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订阅信息 您所在的位置:商机中心 > 销售信息 > 工艺饰品 > 木钉


发布日期:2010-11-22 查看次数:


有效期 长期
类 别 工艺饰品 - 竹木工艺品
地区 辽宁 - 大连
详细链接 www.gfmucai.com

大连伊春国丰贸易有限公司有限公司是一家集木材加工经销于一体综合性企业,,拥有自己的生产地,公司生产总部坐落在小兴安岭-黑龙江省伊春市,占地面积 18000平方米,我公司使用的木材大部分为白桦木,并有少量杨木,桐木,松木。主营生产木棒、木钉、雪糕棒、旗杆、木签、木制烟嘴、木盒、菜板、刀架、牙签、胶合板、竹签等产品,是一家专业生产和经营各种木制工艺品的企业,也可根据客户提供的样品生产其他木制品。   目前,我们的产品已经远销美国、加拿大、南非、中东、台湾以及欧洲大部分国家和地区。我们力求成为客户信任的贸易伙伴,实现利益双赢。到现在为止,我们已经与许多客户都建立了长期、稳固、友好的贸易关系,并赢得良好口碑。   我公司秉承“质量第一、客户至上、交货及时、诚信取胜”的宗旨,竭诚为广大客商服务。欢迎国内外客户来我司洽谈业务!     Located in the Notheast China, Dalian Yichun GuoFeng Trading Co., Ltd is an Import and Export company of wooden products. It has his own factories, which enable us to supply high quality and low price to his customers. Most of the material we use is white birch wood, also some poplar, paulownia, or pine wood. We produce wooden dowel rods, wooden dowel pins, ice cream sticks, flag sticks, wooden skewers, wooden cigarette holders, wooden boxes, wood chopping boards, wooden knife holders, wood/bamboo tooth picks, bamboo skewers plywood, etc. We could also customize other wood products with customers’ own samples.   Currently,our business has covered USA, Canada, South Africa, Middle east ,Taiwan, and most of European countries and places. Our effort is to become client-tusted partner to help them achieve business success and ensure us to earn a great deal of appreciation from customers. Until now, we have established strong long term relationships with many customers for our excellent quality and service.   Our company always follow our own business principle "Customer first, quality foremost, delivery betimes, win with faith", supply service to customers with all our heart. Welcome domestic and abroad customers come to discuss business with us!    


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