Skip to main content Summer Party: The Aftermath

The Develop Conference wrapped up last night with the Summer Party - well over 600 of you turned up to Brighton's famous Ocean Rooms, and we hope you all had as good a time as we did!

The Develop Conference wrapped up last night with the Summer Party - well over 600 of you turned up to Brighton's famous Ocean Rooms, and we hope you all had as good a time as we did!

The party ran from 8pm through to the 4am, when the final hardy souls made their way back to their hotels (or, in some cases, down to Brighton beach with bottles of champagne...), and we were delighted to welcome friends and colleagues from across all reaches of the industry.

The ISM-sponsored charity poker tournament at the start of the night was a particular hit - with over a thousand pounds being donated to the Entertainment Software Charity, as 40 competitors were whittled down to five winners by our excellent poker hosts,

The five skilled winners were, in reverse order - Ian Livingstone (Eidos), Tobly Goldstone (Relentless Software), Vincent Scheurer (Sarassin), Dean Gregory (Outsource Media) and the grand prize winner, Steve Owen (Games Press).

Particular thanks go to our sponsors on the night - NCSoft, Freestyle Games, Relentless Software, Datascope Recruitment, ISM and Kuju - without whose assistance none of this would have been possible, and all of you would have been regrettably sober.

We'll be posting a gallery of photographs from the party later today - so be sure to keep an eye out to see if yourself or your colleagues were captured on film after a few too many helpings from our tempting trays of shots...

Thanks again to all who came along. Let's do it again some time.

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