Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2??? Too Much!!!

I can hardly believe how quickly this past two years have flown by. In the middle of the first year of this little munchkin's life, I didn't know what I was going to do. It was dark, and it was very hard. But, it was during that darkness that dear friends reached out and lifted me up. I learned many lessons about listening to the spirit and allowing yourself to reach out, and to be vulnerable. I am so grateful for patient and kind people who surround me and lift me all the time!
This little miss is a real spitfire. I'm trying not to let her get her way ALL the time, but it's so hard when she's so cute. And when I know it's my last chance to have a baby, it's really hard to not try to keep her little a while longer and do things for her she should really do for herself. (like come down the stairs by herself. I don't know why she stopped, but she refuses to come down them and I always give in and carry her.) Take for instance the time she came downstairs (H. brought her) with her binkie. The rule is that she keeps the binkie in her crib and the only time she can have it is when she's sleeping. When I saw the contraband, I asked her, "Why do you still have your binkie?" She looked at me and smiled through the plastic and said "I LOVE IT!!" So stinkin cute, how do you say no? I totally get the youngest thing. It's really going to take some focused effort to not spoil her rotten. And heading into the terrible twos, I'm going to have to be strong so I can teach her and not just submit to her will!
I love this darling. And all my darlings! I'm so grateful for the learning experiences of motherhood. It's a long difficult road, but the lessons and the love are so very worth it.
Happy Birthday my darling little miss!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Here are our gingerbread houses. These things are the smallest, teeniest, tiniest houses I have ever seen! When I opened the box H. said "the box is actual life size!" (which is ridiculous, since my friend went and bought the same box- from Walmart and hers were twice the size of mine! I know where I'm getting mine next year!)
We had fun making them, and I really did like that each child had one of their own to decorate so no fighting over which side of the house was theirs.
I've been trying to do a countdown to Christmas with the kids. It's been pretty simple, and we have missed some days (like most of last week, and today) but I've really enjoyed it. It has things like, "Christmas music reminds us of the joy we feel when we think about Jesus, listen to some Christmas music today" and "Christmas decorations are symbols that remind us about Jesus. Find a Christmas decoration and think about how it can help you think about Jesus."
You kind of get the point- I'm trying to turn the focus away from Santa and gifts and make it about our Savior, the gift that was his life and why it makes us so happy. In very small ways we're having success. But, now that Christmas is next week, I'm having anxiety about whether the kids will be satisfied with the 4 presents they are getting (3 from us, 1 from Santa). Especially since one gift is spiritual, and one gift is clothes? I hope it's a fun day for them and not a complete disappointment. I actually think they will be fine, it's just me that needs to get over it!
Anyway, it's late, and my brain just shut off.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amazing Children

These guys are awesome! They have put up with so much from me over the last month. They have been patient with all my crafting/ boutique craziness. They are mindful of our financial situation and they have adjusted their expectations accordingly- they are amazing! My darling neighbor took all these photos for me. She did such a great job! I can't believe how much they change in such a short period of time. This morning C. was playing and talking to me non-stop, as he always does. He said, "Mom, guess what I have something to tell you. It's medium awesome." "Medium Awesome?" I asked. "Yeah, that means it's almost awesome!" Man, these moments are my favorite.
Sunday J was talking about all that was going to happen in the next 10 years. Reflecting on how quickly the last 9 years have flown by, I'm pretty sure I won't be ready for all that life will throw at us! I'm trying to treasure my babies. To hold them close, let them climb all over me, brush my hair, talk non-stop (well, maybe not that one). I love these children and appreciate so much all they teach me.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Getting in the spirit

We were relaxing in the living room and I realized that it was awfully quiet in the family room. Thought I'd better see what was going on. I grabbed the camera to preserve this moment! H. was reading Twas the Night Before Christmas out loud and L was reading A Charlie Brown Christmas.
There are so many times that I wonder if I'm doing the right things as a mother. So many worries about whether or not they are "getting" the important things of life. But, then there are moments like this when I think maybe I'm not doing EVERYTHING wrong, and just might be doing some things RIGHT! They were all so excited to get out the Christmas decorations and I can't wait to spend many moments, just like this one, celebrating Christ- His birth, His life and His love for us and for others! But for now, I'm going to bed early- Black Friday shopping is fun, but it wears me out!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Pockets are awesome. They hold stuff. They keep your hands warm. They are stylish accessories to clothing. I feel very lucky that for all the love of pockets in my family, they have never been a huge problem in the laundry area. That is: no crayons melted to my dryer or other such tragedies. But I have a feeling that may soon change. This little love has recently discovered the joy that is a pocket and I am afraid that the joy of placing things other than her lovely chubby hands into those pockets will soon turn my dryer into a piece of art. I guess I better get more diligent at checking pockets!

Friday, October 15, 2010

On the Rock

The Big Rock sits yards away from our cabin in the Uintah mountains. During my lifetime it has been a spaceship (G-force anyone?), a home, a mountain and a refuge. Last weekend we went up there and I watched it become the same things for my own children. It has endured years of use, snow, rain, wind and hail. And still it remains.
I was asked to come meet with the Primary Presidency yesterday to go over final plans for the program. The sweet President shared a spiritual thought that I just loved. She read a few scriptures from Alma which describe Moroni's preparations for the battle that lay ahead and said that she felt impressed that we were chosen to be like Moroni, preparing these young children for the battle that lay ahead.
As I thought about my own cherished ones and my desires for them, it is exactly the same thing. To build for them a fortress of testimony, strongholds of knowledge, all upon a rock of faith that will be unshakable in the times ahead. I thought of this picture I had taken last week, of the familiar rock, and the generations it has served.
The rock of our Savior is already in place. It is our duty to lead our children to it. It is our duty to build upon it a refuge from the world, with the armor of the scriptures, the cover of love and the sweet warmth of gospel living. Of all the things I might provide for my children, games, toys, books, even clothes, the most important thing I can give them is this sure foundation and solid place of safety in the gospel- within the walls of my own home.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


We didn't get to hear a lot of conference this weekend. We don't have t.v. anymore and I love that, but not watching conference is weird. We tried to listen to it on the radio, but with four small children, not a lot was heard.
Sunday we decided to take a drive to try to hear the last session. We drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon. We got to the top and L. wasn't feeling well, so we got out to give his stomach time to settle. We found this trail that leads up and over into Big Cottonwood Canyon. Needless to say, we weren't prepared for hiking, but we went up a little way so we could take this picture in the beautiful trees. Even the baby loved hiking up the trail, so I guess I know what we'll be doing next summer. Canyons here we come!