Feb 19

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
一名孩童在打预防针前吓得哭出来,墨西哥,周三。摄影师:Marco Ugarte
A child cried before being vaccinated in Chalco, Mexico, Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
北极光照亮训练中皇家海军军舰的甲板,挪威北部,周三。摄影师:LA Bernie Henesy
The Northern Lights shimmered above the flight deck of the Royal Navy’s HMS Ocean during warfare training in northern Norway Wednesday.
Monday, February 15, 2010
一名游客在日本镰仓冰雪节的微型镰仓前拍照流年。摄影师:Kiyoshi Ota
A visitor took photos of the candlelit miniature Kamakura, or snow huts, on Monday during the Kamakura Snow Festival in Japan.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
在山体滑坡中被摧毁的公路,意大利南部Maierato镇,周二。摄影师:Belcastro Antonietta
A view of a road destroyed by a landslide Tuesday in the southern Italian town of Maierato.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
一名模特在后台化妆,Marchess Fall 2010时装展,纽约,周三。摄影师:Stephen Chernin
A model has make-up applied backstage before the Marchesa Fall 2010 collection is modeled on Wednesday during New York’s fashion week.
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Posted in 全球摄影资讯 at 2010/02/19
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