This little miss is a real spitfire. I'm trying not to let her get her way ALL the time, but it's so hard when she's so cute. And when I know it's my last chance to have a baby, it's really hard to not try to keep her little a while longer and do things for her she should really do for herself. (like come down the stairs by herself. I don't know why she stopped, but she refuses to come down them and I always give in and carry her.) Take for instance the time she came downstairs (H. brought her) with her binkie. The rule is that she keeps the binkie in her crib and the only time she can have it is when she's sleeping. When I saw the contraband, I asked her, "Why do you still have your binkie?" She looked at me and smiled through the plastic and said "I LOVE IT!!" So stinkin cute, how do you say no? I totally get the youngest thing. It's really going to take some focused effort to not spoil her rotten. And heading into the terrible twos, I'm going to have to be strong so I can teach her and not just submit to her will!
I love this darling. And all my darlings! I'm so grateful for the learning experiences of motherhood. It's a long difficult road, but the lessons and the love are so very worth it.
Happy Birthday my darling little miss!