
Memorial Day

Thanks to those who have served and those who are currently serving. God bless.


Dennis Hopper 1936-2010

Sadly, Dennis Hopper died today of cancer. R.I.P.

American Wind Jukebox


Alligator enduro 1972 - A few 'local legends'

I searched online and found this photo - this is the starting lineup of the '72 Alligator Enduro. Looks like rain.


Supposedly this new HD ad is ''contraversial'' - anyway, i like it.


40 years

Dad on his '66 BSA Spitfire back in 1969.

...and the '92 HD softail in 2009.

more Canned Heat

the blind owl

the mole - the sunflower

fito - the bear

Im not sure what that is 'the mole' is on...


David Mann

No other artist has captured the spirit like Mann.

I thought this picture looked like a real life David Mann painting...just add a few outlaw bikers standing around.


74" Indian desert racer

Came across this amazing picture of an 'Indian powered BSA' which apparently was used as a desert racer.


these are some bikes my wife's father built.


Canned Heat

Canned Heat - one of my favorite bands...they've gone through many line-up changes since their debut in 1969 but have remained a great band throughout...and some of the best bike music around.
Check here to try and catch them on tour.

Detroit to Phoenix

Accidently ran across this video, I thought the photo montage and Segar song went perfectly together. 3 great looking HDs.


Thunder Beach - PC, FL

Brooke,Dustin,Luke..12th annual Thunder Beach rally in Panama City. This was the first time i went out for this even though i only live about 20 minutes away. The morning started out with some threats of rain but everything cleared up pretty nicely and actually turned out to be a good day of riding. This is typical rally stuff, but if you've got some friends along, you can have a real nice time..