Feb 3
International photography prizes are in high demand and worth a lot of money. Submission deadlines for some of the more important ones are now approaching. We've prepared a summary.
Photo journalists have until 11 January 2007 to submit their work to the World Press Photo Award 2006. The first prize is endowed with 10.000 Euro. Awards are also being handed out in ten other categories. The World Press Photo Award is the most renowned in the field. This year's jury is chaired by "The New York Times" director of photography, Michele McNally. The international jury composed of 13 recognized experts in the field of press photography will select the winners by 9 February 2007.
"architekturbild e.V." hands out the Europäische Architekturfotografie-Preis (European Architectural Photography Award) once every two years. Photographers have until 26 January 2007 to submit a series of four photographs of contemporary architecture in line with this year's theme "My favourite place". The first prize is endowed with 4000 Euro, and two further commendations with 1000 Euro each. The winning titles, along with the following 25 top ranking participants, will be exhibited as well as shown online and in a catalogue.
The Oskar Barnack Prize for professional photographers worldwide is being presented every year since 1979. Participants are asked to submit a series of up to twelve photographs by 31 January 2007. This prestigious award for reportage photographers is granted by LEICA Camera AG in cooperation with the organisational committee of "Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie" (Arles). The prize is endowed with 5000 Euro or the equivalent value in LEICA equipment.
A European photo book publishing deal, 12.000 Euro in prize money and a LEICA M7 will be granted to the winner of this year's LEICA European Publishers Award. Anyone who can submit a complete, unpublished photo book project before 31 January 2007 is invited to participate.
The "Festival Voies Off" is recognised as a workshop for experimental photography and emerged in 1996 as a counter movement to the "Rencontres d'Arles". Every year, the festival awards the 1.525 Euro Prix Voies Off in recognition of an unusually innovative piece of photography. Amateurs and professionals can take part. Deadline: 31 January 2007.
The "Descubrimientos" competition takes place within the framework of Spain's largest photo festival "PHotoEspaña". The festival is aimed exclusively at next generation photographers. The 60 finalists are chosen by a pre-selection jury and will present their portfolios in a group exhibition at "PHotoEspaña 2007" (30 May to 22 July 2007). The winner of the "Best Portfolio Award" will be rewarded with a solo exhibition at "PHotoEspaña 2008". Submission deadline: 2 February 2007.
The "Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year" is jointly granted by BBC WildLife Magazine and the Natural History Museum of London. This renowned competition of animal photography has a first prize amounting to £10.000. Category winners and runners up will also share in the £12.550 prize pool. The international competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers of all ages and nationalities. Entry opens on 20 January 2007. All images must be submitted by 23 March 2007 (postal) or 30 March 2007 (online). KATRIN ULLMANN
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Posted in Leica资讯 at 2007/02/03
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