quality Goofball | |
TQK | Total Quality Killer | |
TQL | Total Quality Lackey | |
TQQ | Total Quality Quack | |
TQR | Targeted Quality Recruitment | |
TQT | Total Quality Turd | |
TQTM | Task Qualification Training Manager | |
TRD | Toyota Rice Driver | |
TREV | Totally Reliable Extra Veteran | |
TRGD | Tour Guide | |
TRIP | Tailored Relocation Individualized Program | |
TRT | Technology Resource Teacher | |
TRW | Testing Requirements Wizard | |
TS | Tech Support | |
TSE | Technical Service Engineer | |
TSO | Transmission System Operator) (electricity) | |
TSO | Time Sharing Opttion | |
TSO | Team Support Officer | |
TSQ | Temporary Status by Qualification | |
TSR | Telesales Representative | |
TSR | Technical Service Representative | |
TSR | Technical Support Representative | |
TSS | Technical Services Staff | |
TT | Township Treasurer | |
TT | Tractor Truckinjobs |
TTD | Through the Door | |
TTE | Train Ticket Examiner | |
TTEE | Trustee | |
TTO | Technical Training Officer | |
TTX | Time To eXit | |
TUO | Technology Utilization Officer | |
TVH | Tennessee Valley Homebrewers | |
TW | Temporary Work | |
TW | Technical Work | |
TW | Tech Wizard | |
TWA | Technical Web Administrator | |
TWA | Temporary Work Agencies | |
TWG | Tactical War Gamer | |
TWN | Two Weeks Notice | |
TYP | Typist | |
U | Useless | |
UA | Undercover Agent | |
UA | Undergraduate Assistant | |
UAP | Unlicensed Assistive Personnel | |
UAW | United Auto Workers | |
UB | Ultimate Babysitter | |
UC | Unix Consultant | |
UC | User Consultant | |
UC | Utility Clerk | |
UDC | Urban District Commissioner | |
UDJ | Ultimate Disk Jockey | |
UDP | Umpire Development Program | |
UDR | Undergraduate Departmental Representative | |
UDT | Upper Division Transfer | |
UE | University Executive | |
UE | Undoubted Excellence | |
UFI | Ultra Flight Instructor | |
UFM | Underwater Fan Mechanic | |
UG | Underground Guard | |
UGM | Usenet Group Mentors | |
UH | Unlikely Hero | |
UI | Unemployment Insurance | |
UIC | Umpire in Chief (baseball) | |
UIC | Unemployment Insurance Of Canada | |
UIF | Unemployment Insurance Fund | |
UIR | UROP in Residence | |
UIS | University Indentured Servant | |
UIT | Unusually Inquisitive Trainee | |
UIW | Universal (Mechanical) Iron Worker | |
UJM | Utah Job Match | |
UJS | Ultimate Job Search | |
ULJ | Unemployment Law Judge | |
ULW | Universal Living Wage | |
UM | Upper Management | |
UMA | University Medical Associates |
UMI | Unofficial Meeting Instigator | |
UNQ | Unqualified | |
UPE | Unadjusted Pensionable Earnings | |
UPL | Unit Prevention Leader | |
UQW | Unqualified Woman | |
UR | Un Reliable | |
URO | Urologist | |
URPD | Undergraduate Research Program Directors | |
URPE | Urban and Regional Planning Executive | |
US | Unit Secretary | |
USA | User Support Analyst | |
USCG | United States Capitol Guide | |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Recruiter | |
USCP | United States Coast Pilots | |
USDA | United States District Attorney | |
USMJ | United States Magistrate Judge | |
USMMO | United States Merchant Marine Officer | |
USMV | United States Military Veteran | |
USN | United States Navy | |
USNR | United States Naval Reserve | |
USPAP | Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice | |
USTP | University Student Teacher Program | |
UTA | Unable to Apply | |
UTA | Urban Traffic Assistant | |
UTL | Uber Team Leader | |
UUM | Unitarian Universalist Minister | |
V | Visionary | |
V | Versatile | |
VA | Voice Actor | |
VA | Very Artistic | |
VAB | Vacancy Announcement Bulletin | |
VC | Voting Candidate | |
VCA | Volunteer Camping Assistant | |
VCAMLO | Virtual Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer | |
