敘事作文 玩偶之家娜拉出走以后續寫對話形式
更新時間:2024-05-23 21:14:25作者:貝語網校
敘事作文 玩偶之家娜拉出走以后續寫對話形式Narrative composition
The Doll's House Nora left after the continuation of dialogue form 1
(There is a slamming of the door) Helmo hugs his head regretfully and murmurs: Nora, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my Nora, please come back...
(Nora rings Kristina's doorbell and Kristina is surprised when she opens the door)
Cristina: Oh, Nora, what do you want to see me for so late?
Nora: Excuse me, Cristina. Would you please let me stay at your house for a while?
Cristina: Of course, my dear friend. Come inside.
(Nora and Kristina sit on the sofa)
Cristina: Nora, if I may ask, what happened to you?
(Nora tells the whole story)
Cristina: Oh my God! Nora, you're so brave. I love your awakening. You should be yourself.
Nora: Kristina, thank you. But I don't know what to do next. I have to find a job. I can't stay with you all the time.
Cristina: That's just as well, Nora. You need to learn to be independent...
(The next day, Haier MAO holding the missing notice kept looking for Nora, everyone lamented the deep feeling of Haier MAO, have accused Nora of ignorance)
Nora saw the missing person notice, close the headscarf, hoping not to be found, she did not want to go back to that home. So Nora borrowed money from Cristina and left the place forever... Be from
Nala went to a small remote village where the people were warm and friendly. Nala settled down and became a teacher in the village primary school.
During this period of living in the village, Nora saw many women around her as she used to be, willing to be dolls, giving everything for the family but being abused and even beaten. So Nora persuaded the women to wake up, and privately set up a women's rights advocacy group, hoping to negotiate with the village chief. Under the determined struggle of women's rights organizations, the village leaders were pressured to let the women in the village chiefs have their own rights, and the village became more vibrant. Nora is proud of this victorious struggle, hoping to spread more, so that every woman in European society is no longer a family doll, so Nora created a work, called "The rebirth of women", which triggered a hot debate at the time, so that people's minds were impacted, Nora has been working hard to maintain the cause of women's rights all her life.
The Doll's House Nora left after the continuation of dialogue form 2
(Sound of door closing downstairs)
Nala: (urgently) Come on, get out of this place... Oh, I don't want to see him again, ever! Miracles? I stopped believing in miracles a long time ago. I don't, no, never...
Nala (pacing back and forth nervously) : Where else are you going now? Dr. Runk? ... No, no, I shouldn't... Only he can help me, and he said he would... Christine, oh, I've lost the face of you...
Nala (stopping at a door) : Runk! Are you in there? (No response)
Nala (wait a moment, loudly) : Runk! Dr. Runk! It's me! Nala! Me to There's something I want to talk to you about.
Runk (deep voice from the room) : I told you, don't take care of me. I just want to be left alone. You go back. If Helmo...
Nora: (interrupting) He... I left him!
Runk (opening the door, doubtfully) : What? you
Nora (taking a deep breath and speaking as quietly as possible) : Dr. Runk, there's something I have to tell you. I had no intention of
Runk (more confused) : So, you guys... ?
Nora (determined) : That's right! Me to I left him. Leave forever, forever!
Runk: Forever?
Nora (hesitating, firmly) : Forever!
Runk: [sighs] Why don't you come in first and we'll talk slowly.
(Nala enters the door and Nguyen closes it)
Nora (eagerly) : Dr. Runk, listen to me... Oh, I know this is difficult for you, but I need your help... Dr. Runk, if...
Runk (calmly) : Nala, you know, you have nowhere to go now.
Nora: (trying to calm down) No, now, Dr. Runk, you said you'd help me... If, if I could just settle down for a while and get a decent job, I could...
Runk (sighs) : Nora, they don't just give you a job when you're a woman who left her husband behind. Not to mention (looking suddenly nervous) Here he is. I guessed he would come. I'm gonna go back to my room. (Hurried upstairs and into the room)
Nora (hurrying to follow) : Wait a minute!
Helmo (pushing open the open door) : Nora! Oh, you... (Follow Nora upstairs and grab one of Nora's arms)
Nora (struggling angrily) : Let go of me! quickly Get out of here! I don't want to see you!
Helmo (loudly) : Nora... Crockstein, he's at Mrs. Lindane's house!
Nala (throwing away her arms, confused in anger) : What? !
Helmo (looking at a glimmer of hope) : They're back together, Nora! They're living together! Nora, you're a fool. You should know by now that you can't live without me... Just as Mrs. Lindane couldn't live without Kloxstein. Nora, are you...
Nora: (Angrily) No, I don't believe that. Christine...
Helmo (clutching Nala's other arm) : Nala! They won't give you a job with a weak woman like you. Oooooo. No one who has the slightest fear of the law, of God, will...
Nala (biting his teeth) : I can live... To live free, to live like a real human being...
Helmo (pretending to be calm) : Nora, you can't live without me... No one can help you but me -- not even the man in the room listening to us right now...
Nora (obstinately) : He can!
Helmo (growling irritably) : No, he can't! Nora, don't you get it? This holy world, ruled by a holy God and supreme law, will not tolerate a loner like you. Nora, I'm telling you, you're mine, as always. Wait until
Nora: (Forcefully) I'll see if I'm right or if the world is right. Now, Torv, get out of here, there's nothing here for you...
Helmo (shrugs off Nora's hand, pauses before speaking, turns around, muffled) : Wait until... When your children grow up, when you become a miserable, homeless old man, you will understand...
Nora (dumbstruck) : What, Torval? What did you say? Do you...
Helmer (coming down the stairs, cold) : If you don't want to be my woman, I'll tell you, you can't even make a clay doll.
Nora (stunned) : Torva... (Motionless, watch Helmo slowly walk down the stairs)
Nora: (suddenly coming back to herself) That's impossible. It's impossible! Torv, you're lying to me. I must, I must...
Runk (deep voice from the room) : He didn't lie to you.
(Sound of door closing downstairs)