Web-Tool "Logistic Label"
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For which kind of logistic unit do you want to view a label?
standard non-standard
standard non-standard
A standard logistic unit contains a fixed number of trade units as specified by a supplier (delivered regularly). A non-standard logistic unit is specially created for the needs of a specific order/this logistic unit (not part of the regular offer, delivered irregularly).
The content of the logistic unit is
homogeneous heterogeneous
homogeneous heterogeneous
A homogeneous unit contains one type of trade item. All the items at the highest level of packaging are the same and are identified with the same GTIN. Example: a pallet containing 50 trade item groupings of shampoo (uniform content). A heterogeneous unit contains different types of trade items at the highest level of packag-ing that are identified with different GTINs. Example: a pallet containing 30 standard trade item groupings (e.g. boxes) of shampoo and 20 standard trade item groupings (e.g. boxes) of conditioner (mixed content).
Is the logistic unit also a trade item?
trade Item no trade item
trade Item no trade item
A trade item is priced or ordered or invoiced (part of the supplier’s regular offer), identified with its own GTIN. This logistic unit is not identified with its own GTIN (not a part of the regular offer of the supplier).
The content of the logistic unit is
fixed variable
fixed variable
If the logistic unit contains only trade units (GTIN 2) of fixed measure. If the logistic unit contains only trade units (GTIN 1) of variable measure.
Would you like to place a Batch/Lot number on the label?
Include Batch/Lot Do not include Batch/Lot
Include Batch/Lot Do not include Batch/Lot
A Batch/Lot number is used to identify trade units which have undergone the same e.g. production process. The number may be a production lot number, a shift number, a machine number, a time, or an internal production code.
Should there appear any date on the label?
Yes, it should No, it should not
Yes, it should No, it should not
Select the type of date:
Logistic units that contain variable measure trade items (indicated by the leading "9" of the GTIN) require a measurement.
The logistic unit is of variable measure.
The logistic unit is of variable measure.
Select the type of variable information: