<![CDATA[Blue Mountain Gunsmithing & Sales - Community Corner]]>Wed, 28 Aug 2024 18:13:21 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[BMGS Closed due to Extreme Forest Fire Situation]]>Wed, 12 Jul 2017 19:57:42 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/bmgs-closed-due-to-extreme-forest-fire-situationNOTICE: Due to the severe forest fires situation that surrounds the Central Interior of British Columbia and the Williams Lake Area. Blue Mountain Gunsmithing & Sales will be closed as the City of Williams Lake has been put under an Evacuation Alert.(Remember at this time it is only an Alert, for more info please visit the cities website at www.williamslake.ca)
For any questions, concerns, or inquiries please email our Inventory Manager, Meghan, at m.ford@bmgs.ca as she will be working diligently from home as long as power and internet services stay available.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have to any one at this time.
Thank you all those working the fire lines to help protect our communities, livelihoods, and homes. To ALL the Volunteers from near and far who are doing what they can to help! You are all in our hearts and prayers as everyone pulls together during this time. ]]><![CDATA[Bear Safety Training ]]>Mon, 27 Mar 2017 21:05:47 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/bear-safety-trainingLearn about the different bear speicies, there behaviors, vocalization, defence & aggresion, how to precent attacks and much more.
When: Saturday April 15, 2017 Where: 525 Borland Street, Williams Lake Time: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Cost: $40/ person
Lunch Included!
To Register or for more info please phone 250-398-0368 or email jdrisdelle@telus.net ]]><![CDATA[Firearms Safety Course & CORE ]]>Mon, 27 Mar 2017 21:02:40 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/firearms-safety-course-corePossession & Acquisition License (PAL) course and CORE Course being held March 31, April 1 & April 2, 2017.
Please contact Barry or Judy at 250-392-6750 for more information!
]]><![CDATA[Restricted PAL Course]]>Mon, 27 Mar 2017 20:59:38 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/restricted-pal-courseRestricted Firearms Safety Course coming up: When: Saturday March 25, 2017 Where: Williams Lake SPortsman Association TIme: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please call Barry or Judy at 250-392-6750 or email judyjenkins@telus.net for more information! ]]><![CDATA[Ladies Only Archery Evenings ]]>Wed, 08 Mar 2017 21:53:05 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/ladies-only-archery-eveningsAl Campsall will be sponsoring and coaching Ladies Only Archery Evenings starting March 13, 2017. This will take place at the Williams Lake Sportsman's Association Club House on Bonds Lake Road. No Equipment is necessary but are more than welcome to bring your own if you have it. Beginners to Expert Levels are all welcome!
Dates: March 13, 20 & 27 April 10 & 24 Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
WLSA Members are Free, Non Members $10.00 per night drop in fee ]]><![CDATA[Restricted Firearms Safety Course ]]>Mon, 24 Oct 2016 15:46:43 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/restricted-firearms-safety-courseRestricted Firearms Safety Course (RPAL)
Wednesday November 16, Thursday November 17, Friday November 18, 2016 - 7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Weekend Course also available: Saturday November 26, 2016 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For more information contact Barry or Judy at 250-392-6750 or email judyjenkins@telus.net ]]><![CDATA[PAL Course]]>Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:44:17 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/pal-coursePossession & Acquisition License (PAL) Course
Saturday December 10 & Sunday December 11, 2016 8:00 a.m. to 5:p.m.
For more information Contact Barry or Judy at 250-392-6750 ]]><![CDATA[PAL & C.O.R.E Course]]>Tue, 05 Jul 2016 14:56:06 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/pal-core-courseIf you are interested and don't yet have your PAL or CORE Course, here is your chance. Barry and Judy will be holding a Possession and Acquisition (PAL) Course and C.O.R.E Course on Friday August 26, 2016 and Saturday August 27, 2016.
Call Barry or Judy at 250-392-6750 for more information.
]]><![CDATA[Ladies Day Shoot! ]]>Mon, 27 Jun 2016 16:48:55 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/ladies-day-shootLadies this ones for you!
Extreme Tactical will be hosting a Ladies Day Shoot at the Williams Lake Rod and Gun Club at 920 Bond Lake Road on September 18, 2016. You will have the opportunity to try Pistols & Handguns, Hunting & Competition Rifles, Shotguns and Archery, along with professional shooters to show you the ropes. This event is open to all women, whether you are a first time shooter or an experienced shooter.
Get the girls together and come out for a day of fun just for the ladies at the local Rod and Gun Club!
Registrations forms are available in store. $45.00 Before August 20, 2016 $55.00 After August 20, 2016. Space is limited so sign up now! ]]><![CDATA[Limited Entry Hunt's (LEH's)]]>Mon, 25 Apr 2016 23:20:37 GMThttp://site.bmgs.ca/community-corner/limited-entry-hunts-lehs1As of April 25, 2016 we will be set up to sell LEH's through the new online system. At the time of purchase we will require that you know your areas before we start the process as the new online system is a bit more time consuming than the old paper way.
Don't forget your Hunter Number and Drivers license as those two items are what we require to fill in the LEH's and to create your new hunter number if you have not done so yet. If you are up to it you can also do your LEH's online at home.
We have hard copies of the LEH synopsis and if you would like more information contact us via email at info@bluemtgunsngear.ca or call 250-392-2515.
Don't forget LEH's must be submitted by May 27th, 2016!