VCJ | Vice Chief Justice | |
VCSA | Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs | |
VD | Vacation Day | |
VDJ | Virtual Disk Jockey | |
VDO | Video Display Operator | |
VDP | Very Difficult Person | |
VE | Volunteer Experience | |
VE | Volunteer Examiner | |
VEP | Visual Effects Professional | |
VET | Veterinarian | |
VF | Volunteer Firefighter | |
VFF | Volunteer Fire Fighter | |
VG | Vicar General | |
VGA | Very Good Abilities | |
VHS | Very High Standard |
VI | Very Inquisitive | |
VI | Visual Interpreter | |
VIA | Veterinary Information Assistant | |
VIF | Visiting International Faculty | |
VIG | Visually Impaired Guard | |
VINP | Very Important Network Person | |
VITA | Virtual Information Technology Administrator | |
VITA | Vehicle Inventory Tracking Assistant | |
VITO | Very Important Top Officer | |
VITO | Virtual Information Technology Officer | |
VJ | Video Jockey | |
VJC | Verdugo Jobs Center | |
VJF | Virtual Job Fair | |
VJL | Virginia Job Listings | |
VJS | Virtual Job Shadow | |
VMP | Visiting Medical Practitioner | |
VMU | Very Much Useless | |
VNO | Virtual Network Operator | |
VoA | Voice Over Artist | |
VOT | Verification Of Time | |
VP | Valiant Professional | |
VP | Vice Provost | |
VP | Vice President | |
VP | Vice Pope | |
VPGM | Vice President General Manager | |
VPIT | Vice President for Information Technology | |
VPJ | Video Poker Junkie | |
VPMA | Vice President for Medical Affairs | |
VPQ | Vice President for Quality | |
VPR | Vice President for Research | |
VPR | Vice Provost for Research | |
VQ | Vocational Qualifications | |
VRF | Visiting Research Fellow | |
VRQ | Vocational Related Qualification | |
VSA | Virtual Support Analyst | |
VSS | Voluntary Separation Scheme | |
VTL | Volunteer Team Leader | |
VTP | Very Talented Person | |
VW | Viking Warrior | |
VWP | Virtual Work Placement | |
VWQM | Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring | |
W | Witch | |
W | Workhorse | |
WA | Working Attorney | |
WA | Wine Advocate | |
WAAV | Winthrop Alumni Association Volunteer | |
WAC | Web Album Creator | |
WAE | Warranty Administration Experts | |
WAE | When Actually Employed | |
WAEP | World Accredited Expert Practitioner |
WAHACCR | Work At Home Agent Call Center Representative | |
WAHM | Work At Home Moms | |
WALP | World Accredited Lead Practitioner | |
WAM | Warranted Archery Marshal | |
WAM | Waiter Actress Model | |
WAP | World Accredited Practitioner | |
WAR | Wonderful and Reliable | |
WASH | Working Ard Still Hungry | |
WASP | White Anglo-Saxon Protestant | |
WATCH | Writers and Their Copyright Holders | |
WAVE | Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employees | |
WAVES | Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service | |
WAW | Waiter Actor Webmaster | |
WBED | World Bank Executive Director | |
WBOR | Women's Business Ownership Representative | |
WBP | Worker Benefit Plans | |
WBW | World's Best Wife | |
WC | Worker's Compensation | |
WC | War Correspondent | |
WC | Wonderful Companion | |
WC | Web Correspondent | |
WC | Washroom Cleaner | |
wc | Working Certificate | |
WC | Window Cleaner | |
WC | Wing Commander | |
WC | Wood Cutting | |
WCBM | World Championship Boxing Manager | |
WCCP | Workers' Compensation Claims Professional | |
WCDH | WestCoast DeckHand | |
WCFE | Wing Chief Flight Examiner | |
WCIM | Workers Compensation Insurance Managers | |
WCLJ | Workers' Compensation Law Judge | |
WCMP | World Certified Master Professional | |
WCMT | Wisconsin Certified Massage Therapist | |
WCN | World Careers Network | |
WCNA | WGNA Certified Network Administrator | |
WCNE | WGNA Certified Network Engineer | |
