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Mt. Bierstadt

Name History (Mt. Bierstadt)

Title: Naming of Mt. Bierstadt

Entered by: 14erFred

Added: 5/14/2010, Last Updated: 5/14/2010

Sources: Borneman, W.R., & Lampert, L.J. (1998). A climbing guide to Colorado's Fourteeners. Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing Company. Foster, L. (2005). Rocky Mountain National Park: The complete hiking guide. Englewood, CO: Westcliffe Publishers. Hart, J.L.J. (1977). Fourteen thousand feet: A history of the naming and early ascents of the high Colorado peaks (Second Edition). Denver, CO: The Colorado Mountain Club. Seaver, F.J. (1926). Ellsworth Bethel. Mycologia, Vol. 18, No. 4 (July-August), pp. 187-188. The Colorado Mountain Club Foundation. (2010). The Colorado 14ers: The standard routes. Golden, CO: The Colorado Mountain Club Press.

In 1914, the Colorado Geographic Board and the United States Geographic Board named the peak in honor of renowned western landscape painter, Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902), who visited Mount Evans in 1863 and "may well have made the first ascents of both Mount Evans and Mount Bierstadt" (Borneman & Lampert, 1998, p. 25). Bierstadt immortalized Mount Evans in his famous 12-foot x 7-foot oil painting "Storm in the Rocky Mountains," dated 1866 (Hart, 1977, p. 15). The mountain's name was first suggested by Ellsworth Bethel (June 20, 1863-Sept. 8, 1925), a Denver high-school botany teacher who also named many of the peaks in the Indian Peaks Wilderness.