Animation of the Topological Charge Density - 1346 kb
Half Size - 510 kb
The QCD "Lava Lamp" for topological charge. This too is an
excellent animation of the 4 dimensional structure of the
long-distance aspects of the QCD vacuum.
End View Animation of the Action Density in 4 Dimensions - 1616 kb
Half Size - 488 kb
Another view of the QCD "Lava Lamp."
End View Animation of the Topological Charge Density - 1364 kb
Half Size - 503 kb
Topological charge animation viewed from the end of the lattice.
Topological Charge Density after 100 sweeps - 93 kb
Action Density after 100 cooling sweeps - 88 kb
Untouched Topological Charge Density - 112 kb
Fluctuations are at the scale of the lattice spacing.
Animation of Cooling - Action Density - 1853 kb
Half Size - 628 kb
This animation and the following feature instanton
anti-instanton annihilation. Watch the upper-left corner of the
Animation of Cooling - Topological Charge Density - 1665 kb
Half Size - 610 kb
Here, one can see that the objects annihilating in the upper-left
corner of the lattice have opposite topological charge densities.
End View Animation of Cooling - Action Density - 1755 kb
Half Size - 579 kb
This animation and the following feature another instanton
anti-instanton annihilation. This time we are watching the same
field configuration but at a different time slice. Watch the
upper-centre of the lattice.
End View Animation of Cooling - Topological Charge Density - 1704 kb
Half Size - 611 kb
Here one can see the instanton wrapping around the anti-instanton
as they annihilate in the upper-centre of the lattice.
Comparison of 5-Loop Improved and 1-Loop Gauge Actions - 3440 kb
Half Size - 1136 kb
The first 30 frames illustrate cooling with the 5-loop
over-improved action of de Forcrand et al. The 31st frame
shows the result of 30 sweeps of cooling with the standard 1-loop
action. The remainder of the animation shows 1-loop cooling in
reverse. The gauge field is from an order-a2
improved action on a 163 × 32 space-time
3-loop Improved Q from 5-Loop Improved Cooling - 6512 kb
Half Size - 2416 kb
This animation illustrates the behavior of the topological charge
density obtained from a three-loop improved definition of the
field strength tensor (which has smaller
O(a6) errors than four or five loop
improved operators). Cooling proceeds via a five-loop improved
estimate of the action. Instanton anti-instanton interactions
are featured in the lower right-hand corner of the animation.
3-loop Improved Q for Highly Cooled Configuration - 504 kb
Half Size - 328 kb
This animation illustrates the fourth dimension of a highly
cooled configuration with Q=-2 and S/S0=3.7. The
topological charge density is obtained from a three-loop improved
definition of the field strength tensor (which has smaller
O(a6) errors than four or five loop
improved operators). Cooling proceeds via a three-loop improved
estimate of the action.