WCO | Wildlife Control Operator | |
WCP | World Certified Professional | |
WCPM | Wisconsin Certified Public Manager | |
WCQC | Windows Quality Control Consultant | |
WCR | Web Copier Reviewer | |
WCSN | Work Comp Search Net | |
WCSP | World Certified Specialist Professional | |
WCX | Working Certificate Excellent | |
WDCA | Wildlife Damage Control Agent | |
WDDM | Waste Disposal Decision Maker | |
WDI | Walt Disney Imagineer | |
WDOL | Wage Determination On-Line | |
WECE | World Educational Credentials Evaluator |
WEL | Water Efficient Landscaper | |
WEM | Work Expectations Match | |
WEMR-EIT | Welding Equipment Maintenance and Repair - Engineer In Training | |
WEMT | Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician | |
WEX | Work Experience | |
WFA | Work Force Administrator | |
WFAP | Wildland Firefighter Apprenticeship Program | |
WFBS | Wildland Fire Behaviour Specialist | |
WFD | Workforce Development | |
WFDO | Washington Fisheries Development Officer | |
WFDO | Women's Fisheries Development Officer | |
WFF | Work For Food | |
WFH | Work From Home | |
WFI | World Forestry Intern | |
WFLI | Walter Frattaroli Language Instructor | |
WFMW | Whole Foods Market Worker | |
WFN | Workforce Network | |
WFR | Wilderness First Responder | |
WFTD | Work for the Dole | |
WFVI | Work For Video Initiative | |
WFYP | Work For Yourself Programme | |
WG | Webmaster Gerhild | |
WGA | Work Group Assistant | |
WGD | Wish- Granting Director | |
WGDC | Working Group Document Custodian | |
WGL | Work Group Lead | |
WGM | Worlds Greatest Man | |
WGM | Work Group Manager | |
WHF | White House Fellow | |
WHM | WebHost Manager | |
whnp | White House News Photographers | |
WHNP | Women's Health Nurse Practitioner | |
WHW | Women's Health Worker | |
WHW | White House Writer | |
WI | Well Informed | |
WIC | Worker in Charge | |
WICP | Written Individual Compensatory Plan | |
WIE | Worst Interviewee Ever | |
WIIC | Women Interested In Cooking | |
WIIH | Women Interested In Housekeeping | |
WIRE | Web Internet Research Executive | |
WISE | Wireless Internet Solutions Experts | |
WISE | Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment | |
WIT | Warder in Training | |
WITS | Webcourse Interactive Training Seminar | |
WIZ | Wizard | |
WJ | Wine Judge | |
WJCP | Wine Judge Certification Program | |
WJOB | Wheaton Job Opportunity Bank | |
WJOS | Wisconsin Job Order System |
WJPE | Washington JOBS Plus Employment | |
WJQ | Weighted Job Questionnaire | |
WJSD | Wisconsin Job Service Department | |
WK | Whale Killer | |
WKD | Worked | |
WKE | Work Experience | |
WKEX | Work EXperience | |
WKHO | Work Hours, Overtime | |
WKND | Weekend | |
WKNG | Working | |
WKRS | Workers | |
WKX | Work Experience | |
WL | Working Level (radon measurement) | |
WL | Windmill Logger | |
WL | Wage Loss | |
WLMM | Work Less, Make More | |
WLQ | Work Limitations Questionnaire | |
WLTD | Wage Loss Temporary Disability | |
WM | Window Maker | |
WM | Warehouse Manager | |
WM | Wise Man | |
WM | Web Master | |
WMBP | Welfare and Mutual Benefit Plan | |
WMC | Washington Management Consultant | |
Wo | Working Opportunity | |
WO | Welding Operator | |
WOBP | Witch of Blackbird Pond | |
WOCN | Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse | |
WOFR | Wilderness Outdoor First Responder | |
WOHD | Work Out of Home Dad | |
WOHM | Work Out of Home Mom | |
WOMBAT | Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time | |
WOQR | Welding Operator Qualification Record | |
WOW | Writer of the Week | |
WOW | Women on the Waterfront | |
WOW | Workers on Wheels | |
WOW | What Outstanding Work | |
WOW | Walks On Water | |
Wow | Watchman On the Wall | |
WP | Wedding Planner | |
