I had a very special parcel arrive for me on Friday! I was one of two lucky girls to win a blog-a-versary giveaway on Jo’s blog, Lilly Pilly (formerly Jo from Tas)!
What a gorgeously wrapped parcel! Do you see the little index finger on the right hand side? My young Rosie has a thing at the moment for putting her finger in every photograph! LOL… Maybe she’ll grow up to be a hand model?
How gorgeous is this sewing tote? And the “Sweetie” scissor fob is SO cute! I love the fabrics and absolutely adore it. The other lucky winner is Kerri, you can check out her special tote here.
Jo was very innovative with how she chose her winners… she set up a spreadsheet with every comment she has received over the last couple of years and numbered them all – then used the random generator to choose two numbers. I think Jo deserves a gift for going to all that trouble for her friends… and one day I might just surprise her! *wink*!
And don’t you just love her bespoke labels?!
Thank you Jo! You’re a real Sweetie!!! :-)
Well, I have been fabric shopping again! I chose these fabrics for a special project I will be starting this week:
I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted and found the perfect fabrics in my local patchwork store, so I was rapt! The range is called Flower Sugar, from the Fancy Fabric Collection printed by Lecien. You can find it here.
Then I visited another store that had a “buy the end of the bolt and get 30% discount” and found this heavy weave in the curtain department:
There is just enough here to make a bag. I love looking at fabrics in the home-ware section - you can find cheap, canvas-like fabrics – which I love for bag-making. However, one thing to remember is that they’re not always of the highest quality, with having a low thread count. But so long as the seams of your project/s are all reinforced, I think they’re great. I plan to use this fabric to make this bag designed by Amy Butler, at some point this year. :-)
I’ve just checked out Amy’s website and hadn’t realised she had so many free patterns available for pdf download. Wow! If you’d like to share in the fun, check out this link!
Okay, I’ve left the least interesting “item” until last! I just had to share because I’m so excited! I have just sewn my first blind hems in order to take up Aaron’s school pants (trousers)!
Drum roll please…
I know, I know – It’s a riveting photo!!! :-) But… OH YEAH… I can do anything now!! LOL…
It may have just been my imagination but I could have sworn the trousers spoke to me… they said, well – kind of shouted in alarm, actually: “Will someone turn the lights on PLEASE?!!! These blind hems are so good, I just can’t gosh-darn see!!!”
Until next time – Happy sewing!
Hugs! Vikki x