WP | Wedding Photographer | |
WP | Wetland Professional | |
WPA | Writing Program Administrator | |
WPC | WebSphere Process Choreographer | |
WPC | Work Place Coordinator | |
WPD | Web Presence Developer | |
WPEI | Work Place Employment Initiative | |
WPIT | Wetland Professional in Training | |
WPJ | Wedding PhotoJournalism |
WPM | Web Project Manager | |
WPP | Wedding & Portrait Photographer | |
WPPM | Wind Power Portfolio Manager | |
WPQ | Welder Performance Qualifications | |
WPQ | Wages Plus Quality | |
WPQR | Welder Performance Qualification Record | |
WPQT | Welding Procedure Qualification Test | |
WPR | Web Page Repair | |
WQ | Welder Qualification | |
WQCB | Washington Quarter Century Broadcasters' Club | |
WQM | Water Quality Manager | |
WQM | Weld Quality Manager | |
WQP | Worker Qualifications Profile | |
WQR | Welder Qualification Record | |
WQSC | Water Quality Survey Controller | |
WRAW | Work Readiness Alternatives Workshop | |
WRB | Wildlife Research Biologist | |
WRC | We Reject Candidates | |
WRE | Work-Related Education | |
WRE | World Room Editor | |
WRFE | Work-Related Further Education | |
Wrkr | Worker | |
WRTR | Writer | |
wrvp | Western Region Vice President | |
WRW | Wicked Road Warrior | |
WSA | Web Services Architect | |
WSA | Web Services Architecture (Bow Street) | |
WSAP | Workplace Skills Assessment Program | |
WSEP | Workplace Skills Enhancement Program | |
WSEW | Work Skills Evaluation Workshop | |
WSH | Web Site Helper | |
WSI | Water Safety Instructor | |
WSIT | Water Safety Instructor Trainer | |
WSM | Wicked Step-Mother | |
WSM | Web Site Manager | |
WSP | Web Site Promoter | |
WSS | Wood Stabilizing Specialist | |
WSSCM | Weapon System Supply Chain Manager | |
WSSM | Weapon System Support Manager | |
WSSM | Weapon Systems Software Manager | |
WSSM | Weapon System Staff Manager | |
WSSO | Weapon System Support Officer | |
WTA | Working Time Analyst | |
WTBE | Work & Travel Intern in Belgium | |
WTF | Walk Thru Fire | |
WTI | Weapons and Tactics Instructor | |
WTJ | Wisconsin Tribal Judge | |
WTPO | Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator | |
WTQM | Weapon Task Qualification Manager | |
WTQTM | Weapons Task Qualification Training Manager |
Wu | Web User | |
WUC | Works Under Contract | |
WUP | Work Under Pressure | |
WUU | Water Utility Coordinator | |
WVE | West Virginia Entrepreneur | |
WVFM | West Virginia State Fire Marshal | |
WVPM | Women Veterans Program Manager | |
WWFB | Will Work For Beer | |
WWFC | Will Work For Cookies | |
WWFF | Will Work For Food | |
WWYN | Work Where You're Needed | |
WX | Weather Xpert | |
WYAD | What You Always Did | |
WYM | WeYAck Moderator | |
WZD | Wizard | |
WZM | Wholesale Zone Manager | |
XMD | Expert Mold Designer | |
XMLU | Extensible Markup Language User | |
XRT | X-Ray Technician | |
XVP | Executive Vice President | |
YAHOO | Yet Another Hasty Organizer Of Opportunity | |
YAR | Young Adult Representative | |
YARL | Young Architect Regional Liaison | |
YB | Yard Boy | |
YBA | Young British Artist | |
YBE | Young Black Entrepreneur | |
YE | Young Entrepreneur | |
YEO | Yeomanry | |
YES | Young Executive Singles | |
YES | Young Executive Student | |
YJ | Young Jedi | |
YMWOW | You Must Walk On Water | |
YPC | Youth Programs Coordinator | |
YSO | Youth Services Officer | |
YSP | Youngerman Search Partners, Inc. | |
YUP | Young Urban Professional | |
ZEP | Zero Effort Performance | |
ZGI | Zebrafish Gene Index | |
ZGI | Zork Grand Inquisitor | |
ZHR | Zenith Hourly Rate | |
ZIP | Zeal, Intensity, Perseverance | |
ZM | Zamboni Men | |
ZMS | Zone Manager Supervisor | |
ZR | Zoological Registrar | |
ZWP | Zero Work Pool |